A good introductory VN for the girlfriend?

We haven’t heard back from the original poster in more than a week. I’m actually curious which games he picked.

and the results!

It’s been more than a week since the last post demanding to know what happened. Here’s another. Speech! Speech! Speech! :smiley:

Without a response I will be forced to believe you chose Water Closet… That choice will lead you to a bad end!!

Though I have not played it (and never will), it mustn’t be that much more painful than Pretty Soldier Wars

Pretty [strike]Sailor[/strike] Soldier Wars
wasn’t that bad, it was just limiting and boring when there are better things out there. The plot seemed possibly interesting, but it required the player to search for it… and the battles were just like a loooooong mini-game; and when one has played the grandfather of those kinds of strategy battles… X-Com :open_mouth: Yeahhhh…

Water Closet on the other hand was just … well it wasn’t BORING by any means. Just uh…
Picture a game where you choose a mini-story with several girls. Unrelated.

You hear about their day, and then it starts getting weird. A WILD MAN APPEARS! He wants the girl to learn the wonders of … going. SO yeah, it generally becomes absurdly awful from there.

I DID show a girl Water Closet once, lol she thought she had seen it all… the look on her face… She was wrong… Oh, she was wrong…

Bottomline: Don’t choose those as your introductory VNs. xD