Im curious, what criteria does PP use to pick products t

This is just because you have not played Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan yet.

(Or the American version Elite Beat Agents, but since they use entirely different music there’s no reason not to play both! I’m still waiting for a copy of OTO. And am in the cheer-girls phase of EBA. EBA is only available in the US at the moment, I am having friends smuggle copies out here for me to give as christmas presents.)

They already tried with the PSX. Capcom had to do a lot of convincing to release Mega Man X4 and Mega Man 8 on it. The Sega Saturn versions turned out better because Capcom was angry at Sony, and because the Sega Saturn is better at 2D.

I’m buying it on the GameCube, where they did NOT flip the entire world to accomodate Link being right-handed.

To go off-(off-topic) for a bit (that is, to get back on-topic):

It helps to think of the US b-game market like the US market for anime in the very early days. Many of the very early releases were stuff that could be cheaply obtained. A LOT of old VHS stuff was brought over because they could cheaply get a license for it (like Fire Emblem or Judge or Megami Paradise) and it was … of questionable quality. Over time as anime became more well established, bigger stuff got brought over. But right at first, it was impossible to get the big-name stuff because companies couldn’t afford to do full shows and they couldn’t even afford to get good stuff.

Well, if you’re comparing it to the 1980s maybe…but then it was also what would sell to the niche audiance. Action, comedy, mecha, sci-fi, fantasy with a lot ecchi bordering on hentai content.

The 1990s, even early 1990s saw licensing of major anime titles.

[ 12-14-2006, 02:17 PM: Message edited by: Jinnai ]

I guess in the other countries, too.

Licensing process and game approval process in Japan is different from that in the US.

Moreover, the reason why there are a lot of 2D games in Japan, is because there are a lot more game companies. SOJ had a limit on the number of 2D games a company could make within a certain period, thus multiple title release companies like Konami and Capcom had their hands tied royally. Thus when Iga complains Sony wouldn’t let him make a 2D game, it really might not have been Sony DIRECTLY saying he couldn’t, but just that Konami reached their limit that year and/or didn’t want to use it for Castlevania. Basically it still comes down to Sony being dicks on 2D. However if you only made one or two games a year, then you could do all 2D and not worry about it, since it was within the limit.

There are a LOT of little game makers in Japan. Too many in fact… but that’s another tale. Just imagine the game market in Japan, being like the PDF d20 RPG market in the West. Overwatered and whatnot.

Getting back on point, the things SOA does is totally different and another story that I’m tired of telling… so I’ll just leave it at that for now…

Okay… I’ve sorta been keeping quiet about this one, because I wanted to clear it with a few of my contacts first.

Where this survey thing come from? Does anyone have a link and/or article source? Sony made MANDATES - but no one I know who does console gaming, knows of an actual survey. I think this is a “Urban Legend” or something… Help?

Also, Sony doesn’t allow eroge on the PS2 or PS3 in Japan either. Those that are on the system, are pirate software.

[ 04-30-2007, 04:28 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Wierd… I much prefer subtitles to dubbed. With very rare exceptions (say Star Blazers where the dubbing was superior to the original)

Very few animes that I’ve seen have been better dubbed. In fact off the top of my head, I can only think of 1 that I enjoyed the dub then I did the original. That one being fruits basket. Other then that, I always prefer the japanese voice english sub, to the english dub.