Censorship in Family Project Kazoku Keikaku

Or they could’ve just not said it was uncensored and avoided this whole issue altogether. How hard would that have been?

Or they could of canned it and released lighting warrior raidy 2. :lol:
This could be worse then censorship.

Nope, that “moral majority” bullshit is still no excuse. If they license it, then we fall under the assumption that they looked over everything, verified the content and were confident that releasing it uncensored wouldn’t get them into trouble before they signed the contract. They had plenty of titles they could choose from and plenty of time (TWO FUCKING YEARS) to look over the content.

If the age wasn’t even mentioned to begin with, then that isn’t an excuse to start editing artwork. Seriously, the original story didn’t even mention her age–Why did they even have to bother thinking there was anything questionable with the script? Hell, of all changes they had to make, how exactly is changing an age, a number, going to mess up the story to begin with? An age change would have been MUCH less glaring and noticable than an art change.

It could simply be that, since the moral block-heads are on the war path again (specifically targetting anything tenuously linked with “child” pornography), they decided to play it safe.

Look, I detest censorship in art. I would prefer a company such as Jast to be able to release works without having to fear the pathetic moral legislation and restriction on free speech that is growing in western society. Sadly, it really is not feasible at this point in time. Free speech and artistic expression is just not held in that high of regard by those in power.

Again, I’m not going to ‘shut the hell up’ no matter how many times you say it. You can all keep shaving off years of your lives with all that anger and stress over a couple images in a game, while I go enjoy the game as it was intended.(As it just arrived not five minutes ago.) Honestly, if this really was just an ‘ass coverage’ on their part, I’d agree with them it was a wise move. Granted, at this point, I almost wish they hadn’t, so they WOULD have been hit with a lawsuit… Because I can still play these games in Japanese. How about you?

Actually, the game did sort of indicate her age. She said she was a first year high school student, so she’s probably 15 or 16, which honestly, isn’t that loli. It was common for girls that age to have children not too long ago.

Whatever “forces” there are, it is ultimately up to JAST USA’s decision to localize and censor the artwork/story. No politcal, religious or social groups went to them at gunpoint and threatened them to change it–They made the decision to change it out of their own free will. They lacked the balls, and they caved into their own perceptions of what is legal or not.

If “free speech” and “artistic expression” were not feasible, then I have one question–If they were so worried about content and legal issues, why the hell did they waste their time with this and just simply choose a title that didn’t contain any loli-like characters in the first place? There’s a lot they could do before they chose to localize this game to verify that its content was not “safe” as you put it.

You wouldn’t know if they would get hit with a lawsuit or not–They’re an obscure company that hardly even has much of a distribution method for their products.

You know, the term “first year student” probably would have saved a lot of trouble.

Would of saved alot of trouble by never licensing the game and learning from the x-change 3 incident.

If Jast “had the balls”, as you say, it is fairly possible that some little political leech would latch onto the “cause” in order to bolster his re-election chances. Sex is already “evil” enough to the US, add a “child” to that and the witch hunts begin.

Just look at this sex-ting BS where consenting “children” are willingly doing this by themselves and are getting charged as sex offenders… yes, that is completely logical.


I Think that might not be the proper translation…

Anyway, this game came out well before the EOCS started cracking down on references to underage characters. They couldn’t state it explicitly, but they could still imply it.

Most Japanese fans think she is a first-year MIDDLE-SCHOOL student, since the original text just said “1st-year student”. The Japanese Wikipedia entry claims she is a 13 year-old Middle schooler…

They obviously should have told us about this.

Either way, Nitro+ games shouldn’t be affected, since the lolis there are generally not human, and possibly 1000 years old…

You wouldn’t know that for sure. KK is a very vanilla game and JAST is hardly a large enough company that would attract any attention at all, especially considering the fact that they’ve released other titles with far grosser content than this. Most cases of censorship are self-inflicted–Don’t try to deflect attention from the people who actually did it.

Sorry, but in the end, it was their choice to do it and they are therefore accountable for it. It also happened to be their choice to decide whether to localize this game or not.

… it is also possible that if they released it they would be hit with a lawsuit and then be dismantled and dissapear.

Of the two possibilities, a minor issue of censorship that does not seem to affect the story is a far better price to pay than a company, which provides some great products, completely dissapearing.

Actually, as a joke, the game was implying that she must be legal age because of the EOCS. Or at least that’s what the text says. I don’t bother listening to Hiroshi’s lines. :stuck_out_tongue:

Probability of occurence: .00000002%

Uh-uh, I see no excuse.

But let’s say the probability was higher and let’s assume they knew about such risks when they were shopping around–There’s plenty of good eroge titles out there, why did they have to choose the one with a loli in it in the first place? If legal risks were so bad, wouldn’t having a good storyline be outweighed by the issues associated with releasing such a product?

Playing it with more censorship than the original release is “as it was intended”? How do you figure? The point is that they lied about the game being uncensored, period. You can’t refute that.

Oh man, I can’t wait to see how this fiasco is gonna play out. Hopefully someone will find a way to re-insert the original censored CGs in place of the “edited” ones. Chances of me getting this: Pretty close to unlikely, but having Norio Wakamoto on the voice cast means there’s still a chance I’ll get this, if only to hear how he sounds here.

First: when they chose it, this issue might not have been as volatile as it stands currently. Despite your protestations of “unlikely lawsuit”, we have just recently witnessed several crusades focused on teenage sexuality and lolicon. The sexting cases prove that there is no common sense or logical probability to what will happen with such events. The Handley case proves the inept ignorance and vile oppression of the First Amendment by this government.

Second: election year forthcoming. Considering the tenuous hold many politicians have on their precious seats, a relatively easy target in sexual “deviance” would easily incite such a lawsuit in order to “buy” votes from the more “grassroots” moral majority. That alone raises the chances of something being brought to the attention of the populace.

Third: it is not that big of an issue. The story does not seem to be censored, so it is not that great of an atrocity. Yes, make a formal complaint about the “promise” if you so wish, but to act like this is the greatest affront in the history of the world is ridiculous and rather pathetic.

It is a sad fact that companies from this country must tip toe around issues that the Japanese companies do not (at least normally). But it exists. Maybe if eroge was a major industry in the US, Jast could afford to make an ideological stand against the ignorant moral majority in this country.

I think we all know [b]WHY[/b] the images were censored. There’s a guy in Iowa, who is going to prison because he had manga with lolicon in sexual acts in them. There’s also a porn star in California going to prison for producing lolicon porn (make believe mind you). If Family Project Kazoku Keikaku was found to be obscene in ANY of the 50 states, Peter might be in court room somewhere.

That being said, if PP came out and said they had to censor images of the lolicon character, because they just wanted to add a bit of insurance, it would have soften the blow a bit. However at the same time, there would STILL be people saying PP were sellouts or some such… you can’t make everyone happy after all.

But yea… that the alterations weren’t known UNTIL a customer got to them, is bad policy. It’s like selling someone a taco with a drop of hot sauce in it, but not letting the person know there’s hot sauce, and saying the taco is 0% hot sauce. If you warned them, maybe they’d still eat the taco… maybe not… but letting them discover the hot sauce on their own, is rather immoral.

Peter Payne rep from this site http://www.sankakucomplex.com/2009/07/2 … red-eroge/ ( is true?)

Yes, we did have to make some changes for the American market, which is something we always potentially do for every game.In the Japanese original, there was some vagueness about the age of one of the characters during parts of the game, and since they contained nudity we made the necessary decision to make some small changes.We hope that fans will take into consideration that these games are licensed for the Western markets which means a different set of potential problem areas for us, and as fans love to play eroge in English, we hope they’ll be understanding when we have to clarify parts of a certain game.We didn’t mislead anyone and we strove to make we avoided referring to this game as “100% uncensored” since we knew some changes were going to be made.The story is actually preserved this way, if you play the game, as it’s part of the game that the main character waits for Matsuri to be old enough for a relationship, which we didn’t want to derail by saying she was 18 from the start of the story.

i don’t care as long as it doesn’t effect the story