
by the way speaking of which has anyone seen Shingo? maybe they’d know…

Hmm… The bad news is even though it’s a 50/50 chance I guess right but you can always just lie to me to get me to shut up…

errhm, a bit off-topic but is it possible to make your avatar a bit smaller in pixel size, preferably less than 200 pixels wide, thanks


Hmm, been a long time since I’ve been here and yet there’s the ever present question of “he or she?” still pops up. Guess it’s nice to know some things never change.

ekylo? You’re alive?!
Very long time no see! How are you?

[ 01-03-2008, 08:26 PM: Message edited by: OLF, i.e. Olf Le Fol ]

So the question’s been asked before Ekylo?

Yup, still alive, just not really active here. Still read the posts every few months. I just couldn’t resist chirping in this time.

Granted it’s been awhile since I’ve read the posts, but I’m pretty sure the question has been asked before of Lamuness-san. I definitely know it was asked of the previous admin. Quite fun spirited debate it was. And I know we used to have guessing games as to who was male and who was female among the members. Just part of the fun of a BBS.

I’ve met Lamuness at the AX in 07, and her breasts are not as big as in the picture she has. That picture has been heavily photoshopped - and I mean heavily.

But isn’t that the way it always is these days.

Well as I understand it, Lamuness has a massive thing for huge breasts. She’s always talking about it whenever the topic is brought up. That might be her after she got the breasts she wanted. :slight_smile:

so true xD

sigh, i dunno if i should say this but when mockingbird met me at AX he was staring at my chest all the time… >_>;

Hah, thats it for Mockingbird :smiley:

Hey, be happy, if he was staring at you that probably means that he thinks you’re attractive.
Or he was just curious.

Yea… but then Mockingbird doesn’t listen to Admiral Ackbar’s warnings. I’ve heard about Lamuness’s Death Star. No way my proton torpedoes are going anywhere that thermal exhaust port. :stuck_out_tongue:

Your body is relevant to my intrests Lamuness…

That was so bad that it made me cry. :smiley:

Why does this sound kinky?

I think anytime thermal exhaust port is mentioned it ends up sounding kinky.

The same goes for “thermal expansion” in NGE! :lol:

Hmmm, apparently kinkiness somehow adheres to the word “thermal”! :stuck_out_tongue:

its well past vday, and nobody has spoken up (especially the people who have attended the AX panel last year)?! :stuck_out_tongue: