Bit of warning for adult bishoujo fan

Hello I got some news about adult games in Australia. I didn’t know this until I dig around and ask a few questions etc…

It is NOT LEGAL to sell R18+ games. Since classification of game goes as high as MA15. (Mature Audience) The more recent games that got banned are Grand Thief Auto and BMX XXX.

For the official ratings and reasoning please go to:

Go to News and see what games got what rating. The law is quite black and white.

I do not know what the rules for importing. I know for a fact that importing differs a bit. But reading the website the classifcation for games was updated in 1995. An example how importing differ: in the state of Queensland it is illegal to buy semi-automatic weapons. However it isn’t in Western Australia. But people in Queensland can in fact order semi-auto weapons from Western Australia. (This was back in early 1990’s. Ummmm Please don’t ask how I know this either.)

The question I have is has any other Aussies have any problems getting B games? Here I am thinking moving back to Perth.

PS: I wonder if it is possible to that B games be classified as “educational” Then it will pass the law.

[This message has been edited by Hogi Bear (edited 10-18-2002).]

Originally posted by Hogi Bear:
It is NOT LEGAL to sell R18+ games. [img][/img] Since classification of game goes as high as MA15. (Mature Audience) The more recent games that got banned are Grand Thief Auto and BMX XXX.

Ack! You have my sympathy! [img][/img]
If I think, there are already some rantings about the mosaics in the original japanese games...
This is really quite worse! I suppose, even if the game has no explicit graphics at all, but only a written descriptions of whatis happening, it would be still R18+ and thus prohibited, right?
Now I know, I am never going to try getting the australian nationality... I'll have to leave my whole collection behind!

Yup. Under the law of 1999 amendment even text is also considered R18+. Not just images. Ie novels etc… (However books can can go to R18+ Video games can not as specified.)

However imports are up to customs to decide if the product can come through or not. The law on says selling on shop shelf. Own is a different issue. If the customs decides to be a bastard. It can Hold it. Which happened as you see.

Strangely if you read the fine print Canberra is exempted. For those who don’t about Australia. Canberra is technically the capital city of Australia since it where all the politicians and embasseys are. Makes you wonder huh?

Oh man…

I am sorry to hear about it.

I want to help you. But… I do not know what Australia policy.

I dunno what will I say.

yea ive personally ordered 5 titles and am in QLD and i have not had any problems at all with customs…so it might of been a pissed off customs officer or something…maybe you should of taken it to someone else instead of him as he might not been too talkative on this issue

Ladies & Gentleman,

Before any of you go into the rheotoric of sympathising Kaiser Fire, do take note of the date of the first post Sept 2002, i.e. nearly 1.5 years ago.

I was wondering why this thread popped up again. I don’t think we ever did hear what happened did we?

I believe this thread was accidentally bumped. As for Kaiser_fire, he hasn’t been around much has he? Doesn’t seem like a good sign…