My sex slave is a classmate review is decent for that. There’s plenty of others, too.

Just to be safe, don’t post any of the hentai scenes. Some image hosters are picky about that :P.

Against my better judgment, I decided to download the demo of the game today, which I refrained originally from doing since I heard the demo quality isn’t an accurate representation of the actual retail version.

Imagine my surprise when I noticed zero grammatical errors and usage of commas were done appropriately (gasp!). By all accounts, in my opinion, it seems like a solid translation and proofreading job. Perhaps MG went through and proofread the demo, because all this talk about their demos being less than what the retail game is seems untrue based on this demo’s quality. Granted the font spacing is indeed awful, but it’s easy to read around and my eyes quickly were trained to ignore it.

I’m definitely going to buy this game now, even though I have to tackle with the download security measures. It looks like a great title… plus I love how the secretary chick is so demanding to that one girl, yet supportive of the protagonist :wink:.

Seems like I can’t take screenshots while the game is running (works fine at other times).

Oh well, that’s alright. I do wonder though… I know you guys aren’t mind readers, but do you think MG will reduce the price on this game when they release their next batch of games September 15th?

I doubt it will get a price drop that quickly.

I just tried part of the demo, and while it’s a huge improvement from their previous games, the writing could be better. I noticed quite a few punctuation errors (mainly missing commas and periods), some awkward sentences, and inconsistent tense. The writing shifted between the past and present tense quite often to describe actions. They should pick one and stick to it.

Alright, I’m buying the game right now because you’re right Reikon - I doubt they’ll do a price decrease anytime soon. I’ll post my own review too once I’ve completed the game, just for kicks.

It would be funny if they price decrease it immediately after I buy it. I’ve had that happen to me when ordering stuff via HobbyLink :roll:.

Puha! That’s funny. I generally wait for the real games when i order em. Saves me the time to get a good judgment on things.

I changed my mind about purchasing it (for now). MG scared me after removing “Edelweiss” from their list. I want more details because I don’t want them doing the same to “My Sex Slave is a Classmate” after I purchase it.

They just disabled ordering it. People who bought the game can still download it. It’s not like the game disappeared completely from their website.

Alright, well in that case, I’m going to try purchasing the game then after all. With presumably the expansion being one of the reasons for the Edelweiss issue, it shouldn’t effect “My Sex Slave is a Classmate.” Purchasing now…

Edit: lol, sigh… after putting in all my information and click to approve the purchase order, their webpage gives me a message saying:

Inquiry ID: MG-2008081*****-S6LK
Code: 101
Message: Authorization denied. Please check your credit card and/or contact to your credit card’s issuer.

That’s impossible, my credit card worked just fine two days ago! It’s a Master Card, so I set it for “Master.” Under the name, I put “David James Scott” (which is my name on my card). My card isn’t expired. I proofread all the numbers and they all match. I made sure I was logged in with my webpage account. I tried this purchase through both Firefox and Internet Explorer and received the same error.

Anyone know what’s going on? Has anyone else experienced this issue? I looked in MG’s FAQ and saw nothing on this error. I also checked my order history and nothing is on the list, so I know the order didn’t go through. This is pretty sad on MG’s part because it’s keeping them from my money.

Edit #2: Yea the credit card definitely works - I just ordered an egg roll from Panda Express (mmm, egg rolls). I’ll email MG cause they have some explaining to do.

Edit #3 (yea I know, yawn): It looks like there’s a problem with their game orders. I received a reply from them saying, “David, we are sorry for your inconvenience. We’ll talk to our payment gateway company and check why it happened. Please give us 3,4 days to check this out.” So to anyone else ordering any of their games, you may have to wait.

Out of curiosity, could your credit card company have simply denied a charge from a foreign country? (assuming you don’t live in the Netherlands)

Maybe, but that sounds strange to me because I’ve ordered things from Japan (ex. in Japanese yen, so why wouldn’t I be able to do the same from European countries in European pounds? The only thing I can think of is MangaGamer wants a direct credit card transaction whereas HobbyLink utilized PayPal.

Anyways, I received an email back from MG and they said, “David, we have talked to the payment gateway company with you ID. The reason why it does not go through was that the wrong input of CVC code or expiration date. They did not find any other reason. We understand that you try many times but can you try again?”

That’s impossible. My CVC code and expiration date were inputted correctly and I know the credit card works because I used it yesterday for an egg roll. I don’t know… there shouldn’t be any issues like this.

I remember that my first Credit Card attempt with a non-Italian site went initially wrong because of the different “input of expiration date” required (in Italy we write Day/Month/Year, In the U.S. is Month/Day/Year instead)…

When you brought that up Baldo, I was at first thinking, “I’ll bet that’s it!” But then I checked and nope, it’s pretty clear what the payment expectations are:

That is 100% accurate. I double, triple, and sextupled checked, yet MG’s gateway company is saying it’s because I put in my 3 digit code or expiration date incorrectly. Blasphemy, I know my input info is right! I have the card right in front of me. Sigh, time to contact MG again.

I just want to make 100% sure of these things:
1.) When they say “Master,” they DO mean “Mastercard,” right?
2.) Could my bank, in some farfetched inconceivable way, have screwed up my security number when I updated my credit card several months ago?
3.) Under the “name” section, I take it they mean the name on the credit card, right? For me this would be David James Scott.

Has anyone been able to come across what I am guessing must be Miku’s “secretary” ending? Seems all I keep coming across is her ‘nympho’ one.

it should be at least almost fully uncensored
the uncesored cg sets is on of the good things about manga gamer

there are 2 CG’s that are still censored.
Both involve Ayane.
The first one is during her ‘Nymph Ending’.

The second is when you get a group of people to rape her in the middle of the street
This one is the odd one,
Because half of this CG is uncensored, while the rest is censored.
Ayane’s Vagina and a guys finger going into her rear are completely uncensored, while the guys dick on the far left is censored.

For group CG’s;
I counted 24, not including the alternate versions ( Where faces change or new people are added ect, most have about 3 variations )

The endings are as follows:
Ending No.1 - Saori Slave END
Ending No.2 - Ayane Secretary END
Ending No.3 - Nymph Ayane END
Ending No.4 - Two Secretaries END
Ending No.5 - Nympho Miku END
Ending No.6 - Harlem END

Ending No.9 - Reika Slave END
Ending No.10 - Saori Secretary END

Yes Ending 6 is spelled that way in game, it should say ‘Harem END’.

I’m missing 1 CG and 1 scene.
Either 7 or 8 is the bad end ( get no one ) and i’m guessing the last CG/scene involves Reika, based on it’s place in the gallery.

The CG I’m missing is:
Page 4
Bottom row
2nd from the right
In between raping Reika on the desk and Reika’s slave ending CG.

The scene I’m missing is:
Page 3
Bottom row
1st from the right
Left of it is the Harem Ending.

Do transparent male genitals not count as censored? Because there are plenty of those…