Lolicon might just have got dangerous

Oh… here’s something else:

Marge Simpson is going to have a Playboy spread.

I’m serious.

Ehh, pass =P

[b]Pedobear the Movie[/b] then? :stuck_out_tongue:


I was at a friend’s house for a little get together when I watched that. One of the group asked what Pedobear was, so I had to find something that could explain it better than I could. It was then that I discovered that Pedobear is Miley Cyrus’ #1 fan. :stuck_out_tongue:

More info on that Whorley pedophile case being considered by the Supreme Court, which will impact fictional lolicon, one way or another. This is the U.S. Attorney’s view of the story. Taken from the FBI site. (removed direct link; no point in drawing unwanted attention from the FBI - if you want it PM me) An old article, but at lets us see how the government looks at it… not to mention it was burried under thousands of case articles, and I didn’t see it until recently.

Yes… drawings hurt real children. Well, it could be Australia and these drawings would then be real victims…

It is amazing how pathetic the US gov’t and “law” enforcement have become… just ignoring the subjecive nature of obscenity (for crying out loud, people actually found erotic and yet non-nude scenes such as Mass Effect’s love scenes as obscene), the simple fact that violent music, entertainment, erotica in all forms, religious faith, and now even dissenting opinions to mere “consensus” are all sought to be controlled or even eliminated… it’s rather disgusting.

It is also rather amusing see as how more and more people are now telling this “law” and gov’t to go fuck itself. Interesting development to say the least. Guess people aren’t quite as complacent as the gov’t hoped.

End of partially off-topic rant.

Sorry, just had to get that off my chest. I hate elitism and tryannical aristocracy… but the upside to its existence is that I get a kick out of watching the mostly hypocritical jack-asses get kicked in the teeth from time to time.

Pix or it didn’t happen.

Seriously, the argument that sexually explicit cartoons could be used to lure children is rather weak. So can candy. And the implied argument that someone could learn how to / get ideas to sexually abuse children from looking at animated porn…not sure how to respond to that. Are these guys serious? Because it follows that playing GTA teaches me how to steal cars and kill people. In any case, punish the crime, not the potential for a crime. At least prove that the availability of such materials actually facillitates crime before you go criminalizing them in turn.

I agree with you. However judges and juries did not. Thus the accusation the FBI is making, is true in the Commonwealth of Virginia, until the Highest Court says otherwise. If they don’t say otherwise, other states can legally use the same reasoning to ban lolicon once and for all. :expressionless:

As it presently stands, lolicon [u]IS[/u] illegal in Virginia. Scary. … en-online/

This is getting ridiculous… is every country in the world intent on realising 1984? No wonder civil unrest and riots are beginning to erupt within nearly every “civilised” country. The governments are really getting out of hand.

Because Sankaku Complex is a source of lulz, not news: … hub=Canada

Here’s what’s really scary:

We’re not even talking about crimes anymore. We’re talking about potentiation of crimes. People in Canada won’t ever be safe talking to a child online, because someone can always go through their conversations after the fact and find something to charge them with. The law is so vague that what constitutes a crime is very much open to interpretation, such that people no longer understand what the crime even is anymore. In such a case, whether a crime has been committed is determined less by the person’s actions and more by who chooses to prosecute what–a very scary extension of the logic behind the US’s own Protect Act.

Unfortunately, we’ve had “grooming” laws for a while here as well… check out this story:

Although the reporting here suggests that he was at least flirting with her, but still.

Grooming laws are pretty ridiculous - I mean, I can understand wanting to stop the crime (statutory rape, et. al) before it even happens, but laws that criminalise the potential for committing a crime need to be carefully determined and I see no evidence of this here.

I guess Cardinal Richelieu must be smiling in his grave. :slight_smile: … -20-years/

Sankaku makes this topic so much fun :lol:

At least their normal raging insanity is warranted by this story. Yet another reason why the “law” does not truly dictate morals. Stupidity like this makes the law a joke.

How’s it going? Mind if I join you?

Seriously, that article Kabraxal linked is terrifying. Even more terrifying, Sankaku’s coverage wasn’t exaggerating. You know the world is coming to an end when Sankaku doesn’t even need to make stuff up anymore.

I have a RL friend that’s going to have a nervous breakdown when he hears this. He’s already paranoid as it is.

Pleaded guilty? Now he’s a convicted pedophile. What kind of legal advice is he getting? If it was like 3 or 4 random images from 2 years ago, I can’t see how he’s suddenly a criminal. There had to be more to this, than is being released to the press.

Just because I bought a gun in store two years ago, and then police discover that gun was used in a murder six years ago, doesn’t mean I’m a (or the) murderer. Something is fishy here. He probably pirated the hell outta stuff to get that kind of attention from the FBI. Can’t be as simple as they’re explaining it: things don’t line up.

Now his name is sullied, and he may lose his job because he’s a sex offender. It’s too absurd, if the man is innocent of no wrong doing of any sort. He could have fought this.

I guess we’ll eventually get a surge of 1000 year old witches/androids/spirits/homunculi inhabiting tiny bodies in future ero-games… Just to be on the safe side.