Am I The Only One Who Didn't Think Crescendo Was That Good?

Pick Me Honey had a sequel? I thought it was one of the last games G-C ever released.

I’d probably rate Hitomi (slightly) higher if it was just a straight insult game, I guess because I’d rather have no story, then a terrible one (same applies for most other elements in general). For me, the other discriminating factor are Hitomi’s poor production values and weak overall execution. When I think of 2004 titles that are somewhat similar to Hitomi, Serina comes to mind, and that blows Hitomi out of the water in every aspect, endings included. [then again, I haven’t played all of JAST’s lineup, nor some other untranslated eroges which I know would be worse.]

Maybe I’m thinking of a different game; those titles get confused after while, when the storylines are all the same.

can anyone that has played every game translated by jast say what is the best and worst game

It looks like a good game to me, it just looks like a shoujo series to me

It is a pretty good game. Its a shame that D.O never got the maximum out of any of their games, Probably one reason why they didnt do well in the long run. (B-t-w is you check out their site, its no loner working… It seems I should give up hope of them releasing a game ever again :frowning: )

A PSP port of Kazoku Keikaku is going to be released soonish, looks great.

Thanks for the info :slight_smile: . Yep, did a bit of research, the game looks great, arnd 20 new graphics, remastering, voices etc. A collection item for fans :slight_smile:
The publisher seems to be a co. called cyber front:

Interesting on the Family Project PSP port. Speaking of FP, between that trailer & a video I found on Youtube, it appears they added a route for Kei?! 0_o If so, I hope to the GODS that D.O. does a remake & Jast can get it. I loved Family Project but was a little disappointed that there was no route for Kei (other than the “bad end”). A bonafide Kei ending would’ve put this game on par with KLS in my book.

The video I found is this one here

Anyone have any info on this??

I asked about this some time ago:

This was the reply I received:

I had sent cyberfront 2 mails last month, and as you people may guess… NO REPLY.
I did some homework and found some information. There is an additional route in the PS2 and the PSP version (which is going to be released) and most of the 20 new CG’s are dedicated to it. And as you may be knowing, somewhere during 2008-2009 D.O and a lot of the CG-Bros. companies came together under the umbrella name of contents traffic (Kontents traffiku in Romaji maybe?? :? ) anyways if you watch the opening video for the PSP release ( ) you may find more answers.
Oh, I have a small question. It looks as if cyberfront has the rights to all of D.O stuff now. So can we hope for more stuff in the future?

Aren’t Cyberfront the guys that bought out KID when they went under? So at least Hirameki couldn’t get a deal done for the rest of the Infinity series. (Doesn’t mean it might not be possible to get a deal done though.)

You mean original new D.O games? No, D.O is dead and Tanaka Romeo has moved on to new things.

You mean more PSP ports? Yes, you can. Cyberfront has a PSP port of Kana ~Imouto~ in the works for an October release and as they mention, they’re planning on releasing a PSP port of Hoshizora Planet, to complete the coverage of all the games Romeo worked on with D.O. I don’t think they plan on porting other D.O works, but since those are the three best ones I guess it doesn’t matter too much.

Actually I did find out the Kana info earlier today. It looks really great. And I will be really glad if they reworked on Crescendo. Hoshizora planet… I havent played it in detail but it looks really good. Its Lets wait and watch now I guess

I saw the discussion has changed a bit, but I am not much into PSP or wanting the ports I can’t read.

As for complaining about the length… The title takes place on their last 5 days and it says the MC is remembering his time there. We’d complain of the too many choices per route if it were crammed with things to lengthen the game given the plot. It really can’t be helped if someone can’t find a character to like - I think that is a potential problem with all bishoujo games. I could also see if someone disliked the art style, but it would be a shame. It certainly is better than some other big titles from JAST as suggested, but it wouldn’t be if you didn’t like the premise or any of the heroines.