Heart de Roomate Quickie review

Yup, I finished up the game last night. Hmm, I really don’t know why they didn’t put another “extra” episode for Hikaru. Very odd…

Didn’t like the extra “Asumi” route. I think it was too abrupt a change in mood from the rest of the story. Not sure where I’ll rank Roommate. Not exactly outstanding but I felt they did some interesting things with the faux-anime setup. I really hope they do bring over a few more AngelSmile titles though…

Ok I finally reach the 2nd part of the game and now I know who you guys are talking about Heh the long intermission scene before the 2nd part of the game was hilarious, I loved it. Man this game really is just like playing in an anime Heh now if they’d changed Asumi’s name to Naru and Tomoe’s with Shinobu I’d almost believe I’m in Love Hina Is it just me or does this game seem longer than many of the other multi-path games? Maybe it’s because virgin roster was so short that this one seems really long compared to it.

to Nandemonai: Heh yup this game is totally different from private nurse. Guess I like happy fun title more than serious depressing titles as I’m liking this game more than Private Nurse.

Originally posted by ekylo:
Didn't like the extra "Asumi" route. I think it was too abrupt a change in mood from the rest of the story. Not sure where I'll rank Roommate. Not exactly outstanding but I felt they did some interesting things with the faux-anime setup. I really hope they do bring over a few more AngelSmile titles though...

Yeah I agree, and I am not sure about that ending but it seemed typical of some of the endings I remember from Private Nurse like all the endings I guess except maybe the Marumu ending. Sort of takes it to a point I am partly waiting for the epilogue to show what happens '5 years later' or something, and then instead ends. Are all AngelSmiles like that? I enjoy them but is that typical style of their endings?

Hmm, won’t know until they bring a few more AngelSmile titles over.

Actually now that I think about it, another slight problem I had with the game was that none of the characters immediately sparked my interest. Usually there’s at least one character that really interests me and whom I go after first but not this time. Not quite sure why since I did like the artwork and the character designs in general.

Tomoe actually sparked my interest, but the ending for her, well I would have liked it to have the ‘depth’ of the Asumi ending albeit a much different style. The story for Marumu was interesting once started same with Asumi, but I agree it was strange for me too because at first the one that most sparked my interest was only Tomoe, and for me at least that is strange with these games, there is usually at least two of the three that I want to play through with and see their endings.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 02-26-2004).]

I liked Tomoe from the get go too. I wanted Yusuke to kick Asumi’s butt right in the beginning but I guess I was asking for too much

Hmm, I really don’t know why I never really “clicked” with any of the characters. Even after getting into the story. Tomoe awakened my protective instincts, but that was about it. I just couldn’t really see myself going romantically after any of them. Since I usually do a pretty good job immersing myself in the game and story (which is very difficult for me on the “dark” games), I felt I was sort of “going through the motions” at times on this one. (Sorry, nearing the end of day for me at work and I’m even less coherent than normal for some reason.)

Actually it’s funny part of the reason I think Tomoe first clicked is something you said, of all of them she is the only one, if a real person, I could see myself interested in romantically (I think we all immerse ourselves in these games a lot of the time). Asumi was a little to, um ‘violent’, for my tastes even to a point as just a game character. To use an analogy wanfu2k1 made she did kind of remind me of Naru but without the love. Marumu was the one who had the protective instincts click in for me, which is why I guess she did not click for me as a character beyond that level.

Heh, well it does make the game more enjoyable if you put yourself fully into the game. It’s a bit unusual for my protective instincts to kick in on a character in a game and not any romantic interest. I’ll probably spend all weekend trying to figure out why now…

Yesterday was my first day of playing Heart de Roommate. I left off last night at the beginning of episode twelve of the game, and I intend to continue tonight.

Asumi struck me as awesome. I can understand that not everyone would like her smugness, moodiness, and overpowering nature, but if you ask me, it’s funny.

Mayumu is close behind in second place for best character, as far as I’m concerned. This is another quirky individual who pops up to say strange things, often hinting that she has a huge ego. Very cool.

I like the episode-by-episode plot structure. It even has an advantage over Private Nurse: save anywhere, any time.

As of episode twelve, there’s now over twenty decision points. It’s kind of nice, rather than some games that go for forty minutes of uninterrupted plot before a single choice. (I don’t hate them by any means.) And the choices seem significant - the “mop the floor versus sweep the floor” choice in an old favorite game seemed awfully random.

Anyway, it looks like I’ll run through this game once or twice before I get serious about Day of Love. That could be really good, or it could be something to donate to a local library.

Well, have fun.
-J. Alan: fandork, encourager, blah blah blah.

Your “Asumi-chan kick!” is nothing compared to my “Gai super upper!”

Originally posted by gekiganwing:
And the choices seem significant - the "mop the floor versus sweep the floor" choice in an old favorite game seemed awfully random.

Apparently it was supposed to make more sense and be less random than it managed to come off as. "Mop the floor" is apparently a not-so-good shortcut, whereas "sweep the floor" is the proper way to clean. What that has to do with the choice's outcome, though...

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Apparently it was supposed to make more sense and be less random than it managed to come off as. "Mop the floor" is apparently a not-so-good shortcut, whereas "sweep the floor" is the proper way to clean. What that has to do with the choice's outcome, though...

*shrug* I thought part of it was the water symbolism within the choices. *blink* We are talking about the same game right?

Originally posted by ekylo:
*shrug* I thought part of it was the water symbolism within the choices. *blink* We are talking about the same game right?

We are. I came to this conclusion because whatever-his-name is gets all whiny about how everyone always makes him do everything and he'll show them, and deliberately do a bad job of mopping the floor.

Where was this scene I don’t remember it in this game, actually sounds more like something from one of the Love Hina animes, or did I just somehow miss this scene in this game?

Aww, it was more fun when we weren’t specifically saying the name of the game…

Hmm, I think when Takayuki was saying that he would do a bad job of mopping, not that he would do a bad job by mopping instead of sweeping. Hmm, it has been awhile since I’ve played, guess this is a good excuse as any to look over that part again.

Ah okay I thought it might be that one, but got caught up racking my brain for some reason for such a scene from a much more recently released game.

Wanfuku, would you be so kind as to consider writing a formal review for jmate.com ? It’s back up and we want to get new reviews on it ASAP.

I think your better off asking ekylo or Uni for a review. My writing skills have steadly deteriorated since I graduated from college I’m only good for posting random bits of info and opionated views

I nominate Ekylo to be our reviewer because he a lot better writer than me.

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
I nominate Ekylo to be our reviewer because he a lot better writer than me.

I second that, because:

  • I have still not picked up my reviewers pen for english localized bishoujo-games yet. However even IF that should happen, I am only going to do exclusive-reviews for our goddess and no other website anyway.
  • I have not yet bought the game either because I wait for at least a third release from G-Collection to make my order worth the shipment cost.

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 03-09-2004).]

blink Hey, how did I get dragged into this? Besides, it’s been awhile since I’ve written any reviews…