Hello and hajimemashite, this is my first time posting here. My bishoujo gaming history isn’t very long(1st game bought summer of 2001) so please be gentle to me. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu. m(_ )m
I have a few ideas on why Xchange outsells others so far. Some may be already mentioned and/or linked to ideas already mentioned in this thread.
The title - It’s simple, easy to remember, and it’s the type of title you’d expect on a pr0n video game. If I’m choosing A PP game and I have nothing but the title to go on, Xchange would be the first thing I’d check out.
The premise - The idea of the main character being a boy turning into a girl caught my interest from the very start and was the reason I paid any attention to the title in the first place. While the concept isn’t new in Japanese comics and animation, it is something that hasn’t been explored in bishoujo games(much?) at the time that it came out and I was very curious to see what kind of story and situation would rise from this kind of premise. The premise of Xchange sounds much more interesting than the premise of TCI and SW and thus more likely to catch the attention of potential customer.
Familiarity - I know this is kinda a taboo subject on this board but I strongly believe a big reason Xchange may be selling is that the customer is already familiar with it either through some site or place that has a pic from the game.(you know what kind I’m talking about right? if not, you’re better off not knowing ) I don’t think I’ve seen a single of those types of sites that didn’t have something having to do with Xchange on it. @@
Besides the above reasons, how can you guys miss the most obvious reason: a cute and sexy main character! I like both the girl and boy version of Takuya and I’m sure a lot of others like him/her too!
[This message has been edited by Yanachan (edited 02-02-2002).]
[This message has been edited by Yanachan (edited 02-02-2002).]