Nocturnal Illusion

You know there’s a patch to put those back in the game, right?

A technically illegal patch, that makes a technically illegal game. It’s technically illegal for you to be posting about it. It’s technically illegal for me to post that you technically illegally posted about it. Does that mean we’re all going to Hell? :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Is there twincest in hell?

Well, its not really technically illegal to post about it on these servers. The patch is technically illegal, At the same time, while it is technically illegal, I am certain everyone has done something technically illegal at one point because so many laws never get repealed and are on the books, technically.

@umarekawari: Yup i know about the patch… while it does put the scenes back the actual text is still messed up and dsynced =/ Add to the fact it has issues with XP xD

Anyhoo… my copies been shipped and is due fer delivery fer tommorow! =D

Whoever it is released an updated patch that also corrected that problem.

Yey! My copy arrived today!

Finally got my copy to work and it runs quite fine, managed to get over the sound problems… but yeah that annoying dsynced cut out problem is still there @_@;; I was hoping there was some way to get over that actually…

Edit: fergot to mention that they actually added voice to the main character as well =D Not very often that it happens but its always a nice touch =3

I assume you’re running under XP? Have you tried running the game when your display resolution is set to 640x480? That seems to work more than 50% of the time for me.

If you have a copy of Win98 lying around: Microsoft Virtual PC is free and easy to use. You’ll also need something like NJStar if you go the Win98 route (there’s a free trail version).

Last I knew, Eroge Shop was able to obtain a handful. Cost $40 if my source is correct… but that didn’t including shipping. You have to use their “special order” page and include the following two items in the description:

Title: ??? ???
JAN Code: 4948201140131

Not sure if they still have any available, but you could try. I got mine directly from that Comshop link… not sure where the others got theirs.

God I hope so. :o

@raine: Its not in their normal stock. You will need to place a custom order with Erogeshop for the renewal. Just click on the “Request” button to left of the page. Their pretty good with grabbing pre-owned versions of the games… and don’t worry these pre-owned are usually in great condition… heck my copy still had the ye olde Apricot/Excellents 98 catalog w/ it O_O Oh and due to the joys crappy yen and erogeshops general overpriced schemes… the price is now actually $60 T_T

@Nagrakhan: I did try 640x res… that floating problem is still unfortunately there =( Guess i’m going to have to rummage through my old stash of CD’s for my ye olde Win95/98 disk. I actually used NJstar before i migrated to XP actually… there’s another app i need find @_@

Bleargh… now if only i knew how DirectX worked then i would try my hands w/ fiddling w/ the actual game to fix the problem T_T At least the music problem wasn’t too bad… just did a full sound effects and files install from disk 1… and then plug in disk 2 and run it from the Mugenr.exe file from the disk. I know its just a minor problem… but there’s nothing more annoying than seeing a floating cut out T_T

@raine: Requests are fairly quick… of course it does depend on availability… they can usually get a pre-owned copy within 2-3 days of a request (unless its out of print or extremely rare) and they will mail you about the potential price first to see if you are interested in a purchase or not =3

Until someone gets sued over it, I’m not worried. It’s not like I’m pirating the software, which is the reserve-engineering they’re mostly worried about.

@MiwakoFan28: LOL… yeah the main guy actually got a voice and gotta say its good and matches quite well as far as male protagonists go =3 As for links… your out of luck here as if you’ve read the rules for the site prohibits illegal links… for obvious reasons.

Why not just buy the game eh? =P

That’s what he’s trying to tell you: you can still get it by ordering from a company that gets things from Japan for people who don’t live in Japan.

Fill out the form on this page - - and fill it out like this:

[list]Full Name: Your real name.

E-Mail Address: A legit email address they’ll reply to.

Category of your request item: [color=red]Adult Windows[/color]

Maker of your request item: [color=red]APRICOT/Excellents[/color]

Name of your request item: [color=red]??? ???[/color]
(cut and paste that)

Item Condition: [color=red]I don’t mind a second hand copy.[/color]
(might save you a few $$$ and increases your chances they can find it)

[color=red]??? ???[/color]
[color=red]JAN Code: 4948201140131[/color]
(that’s the stock code number they use in Japan… will make it easier for them to locate and not make a mistake - you also mention the game’s name again, just to be sure they get it right)[/list]

There ya go. They’ll tell you how much it will cost for them to order it. If the price is too high, you can tell them nevermind, and they won’t bother ya about it. I’m sure someone else will grab it for ya. :stuck_out_tongue:

They’re pretty good at replying. You should have answer by Monday or Tuesday at the latest. They don’t always work on the weekends.

@YukinaLover82: Ouch… was that via erogeshop? Or other importers? Erogeshop is quite good at finding very old games as long as someone is willing to sell it somewhere… the only time they would never have it is if its completely out of circulation =(

Oh and as for shipping -
Thats the shipping rates Erogeshop uses… pretty decent EMS rates IMHO

As for XP version… Sauce please? =P Pretty much rumours to me as Apricot/Excellents haven’t mentioned anything on it on their pipeline… unless were talking the J-list people here… even then no news either xD I’ll treat that as standard 'net rumour until real news comes up =P