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shakes head
While I never played “School Days�� and thus have no idea whether it actually qualifies for being “dark”, this was again the deduction made in the wrong direction:

[]If the protagonist is “bad”, then there is no way that I know about that the game can’t be “dark”.[/]
[]However, a “bad” protagonist isn’t a prerequisite for a “dark” game. The protagonist still could just be the victim of the “dark” things that are happening around him and struggle against them (=> “GORE SCREAMING SHOW”).[/][/list]

Ito Makoto is not a bad person. He’s an idiot, and his idiocy ended up hurting a lot of girls, but he’s not a bad person. Big difference.

When you add it to how messed up everyone else in School Days is, it’s almost unsurprising how things turned out. I’d say School Days is a pretty dark story at times though, yeah.

The distinction that I was trying to make was essentially that I like (some) dark stories. I especially like ones that are at least dramatic even if they are pure-love, like G-Senjou no Maou, Sharin no Kuni, SWAN SONG etc. However, if the protagonist is a bad person, I don’t want to play the game at all. I won’t even consider playing it if I know beforehand, because I don’t see any way in which the title can be good! (Note that titles in which the protagonist BECOMES good, even if he/she isn’t at the start, are okay.)

And how does that apply to games with multiple endings?

For example “Bible Black” has three equally valid endings - in two of them the protagonist has gone “bad” in in one he resisted the call of the darkness.

Maybe it’s still okay with him if all the endings ends up in that way. But if the endings vary, well, that’s my type: mixed gone-good and gone-bad endings, RPG feels just never get old :slight_smile:

Waii ^_^. Freespace is one of my favorite games!

Noooooo!!! :evil: :evil: Never underestimate the power of the dark side :wink: :wink:

just because a character is nothing but adamantine cruelty doesnt make them stupid. :expressionless:

I never bought or played KOTOR but know I’m wondering if I made a mistake. I thinik fable is currently the best console RPG with darksider powers . I cant wait for fable 2!!! :!: :!:

they’re saying you can be an unpopular good guy or charming evil .I just hope they include what I want the ability to literally watch the world burn slaughtering wifes ,children,lovers everyone leaving a deluge of sorrow . At the end, there will be only corpses ,shattered buildings , a razed way of life and the whispers of what once was. :mrgreen:

Just a quick question: have anyone played Overlord? The player plays as the bad guy (namely, the Overlord) and fight against… err… the good guys, yes. But despite of that, it is a quite humorous game and hardly called as “dark” game at all. It even has some dating sim elements (that is, the Overlord would seek himself his own mistress, yeah). Now that is confusing about what is called a “dark” game.

I’ve played Overlord, but not all the way through yet. (In fact I need to start over because my previous information was lost when I had to reinstall XP.) Quite a humorous game. There are two ways you can play through it: making the people owe you, and making the people fear you. If you play to make the people owe you, the game isn’t really evil. On the other hand, making the people fear you is evil… just not evil enough to really upset most people.
As for eroge, I think calling a game dark is probably too broad a term for the most part. From what I can tell, there are generally two types of dark eroge. The first is where you are a good (or at least not really evil), person in a dark world. The other is where the protagonist is evil (or potentially evil). Of course, there is a bit of overlap, since you can be an evil protagonist in a dark world.

Then, “Bible Black” is defintely for you: about after the first third of the story, you have to choose between either ally with the dark side or remain a goody-twoshoes!

Other examples of such choices are in “Sensei 2” and “Tsuki”, though they aren’t always as obvious as in “Bible Black”.

Yeah good ones, but… err… what exactly do we supposed to discuss in this thread anyway?

Tsuki is kind of weird… I mean it wasn’t his fault! He’s possessed after all…

I think it’s deeper than that though.

[spoiler]The protagonist was possessed, but at the same time, he’s able to break possession in the good endings. I believe the innuendo is that the player LIKED doing those kinds of things. It wasn’t until the demon crossed the line, that he finally resisted with all his might and broke free. Conversely if they protagonist gives into the possession and becomes totally heartless, the demon gets bored and leaves him - presumably to find another innocent soul to corrupt.

The blind miko in the DVD renewal, hints it was actual possession, rather than some repressed insanity.[/spoiler]

The ending I found most interesting, is the dark side Mitsuki…

Since you’re both spiritually broken, I’ve always wondered what life like that would be like. Do they really love each other? Do they only think they love each other? Can they feel pleasure anymore? How do they keep jobs if their socially withdrawn? Would Mitsuki secretly blame the protagonist? Does she even care anymore? Does she like it? Can she even like anything? If they still have sex, how does the hypnotism break someone who’s already broken? Can Mitsuki even orgasim in that kind of state?

Seriously. Lots of thinking in that strange ending.

Sigh, if I could read Japanese that page might help me understand. Another failing of my education, I suppose/

Nope, we’re not taught Japanese in school :stuck_out_tongue:

You never stop learning until you die.

Depends on what level of school you are talking about, where you are, and luck. I’d be doing more Japanese this semester, but the class was canceled because there were only four students (including me) who signed up / did well enough to advance to the level I’m at currently. So right now I’m just doing my best to retain what I’ve learned so far in preparation for next semester… :?

Eh… I bet 3 of those 4 are anime/manga fans (including you, lol) :smiley:

If all of us here would have a chance to learn Japanese… well, i guess VN licensing companies would have no chance to make business, so we’re cool with that :lol:

Interesting.In TSZ Nietzche wrote:
You do not want to kill, you judges and executioners, until the animal has bowed its head? Behold, the pale criminal has bowed his head: out of his eye speaks the great contempt…

…Thus speaks the red judge: “Why did this criminal commit murder? He meant to rob.” I tell you, however, that his soul wanted blood, not robbery: he thirsted for the bliss of the knife!But his weak reason did not understand this madness, and it persuaded him: “What matters blood!” it said; "don’t you want, at least, to rob? Or take revenge?"And he listened to his weak reason: like lead its words laid upon him- therefore he robbed when he murdered. He did not want to be ashamed of his madness…

What is this man? A mass of diseases that reach out into the world through his spirit; there they want to catch their prey.What is this man? A coil of wild snakes that are seldom at peace among themselves- so they go forth separately and seek their prey in the world.

Understand it anyway you want.The in-game explanation sucks.Saya No Uta is much darker than this game.

It’s actually very similar to Little My Maid’s ending:“My silent Siren”.Hate that one :evil:
Seriously,darkness needs to get DSL. His line is always busy. :smiley:

Ah… Little My Maid, good memories. My favorite game with its various endings, choices and interaction (the point system and challenging gameplay definitely create a solid RPG feel) :smiley:
Somehow i can’t classify it as a light game, or a dark game at all.

I’m pretty sure everyone has a chance / has the time to learn Japanese, just not necessarily the will or inclination. I mean, it’s a matter of putting it as a higher priority over other, far more enjoyable things that you’d normally spend your free time doing =p