Diablo 3 has been hacked

It’s that damn auction house. Everything is because of that accursed auction house.

Reason why the game isn’t truly standalone? To ensure fair play with the auction house loot.
Reason why there’s no cheats or trainers allowed? To prevent circumvention of the auction house loot.
Reason why the game’s higher difficulty is so outta whacked? To create false rarity with auction house loot.
Reason why end game was intended to be loot farming? To ensure flow of loot in the auction house.
Reason why hackers want people’s account? So they can make money in the auction house.
Reason why there weren’t enough servers and support for launch day? Blizzard was focused on getting the auction house servers online.
Reason why Blizzard cares so much about the auction house? [color=red]Greed[/color].

It was never about customer safety, enjoyment of the game, or anti-piracy. The always online feature was always about making more money off the initial sale of the boxed game: [color=red]the auction house[/color].

The first thing Blizzard does after restoring an account that was hacked or circumvented, is rejecting access to the auction house. Not doing a further investigation to see cause of wrongdoing… just protection of the precious baby that really matters to them. :roll:

And people whine about EA being a sellout… but at least they’re mostly going about it via DLC whoring or cash cow with sequel flooding. Not making a game that’s entire built around the concept of you doing work (i.e. farming) so they (i.e. Blizzard) can make more money off it.

Gamer Dies After Diablo Marathon

Odd. Must have had health problems or was overweight.

I’ve been forced to be in “unusual stationary positions” while serving in the military, and though you get all these cramps and tingly feelings when you can actually move around again after 48+ hours of not being able to… it doesn’t kill ya. Hell… you have cases of people being buried alive under rubble for several days and still surviving.

Blizzard’s CEO tries to explain things:

http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/vi … ontroversy

Actually, that’s not quite right – yeah, that link is to a study specifically investigating women only. But in general this is not impossible. The high levels of fatigue cause inordinate amounts of stress, and then the sedentary nature causes a serious blood clot problem that can then lead to terminal heart failure. It’s uncommon, yes, but it happens.

And the facts would roughly support this. I’m no doctor, but that diagnosis makes sense to me. The blood clot formed because of the 40 hour gaming marathon. At that point it was a ticking time bomb, but it didn’t go off because it hadn’t dislodged. He woke up, started moving around, his circulation kicked itself into gear … the blood clot came dislodged … causing a pulmonary embolism. He got up, moved around for a bit, then keeled over dead.

Kinda freaky, isn’t it?

Maybe. I wanna see a picture of the guy first, which will circulate soon enough… or an autopsy report.

My money is still on overweight and unhealthy.

I call bullshit. If that were the case, why is Blizzard skimming off the top? And they can’t say it’s because they need the money to run the auction house servers. That traffic is fractional compared to the activity need to run D3. Plus since they made it online only, it’s the price they should pay for forcing us. They made that bed: they can sleep in it.

I call bullshit again. What? We can’t set up our own online LAN’s? I mean, we do it for other games. They could have made an offline mode AND an online mode. Then let US pick which we wanted. People were telling them this MONTHS before it was released. Blizzard did what they wanted anyways.

And those illegal Chinese programers are proving the game CAN be run on personal servers, and they don’t even have the source code. :roll:

It’s now Germany’s turn to join in the fun:

http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/vi … t-Blizzard

Sweet revenge is sweet, paybacks a bitch. Serves blizzard right for being bunch of douches and remove tons of tiny fun things that made wow fun in first place.

I want vengeance glowly hands back. Etc etc

An exploit to make your Wizard invincible has now become common knowledge as of yesterday. The bug has been around for longer… much longer… but someone couldn’t keep their mouth shut and spilled the beans.

Yea… that bullshit about “integrity” on the RMAH needing online DRM? Pure bullshit. :roll:

Blizzard Entertainment Notifies Its Players of Unauthorized Access to Battle.net Account Information


And it only took them 3 months to admit it. Well, I guess they still haven’t admitted it yet, since they’re claiming only the “hash” for the passwords were taken. Maybe in November they’ll admit the rest. :roll:

I’m sure Blizzard salt their passwords, right? They’re not just in a form any kid with some rainbow tables could break in a few days, right? Blizzard would know better than that, right?


Still, I’m glad Blizzard at least know better than to store passwords in plaintext. Other companies that have been attacked couldn’t even manage that much.

See attachment.

Three guesses where the hackers might be from? :wink:

And thus, the saga continues:

http://www.screwattack.com/news/fans-fi … entication

Excellent. Eat it, Blizzard.

For anyone who’s a Diablo 3 (or even Castlevania) fan, check out The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing. It’s on Steam. Solid (if somewhat cliche) storyline, interesting cast, and great graphics. Has an offline mode. Less than $15, so it’s a helluva lot cheaper than Blizzard’s failure.

I wasted my entire weekend on it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Blizzard admits defeat:

http://www.blisteredthumbs.net/2013/09/ … ion-house/

very nice

It seems Blizzard has learned nothing:

http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/11/09/ … fline-mode