Gay marriages are allowed in California

Again, I think you’ll find that the vast majority of people who are fired up enough about the issue to vote on these defense of marriage bills claim that they are doing so for religious reasons. (Getting gay marriage on the ballots is considered a great tactic to bring more devout Christians to the polls.)

I have seen those studies and find them somewhat confusing, not because I know bisexual men (who may well be a tiny minority) but because they go entirely counter to the evidence of situational homosexuality. Put men together without women for long periods of time and the evidence shows that they will generally start having sex. Even in cultures were homosexuality is so frowned upon that it’s punishable by death.

I’m not a guy. I don’t know if there’s some aspect of the masculine psyche that makes this sort of doublethink make sense. It’s very confusing to me.

Because it’s nature no more no less.
Look at all the animal (especially mamals) they’re all bisexual… if they have a urge for sex, the gender don’t matter.

So why it’s considered bad?.. Because of the Judeo-Christian cultur/society… and, to be more accurate, the christian’s Church… Since they’re the first to say “Homosexuality is bad!”… And they use a lot of stupid argument to prove that…

For exemple, they will say for the the point i used earlier that’s Human are superior… yeah …right… The only thing who made what we are now is… The thumb!
Yea this finger… Without it we would be just another primate like the monkey

it’s that who make what we are, a simple and tiny difference wich make a huge gap.

But, in the end, we’re not different from the other Mamals, in a lot of situation, it’s even proven that we have the same instincts…

So the only root of all that’s racism, that discrimination it’s the Christian’s Church (it’s far from being the only bad thing they did… ) and it’s stupid… .Especially when you look at some ancient civilization, like the Greek or Roman, homesexuality wasn’t a problem at all, Greek even liked a lot the Male Body (and more exactly epheb)… Well in fact, being gay or Bisexual was , in the ancient Greece, was the best…

For the understanding, i don’t care about religion… I don’t judge the Christian here, i just point out the mistake made by the church (and not the religion) long ago.

I’ve been mostly trying to steer clear of saying ‘Christian’ because they’re certainly not the only religion that tends to frown on gay.

Also, there are a lot of ancient greek practices that I’m not keen on starting up. :slight_smile:

yeah and the others than Christian have the same thing in common : The same god…
And like i said, it’s not the religion wich said that’s “Homosexuality is bad” but the church… That’s two different thing.(The movie Dogma point out the wrong doing of the Church, for exemple)

The fact is that in Boudhism they’re no descrimination, Hindouism don’t frown upon gay, Shintoism is the same and all the mahor phylosophie derivated from those major Asian Religion/Phylosophie.

In fact, in this matter, only the Judeo-Crhistian’s churchs frown upon the gay.

Well, yeah… they were too “tolerant” ^^;
But still, in the Homosexuality matters, our actual cultur are less advanced than some ancient civilization…I find that ridiculous.

That’s not correct. Some Hindus got quite upset about the appearance of Krishna in a Xena episode - not because of the depiction of the deity himself, but because they didn’t want anyone thinking they condoned lesbianism.

See - it’s sort of a complex subject.

The Dalai Lama has stated that homosexual sex (or any sex other than penis-in-vagina) is inappropriate for Buddhists, although he’s also said that outside the religion there’s nothing actually wrong with it.

In fact, there’s a running thread among many religions that the purpose of sex is procreation, God wants you to have families and make babies, therefore being gay is wrong. It’s the same for the Buddhists, it’s the same for the Sikhs, it’s the same for the Hindus.

Shinto and Tao traditions, at a glance, seem to care less as long as you still have enough heterosexual encounters to keep the species going.

Well didn’t know… But you prove me right.

It’s not the Religion/Phylosophie itself who descriminate the Gay, but the Human at the top of it.
Religion/Philosopie it’s just a tool used for spreading this stupid thinking.

Well as far as the Bible goes, Leviticus 20:13 (which is repeated again in Leviticus 18:22) is center piece of the issue, as far as Christian faith is concerned. However if you take it literally, only Man-Man relationships are punished… it says NOTHING about Woman-Woman - thus more proof that Narg’s fetish is divinely ordained. :wink:

[i][list]* ASV: (American Standard Version, 1901) “And if a man lie with mankind, as with womankind, both of them have committed abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.”

  • Darby: (J.N. Darby Translation, 1890): “And if a man lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall certainly be put to death; their blood is upon them.”

  • ESV: (English Standard Version): “If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.”

  • HNV: (Hebrew Names Version): “If a man lies with a male, as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.”

  • KJV: (King James Version): “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them.”

  • LB: (Living Bible): “The penalty for homosexual acts is death to both parties. They have brought it upon themselves.”

  • NASB: (New American Standard Bible): “'If {there is} a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltiness is upon them.”

  • Net Bible: “If a man has sexual intercourse with a male as one has sexual intercourse with a woman, the two of them have committed an abomination. They must be put to death; their blood guilt is on themselves.”

  • NIV: (New International Version) “If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.”

  • NKJV: (New King James Version) “If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them.”

  • NLT: (New Living Translation): “The penalty for homosexual acts is death to both parties. They have committed a detestable act, and are guilty of a capital offense.”

  • RSV: (Revised Standard Version): “If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall be put to death; their blood is upon them.”

  • Webster: (Noah Webster Version, 1833): “If a man also shall lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them.”

  • Young: (Robert Young Literal Translation, 1898) “And a man who lieth with a male as one lieth with a woman; abomination both of them have done; they are certainly put to death; their blood [is] on them.”[/list][/i]

Of course Deuteronomy 22:13 claims people who aren’t virgins at their marriage, should be stoned to death. Mark 10:1 proclaims that individuals who have been divorced, can NEVER remarry. Leviticus 18:19 is my favorite though: if you have sex with a woman on PMS, everyone is put to death! :shock:

I knew someone would wrote Leveticus :stuck_out_tongue:

But, i can’t take this as an argument… Since they are major dispute about this one.
And also the fact that The Apostle themselves said, in Acts 15:19:21 :

And Homsexuality is not prohibited.

The Old Testament said is wrong but the new not…
Anyway, all of those “Holy Book” are written by the hand of man… And man have the bad habit to misunderstand a lot of thing and to make thing the way they want and not the way they should be.

People shouldn’t be offended by the fact there are still anti-homosexuals.

Of course there are…
I mean… no matter what, there are always people against it.

And most people claim they don’t cheat on partners because they love them— but the ACTUAL reason usually amounts to their partner would leave them, they are too ugly and unsocial to have the opportunity to cheat, etc. The difference of what is said, and the reality.

… no, most people who want to cheat on their spouses DO cheat on their spouses. Infidelity is quite high, ugliness and unsociability are quite relative (and in someone who’s already married, they clearly can’t be COMPLETELY hopeless), and people worried about their spouse leaving them just try to make sure their spouse doesn’t find out.

If you honestly believe that everyone would cheat if they could, I’m glad I’m not dating you. :slight_smile:

Well, i don’t want to break your little utopia but almost everyone will cheat on in Girlfriend/Boyfriend/Wife/Husband etc… at least one time in his life.
Not espeicially cheat on the woman/man they will live their life with… But at least they’ll cheat on one of their partner.(They’re some serious report on that.)

Why you ask?
The curiosity and the fact that’s “forbiden”… Human are like that.We’re too curious and we like to break what shouldn’t be.

Now, it doesn’t mean that everyone will do it, of course.

I did some searching on Google, news sites, and various statistic collection sites - most of the polls reveal that about 40% (give or take 5%) cheat in a given relationship. Given the whole “anonymous” factor of the Internets and these polls - as well as being answered by a wide range of individuals - less than half the people in a relationship, cheat. Cheating in marriages has a lower percentage (by about 10% to 15%), than cheating in boyfriend-girlfriend relationships. Also men cheat more readily than women. Men are also more “paranoid” of being cheated on. Individuals in the military (the soldier and the spouse), have HORRIBLE statistics when it comes to being faithful. Go figure.

Personally, I’ve never cheated in a relationship. If I’m that tempted by another set of twincest, I’d just break it off with the one I currently have (harems in real life are costly to maintain). I’m Lawful Evil after all. :wink:

Don’t think that all woman are greedy.

True… but you still gotta be careful, cause harems tend to grow rather rapidly. :wink:

That’s if you’re Hugh Hefner :stuck_out_tongue:

A lot of people cheat. That’s an undeniable fact.

But to imply that /everyone/ who is in a relationship /would/ cheat if a random attractive-to-them person came along and said “Sex plz? No one will ever know.” is, to me, bizarre.

Darkstar’s statement implied that everyone would, all the time, if they had the opportunity and could get away with it, and that “Actually, I’m quite happy in my current relationship” is a lie. Sure, it’s sometimes a lie. But it’s not always one!

Strangely enough (or not) some people cheat for non-sexual reasons. By that I mean that even in open, polyamorous relationships in which the couple is allowed to have sex with other people and no rules are being broken, SOME people still can’t resist breaking whatever rules are set up (like ‘If you sleep with someone else, TELL ME about it’ or ‘Sleep with whoever you want as long as it’s not my sister!’) Lure of the forbidden, I guess.

As well, some people cheat non-sexually… there’s this concept of ‘emotional affairs’ where people decide that having a close friendship is the same thing as cheating whether you had sex or not…

General opinion? People are weird.

I read in my sociology book and saw a discovery channel show that revealed sharp gender differences in what constitutes cheating . Men are more angry at sexual infidelity while women are angrier at close relationships with other females. Also, WTF Narg has a GF!?!?!! how does she feel about the closet full of domination ero I know Narg has. or was it an in the past type deal .

Well of course Narg has girlfriends. Twins obviously: I accept no less! :stuck_out_tongue:

Someone PM’ed me and said, “Narg you’re gonna get in trouble for posting that lolitastic pic.” He’s right. So I’ll just come clean… I’m really a geeky bald guy who ended up dating his twin MILF college teachers. Narg is such a loser. :oops:

Are you serious 100% ?! I can never tell when your joking or not still Narg dont say that the blond chick is a bombshell you’re not a loser.