Good incest titles

unfortunately,if the japanese game can input the english title i might know what i looking for!( look under this website got great game that i like,unfortunately i would like to know the english name title,is the game under

Even if you don’t understand the moon language, you can try to convert in romaji the name of the game (or at least one part).
For exemple : the game !!! ???
I can’t read kanji, but the first hiragagna are “kedamono” so if you try that on himeyashop you will find it : … s_id/10364

You can use that if you can"t read hiragana.

Honestly though, it isn’t that hard to learn hiragana and katakana. When I first started out learning last year, it took me less than a week to get down the basics of hiragana, and after you get down hiragana, katakana takes even less time to get down as almost all of the rules for hiragana apply to katakana (though katakana does have a few extra rules seeing as how it is used to render non-Japanese languages). It’s kanji that is the tricky part considering how many there are, though from what I understand, once you start getting down the lower level ones, the higher level ones become much easier because of radicals. (For instance the kanji ? which is in the game le nuage mentioned, contains the radical ?.)

So far as I know (and I’ve actually studied this … not a lot, but I did look up a few things about it) you can hypnotize people with just about anything. Pendulums don’t do anything special, they just make it easier. The part that’s nonsense is that you can do all that weird crap with hypnosis – you can’t. I have no idea what would happen if you hypnotised someone and tried to make them kill somebody, but I don’t think it would work. Hypnotized people ARE still aware of what’s going on around them, so far as I know.

thanh you=kimuzukashii meiji=if i got question i will ask

I understand nandemonai pop culture has warped the image of hypnosis. I like the idea of a hypnogun but as I understand it hypnosis hinges on a unique trait called imaginative suggestability so words isnt so bad. When you apply enough suspension of disbelief hypnosis is the perfect tool they can be broken without lifting a finger. Baldo you think SMJ is the best does this mean it isnt a rapefest?

Actually, the Discovery Channel show Mythbusters had two shows that covered this. For a synopsis of the results, look here and here.

thank you kimuzukashii meiji?if i have a question i will ask

Given the text medium of a BBS, I am unsure if you are genuinely thanking me or if you are insulted and thought I was being condescending. If you are genuinely thanking me, than ??? (douitashimashite, your welcome). Feel free to PM me with any questions. If, on the other hand, you were insulted and thought I was being condescending, ??? (sumimasen, I’m sorry). That was not my intention. I was only trying to be helpful, seeing as how if you want to ever move on to the untranslated games, it is pretty much mandatory for you to learn.

Edit: Wow, I didn’t realize this was my 100th post. I don’t think I’ve ever been this involved with a forum since I was part of the modding community for Red Faction back in the day.

This is why Narg prefers old fashion brainwashing, medicinal subjugation, and Stockholm techniques. Very effective when used in combination. :twisted: :wink:

Ummm… it wasn’t me who said that.

Huh? What!? Errr… I mean… look deep in Suiseiseki’s eyes. Look deeply… you’re getting sleepy… sleepy desu…

You did say that… even if you say you didn’t, you’ll accept that you said it. :wink:

Desu. Cause there’s never enough desu.