Lolicon might just have got dangerous

The legal definition of pornography in the US isn’t an actual law, rather it is Supreme Court precedent. You’re looking for the Miller Test which was created by the case Miller v. California.

It seems even Pedobear isn’t safe: … pedo-bear/

LOL! But Pedo Bear is just one of many.

I so wanna dress as Guro Dragon this Halloween. :o

Pedopals are on the move, Pedopals are loose! :wink:

Someone needs to dress up as the vore snake and spend the entire time trying to slither around.

Here we go again :roll: : … entai-ban/

Is there any source other than Sankaku regarding this?

So is there anything to this proposed “Tokyo ban” that the trolls of sankaku are currently screaming about? The only reason I’m asking is because of this: … -on-monday

Though considering how that whole rape eroge ban nonsense of several months ago went (as in nothing happened), I’m guessing this will probably end with similar results.

My strict understanding was that this law - if it’s passed - would only create something EOCS, CSA, or CERO for the anime and manga industry. Though I could have sworn this already was done.


Honestly won’t change anything. Just add something to the cover box.

It passed and it looks like the publishers are trying to find a way to fight back.

From what I remember reading it not only restricts manga and anime that don’t need to be disturbing or “sexually stimulating”. It also gives the government broad authority to restrict and ban any of the related media under the guise of being “considered to be excessively disrupting of social order”. Right now that would probably be rape, but it could be anything in they wanted it to be with that broad wording. I don’t know about Japan, but in the US that kind of wording would likely be found unconstitutional because its so broad you can bit a fleet of dumptrucks though.

I agree some kind of agency like CERO or EOCS needed to be created, something with some kind of teeth, but the bill seems to go a bit to far. … s-now-law/

This bill essentially seeks to slap the 18+ rating on games, anime, and manga that portray sexual themes that would be illegal in real life. Anime that come to mind that would fall squarely in these crosshairs are Ore no Imouto (minors playing eroge) and Yosuga no Sora (incest). What this could mean is that such late night shows would be forced to do away with this content or risk being relegated to limited access channels (like pay-per-view) and DVD-only.

Regardless of what the law actually regulates, I think we’re going to see a chilling effect on “questionable content” across the board. This, for instance: … -censored/

Alternate link: … sored.html

That it would send a chilling effect is obvious. Anything that resticts content is bound to have some kind of chilling effect. I can understand them wanting to bring anime and manga in line with other content, but the wording seems to allow a bit more leway than just that. FE: … ill-posted
-bolding my emphasis. That’s pretty vague wording.

As for the content removal, well I think they’ll move it to ppv and DVD/BD as other series have done so for some time and OVA exclusive titles has become a way to also hamper cheap DVD compilations coming out from China and elsewhere (not that it has had much impact) and entice sales of DVDs.

Found this. … ges-upheld

Note to self, bury my eroge programs under several file folders before visiting Canada: … ga-charges

Yeah, that story’s creepy all right.

I’d love to know on what grounds they decided to search all of his digital stuff. There have been a few cases of this sort of laptop seizure in the news (going into the US as well! and people getting busted for their MP3 collections!) but it’s still pretty rare afaik, and there was a bit of suggestion of racial profiling at one point, I think… Of course, customs and airport security types insist they don’t NEED any grounds…

All the more reason to look into deniable full-disk encryption- if not for your main computer, at least for your laptop if you’re going to fill it with loli eroge and eromanga and go overseas with it. A lot of people don’t worry about it because the chance of being searched is infinitesimally small, but you seriously don’t want to win the lottery this way!

[list][]Deniable: If you use encryption, you can expect that the officials would be serious enough to make you decrypt your harddrive. Thus you must use deniable encryption with an extra volume so that they won’t be able to know (and even if they suspect, they won’t be able to prove) that you have extra encrypted data.[/]
[]Full-disk: because you don’t want to accidentally miss something and have them find something bad in any of the many caches a typical Windows machine would have[/][/list]

I’m actually planning to install truecrypt in a couple of months because I’ve been hearing good things about it over the past two years.Are programs like Ccleaner enough to clear all the caches?

At least I don’t have to worry about being forced to do something like that the US. Fifth amendment fuck yeah 8) .

I wouldn’t want to bet on it.

you DID see my comment that they’ve been doing this sort of thing in the US as well, right? There’s been a push of court cases lately chipping away at a lot of those freedoms school told us we should take for granted…

(And before we get partisan, it seems to have started under Bush and kept right on going under Obama. Both parties are perfectly willing.)

Thankfully, trampling on the rights of citizens to enjoy perfectly legal entertainment without bothering anyone else is something that will always have bipartisan support. God bless democracy.

Unfortunately, as soon as someone says that it’s “for the children”, everyone else either approves it automatically or is too afraid to oppose it. Anyone who does is labeled a “monster” or whatever. I swear that we’re still living in the Dark Ages.