Hey, Kagami-san

lol…i play everquest too…got sucked in only recently, couple of mnoths ago…but my vah shir beastlord is already 31st level and totally twinked thanks to brian…

i think there’s plenty of bishoujo in that game…have you ever noticed how much the females wiggle when they walk?

and as tantalizing as you all make me out to be, i cannot compare with a perfectly formed anime bishoujo in games

wow, I am impressed with all the room pics

as much as I would like to similar things, my parents are pretty strict on neatness and consistency, and they wouldn’t be too happy if I even put posters on the wall, and they will freak out if I have a hugging pillow with some bishoujo on it…

my room? you guys saw the LMM stand photo right? that’s all there is

Ok, lets reply to everybody.

I am on Drinal server on EQ since the beginning. (about 3 and half years ago) And I am only 55th Monk named Meiling Lee.

A for living as a hermit. I should show you pictures of my backyard. I can happly say I got small garden in the back. I am lucky to live in a “village” house.

I currently live by myself. However, when my sisters or my mother comes and visits from Oz, they take all my things away. When I say they take my things away, they will own it. lol So one way to keep my things is to keep my storage a mess so they can never find the “good” stuff. I lost all my Cardcaptor stuff to my mother and I know I never see them again.

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
You need to go out of the BBS in order to play the galgames... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

Actually, you could probably do both at the same time, a peaceful co-existance...

I'm so happy I've resisted the EQ urge so far. I got too many "habits" as it is! [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

Originally posted by ekylo:
Actually, you could probably do both at the same time, a peaceful co-existance...

I'm so happy I've resisted the EQ urge so far. I got too many "habits" as it is! [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

EQ, there are some good things about NOT having internet access until two months ago. Unfortunately, it did result in my being off this BBS for about 15 months.

I can understand the bit about "too many habits". I have no idea how many WEEKS worth of domestic anime that have, combined with living expenses, things can get expensive.

I have bought 1 computer game since I bought Snow Drop and am now working on catching up up on the Bishoujo titles that I have missed, now that I actually have hard-drive space.

BTW, a colleague of mine lent me his digital camera, so here are photos of my office:
I brought there some little items because there wasn’t anymore room in my, well, room.

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
BTW, a colleague of mine lent me his digital camera, so here are photos of my office:
I brought there some little items because there wasn't anymore room in my, well, room.

Cool...ahh, maple wallpaper...I still haven't touched the game yet...must...resist...

hmm, I wonder if you have to move the fan elsewhere everytime you have to use the scanner...

Originally posted by Lamuness:
hmm, I wonder if you have to move the fan elsewhere everytime you have to use the scanner...

Well... yes. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]
BTW, it should be very easy a quizz, but I give a virtual cookie for the first who recognize all the characters and anime in here. ^_^

wow cool nice office decorations. Hmmmm…I recognize most of the stuff that you have but I’m too lazy to list :stuck_out_tongue:

Not me, then again my memory tends to be more or less like swiss cheese. Actually, I’m usually shocked when I do recognize characters! (Darn, but that virtual cookie did sound nice… )

Waouh ! Ils te laissent avoir tout Áa au boulot ??

Moi ils me prendraient pour un fou…
DÈja que la fois o˘ j’avais amenÈ des CDs de death / black metal mon chef me regardait l’air de dire ‘C’est quoi ces TRUCS ??’
(en plus y’a des clients qui viennent visiter les bureaux rÈguliËrement…)

haaaa… j’en ai marre d’Ècrire des logiciels pourris…
Quand je vois comment c’est fait je comprends pourquoi il y a tant de problËmes avec les logiciels (surtout si toutes les boites font comme la mienne)
J’aurais mieux fait de faire administrateur systËme… dÈprime

Heureusement que les ‘anges’ du bishoujo sont la pour me rÈconforter quand je rentre le soir…

err…pourriez-vous parler a anglais, SVP :stuck_out_tongue:

…forgot what pouvoir (vous form) is in imparfait :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by Kagami:
I saw the links and thought maybe we'd finally got the apartment pictures, but it's just your office. Stop teasing us. :P

Ah well, still cool. Now sneak the camera home with you. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

In the meantime I will post mine to keep the thread going until Olf get's the main attraction online:


So nice to have a space. I have to throw away all my game boxes. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/frown.gif[/img] Also good know that I am not the only one with cables everywhere.

As for work. I work in a boring pharmaceutical company. I am so boring I typing this at work so I don't fall asleep. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

Originally posted by Kagami:

well, better to keep it consistent and stay with english, despite that yes there is more than just the US market...

Well this what I found out about english.

In Japan, the fat intake in the average Japanese diet is very low, and the heart disease ratio is lower than in Australia, the United States and the UK.

However, in France, the average fat intake is very high, and yet, the heart disease ratio is lower than in Australia, the United States and the UK.

In India almost no one drinks red wine, and the heart disease ratio is lower than in Australia, the United States and the UK.

In Spain, everybody drinks too much red wine, and the heart disease ratio is lower than in Australia, the United States and the UK.

In Algeria, the average sexual activity ratio is very low, and the heart disease ratio is lower than in the Australia, United States and the UK.

In Brazil, everybody has sex like crazy, and the heart disease ratio is lower than in Australia, the United States and the UK.

Conclusion: Drink, eat and screw all you want. It’s speaking English that kills you.

[This message has been edited by Hogi Bear (edited 09-17-2002).]

well, I speak 5 languages (although not 100% fluently for any of them)…so how would the equation work then, I have 20% chance of heart disease?

Originally posted by Lamuness:
well, I speak 5 languages (although not 100% fluently for any of them)...so how would the equation work then, I have 20% chance of heart disease?

Well I can barely speak English and Cantonese. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img] However, I do understand four others when spoken to me. (especial profanty and other insults.) Strangely I can't speak well nor can I read. I can only read English. (well I can read the others, but need lots of time and a dictionary.)

The two strangest languages would Japanese and Mandarin. Because I first translates these to Cantonese and the back to English before I actually understand what had spoken to me. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img] So Japanese and Chinese people think I am slow. I need a brain upgrade.

Originally posted by Hogi Bear:
The two strangest languages would Japanese and Mandarin. Because I first translates these to Cantonese and the back to English before I actually understand what had spoken to me. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img] So Japanese and Chinese people think I am slow. I need a brain upgrade.

Hmm, let's see, I might have a spare around here somewhere. Might take awhile, the extra brains are jumbled up with all the extra souls I've been buying recently... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

English is my native language and there are days I can barely speak it. So am I at risk only on the days I'm speaking correctly? And don't worry Hogi Bear-san, I sometimes have a similar problem but it has to do with the fact that in Hawaii, several Japanese terms have been integrated in our "pidgin english" but have a slightly skewed translation. (Sorry, can't think of a good example right at this minute.) So sometimes, I translate Japanese into modified Japanese (pidgin) back to Japanese then to English. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

(Man, I need to stop writing posts when I'm not awake...)

[This message has been edited by ekylo (edited 09-18-2002).]

Originally posted by MARTINEZ Fabrice:
Waouh ! Ils te laissent avoir tout Áa au boulot ?? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/cool.gif[/img]

Oh, a French! Glad to see I'm not the only one! [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]
Moi ils me prendraient pour un fou... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/redface.gif[/img]
Oh, but that IS the case!!! [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]
(en plus y'a des clients qui viennent visiter les bureaux rÈguliËrement...)

Well, that also... but I guess mine stopped wondering a long time ago about my mental state. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]
Heureusement que les 'anges' du bishoujo sont la pour me rÈconforter quand je rentre le soir... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

True, so true. ^_^
Originally posted by joe_kun:
LOL Just to prove I have no life, I recognize everything there [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img].
As I said, it was fairly easy. The only tricky ones would be the Windaria, Yohko and Creamy Mami stuff, which I didn't expect new animefans to know about. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]
And the SG, HL, 21, TM and ST stuff, most animefans non-bishoujo games fans wouldn't probably know about either. *grins*