Castlevania: Lords of Shadow (OMFG WTF!?)

Metalvania has been around as long as Castlevania itself. The original Club Kukeiha composers always wanted it to use electric guitar/violin riffs from the MIDI days. That’s why it translates so well in these metalicious remixes. :slight_smile:

IMHO it reminds me of Scream no Hito.

On a side note: rumor has it that this version of Castlevania will see home port on the PS3 or XBOX360 version of the Wiimote. Same source claims the graphics are too high for what the Wii console can push.

Kay… I broke down and bought the Akumaj? Dracula Best Music Collections BOX.

Bad News: I won’t be getting any new eroge next month. :frowning:


The $200 price tag hurts… oh yes it does… but when you look at it, you’re paying less than $15 per CD. It’s paying upfront for everything that kills the deal… especially when you own older OST sets. Basically you’re paying for Disc 17 (the Arcade Game OST) and the exclusive Michiru Yamane remixes on Disc 18.

Is the price worth it? Well the Arcade Game OST is truly epic. Kay… I lied… [color=red]OMFG!!! THIS IS THE SHITZORS!!![/color] kind of epic: the best Castlevania covers done yet. If you ever doubted the glory of Metalvania, this one wipes away all of it. I’ll see about uploading one or two short ones on Youtube or something. But honestly, one might wanna wait and see if it gets a single release. Unless you’re a hardcore Castlevania junkie like me, and just HAVE to hear the epic music ASAP. :o

Continuing from my last post: why did I fork over $200 for this thing? I think it should be plainly obvious, that music from the Castlevania is like fine wine: it only becomes better as it ages. The collection proves that.

Here is [url=]Poison Mind[/url]. The first 30 seconds is from the 24 years old NES version… then plays the way it was always meant to sound. According to the liner notes, it was mentioned that having the choir say “Domini” instead of “ah” was considered, but there was worry people would think the chorus was praising God, when it would be intended to be praising Dracula… so they decided on the wordless chant. :o

Not enough for ya?

Here is the epic [url=]Wicked Child[/url]. Same as before: the first two minutes are from the NES version of 24 years… then the updated The Arcade Game version plays. Despite being updated in sound quality, the tune is exactly the same. 8)

Heh… appears that just in case the Castlevania reboot fails on XBOX360/PS3, they have a backup plan: Harmony of Despair. I wonder if it ties in with Harmony of Dissonance?

Some news on the upcoming game from IGN:

Interesting. So this game will either:

A - Make Castlevania a mainstream title again.


B - Alienate the 2D loyalists and be a colossal failure

I will admit I’m glad the developers are telling the truth behind this game, and what it aims to achieve, rather than lie to the old school crowd. This is intended to be for the mainstream, but hopefully will make the loyalists happy.

Having read that however, I’m not preordering and will wait well after the title has been released. It’s a NEW Castlevania… not the OLD Castlevania… or not even Metrovania.

Well… at least there’s that rumor of a DS entry as a backup plan.

Though I’d like to ask Konami one question: “When was Castlevania ever mainstream to begin with?” :expressionless:

Even SotN, impressive as it’s sales were, was overall popular for being different and expansive… not because it was mainstream or Castlevania. I thought the series was to make $$$ - not worry if it was mainstream. Ah well… guess the drunken cash from Metal Gear and Silent Hill, has made them more bold.

Hey, they got Patrick Stewart. At least SOME of the VA won’t suck …

As for the 2D loyalists … you CAN get them back. That was essentially Maximo’s schtick - it was originally going to be a Ghosts-n-Goblins game proper, then they decided they’d changed enough it should be its own thing. And it was popular enough to get a sequel. (But not Maximo 3; the game got canned while in development.)

It CAN be done. However, Castlevania has a track record of trying 3D before and sucking.

Bit of a request of sorts: someone on a Castlevania board was posting this BGM file as a “leak” from Lords of Shadow.

It’s clearly professionally done, uses trademark sound files from the Konami database, and above all: the Castlevania style of music. However I don’t believe the person who posted it, is who he claims to be. I’m thinking this song comes from some obscure Castlevania spin-off that hasn’t made it to the West.

However I’ve checked through my Castlevania OST collection, and cannot find this song… although I don’t own every arranged cd that was ever released. :stuck_out_tongue: Does anyone here recognize it from somewhere?

Mystery solved: it’s from the Dracula 2 Slot Machine, and called Reinlich.

New trailer’s up, looks pretty nice: … on-trailer

Please God… make this a good game. Devil May Cry 5 is gonna suck. We need Castlevania to not suck.

Story seems pretty cliche and simplistic though. Hero wants to save loved one. Power to save her is evil. Current super evils were once people like the hero, who became evil after accessing the power the current hero is after. Will the hero succeed where others have failed? Blah, blah, blah…

Well, here’s IGN’s review:

According to them the game doesn’t suck, but the reviewer does seem a little put off that the game doesn’t really feel like a Castlevania game to him.

Wow, yeah that looks a hell of a lot like God of War … in fact, if you hadn’t told me it was Castelvania I would have guessed it to be part of the GoW franchise.

Which probably means the gameplay will look and feel awesome, but as the guy suggests, the setting looks like it was simply drop kicked out the door for something more popular in the current market.

True, but look what Shadow of the Colossus did with a similar plotline. It all depends.

LoS is not Castlevania.

It’s actually Darksiders + Devil May Cry + God of War + Prince of Persia + Shadow of the Colossus with Castlevania names in it. I don’t see why Konami called this Castlevania, outside of the PR name recognition. It’s an entirely new beast.

That bitching aside… it’s a good game. They stole the best elements from some of the best games around, and it shows. Music is supreme (though there isn’t any music from earlier titles). Voice acting is perfect. Story really good. Gameplay is outstanding.

My only real gripe is that things are too linear and it ends too fast. However this is clearly a multimillion dollar budget game, and it clearly shows.

Konami did good… but they didn’t have to call it something that it’s not. :expressionless:


I’m sorry, did you just say they combined Devil May Cry, God of War, and Shadow of the Colossus into one game? Now, if you’ll excuse me, I seem to have misplaced my jaw …