B-game for a new player

How could you do that to the game! Misspelling its name…

It’s not Cresendo, but Crescendo.

Id go with heart de roommate for the new b gamer since its sorta anime style like with episodes, pretty casual and laid back in the first half and more serious in the 2nd half.

Originally posted by Benoit:
How could you do that to the game! Misspelling its name...

It's not Cresendo, but Crescendo.

I'm a notorious bad speller [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

I recommend Snow Drop ^^

Okay, I found out about what kind of anime he likes, and he said that he like “serious” anime the most. The kind that makes you think, like “Evangelion.” I know that there is actually a girl-rasing Eva game in Japan but that’s besides the point. So in the end I just had to go with Crescendo because I don’t have to worry about the humor being good or bad. So maybe it’ll be good choice, maybe not. Another excellent reason for choosing Crescendo is that some there are a lot of anime fans that “know of” these games but don’t play them. They say things like “Oh, I’ve seen pictures of that…” I think this game may have an impression that’s different from the stereotype. So I ended up buying 3 copies of Crescendo and 1 of Come See Me Tonight 2. One of each for me, and one Crescendo for him, and one for my other friend. She bought me the Momiji DVD boxset for no reason recently, so I’ll return that favor. That’s the first time for me to buy 3 copies of one game.

Serious anime? I would have gone with Critical Point then.

Good choice as Crescendo (hah I spelled it right this time ) is pretty serious throughout the game. It’s also not nearly as sad as Kana so you won’t send your friends into deep depressions.

Critical Point is good for ‘serious anime’. So is Chain.

True, true, but Ninja Scroll is a serious anime and he doesn’t like that one. Anyway, it was a tough choice but it’s just something to start with. He might end up getting some of those other titles later on his own. Maybe not. In any case, at least it will be one more anime fan who knows that these games aren’t just pure porn. I’ll ask him to post what he thinks about the game on this BBS after he plays it. It might be a while because I have to get it, and then get it to him, and then he has to play it. In anycase, he’ll probably make a post here sometime.

Cool fresh meat