Princess Waltz is next. Really?

Recently I’ve read many complaints about PW only having one main route (there are a bit of derivation in the end but it doesnt change a lot) in my view its better for eroges that have action or rpg elements not having more than 2 or 3 endings because the game becomes a boring thing for the player there is no fast forward or skiping the rpg or action elements and having to pass the whole game again only to see in the end 2 or 3 diferent images doesnt pay off the time spent to pass the game. And if the game is hard the player simply gives up, also the plot\story tends to be more solid in the case of one main route .

Another good element in PW is it does not have a excess of H moments its better to have few well made sex points in the game than a lot of sex than doesnt create a impact on the player and simply ruins the game .

Each to their own… i’m quite stoked at the fact their going to release another non full ADV game again =D You can only ever have so many pure ADV games at once =P

On a side note… the Downhill night series aren’t “pure” ADV’s as well per se. No.1 and 2 both feature a “Navigator” bit in between ADV sections where you need to pick routes to win a race. Blaze is pretty much an H game w/ a simple but nice racing game thrown in. Both 1 and 2 work the same way w/ 2 probably having the nice updated character designs. And nope their not pure sex romps either xD You actually gotta work (ie. win those races) plus get the standard ADV paths right to get them scenes… if anything Blaze is actually more simpler/linear xD

When given a choice, I personally prefer eroge with multiple outcomes, rather than a single linear story. Ideally each winnable girl and/or plot route has 50% (preferably larger) of the material unique from the others. I know that multiple routes is not a prerequisite for a good title, and several excellent releases have only one significant route, but it’s a personal thing. Having a release where its impossible to tell which is the “canon” route because all the possible paths are so well told, is an awesome thing.

the best way to tell which route is canon is to check the game’s cover art that is the main route most of the time

Heh… well usually that’s true. The “default girl” is most often the canon ending (that or a harem). But then what about titles like Yume Miru Kusuri? Which of the three girls was canonically saved, because its implied that the other two either die or went insane. Then there’s my favorite house, Black Cyc. We could spend hours debating which ending of MinDeaD BlooD or Gun-Katana is canon. 8)

Sure thing I also like multiple paths in a normal eroge but if its has rpg or action elements having lets say 6 endings it becomes a nightmare unless the choises are made at the end .

I agree. I dislike sex romps, and I couldn’t care less about H scenes. I care about enjoyable stories. I’ll be voting with my money as well.

On a side note, an old yet memorable RPG “Thousand Arms” also has some dating sim elements thown in it (love the game ^_^) but here is the problem: that side of the game requires you to progress quite a bit far into it (before you have the first actual date, the game is just about adventuring, dungeon crawling, boss fighting and leveling up). And many players just can’t wait to get to that portion after they’ve been worn out with adventuring.

I wouldn’t say it’s bad, but this is a path that games like PW really shouldn’t take. I know many of us is not like me, who is willing to stray away from the story for a while just to beat a tough boss to death :lol: (during those instances, the story progression is equal to zero). They would like to just sit back, sip a cup of tea (or coffee, whatever) whiling reading the text and don’t give a shit about how the protagonist actually beats his enemy, and just let the story flow without pulling themselves together to “make” the story progress. It’d much easier to enjoy PW as a story without the card battle element, but also much interesting to enjoy PW as a game with it. A game or a story, there will be people who would like to enjoy it in either way, so the ones that would like to enjoy PW simply as a story would be likely to scream out loud: “Oh god, why can’t i just get rid of this card battle and let the story continue? Let me win already! I’ve already lost the battle 1337 times (lol)” :lol:

Oh, and i get this feeling that the game storyline won’t progress if i lose a single battle. But what if it still progress if i lost the battle? You know, a game can make that lost just another path (in a simplified and sarcastic way, it will be similar to showing you 2 choices: “Win the battle” or “Lose the battle” :lol:). Maybe PW doesn’t let me continue if i lose, but just think of it, it could be a solid mechanic (in the battlefield, sometimes you’ve to lose on purpose, you know)

Regardless that, I can’t wait to play PW :slight_smile:

You just have to save your game before the important choices.

Nevertheless, like Narg, I prefer a game with mutliple outcomes rather than a single path.
It was the biggest flaw in Figures of happiness… and it was even worse in a way in Snow Drop where only two girls have their own ending.
When there is a single path you don’t spent enough time with the girl you want to go for (remember FoH if you want to win the twin, the shinigami or the other. You don’t spent a lot of time with them).

I refuse to declare a “true” ending for FH - you can see the forum debate (warning, spoilers) on the subject, which leans towards a particular ending but doesn’t have a majority…

Which is ironic seeing as how “CG sets” dictate my purchasing choices.

I don’t think much of them, personally; I think CG sets easily have the potential to spoil the game. G-Senjou no Maou is easily spoiled (and believe me, you DON’T want to be spoiled when playing that) by the CG - how do you know that whoever created said CG set dutifully removed anything spoilerific from it? The answer: you don’t, until it’s too late. I think you’d be better off going by

  1. Reviews of the game in question
  2. Screenshots, information, trial versions etc. from the game’s official site (the original Japanese one, in this case)

I mean, I know you can still enjoy a game even if it’s been spoiled for you, but that really removes a lot of the anticipation and excitement, and quite frankly, that’s what I play VNs for. Ayakashibito wouldn’t have been nearly as awesome for me if I knew what was going to happen next. I’m sure Ever17 would have been the same. G-Senjou no Maou, Sharin no Kuni and countless others come under this as well.

They didn’t say you couldn’t use CG sets to dictate your decisions, just that its piracy and not forum policy to promote them. You don’t see Square-Enix uploading all the CG’s movies to Final Fantasy on their website. For eroge CG sets are the same equivalent. It’s really not up for discussion and I agree with PP on the matter, so I’ll drop it at that.

In any case, using CG sets to entirely base your opinion of a game, isn’t an accurate means of measuring how good a title is… unless all you care about is the visual sex. In that case, then yes: Princess Waltz isn’t for you. No one is forcing you to buy PW, and if you choose to passover it, then by all means do so. However don’t assume that because its not a sexfest with 50+ moments of rape or love making, its going to be a poor seller and no one will buy it. Princess Waltz is about telling an awesome story. If you’re not down with that, or don’t believe its worth the effort, I’m sure PP has something else you’re looking for.

I’ve also played many an eroge with vastly abundant CG’s, but horrible voice acting, unimaginative plots, pathetic background music, etc: such as Ore no Megamisama! or Yami no Senou. Pass.

i have seen the cg and it looks pretty good

I’m going to take a wild guess that you’re a fairly young male with much sexual energy and no outlet to release it adequately, given that it seems the only reason you play these games is for the erotic scenes. Not that there is anything wrong with that, as I was like that when I was younger. However, my point is, aren’t there less expensive ways for you to satisfy your desire for erotic content than to buy these games? Why not just cut to the chase, get rid of the reading altogether, and just watch porn of some sort?

I may have misunderstood this guy when he said “hardcore” because from a gamer’s viewpoint, PW seems pretty much to be for a hardcore gamer :smiley:

Oh, did someone mention Figures of Happiness? I didn’t think there was something wrong with the game. It’s challenging as a game, sweet as a story, and rewarding once you finally reached a true endings. The multiple paths didn’t affect much and still managed to pull out a good story. But oh well, Angel Smile’s games have been known for being underrated anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe if game has a simple choice tree not so easy if the outcome depends on a line of several responses where one mistake makes you go to a bad ending cenario that means you need to start all over again(you need to pick a side\girl and stick to it ) and again that doesnt bother me in a NORMAL eroge but in one with rpg\action elements having to play the game over 6 times its just too time consuming with no real rewards .
Has for Figures of happiness its a simple case of it having a central story and of the other cenarios becoming just extra stuff(there were endings that just fell out of place ) and its normal that if a game has to much endings each of them excluding of course the "main ones " will feel a bit less worked upon just put there for a bit more CG’s the point is not every girl with a face in a eroge needs to be a target for a ending .
Now all this talk about PW being “harcore gamer\sex lacking” is pure nonsense this is the type of product capable of giving some respect to the company and to the eroge market in general if for you the market must be only SEX Fests well go into the MASS porn market because you are in the wrong place.

You make the Sakura Taisen series very sad. It weeps alone in the corner. There, there Sakura Taisen: Narg still loves you. :mrgreen:

Sniff Someone didn’t seem to notice that they have played famous games that have the “choice tree” with rpg/action elements and still complain about mixing them together cough Final Fantasy series cough

Oh and btw, Sakura Taisen R.I.P, shame :frowning:

Yeah, it might have had a shot at achieving popularity in spite of the fact they’d’ve almost had no choice but to release the games subbed. That’s worked in the past.

But now that the series is essentially finished in Japan, there really isn’t much hope left. Perhaps if the Sakura Taisen World Project had gotten off the ground several years ago in the way they apparently wanted it to, it might have worked. I can’t say it would stand much chance now.