kana okaeri

^ The preceding conversation is pretty fascinating. The future is an amorphous and unpredictable critter, and predicting the future of the market (yikes!) in an industry dominated by technology (yoiks!) is an even bigger headache. But getting back to Kana…

(DARK-SHIKI:) “Doesn’t Okaeri have the original art + the new art? As in it’s toggleable?”

(PETER PAYNE:) "Kana does not have the old artwork, mainly because the guy who promised to make a patch for us bugged out and stopped replying to our emails. We can’t do an official art restoration patch (due to licensing issues), but we’d help make one at some point in the future."

Man… you guys got me really elated and really deflated in quick succession. That would have been a neat feature. :confused: Ah, well. On the brighter side, I guess at least that means my purchase of old Kana wasn’t a waste of money. On a related note, is a physical edition double-pack of the original Kana and Family Project still in the works at some point down the line? It has been featured in JAST’s promotional catalogs I sometimes get with my packages for a while now. (Much better combination, btw.) Are you waiting on the last physical editions of Family Project to empty out first, maybe?

RE: Bundling Kana with Sensei

In addition to what Peter said about them both being G-Collections releases, my understanding is that the same artist worked on both the original Kana and Sensei 2. Now, if the same guy worked on Okaeri, I don’t know…

Grabbed this tonight when I saw they were having a sale. Quick question, as I’m unable to find it on my own, can anybody tell me where the save data is located? I downloaded it and started reading on my PC, then copied the game to my microSD so I could continue on my Surface. Doesn’t look like it copied over.I’ve checked in Documents, Saved Games, AppData, LocalLow, etc., but can’t seem to locate it.

The save game file should be in the same directory as the game itself. Unless there was a chance you didn't save progress?

Hmmm… maybe saying Save Data wasn’t necessarily the best way to describe it (although now that you mention it, I didn’t). Basically, I open the game on my PC, and there are a number of images unlocked under CG Recollections already, but when I copy the game over to my Surface (just tried deleting and copying again), all the images are locked away. I’m sure there’s some random folder hiding on my PC somewhere that’s keeping track of the images unlocked.

It took quite a while, I could have saved a lot of time by simply re-reading what I had already read (which I have to do anyway)… but I’m stubborn sometimes. Folder with the data I needed was located in AppData \ Local \ Virtual Store \ Programs (x86) \ Kana Okaeri. Placed it in the same place on my Surface, nothing. Replaced the Save Files in the game folder, BAM!! CG Recollections appear on Surface. Good to know all this, as I switch between my PC / Surface, and like to keep everything more or less even across them. Now then, I’m gonna go read now. :smiley:

I just came across the first animated sex scene in Okaeri and I must say that is one enhancement this fine game don’t need. Seeing five or ten minutes of Taka’s bare ass and nothing else twitching on screen was a little too gay for me.

More news from the Okaeri front:

The voiced Yumi has the most annoying voice i’ve ever heard. I understand why Taka had trouble being around her.
Trust Jlist to provide us with many amusing typos and strange translations:

“Kana licked my wound with her tonuge” What is ‘tonuge?’ Sounds Japanese. Is it some kind of RP I’ve never heard of?
“The day plaintively came to a close.” I don’t understand what that means.

p.s. I’m not complaining. I find these things part of the fun.

I love your Breaking Eroge News Updates, Bamboo. :)

My theory is that the "tonuge" is the hentai version of a tanuki... a cute little racoon with tentacles, obviously! For "plaintive," I always think of it used to describe sorrowful sounds like moaning, whining, or sobbing -- apparently a noisy tearjerker of a day! (Which... now that I think of it... maybe it could work?)

Jack Sprat sez: My theory is that the "tonuge" is the hentai version of a tanuki... a cute little raccoon with tentacles, obviously!

and big balls.

Okaeri update:

Have you noticed how much smaller the couch in the Todafamily's living room is in the new game? In the old game, both Taka and Kanaspend some time stretched out on the sofa, but this new one hardly seems bigenough for that. Also, there used to be a big picture window with a nice view intheir house, but that's been replaced by a much smaller window with a cheap-lookingcurtain drawn across it. In fact, this new room seems altogether much smaller andcrappier than the old one. Could it be they are living in a different housenow? Perhaps their living under reduced circumstances due to Kana's constanthospital bills. I can imagine that must be quite a strain for them, and I've alwayswondered how they could afford it. And now with Taka entering college, it's no wonderif they had to move into a smaller place. Maybe one of those high risebuildings you see in anime. Probably the curtain on the window is to hide theview of some ugly factory building or junkyard across the highway from the room.

Interesting quote: Taka says, "Sometimes I feel like I'mcaught between the real world and the overworld." Overworld? Sounds like aMurakami story.

That should more properly be 'overworldly." Makes a difference in the meaning–if any. How do you edit these posts, anyway?

Last Okaeri update.

Well, I just finished my first run-through, and I'm a littlemisty-eyed as usual. Poor Kana; her deaths always strike my heart. On the otherhand, I was annoyed by the animated love scene between Toda and Kana. Hereagain, I'm not happy about these animations. They're annoying and distractingfrom the story. Plus, weird things can happen with these scenes. When I played RaidyII, she got caught up in a masturbating scene that I couldn't figure how to gether out of and she was trapped in an endless loop of diddling. I saved the gameat that point, so she's probably still at it, poor girl. My biggest problem with Okaeri is the voices.Not the voices themselves (except for Yumi's), but by the fact that there wereany voices at all. After six year of playing old-style Kana, I'm so used tohearing her speak to me in my head that hearing her speak to my ears doesn'tseem right at all; it's less intimate.