Peach Princess / G-Collections & Virtual Mate

Originally posted by Billybob:
Well, at least there's some activity going on over there. Good or bad, I don't know, but surely it's a sign of life.

Ah! An optimist! [img][/img] Unforunately, your "sign of life" has been rather minimal----change in one line of text at the welcome page. *sigh*

Originally posted by AG3:
[quote] Originally posted by papillon:
[b]Doesn't sound much like the typical b-game, does it?

To be honest, I thought it sounded mostly like a shoujo manga... >_>

[/b] [/quote]

... can we find any good games based on shoujo manga to try and translate? [img][/img]

Originally posted by woodelf:
Well it is better than some sites that just vanish and next time you go there you get a big fat porn site or worse.

True enough. Even worse, in my opinion, are those search links. [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Ecchifan (edited 04-29-2005).]

Actually, another possibly too obvious thing I thought of was - has anyone tried to release an artbook collecting some of the (non-adult) images from bishoujo games?

Artbooks of pretty girls sell openly at bookstores in the scifi/fantasy section (I have two bought mostly for lovely Larry Elmore paintings in them - Art of Dragonlance and Art of AD&D, I think.) In EUROPE the softcore nude books fit right in as well, but not so much in the US.

You could also include a CD with a simple minigame as a free bonus with the book - not a real game, just an introduction to the genre of “read text while looking at pretty girl”.

Probably no one’s in a good position to produce such a thing, though.

Originally posted by Peter Gilis:
It seems G-Collections are re-doing their site again. What will come of that, i don't know... (o_O)

Apparently no changes were made. Their BBS hasn't been online in three weeks, except for the test post I made today.

Now this tread is way too off-topic for me to even bother to read anymore…

Just a question that when skimming this thread I did not notice being asked or answered. It has been said that the V-Mate number will be needed for the patches.

Now is the V-Mate number the Product Key Number


which comes with the games or somehting else?

We’re not 100% since we’re still working on the patches, but we should be requiring the original V-Mate number.

Originally posted by papillon:
Actually, another possibly too obvious thing I thought of was - has anyone tried to release an artbook collecting some of the (non-adult) images from bishoujo games?

Artbooks of pretty girls sell openly at bookstores in the scifi/fantasy section (I have two bought mostly for lovely Larry Elmore paintings in them - Art of Dragonlance and Art of AD&D, I think.) In EUROPE the softcore nude books fit right in as well, but not so much in the US. :)

Actually, something like artbooks from the people who do the CGs for bishoujo games would probably go a lot better than just game art.

I'd pay good money for an artbook from, say, Carnelian or Watanabe Akio (Poyoyon rokku)

Originally posted by Peter Payne:
We're not 100% since we're still working on the patches, but we should be requiring the original V-Mate number.
And the Product Number is the same as the V-Mate number? That number which came on the sticker on the back of the V-Mate Activation Instructions?

I was going to ask for an update on their status of the patches as well. I understand there are many to be brought out, but in theory since V-Mate is universal to all the games the patches should be pretty universal as well right?

Anyway it has been about one month since the patches were announced, is there an estimate that can be given as to when the patches should be expected?

I understand reluctance for various reasons to give estimates on when the patches will be ready and instead say “we are working on it”.

Nevertheless is there an actual estimate such as “by early, mid, late - month - they should be ready if nothing goes wrong” that can be given?

but in theory since V-Mate is universal to all the games the patches should be pretty universal as well right?

If that was true, then all Virtual-Mate games would have been cracked when one was.

Uh…not necessarily. Depends how you go about doing it. I actually had an e-mail exchange with a hacker that was trying to crack V-mate (I ended up telling him to shove off after I learned that he just wanted to crack the games so they could be pirated on P2P). It seems that it was easier to disable the protection on a game-by-game basis, but they were indeed working on a universal crack that would work on all games. It was theoretically possible, though obviously they never managed to convert that theory into a working crack.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 05-22-2005).]

What I would do is find all the pirated paches, remoce any credits and include them on the official website. What are the crackers going to do? Sue for stealing their software?

Originally posted by kahadin:
What I would do is find all the pirated paches, remoce any credits and include them on the official website. What are the crackers going to do? Sue for stealing their software?

Sort of like stealing back something that someone stole from you? Doesn't seem like a sound business tactic to me, and it wouldn't be very professional besides.

Don’t forget that the patches aren’t perfect. I hear you still have to register Virtual-Mate first.

Originally posted by Benoit:
[quote] but in theory since V-Mate is universal to all the games the patches should be pretty universal as well right?

If that was true, then all Virtual-Mate games would have been cracked when one was.
[/quote] Well yes and no, those that previously made the patches weren't working perhaps with the company that runs V-Mate, if PP is, it is possible they might have an easier time making a universal patch for the games.

I agree with Dark_Shiki that taking the existing patches as their own is not the best idea, however, don't those patches give them a good starting point? I mean it's not like they must start out making the first ever patch for V-Mate, they do in theory have a base they can start from.