Censorship in Family Project Kazoku Keikaku

Nothing about it being uncensored.

like I said earlier, I don’t have the game, but you should take a picture of the back of that package.

I never ordered it. That’s why I’m asking.

I thought about scanning the cover but damn am I lazy and this thread is too good.

Ah, it sounded like you were asking in the sense, like “then why does the back of the package say it is” deal. My bad.

I’m glad I didn’t, either.

Either way, it looks like this is a strike two for them.

JAST made PR nightmare. It’s not that I don’t want Family Project in English… I’m getting a copy to support PP… I just wish they let people know about it. I’m not hating on Peter and the gang: it’s just they could have told us and gotten this out of the way in a better manner. Still would have complaints, but they wouldn’t have been complains AFTER the product was purchased. :frowning:

One at least lets people cancel preorders (bad for sales), the other makes people complain about false expectations (bad for trust). Plus this already happened before, and I thought it was kinda insinuated they’d warn us if such censorship happened again.

Max Hardcore

Some characters would claim they were only 12 years old in the video, but they were actually 18+ years in real life. Probably didn’t help they involved S&M, but the 10 charges he was convicted on were pushed by the Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section, which means it includes lolicon. This distinction is important, because the Obscenity Prosecution Task Force deals with materials that are obscene but not related to children. Thus the verdict has made the precedence that fake child porn which might be real, even if it can be proven fake, is a crime.

Taken into another context: if I made a video that showed me killing someone and it looked real, even if I proved the killing was fake (the guy I killed is in perfect health and still alive), I’d still go to prison for murder.

However S&M porn of the same kind, that doesn’t pretend the characters are underage, is still legal.

On the whole though… this isn’t too much a surprise, given how the Protect ACT was written. :expressionless:

Wait a sec, that’s human, not drawn, pornography.

Didn’t you know that it was already illegal to offer to distribute child pornography if you offer it in a way that the receiving party is under the impression that you were offering “real” child porn? It’s kind of similar to how you can’t go around offering to sell fake crack and tricking people into thinking that you’re selling real crack.

What if jlist offered a refund to all the people who bought it and where pissed. Would this change anyone’s view on them.
What would it take outside of replacing the cg’s to make this wrong doing right.

You’re confusing “fictional impression” with “actual impression”. For example, the characters could say they’re 12 in the movie, but the box could say all actors are 18 and over. The characters can say whatever they want, as long as the movie itself isn’t promoted as featuring actors that are minors. That is, unless you’re charged–not with child pornography–but with obscenity.

“OH Shit…the loli has clothes on…how dare they…man the torpedoes!!!”

WTF, get a life. It’s fucking 3 images. I guess every one that is so pissed are the ones that paid just for those 3 images of a naked loli.

As long as the government is not doing the censoring, I could’nt care less. If it bugs you that much, go jump off a bridge or something.

Something I’m curious about here, I only use peachprincess’s website for the ordering and such, but did the other sites ever at one time mention (like before release) that it was fully uncensored, or was peach princess the only one?

She’s not even a loli, and her chest isn’t even flat, as Tsukasa himself points out. The censorship is stupid.

In Japan maybe not but in America she is clearly a loli.
Lolicon’s in the U.S have it pretty damn tough.

And I have to say your not very bright than… I worked for a manager that was a midget… not only that she looked young. But she was in her mid 30’s… definitely not loli. Their is many people that are older that look loli and is not loli. But it’s the false advertisement that makes me not purchase this game… They claimed it is fully uncensored YET they censored! If your going to censor don’t LIE about it!

Come on it was a joke. A bad one yes BUT A JOKE NONE THE LESS.

(Edit: Sorry, questioned already answered quite well by Nargrakhan. Please pardon my haste.)

Think about this for a minute. This is supposed to be one of the best games ever released. Is that really what you wanted him to do? I can’t say that’s actually in anyone’s best interests. Deciding not to release a game because of questionable content is effectively censoring everything.

Do I think Peter left the references in by mistake? Well, I haven’t finished reading the thread yet … but as the one who called him out on the XC3 nonsense, I remember quite clearly that his first attempt to respond to the issue was to attempt to lie-without-lying about it. Didn’t work, because he never gave such evasive answers before, so I called him on it, and he fessed up. So yes, the references to fully uncensored were probably a mistake.

All he really needs to do is add a general disclaimer saying some games have had content edited to avoid the appearance of underage issues, but that all graphic pixellations have been removed.

Of course, I’m not surprised he can’t get his act together. He’s accidentally added my email to his marketing lists more than three times over the 8 years or so I’ve been hanging around; he really ought to know better, but he never did learn better.

Not until the Protect ACT was passed. Max was under attack since 1998, by the time 2003 rolled around (when the Protect ACT was finally passed), it was pretty well known in legal circles, that Max Hardcore DID NOT have children performing. They pretty much went after him, after the fact so it were. Also Max Hardcore didn’t sell the porn, under the notion that the actresses involved were under 18. It was the roles they played in the movie as characters. There’s a difference there. You can’t go around selling fake crack and tricking people it was real, but you also can’t arrest someone for pretending to smoke fake crack in a movie (because you know it’s not real). Max Hardcore had disclaimers on the box, stating all actresses were 18+… it was just the roles they played.

And just for the record, the verdict on drawn porn isn’t still solved yet: [b]Check out this case in Virginia[/b]. US Supreme Court refused to hear it, when it was appealed.

Just out of curiosity, who’s post answered it?

I can’t recall ever seeing it being claimed to be fully uncensored on J-List, which is where I ordered from, and it wasn’t mentioned in any of the recent newsletters either. Which leads me to believe that the claim on Peach Princess’ site was a mistake and everyone simply assumed it was fully uncensored. Granted they should have mentioned it but it’s better for them to be safe than risk even a .01% chance of attracting the ire of any hostile groups. I’m not really bothered by it at all, I’ve encountered two of the cg’s and it doesn’t change anything from a story perspective, heck one of the scenes is little more than filler, with the other being fairly minor. For the most part people seem to be overreacting to something fairly minor, if they’d altered the story I’d be just as pissed but it’s just a few cg’s, none of which are critical to the game.