Nov 20: reserve your copy

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Since it already is a lemon, I wonder what will hatch from it? A were-banana?

Uhh, perhaps. Or maybe a vampiric mandarin orange?

As I feared, it seems like I won’t be able to afford to buy Private Nurse right now, based on a few new caculations I made . Oh, well, that means that I’ll just wait and see what the rest of the people here thinks of it, and if what they say sounds good, I’ll add Private Nurse to my “next b-game to buy”, together woth Gloria and Maid’s Story (but X-change 2 and Brave Soul holds the priority place over those).

yea but we are talking the possibility of febuary for Brave soul… and january for XC2(these are both guesses based on prior guesses by people in this forum)
so in the mean time private nurse can be on the Credit card no? heh

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Eeeehm. Is this lemon, you are sitting on, going to hatch? [img][/img]

Hey, get your mind out of the gutter. That's my job.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Since it already is a lemon, I wonder what will hatch from it? A were-banana?


Originally posted by Gambit:
or at least a cool little my maid mouse pad...

I just realized: I do!
But I don't use it in order to avoid any damage to it.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
I just realized: I do!
But I don't use it in order to avoid any damage to it.

Ahh... LMM mousepadd... *drool*. But speaking about pre-orders and other things, I wonder if PP is going to give a little gift or something like that to those who've preordered LMM? I think, that since we've been waiting for LMM for so long (feels like forever...), we DO perhaps deserve something for our patience, don't you agree? [img][/img].

Originally posted by Nandemonai:

Perhaps, who knows? A lemonhead that worship volcano gods... [img][/img]

Originally posted by Gambit:
i mean come on we are all a little in debt

Well yeah, I guess I could still buy a few games, but I don't want to eat instant soup for the rest of the month [img][/img]

Hopefully I'll get a new job in a few days that will solve all my financial problems, here's to hoping [img][/img]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Oh, that's too true... I first have to teach the lemons various ways to be able to get some money; right now, I'm teaching some of the lemons how to make money through street preformances, some lemons are right now trying to learn how to do various house chores so they can work there as "maid-lemons", and a very few number of those (the most intelligent ones) are I trying to teach how to hack into mean people's bank accounts and "borrow" a few dollars [img][/img]. Failing that, those few ones will become lawyers instead [img][/img].

You know, with that working enviroment, you can get in trouble with the lemon worker union, and you don't want a strike from them, do you? [img][/img]

Originally posted by Asutaru:
You know, with that working enviroment, you can get in trouble with the lemon worker union, and you don't want a strike from them, do you? [img][/img]

Oh, my lemon lawyers will be taking care of that! And don't worry, since my lemons are gurranted a fast salary, a couple of vacations every year, etc, I don't except to get in much trouble [img][/img]

actually i got that mouse pad too… but have an optical mouse and there are 2 spots on that pad that cause it to skip… doh…

Originally posted by woodelf:
I think I got it with water closet
for some odd reasion.

I got my LMM-Mousepad with my LMM-Trading-cards, alltogether with a small japanese LMM-Comicbook.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
I got my LMM-Mousepad with my LMM-Trading-cards, alltogether with a small japanese LMM-Comicbook.

A LMM mousepad... Seems like I've missed that for some reason... hmm... Oh, never mind, soon enough (I hope), I'll have a LMM wallpaper on my walls in my apartement ^__^. Or... perhaps I should put it in the celling instead? I mean, It'd be so great to wake up every morning and see a smiling Hina-chan and Mari-chan stare down at me [img][/img].

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
I mean, It'd be so great to wake up every morning and see a smiling Hina-chan and Mari-chan stare down at me [img][/img].

Is that a good idea?
Being greeted by them could lead to you staying in bed for the whole day, because what better thing could happen during the day after that brilliant start? [img][/img]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Is that a good idea?
Being greeted by them could lead to you staying in bed for the whole day, because what better thing could happen during the day after that brilliant start? [img][/img]

The only down side that I can see is that you'd have to wake up at some point, which I'm morally against.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Is that a good idea?
Being greeted by them could lead to you staying in bed for the whole day, because what better thing could happen during the day after that brilliant start? [img][/img]

And this would be bad how?

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
And this would be bad how?

He could neither continue to train the lemons, nor play any b-games only stare at the ceiling above him.

Originally posted by ekylo:
The only down side that I can see is that you'd have to wake up at some point, which I'm morally against.

Bah, if you're tired, you can rest when you're in your grave, as they say [img][/img].

Originally posted by Unicorn:
He could neither continue to train the lemons, nor play any b-games only stare at the ceiling above him.

[img][/img]. I'd probably not be able to get out of the bed until LMM was released, in that case [img][/img]. But I might have an uniqite force of will, and would be able to get out of the bed anyway. You never know until you try [img][/img]. And in any case, getting greeted by them in the morning would put a splend smile on my face every morning [img][/img] (that would at least put a stop on my female classmate's comments on that I look gloom in the morning).