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Remembering… This thread… :slight_smile:



[ 11-02-2007, 01:38 AM: Message edited by: 13th ]

I didn’t make this… but whoever did can read my mind -desu…

You think in such a bad and retarded English? :roll:

Is it really possible to “think” in a certain kind of language?

Or isn’t every single language actually a different means of expressing one-and-the-same thought?

For my part, I think in words.

Considering I don’t think in the same language depending on the concept and thought I want to express, no (and before you ask, yes, I think in three languages all the time: Vietnamese, French and English).

[ 11-19-2007, 09:15 AM: Message edited by: OLF, i.e. Olf Le Fol ]

Either that - or at least you may think you think in words.

In order to make this post more than a sophism, I have to ask whether you ever have been misunderstood.

You see: If you really think exclusively in words, then you could use exactly these words for expressing that thought unambiguously. After all, when you think a thought, then you yourself are 100% sure about what that thought is supposed to mean.

However, if you have ever told that thought using the words that you thought them in - and they have been misunderstood by the one you told them, then we should assume that some of the meaning of your thought was lost when spoken. Or rather: the thought was actually more than just the words you put it in.

[ 11-19-2007, 09:47 AM: Message edited by: Unicorn ]

Oh Gods, the thread! It’s returned! It won’t die! LOL

You’re forgetting that words aren’t just a combination of letters, but come with prejudices and connotations. Misunderstanding can happen because the speaker and the interlocutor don’t put the same prejudices and connotations behind the same words, not because the speaker himself doesn’t use the exact same words when he formed his thoughts. In other words (hahaha, pun not intended), a word is merely a short representation of a more complexed concept – the way an image could, really. What matters isn’t the word itself, it’s about what the word means to you and all the associated experiences you may associate with the word.

Actually - no, I didn’t forget that! I just left it to you to bring that point up - and by doing that you gave the “something that was lost” and the “more” a specific name.

However, first I would regard a “prejudice” as a special (i.e. a judgemental) kind of connotation and by that generalize “what was lost” to connotations. Thus I think we now came to a consensus that besides the words, the personally associtated connotations are also a part of every thought.
So, my theory stands that you may have been only aware of thinking in words and disregarded the connotations yourself when you said “For my part, I think in words.”.

Please, don’t let’s go that far that we make the individual’s connotations a integral part of a word’s meaning! By doing that, we would have to doubt the usability of languages as a means of communication, because with that definition, no two people could ever say the same word by using the exactly same meaning. Thus I hope we can agree on reducing a word to the meanings it gets assigned by dictionaries - and regard the connotations as a separated part.

Oh, and while many connotations probably could be exactly expressed in words, some actually can’t. For example you can have connotated with a word in your mind a certain nuance of a feeling or an image - both can be approximately described by a finite amount of words, but never put exactly - just like you can’t express Pi exactly in an finite amount of digits.

[ 11-19-2007, 11:41 AM: Message edited by: Unicorn ]

Now, you’re confusing “thinking” and “expressing your thoughts”. For instance, to me, the word ‘family’ has a meaning and is associate to special experiences and connotations that are personal to me and me alone. Therefore when thinking about the set of feelings procured by these experiences, I may think about ‘family’.
OTOH, that doesn’t mean I would use that word at all (even if it’s probable) when talking to you about my feelings at all, even if they concern these experiences.

Your example of “Pi” is a good example… though a reverse example of what you wanted to say. The concept of “Pi” can just be summed up by the word “Pi”. When thinking about this concept, you can just think about the word “Pi”. In the end, it’s what words are: compact concrete materialization of a complex combination of blurry concepts.

Originally posted by OLF, i.e. Olf Le Fol:
[b]You think in such a bad and retarded English? :smiley:

Took us long enough to get ideas poppin’… :slight_smile:
Here’re new ones…! :smiley:
By the way… Must ask for forgiveness from Narg-kun for using these…

“…Gomen gomen…”



I found a few over the last few days that I thought I’d share. Won’t share my entire collection at once but here are a few to start…

<img src="" alt=" - " />

One of these days, I’m gonna dual wield these and break my wrists in the process… because I wanna be like Alucard and Dante! Serious overkill. :cool:

<img src="" alt=" - " />

[ 12-22-2007, 02:19 AM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Handgaun’s COOL…!
But, we’re stickin with bladed weapons…!

“…Sono ken wa…”

I kinda enjoy using a magnum though… :slight_smile:

And one more because Duke Nukem has finally come back.

 <img src="" alt=" - " />

[ 12-23-2007, 02:33 AM: Message edited by: DukeFan4Ever ]


Silly nihilists.

Wise advice from one Dark Lord to another. :stuck_out_tongue:


I love Latin. :wink: