Project Sakura (Bishoujo RP)

Several years ago.

In a small hut located somewhere several young children were playing, an old man who everyone called Uncle was watching them playing. The game the were playing was a variation of hide n seek which was called Hunting fox. It ends when the Fox gets killed. How the Fox was killed depends on who was playing.

The current Fox was a young girl who was incidently a dog person, that had short blond hair, brown eyes and wearing boy clothes. One would assume that it was to her advantage it would of been if not for Uncle. Uncle had coated each child with something that neutralized or near enough given there were at least two other dogs. But not sense of hearing which she was using.

She was standing there listening for the others hearing them faintly then she started to move. She moved quickly and silently as she could bounding over things and around. She surprised the first scaring them. Much to that persons dismay then continued to the next one shortly after she got three. By then it was kill the Fox time which was three people had to touch her before she touched them.

Only one person was left to find and it was a younger Brant who was lucky in not getting caught and was up a tree. Not one to stay in one place he kept moving while watching the others fall. Though he had a feeling he was being played or it was his mind playing tricks. He looked down to see that she was looking up and grinning her tail swaying slowly. He sighed and fell/jumped down from the tree.

“Looks like I’m the Fox now, Teresa.” Brant said

“Handsome one at that.” Teresa said and quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Some years later.

Teresa was visiting Uncle who really was her father, everyone called him Uncle cause he looked like one. She was walking to visit him one last time knowing he was going to die soon another reason was after this visit she’ll be going away out into the world. She stopped right in her tracks smelling a scent she had not smelled in some years. But knew it well from the time years ago but it gave a different smell.

Brant was talking with Uncle while oddly enough having a few drinks, once in a while he checked his knife making sure it was clear. Uncle was not sick well deathly sick but his end was approaching. Uncle had called or at least contacted Brant some how and got him to show up now both the old man and the young man were talking about what each did the last few years. Both turned to look at the entranceway.

Teresa heard the talking stop just as she was a few feet from the entrance she opened the door. The hut had only one room the rest was for siting, eating and cooking. There was a radio on the wooden table that was hand and battle powered. The seating was one sofa and two straight back ones. She noticed the two watching her and smiled until she saw Brant’s eyes which made her smile wilt a little.

Brant looked at Teresa with a hint of distrust which was banished when he blinked and gave Teresa a half smile. Teresa for her part smile wilted and her nose twitched as her eyes gave a little shine. She went up to him, hugged, kissed then let go which confused Brant.

“Teresa glad you decided to visit me before you left.” Uncle said

“Yes how could I not.” Teresa said

“You really are leaving then Teresa?” Brant asked not the least bit surprised

“Yes your going to disappear for a time too.” Teresa said
“Yes but obviously not for a long time.” Brant replied
“Obviously.” Teresa said

“Enough this is the last day we three will be gathered here.” Uncle said

“Yes sir.” Both said

The three of them talked about various things or rather Uncle did most of the talking while Teresa and Brant did the listening once in the while said something. Uncle offered Teresa a drink that he had got up and made. Teresa accepted and took a small sip of it then took another drink. It was sometime during the afternoon Uncle started to stop talking.

“I must be going now. Goodbye.” Teresa as she got up and started to leave.
“Thank you for coming to visit one last time Teresa.” Uncle said as she left.

It was a short while later that Brant spoke up being certain that Teresa was not near by.

“I told you there was nothing between us or rather I don’t feel much any more for her.” Brant said without preamble

“Yes you are right but I still order you to help her when and if she ever needs it especially now.” Uncle said

“I don’t know how I can help her but fine I will.” Brant said
“Thank you.” Uncle said

“Que quiere realmente?” Brant asked

“Ah. Nada, pero diga su vida conseguir√° peligroso. When not sure.” Uncle said

“Verdad? Bah what must I do?” Brant asked

“Swordmasters o cerca de.” Uncle said
“Was going to seek them out anyway.” Brant said “Nothing else.”
“No, thank you kindly for stay with this old man.” Uncle said
“By your leave then.” Brant said walked for a bit then stopped. “What do you want Teresa?”

Teresa came from behind a tree surprised that Brant knew she was there waiting. She was hesitant but walked up to Brant. Teresa got closer and put her arms around his neck looking into his eyes. Her tail swaying slowly and her ears alert then leaned in for a kiss which in didn’t return nor did she seem to notice.

“Why don’t you come with me?” Teresa half asked

“No. I spoke the truth to your father.” Brant said which surprised Teresa again

“How-no not important but why?” Teresa asked
“I just do feel like it.” Brant said and gently removed her arms.
“I wont be leaving until three days from now you have until then.” Teresa said and gave another kiss before turning around and running.

Three days later.

Teresa was waiting to see if Brant would come with her or at least say good bye. She had one hour until she had to go to then leave. She didn’t know if he was really going to show or not but would wait. In the end Brant never showed up only to call her until an hour later saying sorry.

Present time.

Fall was approaching Brant was walking along a path that he never had in such a long time, childhood memories that oddly enough brought a vague image of a female dog. It was a fun memory along with the others it trigger until it got to the point of distrust. He suppressed that then looked behind him and waited. He didn’t know why she was following him not that he mind but he had thought she had something to do.

Eri had something planned with her friends or what friends that still had free time only to find out they got busy at the last minute. She had went to his house, then his sisters each told him then didn’t know where he went. She was at a lost until she decided to track him by scent though the scent was hours old. She quickly followed his scent trail and found him some hours later walking along a trail that was overgrown.

“Plans got shot down, Eri love?” Brant asked

Eri ran up to him and threw her arms around his neck causing him to have a flashback to the last day he saw Teresa. Eri saw, smelled and felt a change in Brant and tilted her head a little to the side. She was about to ask what was wrong only to be stopped by him kissing her and pushing his tongue in her mouth.

“Don’t worry it was not your fault.” Brant said and held her close.

“Really then what was it?” Eri asked curiously
“Come along and you know.” Brant said
“Sure.” Eri said then went from having her arms around his neck to just hold his hand.

They walked along with Eri holding his hands as he told her part of his childhood that the path they were walking made him recall. Brant said near enough to everything that happen that day and the few days after. Eri just kept silent listening to his tale not saying anything or only a few words. They arrived at an old decrepitated hut that was overgrown with nature, Brant paused and looked at the entranceway or what was. The entranceway was disturbed and broken like someone entered.

“Someone came here.” Brant said trying to focus on his surroundings and found nothing dangerous.

“I never knew this place was here let alone the path. Are we going in?” Eri said

“Yes.” Brant said and checked his sword while thinking (I’d probably fit well in the time of sword and possibly sorcery)

Brant entered and stopped upon looking at an old memory in front of him, smiling brown eyes twinkling, tail swaying. Before he could say or do anything Teresa bounded towards him wrapped her arms around his waist leaned up and gave a kiss. Eri seeing this bristled and started to pull Teresa off. Brant tried to stop Eri while at the same time push Teresa away. Eri though not completely nimble but nimble enough moved from his arm and pull Teresa away with some help from Brant.

Teresa not liking being stopped and smelling just then a cat turned, both being cat and dog did what supposedly did what all cats and dogs do. Though what was not know is that each had be taught how to fight. Eri saw and felt the air when the hand just graze her face, they were both well matched. Neither getting much of an advantage, Brant tried stopping it but failed or rather neither paid attention to him.

“ENOUGH!” Brant yelled after Both Teresa and Eri went at it like there animal brethren.

Eri ears wilted and looked chasten from getting yelled at and avoided looking at Brant. Teresa looked the same but with her tail hanging limp and looking hurt more so than she should. Brant went to Eri and wrapped his arms around her rubbing her back.

“Sorry My love I just didn’t want you hurt. Even if you can take care of yourself somewhat.” Brant add as an afterthought “Or you Teresa.”

“Who is that cat? Guess leaving was not a good thing for me to do. But I’ll get you back.” Teresa said

“He is mine.” Eri hissed and rubbing a hand around his chest.

“Why are you here Teresa thought you would never come back.” Brant said

Teresa looked at him as if he was daft and slow, then blinked slowly.

“No hi how are you, I missed you, or anything.” Teresa growled “And even worse you have a cat with you. A mangy looking one at that.”

Eri was about to lash out but before she did Brant went to Teresa grabbed her and slammed her against a wall dust lifted and cracked from age. His eyes showed fury underlined with restrained violence.

“Do not ever say that again.” Brant said softly

“I wont.” Teresa said with a insufferable smile “I’ll make you see.”

Brant just looked at her and slammed her one more time against the wall.

“This is the only warning you will get.” Brant said let Teresa go and cooled. “I’ll ask -”

Eri touched his back to stop him from continuing.

“Seem you are doing fine, so may I please know why you are here?” Brant asked with a hint of anger still

“I wanted to come home for awhile and move in with you.” Teresa said with a blush.

Brant looked at Teresa silently determining if she was speaking truth and wanted something else.

"W- " Eri interrupted “No whatever your reason no.”

Teresa eye flashed angrily, ears laid back, and a growl coming out. Before anything could happen Brant did something he rather never wanted to do but saw no choice. He drew his sword and placed it under Teresa chin lifting it some. Teresa eyes widened at the feel of the sword and the smell he was giving off. Eri gently moved his sword arm away and spoke without saying anything. Brant sighed and sheathed his sword moving a foot away.

“Teresa you will not move in with him and not bother him.” Eri started and went on just as Teresa was about to say something “On the condition that I fight you and win. If you win you can move in but do not think you will have him.”

Teresa looked at Eri then glanced at Brant and saw nothing but smelled worry, which Teresa took as a sign that the cat was not much of a threat. Teresa smiled ears and tail alert.

“Fine. Deal.” Teresa said

“Good we fight until one of us gives up.” Eri said

The three of them exited the decrepitate hut and moved a ways before stopping Brant stood off to the side while Eri and Teresa stood about double there arm lengths and stared at each other. Teresa ears laid back, tail straight and growling, Eri ears alert and tail slowly swaying. It was about two minutes before they struck at each other.


The first thing Corgi did after they broke into Sugimoto's room was to comment on the décor.
"Nice," He said."
"Yes," Mrs. Norris agreed. "The Mistress has very refined tastes. She's been to France." 
"Is that where she is now?" Rex asked, frowning as he viewed the empty room.
Rex was a watchdog at heart, and he had been tasked with the duty of looking after the children of his friends, Mr. and Mrs. Tanuki, who were away on some mysterious mission. But as soon as his back was turned, Chinpo had been arrested for stealing panties and (practically on the same day) Yuki had been abducted by her classmates and brought to this dodgy place. Those bitches had meant to involve her in some kind of sick ritual presided over by that school nurse, Betsunade (whom he fully intended to have fired-if not bring criminal charges against-as soon as he got back to Moriyoh.)

Meanwhile, he’d done absolutely nothing about the Meow Meow threat-his true purpose in coming to Japan. This business with Yuki was just an annoying distraction that he had hoped to get out of the way quickly. But it was beginning to look like events were turning against him.
It was frustrating enough to make him want to howl.
Corgi, meanwhile, had discovered the knife. It was lying on the floor near the dressing table.
He took out a latex glove and slipped it over his hand. Then he bent over and picked up the knife. He inspected it closely, turning it over a few times in his hand.
“Hmmm,” he said. “Kitchen knife. Good for chopping up vegetables. Say, is this one of those Ginsu knives I’ve heard of?”
He ran his thumb along the edge of the blade.
“Sharp,” he said as a thin red line of blood appeared on the pad of his thumb.
He sucked at it a couple of times and then wiped it off on his coat.
“Well, anyway,” he said, “The blood on this knife is old, so my guess is that it hasn’t been used recently. That explains why there isn’t any blood or signs of mayhem around anywhere.”
Rex sniffed at the knife.
“At least it’s not Yuki’s blood,” he said.
“How come you know that?” Corgi asked, grinning suggestively.
“Don’t get vulgar.” Rex replied. “When you live with someone it’s unavoidable.”
“You mean when you live with a babe, don’t you? Heh, I guess there must be some disadvantages to that trick snozz of yours, huh?” Corgi replied.
“You get used to it,” Rex said.
“Whatever. Hey, how’s about we have liver tonight? I’m kind of in the mood for it.”
“You always think with your stomach, don’t you,” Rex replied.
“Hasn’t let me down yet.”
Rex left Corgi and Mrs. Norris and began to wander around the room, sniffing everything in sight. He even got down on his hands and knees, pressing his nose to the floor and inhaling deeply.
“What the¬Ö?” Mrs. Norris asked.
¬ëOh, don’t mind him," Corgi said. “He’s peculiar, is all. By the way, Mrs. Norris, I’ve been meaning to ask: is there a Mr. Norris around here anywhere?”
He looked at her suggestively and wiggled his eyebrows.
“Hound!” she replied scornfully, flattening her ears against her head and lashing her tail back and forth.
“Ha! Pussy!” Corgi replied, smiling brightly.
At length Rex stood up again.
“Stop harassing Mrs. Norris,” he said. “We’ve given her enough trouble already, I’m sure.”
“So, bloodhound,” Corgi asked. “What’s up?”
“Yuki was here, alright,” Rex replied. “She was lying on that bed over there and still drugged. There was another woman in this room, as well. An older one–your Mistress I presume Mrs. Norris. I detected your scent as well and that of the gentleman we met at the front gate. You were both in this room, but not recently, for your scent has faded somewhat.” Rex said. “But there were others in here and not long ago.”
“Who?” Corgi asked.
“Who, indeed. I recognized the scent of Nanjou, the leader of that wretched group of girls downstairs. But there was someone else with her. Someone who doesn’t leave a scent.”
“You mean that Betsunade dame?”
“How can you tell?” Corgi asked. “She having a period or something?”
“I’m sure I don’t know that,” Rex replied, somewhat stiffly. “But by now, with that woman even a lack of scent is a scent that gives her away. But how did they get in here?”
“She let them in, of course” Corgi said.
“Unlikely,” Rex replied. “Her trail doesn’t lead back to the door, and they don’t seem to have left a trail, either. It’s as if they just appeared out of thin air. Mrs. Norris, any ideas?”
Mrs. Norris just shook her head.
¬ëWell then," Rex said. “We’re just going to have to search this place from top to bottom.”
“Do what you like,” Mrs. Norris said. “I’ve got duties to attend to.” And she started to leave."
But Rex took hold of her arm, gently but firmly. “Sorry. Mrs. Norris, I’d like to keep you in attendance if you don’t mind.”
“Or even if you do,” Corgi added.

Around mid-morning, Kohaku had entered Kokoro's room with a breakfast cart and a folding table.
Kokoro was sitting up in the bed, to which she was still manacled.
"Excuse me," she said, displaying her chains. "Can you help me out here? I have to go to the toilet."
Kohaku made no reply, but she did pull a key out of her apron pocket and undo Kokoro's chains. Kokoro quickly rose from the bed and hurried into the other room.
After relieving herself, she came back into the room and leaned against the bath room door.
"Whew! Thank goodness. I was just about to soil the bed."
Kohaku gave no response, but, instead, went about the business of laying out breakfast as if there were no one else in the room.
Kohaku had never been very talkative, but her current behavior was an indicator of how Kokoro's status at the Chateau had apparently changed. She was no longer to be treated as an honored guest or even as Sugimoto's pet. Now she was merely a prisoner here. Of course, that's what she had always been, even if the prison had been a comfortable one.
Kohaku finished up and started to leave.
"I'll lock you back up when you've finished eating," she said. "Don't try anything foolish."
 Kokoro nodded.

She had no intention of trying anything foolish. She’d already done that last night, and it had blown up in her face.
Kohaku left, pushing the empty cart before her and locking the door behind her.
Kokoro surveyed her breakfast.
It wasn’t much. Just simple fare; consisting of rice, a dried fish, miso and a small pot of tea. She knew that Cicero, the chef, was capable of better things than this, so it appeared that part of her punishment was to be denied any of his culinary creations.
“Still, it’s better than bread and water, eh Shinji?”
She was slightly shocked to hear herself speak his name aloud. Her conversations with him used to be habitual, but she seemed to have dropped the habit soon after coming to the Chateau. But now he was back.
“Welcome back, Shinji.”
She recalled that she’d seen Shinji in a dream she had just before coming here. She couldn’t remember the details very well, but he had been standing in front of her and she was just about to touch him, when she heard the voice of a little girl telling her not to and unseen hands had pulled her away.
While she was at it, she also started to wonder about Ryo, that boy at JAST who had been her most recent sad obsession. She missed him. How had it worked out for him and that girl, Xallie? When he had confessed his feelings, it had devastated Kokoro so much she had gotten engaged on the rebound to Mrs. Suzuki’s son, Binkan (that slimeball!), the friend of a man she’d spent the last four years hiding from, Jose Ecuador.
That was a coincidence so unlikely as to fly in the face of everything she had been taught her in school about cause and effect, and she couldn’t help feeling that some unseen person was directing her fate.
“Someone who just can’t wait for the chance to throw me in front of an oncoming train, Shinji.”

Kokoro sighed.
How long had it been since her old life at JAST (where her only problem had been her sick longings for underage males) had come to an end? Months? Years? Time had no meaning here at the Chateau.
Last night, she had tried to escape, but what had that gotten her? A frightening encounter with that weird, masked woman who called herself Kuchisake, and was recaptured by Sugimoto. She had also learned that the Chateau held more secrets than she could have imagined.
Like that strange labyrinth inside the mountain that CeMell had rescued her from. 
Poor CeMell!
She remembered that conversation they'd had as they lay on the mossy ground in front of the rabbit hole they'd just climbed out of. CeMell had claimed to be some kind of spy, or secret agent, on a mission just before plunging back into the hole. After that, Kokoro had stumbled her way through the dark woods toward what she imagined would be her freedom, only to get waylaid by that Kuchisake, who taunted her with the bloody end of CeMell's tail.
Kokoro wondered if CeMell were dead or alive.
"Probably dead, Shinji," she said. "Just like I deserve to be."
She cried a little and decided she wasn't that hungry, so she went back over to the bed and lay down in anticipation of Kohaku's return.
But Kohaku's never came back.

At one point Kokoro thought she heard a faint commotion coming up from downstairs, although she couldn’t imagine what was going on. Eventually, she got tired of waiting and got up to take a shower.
She was in the shower when the lock on her door clicked and it opened. So when she came out of the shower, wrapped in a towel, she was startled to find Mrs. Norris and two strange men in her room.
She screamed and, throwing one arm across her chest and covering her crotch with the other (despite the fact that these areas were already covered by the towel), she crouched over to hide as much of her body from view as she could.
“I tried to stop them,” Mrs. Norris said.
She sounded almost apologetic, which was very uncharacteristic for her, Kokoro thought.
She regarded the two strangers from her position on the floor. One of them was tall and quite attractive, with long, doglike ears and large, brown eyes, so deep and captivating that she could have easily gotten lost in them. The other man was also the type who would have stood out in a crowd-as long as he was standing in front of it. He was just an ugly little shrimp with stumpy arms and legs who was grinning at her so stupidly that it wasn’t hard to guess what was on his mind.
“Get out of here!” Kokoro screamed at them. “Now!”
The tall one bowed (actually bowed!).
“A thousand pardons, milady,” he said. (He had a cute English accent.) “We have some questions for you, but they can wait until you’re ready to receive us. Come along, Corgi.”
“Awww!” said the shrimp, as the tall one dragged him into the hallway.
Kokoro stood up.
“You, too,” she said to Mrs. Norris and pointed at the door.
“Just watch what you say to them,” Mrs. Norris said in a low voice as she left.
“She sounds worried, Shinji,” Kokoro whispered to herself. “I wonder what’s going on here.”
Kokoro got the impression that, whoever they were, they weren’t friends of Sugimoto’s. In fact, her intuition told her they might be cops. So maybe the activities here at the Chateau had finally attracted the attention of the Authorities? Kokoro, of course, didn’t want to have to deal with the police anymore than she could help it, but perhaps there was something here that she could work to her advantage.
Besides, that tall one was-in a word-dreamy, and Kokoro was suddenly and sharply aware of the fact that she hadn’t been with a man in a long, long time.
It was time for a plan of action!
She rushed over to the dresser and started tossing items onto the bed: bra, panties, hose. She quickly decided what to wear and slipped them on.
Once that was decided, she proceeded to her clothes closet.
“What to wear, Shinji?”
Usually, she just wore jeans and jumpers. There had never been any reason to dress up before, but now there was.
The best thing, she decided, was this little black number. She had always looked good in it, and it had a history of conquest.
But just as she was starting to get into it, she realized that her hair was still wet from the shower and was plastered to her head in places. So she spread the dress out on the bed and went back into the toilet to hit her hair with the blower.
While she was at that, she started to think about what Mrs. Norris had said just before she had left:
“Just watch what you say to them.”
Was that advice¬Öor a threat?
She didn’t care one way or another which one it was. If it turned out to be to her advantage, she would sing like a canary and to hell with Mrs. Norris and Sugimoto. On the other hand, she was herself a fugitive from justice with no desire to go to jail. She had once seen one of those old Nikkatsu movies about a woman’s prison, and the heroine’s only option in the end had been suicide. Kokoro wasn’t ready for that.
She just hoped her charm offensive worked.
After she finished with her hair, she slipped into the dress and surveyed herself in a mirror. Her hastily dried hair was a mess, but the dress looked fine, except for being a little tight here and there. (Was she putting on weight? That’s terrible!) She was annoyed that she was going to make a less than perfect impression, but that couldn’t be helped.
When she was finally ready, Kokoro opened the door.
“Come in,” she said.
The little man was the first one in.
“Jeez!” he said. “That took long enough. Dames!” Then he caught sight of Kokoro standing there in her black dress. “Whoa!” He grinned broadly. “Hey, babe, haven’t I seen you somewhere before?”
His loud reaction, however obnoxious, might have stood as an endorsement of all her hard work of the last few moments if it weren’t that she found him so annoying. After all, she wasn’t trying to impress him!
The tall one reached out and tugged on his diminutive companion’s ear.
“Owww! Owww! Cut it out, Rex!” the little one whined.
“Corgi! Behave yourself!” The tall one said. “Please forgive his rudeness, madam,” he said, addressing Kokoro. “He’s an American, you see, so he’s not properly house-trained.”
Kokoro smiled at him, covering her mouth coyly.
“Oh, I see,” she replied. “But who are you?”
That’s what she wanted to know.
“Ah yes, Manners,” he replied. “My name is Rex and my colleague, here, is called Corgi.”
Rex bowed and Kokoro returned it.
Corgi merely grumbled and rubbed his ear.
“Won’t you come in?” Kokoro asked, still smiling.
“I’m afraid there’s only one chair, but whoever wants it is welcome to it.
We don’t get many visitors here; do we, Mrs. Norris?”
Mrs. Norris folded her arms over her chest and said," I could get a chair from one of the other rooms."
Rex waved his hand dismissively.
“That won’t be necessary. We didn’t come to visit. We’re looking for someone and we’d like to know if you’ve seen her.”
Before Kokoro could respond, however, Corgi, who had discovered the remains of Kokoro’s breakfast and was rooting around in it, said. "You know, I really like these salty, dried fish you Japs eat. What’s your name, Babe?
“Uh, Sawyer,” Kokoro replied. “My name is Sawyer.”
“That’s sort of an odd name for a Japanese babe, isn’t it?” Corgi asked.
“It’s my father’s name,” Kokoro replied. “My father was an American.”
“Hey, that’s great!” Corgi replied. “I don’t remember who my father was. How come you got chains on your bed?”
“That’s none of your business,” Kokoro replied stiffly. “But if you must know, I sleepwalk.”
“Ha! That’s a good one,” Corgi replied. “Well, Rex?” he asked.
“She’s not exactly lying about her name, but her explanation of the chains is certainly a falsehood.”
“What?” Kokoro asked, puzzled.
“Watch your step, babe. Old Rex here can sniff out a lie every time. It’s his special purpose in life.”
“Why would I lie to you gentlemen?” Kokoro asked.
“Well, you see, in our line of work, almost everyone we meet does, right Rex?”
“Not everyone,” Rex replied. “You’re far too cynical, Corgi.”
“But she lied about the chains, didn’t she?”
“That was a joke,” Kokoro said.
“Yes,” Rex said in support of her. “One just doesn’t ask about how a lady decorates her bed.”
Kokoro smiled and moved closer to Rex.
Since he’d defended her from that obnoxious little jerk, she reasoned that she might be able to charm him, after all.
“I’m puzzled,” she said, addressing Rex. “When he,” she glanced at Corgi, who was still picking at the breakfast she couldn’t eat, “said ¬ëyour line of work,’ what did he mean? Are you policemen?”
“Not exactly, Miss Sawyer,” Rex replied. "You might say we’re hunters, but don’t even concern yourself about it. The only reason we are here is to find my ward, Yuki, who was brought here against her will.
“Yuki?” Kokoro asked. “You mean Yuki Tanuki?”
Wasn’t she one of the girls in the sewing club at school that had made those breakaway costumes for the Samba Club? She’d gone into hiding before that incident occurred, of course, but Ryo had told her all about it, and they’d had a good laugh over it.
“You know her, then?” Rex asked.
"Uh, no! I mean, how could I?
Rex gave her a hard look, and she knew she had made a mistake.
“Look,” she said. “If you’re looking for Yuki, why don’t you just ask Sugimoto? She runs this place. She’d know.”
“Because she’s disappeared as well,” Rex replied.
“Both of them?” Kokoro looked at Mrs. Norris, who nodded her head, and then looked out the window at the mountain.
That was the only place they could possible be.
Kokoro shuddered.
She turned back to Rex and clutched his arm.
“Look, if I tell you where they are, will you take me away from this place?”
“You know,” Corgi said. “I do know you from someplace.”

Later that evening, Jose and Binkan, with Aquamarine in tow, arrived at the Chateau, only to be confronted by a greatly agitated Mrs. Norris, who told them the whole story: about the arrival of the girls, how Sugimoto and the one named Yuki had disappeared from Sugimoto’s room, and the arrival of the two dog men. She left out the story of the pie fight, because it reflected badly on her ability to control her staff.
“So you say they took my Snow Queen, my Kokoro, into the House of Pain with them?”
Mrs. Norris nodded.
“Did she go willingly?”
“No, she tried to insist on not going along, in fact. But the one called Rex insisted on bringing her along to act as their guide. I believe she was partial to him, and in the end he won her over.”
Jose shook his head.
“God’s guts, but this is bad! If they all went in there, the Witch has them for sure and we will never see them again, which is not so bad as far as those dogs are concerned, but I will miss Kokoro and our friend, Anna. Isn’t that right, my friend?”
Binkan had that perpetual pained expression on his face that arose from his eternal stomach problems. Here he’d come to rescue Kokoro (and it was all he could to convince Jose to let him come up here), but it was all for nothing.
“Well, it’s God’s will, I suppose,” Jose said. “And once the pitcher is broken¬ÖCome, friend Binkan, let’s go see what can be done about these trespassers, these girls.”
“Noo!” Aquamarine yelled. “Pappy! Binkan! We have to save Kokoro!”
“Really, Ramon,” Jose said. “Sometimes you’re just too unreasonable.”
“I’ll show you where the girls are,” Mrs. Norris said.
Binkan turned and shrugged at Aquamarine as they walked away.
“Oh, this is terrible, terrible,” Aquamarine wailed.
“Strange,” said her companion. “No one’s paid any attention to me all evening. It’s as if I’m not even there.”
“You’re not, dummy!” Aquamarine replied through her tears. “You’re in the future, and no one can see the future.”
“My astrologer can. She’s really accurate.”
“You believe in astrology?” Aquamarine asked, incredulously.
“You don’t?” the other replied.

(Part 1)

I sometimes wonder why my life is turning out to be so weird.
It used to be otherwise: normal, dull even. But then things started happening. 

One night I meet this mysterious woman while walking in the woods who comes on to me and I’m thinking: “Hey! This is okay1” But then it turns out she’s some kind of monster who wants to sacrifice me to some even bigger monster.
(Just because, you know, I’m¬Öah¬Öa pure boy.)
But I’m rescued by this odd character I met earlier on the train who turns out to be an immortal samurai-- the real-life counterpart of Momotaro, the happy little Peach Boy of legend. But all grown up now and not so happy any more, since he married Miss Kuchisake (the woman in the woods), and he’s been spending all of eternity regretting it.
They don’t get along too well these days, and I sort of got caught up in one of their disputes.
That’s how I was nearly devoured by a demon named Uzumaki and subsequently ended up as Master Taro’s disciple and hanging out at the Inari Shrine where he lives.
That’s where I met Kitsune, the girl I love and the one who’s made a real mess out of my life and put a cherry on top of it to boot.
She’s not right in the head, you see; it’s full of these fox spirits who apparently moved in while she was working there as a shrine maiden.
I’d always thought you could only be possessed by one spirit at a time, but it seems like these guys have set up a kind of fox Family Project inside her and take turns dominating her personality. So I never know what I’m going to run into when I see her. And for some reason, they’ve turned me into a special object of torment.
First there was the one I’ll call Prick-Tease Fox: She talked me into violating the Temple’s sacred onsen, which earned me a good lashing from both the old priest of the Shrine and Master Taro as well.
Then Yandere Fox tried to talk me into a lover’s suicide, which would have been no big deal for her, since she’s a spirit and not really alive, anyway-but it would have messed me over. Then Thief Fox framed me for panty stealing and got me thrown in jail, until Zorro (Spanish for fox) came along and sprung me.
That last bit of business was the worst, actually, because I was fine where I was and would have gotten out in a few weeks, anyway.
(I made a lot of friends, too).
But now, I’m a marked man, and the cops are out there looking for me, and I’ll end up doing hard time if they ever catch me.
And now-here I am, sitting in a tree, talking to a crow wearing a Hawaiian shirt and cracking bad jokes.
It just doesn’t get any weirder than that.
But perhaps I’m getting ahead of myself.
You’re probably wondering how I reacted when Kitsune (as Zorro) informed me that Miss Kuchisake had kidnapped my sister, Yuki, and was planning to make her the next victim of her pal, Uzumaki.
(That was after I was reunited with Master Taro in a tent in the woods next to the River, and informed that he had located Miss Kuchisake in a castle on Himeda Ridge and was planning an assault on her, using me and the guys from the Survival Club for his army.)
So, how did I feel about the news that Yuki was in danger?
It wasn’t simple.
I’m ashamed to say that my first reaction was that if they got Yuki, I could have her room, which was bigger than mine and had a better view. Then I started wondering why Miss Kuchisake had first tried to sacrifice me to Uzumaki, and was now going to use Yuki. Was it just because we were both virgins, or did she have some kind of grudge against the Tanuki family? And what’s the deal with virgins, anyway? What makes us so special? Plus, what business did Yuki have being a virgin at her age? She could have had any boy in school she wanted, if she hadn’t been spending all her time mooning over that clown, Ryo. If she’d only found some other guy to pop her cherry, it would have saved a lot of trouble.
Uzumaki was one ugly customer (and I mean that literally).
Due to some obscure theological principle, all of his victim’s souls become parts of his demonic corpus–which is about as creepy a thing as I’ve ever heard, and I couldn’t bear the idea of Yuki becoming a patch on his monstrous backside.
I was a little ticked off at Master Taro, too.
“Why didn’t you tell me this?” I asked. “Why did I have to hear if from Zorro?” I glanced at Kitsune, but she had that fucking phone of her’s out and was listening to someone on the other end. She wasn’t speaking, but nodded her head frequently. “I’m sorry about your sister,” Master Taro said.
He wasn’t looking at me directly, but, instead, was peering at the map he’d laid out on top of a folding table. But I was mildly surprised to hear what sounded like compassion coming from someone I’d always taken to be just a hard-hearted samurai.
Fortunately, he ruined the moment with his next statement.
“I was hoping to keep it from you. You’re already incompetent enough. I feared that the element of personal involvement would only exacerbate the situation. I still do. How can I be sure now that you won’t be compelled by your emotions and try to avenge your sister?”
“Of course I want to avenge my sister! No! I want to save her! What are we waiting around for? Let’s get going!”
Right then, I was ready to run all the way to Himeda Ridge, screaming bloody murder at the top of my lungs.
“Silence!” Master Taro replied. “This is just what I expected. You’ve already lost sight of the bigger picture. Saving the life of that girl is of secondary importance only. Our primary goal is to prevent Uzumaki from entering our world permanently through her. If doing so meant killing her myself, I would do so¬Öor order you to. As warriors we must be detached and focused on our mission.”
I was appalled by those words.
Ordinarily, though, I would have let it pass, because he’s always saying nutty, old-fashioned things like that. It’s not his fault if he can’t accept the fact that you can’t live your life by the Code of Bushido in the 21st century. But I was so churned up that I had to speak out.
“You’re a fine one to speak about detachment when this whole business is really about you and Miss Kuchisake…isn’t it? What do you care about Uzumaki or any other monster for that matter? You’d welcome it if the whole world was full of demons, just so you could show off what a bad-ass you are. But you’ve never forgiven her for stepping out with them, have you? That’s what this is really all about. Maybe if you’d been more of a man, she wouldn’t have been such a hitozuma with the demons.”
Maybe it was because I’d been up all night, hiding out from the police and I was feeling a little cranky. Or maybe it was because I hadn’t had breakfast and my blood sugar was low. But I really shouldn’t have said that. I shouldn’t have called her that. Because even though she’s a fiend from Hell that he’s spent centuries trying to destroy, you just can’t go around insulting a man’s wife.
Because it pisses him off.
Master Taro suddenly snarled at me like some kind of wild animal and kicked the table that stood between us out of the way.
It crashed into a corner of the tent, while the map that was on top of it fluttered in the air between us for a second like a colorful ribbon. The instant it settled to the floor, I saw Master Taro advancing toward me with drawn sword, and I realized that, according to the Code of Bushido, he would feel completely justified in chopping off my head for getting snarky with him.
So I ran out of there as fast as I could.
Well¬Öwhat actually happened was this:
I fell on my ass just as he started his swing, and this brilliant maneuver saved my life. But, still, that sword came awfully close to taking off my scalp. It was scary.
In an instant, I turned around and crawled out of the tent as fast as my knees could take me.
Once outside-and a good distance away from the tent-I stood up and started to frantically look around for something (a stick or anything) to defend myself with, because I expected him to come roaring out of the tent at any moment.
Not that I figured I had a chance against the best swordsman in history, but I was hoping that I could at least hold him off long enough for his temper to cool down. I might even manage to get out of this with a few light wounds or, at most, a severed limb.
Instead, it was Zorro who came out of the tent.
She came up to me and placed her hands on my shoulders. For the very first time, I noticed that she was taller that me-but I think that was because of the heels on her boots.
Her touch made me tremble, but I think she misinterpreted it.
“Bernardo,” she said. (As Zorro, Kitsune always called me that-as a way of keeping in character, I suppose.) “Calm down. You are not in danger. I have talked with Taro-sama and made him see reason. He admits he acted rashly, and has sheathed his sword. However, you should apologize to him.”
“Yeah, I should, shouldn’t I?” I replied.
I started to go back, but she restrained me.
“No. Not now. Give him a few moments to be alone with his thoughts.”
Uh¬Öokay," I replied, although, to tell you the truth, it would have been worth it to watch him sulking in his tent like Achilles, nursing his wounded pride. But, on the other hand, I think Zorro had the right idea.
“Oh, Bernardo!” she suddenly, and without warning, flung her arms around me and our bodies were in full contact with each other.
I was so startled that I nearly stumbled and got a little¬Öyou know¬Ögenki.
“Oh, Bernardo! This was entirely my fault. Taro-sama didn’t want you to know about your sister, but I thought you should know anyway.”
“Well, thank you,” I replied, shifting myself a little bit. “You did the right thing.”
“But now I’ve overstayed my time and have to leave you, Bernardo. I don’t know how she did it, but you’re in great danger and I won’t be able to protect you anymore. Farewell.”
She let go of me and started to walk away.
“What? No! Don’t go! Kitsune! Stay with me!”
She shook her head sadly.
“I can’t,” she said and started walking into the woods. When I tried to follow her, she started to run. I chased after her, but she was too fast for me. I soon lost sight of her.
“Ha ha ha!” the laughter seemed to come from everywhere. “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy Chinpo. Silly boy, you can’t catch a fox!”
The voice sounded a little bit like Kitsune’s, but not at all like Zorro, and I didn’t know what it was about at all. But soon I realized that I was all alone and lost in the woods.
So I tried to find my way back to the camp by backtracking. But it didn’t take long for me to get hopelessly lost. I probably would have never found my way out of those woods if I hadn’t caught the scent of pancakes on the air. My stomach gave a loud growl.
My stomach and my nose acting in unison formed a sort of natural compass that led me unerringly to a canopy, under which I found Mrs. Katakana, Kenta’s Mom, making pancakes over a camp stove.
She was wearing combat boots, a pair of jeans cut off above the knees, and nothing above that but an apron.
“Chinpo!” she exclaimed, smiling as she greeted me. “How nice to see you again. Are you hungry?”
“And how!” I replied enthusiastically.
Well pull up a seat and help yourself, love."
There was a long table there that was covered with plates full of bacon and scrambled eggs; hash brown potatoes; hot oatmeal; gravy; biscuits; and many other items of a Western-style breakfast. The plates were all covered with glass lids of course to keep out the flies.
I was drooling and wasted no time filling up a paper plate with food and digging in.
“Save some room for my famous buckwheat flapjacks, dear,” Kenta’s Mom said, placing a large stack of hot, delicious-smelling pancakes down on the table and sitting down beside me.
She smiled indulgently at me while I wolfed down the food.
"Milk, or orange juice, dear?
“Milk, please.”
I was really impressed. She must have been cooking up a storm to have prepared all this between the time I rolled into the camp with Zorro and now.
But then I realized that she and I were the only two persons present and that I hadn’t seen Kenta or the rest of the Survivalists since coming out of Master Taro’s tent, which by the way, I could see off to the left.
“Where is everyone?” I asked.
“Out arranging transportation for our trip–we won’t all fit into your cosplaying girlfriend’s car, after all, and the trains don’t stop anywhere near Himeda Ridge. But Kenta found an old abandoned milk truck out in the woods. There’s enough room in it to carry all of us and our equipment. He thinks he can get it running again. He’s so clever, that boy,” she said proudly. “He’s so good with his hands, too.”
She sighed.
Everybody knew about Kenta and his Mom.
“So it’s just the two of us for now. But don’t let that give you any ideas, young man!” She took one of her throwing knives out of a pocket in her apron and waved it in my face. “My panties are well defended,” she added merrily.
This time, I sighed.
“Look Mrs. Katakana,” I said. “Everybody has the wrong idea. I’m not a panty thief, and never have been. I’m just a victim of circumstances.”
She moved her chair a little closer and patted me on the shoulder.
"I know, dear. I never thought for a moment that you were. My, but isn’t it hard when the eyes of Society see things that aren’t there and unfairly paint us with a blackened brush. Take me and Kenta, for example: Just because I’m a poor, young widow, living with a grown son–a tall, manly, virile son-- people think we sleep together in the same bed.
“You don’t?” I blurted out, because I thought so, myself.
“No, of course not,” she replied, offended. “We don’t even have a bed. We sleep on futons-side by side.”
I couldn’t figure out how that was different.
“And as long as we’re sharing confidences, Chinpo, let me tell you something that nobody knows.”
“Uh¬Öthat’s okay,” I said. “You don’t have to¬Öreally?”
“Oh, but I want to,” she replied, lowering her voice to a whisper. “I’ve wanted to get this off my chest for a long, long time, and I feel I can trust you. But you mustn’t repeat what I’m going to tell you to a living soul; especially not to Kenta.”
“I’m not really Kenta’s mother,��� she said.
“You’re not?” I replied.
“No. Actually, I’m his gibo, his step mom. His real mother was my older sister, who died giving him birth. His father, Hiro, asked me to marry him, because he didn’t want Kenta to grow up without a mother. I was a Sister in a convent at the time and reluctant to leave my order, but Hiro’s entreaties were so pathetic that they brought me to tears and I relented.”
“You were a nun?” I asked, and she nodded.
That really surprised me, because sitting next to this mature, but attractive woman with a reputation, listening to her husky whisper and feeling her hot breath on my cheek made it hard for me to believe she was ever that pure.
“Alas, poor Hiro died himself shortly after we were married and I was left to raise up Kenta on my own. I never got around to telling him that I was really his aunt and not his mom, and since there were no other close relatives around to let the cat out of the bag, I let him believe that I was his real mother, and I want him to keep on believing that. I’m afraid of what he would think of me if he found out otherwise.”
“You think it would matter?” I said. “I bet if you told him, he’d be cool with it. He’s¬Ö”
But before I could finish what I was going to say, there was a very loud noise and the earth shook, spilling us out of our chairs; I spilled on top of Kenta’s Mom.
“Wow! Was that an earthquake?” I asked, simultaneously noting that Mrs. Katakana’s apron was a bit askew and that (quite unintentionally) I was clutching one firm, perfectly-formed breast with my hand. It felt pretty good.
She appeared to be saying something, but wasn’t making any sounds; just flapping her lips.
“¬Öet off!”
“What?” I said.
“Get off of me, already. How many times do I have to say it?” she said, and I suddenly realized that I had been temporarily deafened.
I rose to my feet and helped Kenta’s Mom to hers.
“Can you hear okay?” I asked.
“I think so,” she replied, shaking her head and poking a finger in her ear.
Everything under the canopy was a mess. The camp stove was overturned and all the dishes had spilled onto the ground, spoiling all that wonderful food.
Then I looked up and saw that the place where Master Taro’s tent had once stood was now a crater surrounded by burning debris.
“Holy shit!” I exclaimed, and started running to the spot where it had been. Mrs. Katakana adjusted her apron and followed me.
We couldn’t get very close, because of all burning debris, but we could see that the spot where the tent had stood was now just a smoking hole in the ground.
“What happened?” Mrs. Katakana asked. “Did something explode?”
The answer came quickly enough.
A tank came crashing out of the woods a few meters from where we were standing. It paused on the edge of the clearing and turned its gun in the direction of Mrs. Katakana’s field kitchen, and that, too, became a smoking crater.
The gun swung around again, and was now pointed at us.
“This is the Moriyoh Tank Police,” said a female voice over a loudspeaker. “We know you’re harboring the Notorious Panty Thief. Surrender him now. Resistance is futile.”
“Run,” said Kenta’s Mom.
“What?” I replied.
“Run! You can’t be captured. You’ve got to save your sister. I’ll be alright. So run! Now!”
What she said made a lot of sense, so I lit out toward the thickest part of the bush.
I can’t say whether Mrs. Katakana understood that the very act of running on my part would attract the attention of the tank toward me and away from her, but that’s what happened. I ran into the woods and the tank rumbled right in after me.
My idea was to get into the thickest part of the woods so deep that the tank would get bogged down from trying to follow me. I mean, tanks aren’t meant to go in the woods. Also, a marsh would have been convenient right now, too.
I reasoned that she wouldn’t risk shooting at me, because she might hit a big tree and send it crashing down on her, but she had another trick up her sleeve.
A canister of something exploded nearby, releasing a thick cloud of smoke.
Bunches of those canisters were starting to rain down on me now, releasing their contents, which turned out to be tear gas, and I was soon covered in a thick fog of the stuff. By now, my lungs were burning and my eyes were watering like crazy. I knew I was going to be a goner in a moment if I didn’t get out of this fog. I looked up and saw a big, sturdy tree branch directly above me, maybe three or four meters up and it looked like it was clear of the gas. Master Taro had taught me how to jump that high by using walls, but I could never keep my footing and always fell off. But this was my only hope.
Naturally, considering the situation, I wasn’t taking time to reason this all out. I just jumped.
I landed on my feet and tottered back and forth crazily for a second, then grabbed onto the trunk of the tree and held on for dear life. Then I slumped down to a sitting position, turned around and put my back against the tree.
I sat there, breathing heavily and wondering about what to do next-as if I had any options.
In all probability, Master Taro was dead.
Sure, he was immortal. At least he’d convinced me that he was, but was being immortal the same thing as being indestructible? Frankly, I doubted that even he could survive a direct hit by heavy ordinance. I was sure that if I cared to go back I’d find his mangled remains lying at the bottom of that smoking hole. Now with him gone, who was going to save Yuki?
I was stuck up a tree with a police tank prowling around down below.
What the fuck!
Who put the Tank Police on my case, anyway? I was just an (alleged) panty thief and escaped con, and it didn’t seem to me that I deserved to be confronted by such deadly force. Someone in this town must really take panty stealing seriously.
I remembered that, just before she left, Kitsune had warned me that I was in danger.
Well, I wish she’d been a little more specific about it. What is it about these fox girls that when they give you a warning, they can’t be bothered with specifics? Frankly, it’s kind of annoying.
From my perch, I could see the tank on the ground below.
It hadn’t moved for several minutes, and seemed to be waiting for something. My guess was that the driver was assuming that when the tear gas cloud dissipated, she would find my prone body lying on the forest floor.
At least I hoped she hadn’t seen me jump. In any event, I had no choice but to crouch up here and wait.
In the meantime, I had an opportunity to study the tank.
I’d been quite an armor fan when I was a kid and had collected every tank kit the Tamiya company ever made, but I’d never seen a police tank before-not even a model; they’re kind of unique.
The turret resembled a Russian BTR. But it was mounted on what was obviously a hardened Kubota tractor chassis, with a 120mm mortar cannon sticking out front. It must have had such a high center of gravity that it should have fallen over on its side if not for the four large sets of rollers and the paddle-shaped all terrain treads.
Overall, it kind of looked like a duck.
The top hatch was thrown open and I saw someone starting to emerge.
I was afraid I might be in the driver’s line of sight, so I changed my position to another branch that was out of sight from the ground, but still allowed me to peer around the tree’s trunk and see what was going on down below.
The driver slid down the side of the turret and jumped to the ground.
I was right in assuming the driver was female, although she was rather tomboyish-looking. She was dressed in a baggy, shapeless, one-piece uniform that hid her figure, but she had a cute face and a mop of bright red hair that was held back by a white sweatband.
There were still a few strands of gas drifting around outside the tank, but apparently not enough to be toxic anymore, because she walked through them without any sign of discomfort.
Obviously, she was puzzled by not finding my body, dead or alive. She pulled out a gun, and searched through the nearby brush. She even looked up, and I got goose bumps when she did. But she shook her head, as if dismissing the thought that I could have jumped this high.
She returned to her tank and leaned her back up against it with her arms folded across her chest. She seemed lost in thought for awhile, but presently she turned around and tried to hug the base of the turret. She held that position for awhile, until her hands seemed to be drifting along the flanks of the machine.
You know, like she was caressing it or something.
The next thing I knew, she was running her hand along the barrel of the cannon, and I heard her say:
“Oh, Nappy! You’re still warm!”
Then she walking around to the front of the tank and went into a slow, undulating dance right there on the forest floor. She turned around and bent over, wiggling her butt in the direction of the cannon. This was accompanied by the sound of a zipper unzipping and the next thing I knew, she had stepped out of her uniform and didn’t have a stitch on.
She was really cute.
Little Chinpo thought so too.
Next she crawled up onto the cannon barrel and started rubbing her self on it. It was sort of like watching a horizontal pole dance, you know. It was not something I ever expected to see. Especially from an officer of the law.
Well, I stood there, up in a tree and feeling a bit frustrated while I watched her pleasure herself with that tank cannon, when:
“All right! That’s hot, huh kid?”
The sound of someone’s voice behind me nearly made me jump out of my skin. I thought I was all alone in this tree.
I turned around to see who it was, but there was no one there.
Except for a large black bird sitting on another branch.
Except¬Öit wasn’t a bird.
It looked like a bird. It had the head of a bird and the wings of a bird, but the body was the body of a man, and he was wearing the loudest, most tasteless Hawaiian shirt you could ever imagine, with pineapples and hula girls and all that shit. And all in colors that shouldn’t exist in any sane universe.
I couldn’t believe it.
And I couldn’t believe him, either.
Of course, I knew what I was looking at.
I know a tengu when I see one. Except that I’d never seen one.
What do you say when you’re suddenly confronted by a legendary creature?
Well, I blurted out: “Jeez! Where’d you come from?”
“Hawaii, kid,” he replied, tugging at his shirt. “I flew all the way. And, boy, are my arms tired.”

Another year gone.

There was a light knock on the door, which got louder after about three minutes of no one answering. From behind the door and somewhere inside a feminine voice called out. The person that knocked on the door waited. Eri wearing only a shirt and panties opened the door a little and saw it was Teresa. Teresa gave her a smile and held up some bottle. Eri didn’t smile instead just looked at the dog her tail swaying slowly unhappily.

"What do you want Teresa?" Eri said peevishly

"It's New Years Eve and I thought the three of us could celebrate together. Yes I know it meant more of a cleaning or relaxing, but you know him well enough lot better than me." Teresa said

"Fine enter." Eri said opening the door wider and stepping aside.

Teresa entered walking past Eri she could smell Brant, sweat and underlining smell of sex. It caused Teresa to become slightly jealous but was quickly suppressed and replaced with acceptance. Thought she did enjoy smelling him on Eri finding it somewhat intoxicating. Teresa couldn’t help herself and went up to Eri and sniffed her or rather Brant.

Eri not having as a good sense of smell as Teresa but still good enough could smell a hint of jealousness come from her. Which changed to acceptance or something close to it which surprised her, but she was surprised even more when Teresa got close to her and smelled her.

"His smell is intoxicating isn't it." Teresa said slightly excited her tail indicating the same. 

"Yes it is very and I can smell his scent nearly all the time." Eri said which brought a hint of jealous and happiness from Teressa the last part confusing her.

"I'm jealous yet happy for you, Eri." Teresa said honestly "Happy because he'll protect you and will never leave you unless you do something or he made a mistake."

Teresa smiled at Eri reaction then moved away from Eri then said loud enough.

"But he always did have the luck of finding those that can take care of themselves when its needed. Isn't that right Brant." Teresa said

"See, Brant darling we don't hate each other." Eri said soon after Teresa finished

Brant sighed then walked out from the only other room in their place. Narrowed his eyes at Teresa then softened it within the next second and gave a small smile. He gave her a hug before hugging and kissing Eri.

"Only way I can hide from you is if I douse myself in some foul smelling stuff." Brant said noticing the bottle.

"But your smell is to intoxicating for her that she'll probably drag you into the bath to get you washed." Teresa said

"Is my smell that intoxicating no, never mind I don't want to know though I do know her smell is." Brant said not the least bit ashamed by saying so. But it did cause Eri to blush slightly.

"Yes well you two plan on doing anything or just stay here?" Teresa said slightly upset from Brant's comment

Brant gave a questioning look at Eri who shrugged a little, saying you can choose to tell her or not. He in turn gave her a thanks a lot for the help. Teresa looked at the brief exchange and waited for the answer.

"We are going to visit my come join us?" Brant said glance out the corner of his eye to see Eri's reaction.

Brant saw none Confirming that she no longer hated or cared much of Teresa presence. Not in the sense of ignoring but the fact that Teresa is a friend even if a friend that tended to piss her off.

"Really? Its been a long while since I last saw let alone spoke to them." Teresa said excitedly

 "Yes maybe Iris, though not likely still busy with something." Brant said

"So she did have something to do with what happened around this time last year." Teresa said mildly surprised.

"Yes along with me but as you know it wasn't that bad could of been a lot worse. Still a few flare ups happening but otherwise its pretty good." Brant said

"Most people still don't see or let alone know. Don't even see how that's possible." Teresa said

"People refuse change especially if it's life changing or normalcy monotone changing." Eri said "Just like a relative of mine came back and I only knew that from second hand. Not a good change that more like trouble least I think it is or was." 

"True at least the change is slow and not all at once. Why now though why not later or some other time?" Teresa asked knowing that Brant may have some inkling to the reason.

"Why are you looking at me like that? I don't have the whole answer just part of it." Brant said knowing full well what Teresa was hinting at.

"Then tell me what it is." Teresa said
"The leaders here thought it was time for the merging of both sides again. That's all I know and that's from the leaders of the otherside in this part of the world decided. Though chances are that the other leaders of the otherside agreed as a whole that it was time." Brant said

"You really have changed." Teresa said
"More so this years than any other year. Mostly by choice some by necessity." Brant said

"For better or worse you did change and left me no I left you all those years ago." Teresa said

"Yes but you moved on." Eri said stopping them from going to a disagreement or fight.
"I did. Had no choice but to." Teresa said slightly pissed

"Shall we start drinking now? Or wait." Brant asked
"I'll go get some glasses." Eri said and went to get three glasses.

Eri found some glasses and thought it would be a good idea to get something to eat with the drink. Eri looked through what they had for snacks and grabbed some then went back to the others with glasses and snacks in hand.

"Thought it would be good to have something to snack on while we drank." Eri said to explain the snacks not that she had to but did anyway.

Teresa opened the bottle and poured it into the glasses while Eri set the snacks between them. The three just sat there and drank snacking before Eri starting talking with Teresa and asking questions, the occasional comment by Brant. It wasn't long until the bottle was empty and the three of them were buzzed. Their words slurred and faces flushed from the drinking other than that nothing else was different unless one counts the fact they slurred words.

The three of them left the home to wander around before it was time to visit Brant's sisters and at some place out of town. For now then just went places but avoided drinking given they will probably drink a lot later that evening. If there was no drinking they would go and get something to drink but knowing his family there will be drinking, more so during this day than normally. 

"So were are we going?" Eri asked
"Where the wind blows until we need to go meet my family." Brant said
"It better be fun though if not I'll kick you hard in the nuts." Teresa said
"Sure you will. Eri will probably kick yours." Brant said
"I would. Most likely enjoy it to." Eri said 

It was hours later that they started to head to the place they were going to meet Brant's family. Brant called one of his sisters to give them a heads up that they would go to the place on there own and wait for them there. The three went tot the station boarded and rode to there destination. They got off the train and head somewhere into the place they arrived at with Brant leading the way.

The place he took them to was nice but not overly and had a person standing outside leading a small group of inside before coming back out. They waited until Brant's cell rang had a brief conversation then hung up. Within minutes of hanging up the three were seated and waiting for the others to arrive. 

"So when will they get here, love?" Eri asked
"In about ten or so minutes told me to go ahead." Brant said
"This place smells good and looks nice but in a expensive way nor cheap."Teresa said
"Its still the same to me but then we come here at least once every two weeks" Brant said
"Yes and looks like those that are normally here are not here today." Eri said

A waiter took there order of drinks, leaving to get them around that time the others that being his sisters and mother arrived saw the three of them. The waiter arrived again to take there order for drinks before disappearing again to get the drinks. 

"Teresa, so good to see you again been too long." Alicia said one of Brants' sisters

One would wonder why Teresa didn't see either of Brant's sister given the length of time Teresa was/is there, she had other things to do so could not even briefly. But she had time now so she used it to her advantage thus she was with Brant and the others. 

"My you sure grew up to be a lovely woman." Prina said Brants' other sister
"It has been awhile and yes I did though your brother thinks otherwise." Teresa said
"He does just smart enough not to say anything about it." Prina said
"Hey, hey. Lets order some food not talk about me." Brant said
"We'll talk about you while we eat then." Prina said
"Rather you didn't." Brant said

Ordering food and drinks all of them talked about various things, until it was time to leave. They left to bring in the new year by oddly enough or maybe not by seeing fireworks, while drinking some more. It was an hour or so before the New Year and Brant was sitting with a drink in hand and much to Teresa dismay Eri on his lap. Eri was somewhat curled up against him like well a cat. They were outside in some place that had others which were listening to some band play before the firework would go off. 

The band stopped playing about two minutes to midnight and announced they would play a new song during the count to the new year. Though all of this was probably odd it was fun so people didn't care that it was odd thus enjoying the music and fireworks. Midnight came just as the song started along with the fireworks. The song kept coming some more before the band finished it. 

"Two years or so and we been through a lot." Eri said having been quite the whole while.
"Yes and lucky nothing bad happened. So stay, love?" Brant said
"Yes lets hear them some more and after which can we go for a walk?" Eri asked
"Fine while not stay up until the sun rises." Brant said

"Only if we sleep in." Eri said tilted her head up looking him in the eyes as best she could in the position she was in.

"I may not but yes." Brant said 
"Hmm no you will sleep." Eri insisted. 
"Fine, fine. I'll try." Brant said half understanding what Eri meant.
"Good boy." Eri said


Part 2

So there I was, up a tree trying to avoid the attention of the long arm of the Law in the form of the tank girl down below who was currently performing acts against Nature with her vehicle, while simultaneously trying to deal with the fact that I’m sharing this tree with a Tengu–one of those that resemble birds, not the dick-nosed kind. He was wearing a loud shirt and had just said something about flying.
“What?” I whispered.
“I said,” he said–a little too loudly. “I just got back from Hawaii, right? I flew all the way, okay? And, boy, are my arms tired. Get it?”
He emphasized this by waving his arms.
“Why would your arms be tired?” I asked, puzzled. “You have wings.”
“It’s a joke, kid. Don’t you get it? It’s irony.”
“No,” I replied, shaking my head.
“Jeez you’re slow! Look-- you expect me to say one thing, but I say something else. It’s funny. If I said I flew all the way from Hawaii and my wings are tired it wouldn’t be funny, right? And why are you whispering?”
“I don’t want her to catch me,” I said, pointing to the scene below.
He glanced in the direction I was pointing.
“Hah! The only thing she’s gonna a catch is a cold-along with a little chaffing in the groin area I think maybe. I doubt she’d notice if a Samba Parade came through here right now.”
He had a point, because tank girl had apparently reached her climax and was lying across the cannon barrel, limp as a jellyfish. Her eyes were closed and she was smiling.
“She seems very satisfied,” I said
“Yeah, she’s had it,” said the Tengu. “So she’s not liable to pay any attention to a couple of crows cawing in a tree. Watch.”
He hopped over to the first branch I’d jumped onto and yelled: “Hey, babe! Cute butt! Caw caw caw.”
Cop Girl barely stirred.
“See what I mean?” he said. “Crow. All she hears is the caw caw caw.”
“You’re speaking crow language?” I asked (was there really such a thing?). “Then how come I can understand you?
“Because you’re speaking it, too, dipshit. Although your accent sucks.”
Was I really speaking Crow? How’d I manage that? I’d never had a flare for languages in school. But, out of all the mysterious things I’d encountered recently, being able to understand the language of birds was relatively minor.
So I decided to take it in stride. Noting, however that Crow seemed to include a lot of explicatives.
Just then, there was a commotion, and a man emerged from the woods. He was huge and the ugliest person I’d ever seen. I mean, he looked just like a pig.
Then I remembered I’d seen him before, in the police station the day Rex came to see me.
“Ozaki! What in hell is going on here?” He roared.
Tank girl shot bolt upright like she’d been struck by lightening. She slipped from her perch on the tank’s cannon and fell to the ground with a loud thump.
“Lieutenant Etsuji!” she exclaimed while simultaneously trying to get back into her uniform. “It’s not what it looks like!”
“Humph! It’s exactly what it looks like. Everybody knows you’re queer for that stupid machine of yours.”
“Stupid!?” the girl replied indignantly.
She zipped herself up and assumed a stance between her tank and the man, with her arms out wide like a mother hen guarding a chick.
“Yeah, you heard me,” he replied. “But who gives a damn. What I want to know is by what authority have you come crashing through these woods, shooting off your guns and terrorizing a bunch of harmless picnickers.”
“Picnickers? No! They were harboring the Panty Thief, who broke out of prison last night. I saw him. I chased him to this very spot.”
“Oh yeah? So where is he now?” he asked.
She looked away from him and mumbled something under her breath.
“What?” he asked.
“He got away,” she replied.
“Humph. He got away. From you? The Tenacious Ozaki? How did that happen?”
“He ran away when I started chasing him,” she replied, looking downcast.
He laughed.
“Right, No honest person would run away from a two thousand kilogram, clanking Ogre that’s trying to run him over,” he said. He seemed to be enjoying her discomfort. “He was probably just some jerk who panicked when he saw you bearing down on him. It wouldn’t be the first time you Tank Police have run over civilians.”
“No, this was really him.”
“How do you figure?”
“We got a tip.”
“A tip? Explain that to me.”
“There was this phone call from someone who said the Notorious Panty Thief was hiding out in the woods with his gang and if we acted fast enough, we could catch him.”
“Anonymous caller?”
“No, she gave her name as Yandere Fox.”
Yandere Fox!
I was so startled that I nearly fell out of the tree.
In any event, the commotion I made caused them to pause and look up. I though I was a goner for sure and tried to crouch even further behind the trunk of the tree than I was already.
The Tengu, on the other hand, just sat there in full view, cawing at them, and they took him for a crow. (Although why they didn’t notice that loud shirt he was wearing was beyond me.)
Kannon preserve me! Yandere called the cops on me? But how? The Fox who called herself Zorro was the last one using Kitsune’s body. I assumed that only one of them at a time could do that, but then I recalled that when Zorro announced that she was leaving, she implied it was because some kind of incident was brewing within the fox family. I remembered that her last words were something like: “How could she do that?” I assumed at the time that what she meant was: how could whomever she was referring to could have the nerve to do whatever it was they had done, but, on reflection, I now realized that Zorro was wondering how Yandere was able to act independently of Kitsune’s body. If that’s what happened.
But I thought she loved me-in a potentially hazardous way. Why would she sic the Tank Police on me?
Women! I don’t understand them.
“So you got your leg up over what was probably just a crank call,” the man said, and came out here to terrorize a bunch of harmless picnickers. Are you sure you didn’t just come out here to onanize yourself in private?”
Tank Girl’s face turned red and steam started pouring out of her ears-I swear it did.
She ran toward the man swinging, but he clamped one of his enormous hands over her head, holding her in place where she stood, flailing away helplessly.
“Calm down,” he said. "We-by which I mean we, the regular police, have the situation under control, so why don’t you hop back into your tin can and drive on back to the motor pool.
He pulled his hand away from her head and she fell down on the ground, face first. But she got back up and brushed herself off. She also seemed to be trying to regain her dignity.
“Very well then,” she said, with her nose in the air. “I’ll go. But before I do, I have a question for you.”
“Why did you arrest Ani and Uni?”
“You know we’re rounding up all the cat people, don’t you?”
They were? When did that start?
“But Ani and Uni aren’t really cat girls. They’re androids made to look like cat girls. They’re armaids.”
“Yeah. Nuclear-powered former terrorist armaids.”
“They’ve reformed. They’re on out side now.”
“No! Really! Besides, they’re the best mechanics Nappy ever had.”
“Not my problem. Anyone with ears or a tail gets put in detention. That’s the rule. Anyway, with all this talk about Meow Meow going around, it’s for their own protection. The streets of Moriyoh aren’t safe for nekomimi any more. Oh, and you can thank your pal, Saitama, for that. He’s the one who’s riled up the population against the cat people.”
She glared at him.
“Mr. Saitama is not my pal. He’s a great patriot who wants to restore Nippon to its formal glory.”
“Yeah, I think it’s called divide and conquer,” he replied. “Of course, I’d expect you Tank Corps-jin to be loyal to him. It was his idea to set up the Tank Corps in the first place. Although what we need one for is beyond me.”
Her eyes flashed and she smacked the side of her tank with a closed fist.
“Don’t you realize there’s a war going on,” she yelled. “The crooks and mad dogs are ruling the streets.”
“In Moriyoh? Are you serious? You sound like some kind of half-assed anime character. Go on, get out of here.”
She seemed to be struggling to find some remark to fling back at him, but, instead, turned and climbed up the side of her tank. As she stepped into the cock pit, he paused and said: “If I were you, lieutenant Etsuji, I’d be careful what you say about Mr. Saitama.”
“And if I were you, Ozaki, I’d be careful about who you trust. Look, Leona, you’re a good kid-even if you do have a displaced libido. I believe you have a good heart; listen to it.”
Tank Girl closed the hatch door over her and after a few seconds the tank’s engine rumbled into life and it pulled away, while the man stayed behind and watched it leave.
“By gadfrey, Etsuji, I wouldn’t have marked you as such a sentimentalist, sir. No indeed. A good heart. Droll, sir. Yes, very droll.”
Two new people had suddenly appeared in the clearing. One of them was Doc Tenma, and the other was¬ÖMrs. Katakana?
“Whatever,” the man called Etsuji replied. “How did things go on your end?”
“Excellently well, sir. Excellently. We rounded up all the children and sent them home. The Survival Club is out of the picture.”
“Of course they were disappointed,” Mrs. Katakana added. “They so wanted to go on this adventure with poor Chinpo. Kenta was particularly put out. I’ll have to do something special to him tonight to take his mind off it.”
“Don’t you mean: something for him?” Etsuji said.
“Oh dear,” she replied with an embarrassed laugh. She put her hand over her mouth. “Is my slip showing?”
“Well, never mind. What was the idea of getting Ozaki to chase him?”
“I couldn’t just let her nab him, could I?
“He could have been shot, or mowed down under a tank tread.”
“I doubt it. He studied with Taro-san, after all. How would it look if the Master’s star pupil could be caught so easily?”
I was kind of flattered by Mrs. Katakana’s praise, because Master Taro always said I was shit. But I was puzzled, too, because those three down there seemed to be involved in some kind of conspiracy that I didn’t understand.
“What about Taro?” Etsuji asked.
Kenta’s mom shook her head.
���We didn’t find his body. Of course, after that tent blew apart, there wasn’t much of anything to find.”
“But I thought he was supposed to be immortal.”
Mrs. Katakana shrugged.
“Immortal isn’t the same thing as indestructible, you know.”
“However, dear lady,” Tenma said. “That would seem to be a contradiction for how can it be called immortality if a slip in the tub or a precipitous fall from a cliff or a stealthy dagger through the heart while one was sleeping put an end to it? Logically, by necessity, immortality would have to be accompanied by indestructibility.”
“Well, he’s gone, and that’s all there is to that,” Mrs. Katakana replied. “Master Taro is out of the picture”
“What now?” Etsuji asked. “What about our young friend?”
“Chinpo?” Mrs. Katakana replied. “Who knows? He’s probably wandering in the woods or hiding in a ditch somewhere.”
Or right over your heads, listening to every word you say!
“The important thing is he’s been neutralized, just like Iris wanted.”
“Hmm, I guess I’ll have to scoop him up and put him back in jail then. What happens now?”
“Nothing,” Mrs. Katakana replied. “Iris says that all of the pieces are almost in position for the End Game, and our work is finished. She does want to see us this evening, however.”
Etsuji nodded his head.
“Then there’s no reason for us to stay here any longer. Let’s go.”
And with that, the three of them walked away. As soon as they were gone, I came around the corner and sat down. There were about a million things swirling around in my head that I couldn’t pin down. Tenma? Mrs. Katakana? Were they somehow involved with that ugly policeman? It seemed so. And had they been trying to sabotage our rescue mission from the start? Why? Were they in cahoots with Miss Kuchisake? And who was Iris?
“Who’s Chinpo?” the Tengu asked.
His voice startled me so much that I almost fell off the branch. I’d nearly forgotten he was there.
“I’m Chinpo,” I said.
“Haw haw! Chinpo? Really? Your folks have some kind of grudge against you or somethin’?”
“No,” I answered crossly.
“Then why did they name you ¬ëDick’?”
“They didn’t. Chinpo doesn’t always mean that, you know. In my case, it means ¬ëa treasure.’”
“Treasure? You mean like in family jew¬Ö”
“No! It doesn’t mean that, either!”
“Haw! Well, Treasure Boy, I think I’ll just call you Dick.”
¬ëPlease don’t.”
“Haw haw. Well, tell me, Dick, how come you got chased up a tree by a girl pervert with a big gun?”
I told him my whole story, so I’ll spare you the repeating of it.
“A fox, huh?” he said, when I told him about Kitsune.
“More like a whole skulk of foxes,” I replied.
“Hmmm, fox spirits are bad news, kid. You’d best kill her before she kills you.”
It was a disgusting suggestion, and I told him so.
“Well, suit yourself, Dick. But take it from Old Jaku, dames are nothing but trouble. Now you take my wife¬Öplease!”
“Yeah. I don’t want to say she’s ugly, but one time they scrapped the make-up off her face and found Kim Jong-Il. Haw haw.”
Kim Jong-il? Isn’t he dead?
“Was that a joke? And who’s Old Jaku?”
“That’s me, kiddo,” he stood up and took a small bow. “Better known as Jackie Amano back in the day. I was the greatest of all the Manzai comics when I was human. C’mon, you must of heard of me. They hung my picture on the wall at the Comedy Box.”
“Sorry,” I replied, shaking my head. “I’ve never been to the Comedy Box. And what do you mean, when you were human? Weren’t you always a mythological creature like you are now?”
“What happened?”
“Ah, yes,” he replied sadly. “Mine is a tale of woe full of heart-rendering sorrow.”
“Uh¬ÖI think you mean heart-rending, don’t you?”
“Yeah, whatever. As I was saying¬Ömine is a tale of woe-a story almost as sad as the one about the horse that walked into a bar. Ever hear it?”
“Um¬Öyes. Tell me yours, instead.”
“Well, like I said, I used to be a comic-the top Manzai comedian of my time. I had my own national TV show, plus I was on all the talk shows, did commercials-all my live performances were always sold out. I even did a few movies. Ever see any of those Superdog flicks; about a talking dog?”
“Umm, maybe. When I was little, I guess.”
“Yeah, I was in those. But it turned out I couldn’t handle fame, I guess. I was too full of myself and started acting like an American celebrity. I cheated my partner out of money, drank too much, abused my girlfriends, and ended up in the tabloids about once a week. Eventually, the public got tired of me and I started to fade. And as my career started to shrink, so did I-physically. Ever hear that expression: Tengu ni naru, “He is turning into a Tengu?”
“Well, that’s what happened to me.” He shrugged his wings. “It can happen to anyone who lets fame go to their head. Fortunately, I don’t foresee that happening to you, Dick.”
What was that supposed to mean?
“Well, it was nice meeting you, Jaku,” I said, getting to my feet. “But I’ll be going now. I still have to try and rescue my sister–somehow.
But how was I going to get down from here? It was a long way to the ground, and there weren’t any other branches besides the one I was standing on that looked like they would support my weight. I wasn’t sure what to do.
Jaku noticed my hesitation and said, “Go on and jump. You superstitious or something?”
“It’s like the story about this couple. They’re in this bed room making out, see. Really going at it. Then they hear a door starting to open. ¬ëOh no,’ the woman says, ¬ëIt’s my husband. Quick, jump out the window.” But the guy replies, ¬ëNo! We’re on the thirteenth floor.’ And she replies, ¬ëIs this any time to be superstitious?’ Haw haw, get it?”
“No,” I replied, testing the trunk of the tree to see if I could get any handholds.”
“Aw, shit,” Jaku said. “How about if I just carry you down?”
I looked at the little birdman in the loud shirt and shook my head doubtfully.
“You? Carry me down?” I said. “I don’t think so.”
“Asshole! Don’t you know that Tengu can carry heavy objects while flying? It’s one of our powers.”
“One of your powers? What are the others?”
He stuck his hand out. “Here, pull on my finger.”
I backed up against the trunk of the tree, panicked.
“No, NO! I’ll settle for the flying.” I glanced down at the ground again. “How is this going to work?”
“Haw haw! Just let me up on your back, and I’ll do the rest.”
So I let him crawl up onto my back. He attached himself to the back of my shirt like a leech and dug in with his claws like fingers and toes.
“Ow,” I said. “Your elbow is sticking into my shoulder blades.”
“That’s not my elbow,” he replied.
“Oopsie daisy.”
And suddenly we were airborne.
We made a slow, but panic-stricken descent to the ground. I was sweating buckets by the time we got there. Jaku detached himself from my back and fluttered to the ground.
“There. That wasn’t so bad, was it?” he said.
“I guess not,” I replied, using my shirt sleeve to wipe away the sweat from my face.
I suddenly got the crazy idea of asking Jaku if he would fly me to Himeda Ridge.
“No can do, kid. Tengus are strictly local. I can’t leave these woods.”
“That’s too bad. I guess I’ll have to¬Öwait! Just a few minutes ago, you said you’d been to Hawaii.”
“Oh, yeah, that. Well, sometimes I cheat. Besides, I’ve got a chick there.”
“But why can’t you cheat now. This is an emergency!”
“Sorry, Dick. But I can’t break the Tengu rules all the time. There are worse things than being a Tengu, you know. Besides, I have this feeling that whatever you have to do, you have to do it alone.”
It didn’t make me very happy to hear him say that, but with Master Taro gone and Kitsune’s whereabouts unknown, he was probably right. I would just have to shoulder the burden of ridding the world of Miss Kuchisake all by myself.
“I’d better be going now. It was nice meeting you, Jaku.”
I started to leave, but he tugged on my shirt sleeve.
“Wait a minute, Chinpo,” he said. “Come with me first.”
“Well the cops are probably scouring the woods, looking for you. But I know a place where they’ll never look. You can hole up there until nightfall and then be on you way under cover of darkness. How about it?”
It sounded like a good idea, so I went with him. About the only thing I could think of doing right now was to go to Moriyoh Station and hop a freight train heading in the direction of Himeda. And that would be easier to do at night. A few extra hours wouldn’t matter; so much time had gone by already that I’d shifted my plans from the idea of saving my sister to revenging her death.
The Shinkawa Forest is really vast. I’ve lived here all my life and played in these woods as a boy, but Jaku led me into a part of the forest that I’d never been in before and, to be frank, I don’t think I could ever find my way back there if I tried.
Jaku led me to a cave-- just a hollowed out, moss-covered swelling in the ground-and led me inside.
“Meet the boys, Chinpo,” Jaku said.
The cave was full of Tengu, who were all sitting around, chirping and drinking sake, judging from the bottles that were scattered everywhere. The place was as noisy as a chicken coop and smelled just like one.
“Gentlemen, gentlemen,” Jaku shouted in order to be heard over the din. “Say hello to my pal, Chinpo here. I hope you bozos haven’t drunk up all the booze.”
The assembled Tengus all started squawking at me in Crow, but they were all talking so fast that I couldn’t make out a word.
Jaku took me around and introduced me to them one by one, explaining who they had been in their former lives. Show business personalities and politicians seemed to be over represented among the Tengu.
Jaku bade me sit down; then he thrust a cup in my hand and filled it with sake. It was a little early for me to start drinking, but on the other hand, I’d had a hard morning, so I didn’t make any objections.
The Tengu all seemed to be in a merry mood and at some point, three of them came out dressed in women’s kimonos and did a dance with fans. I couldn’t actually tell if they were boy or girl Tengus, because they all looked alike to me. But I guess the Tengus could, because they were hooting and hollering and really carrying on. The dance started out fairly dignified, but it became more and more raunchy as it wore on. And the crowd got louder as the dancing got raunchier. But if there’s anything sexy about a bunch of crows bumping and grinding, it’s beyond me.
Later on, they passed some food around, but it was sorry stuff: mainly seeds and nuts and little white grubs. Pretty repulsive, but I was obliged as a guest to eat some of it. Jaku made me eat the grubs, and he and the others took sadistic glee from my reactions.
Eventually, the light coming in from outside the cave was starting to fade, so I stood up-rather unsteadily as it turned out-and announced my intention to leave. The Tengus wouldn’t hear of it and insisted that I have at least one more drink, which I did, but I stood my ground (although I had to brace myself against the cave wall).
Jaku got up, too, and expressed his support for my decision.
“Gentlemen,” he began. “Fellow fucking Tengus. Chin Boy¬Ö”
“Yeah, whatever. Chin Chin is on a mission. His sister is in trouble, and who among us wouldn’t want to help a sister in trouble. Although, personally, I’d rather get my sister in trouble. Ha haw.”
You know, Jaku sober was mildly obnoxious, but Jaku drunk was thoroughly disgusting.
“But before you leave us, Chii¬ÖChiin¬ÖPo, it’s our custom to bestow upon an honored guest a parting gift. So, without further ado, bring ¬ëem here boys.”
He made a sign with his hand and three Tengu came forward. Two of them were lugging a large box that looked pretty heavy, while the other one was carrying a small box that appeared very light. They put both boxes down in front of me and stepped back.
“Here comes the fun part,” Jaku said. “Choose one, and it’s yours.”
Oh, I know how this works. I’ve read this fairy tale. It’s always the small gift that contains something precious. The big box usually contains nothing or even something dangerous inside. The point is to teach one not to be greedy, so, without hesitation, I reached down and picked up the small box.
Jaku motioned to the others to take the big box away.
"Open it, Chii¬ÖDick! Let’s see what you’ve got.
I was eager to see what was inside, myself, so I made quick work of opening it.
“Whatcha got kiddo.”
What the fuck?
It was two tickets to Rainbowland.
“And they’re expired,” I said aloud.
The collective Tengu were beside themselves with laughter.
“You chose poorly, kid,” Jaku said.
“Wha¬Öwha. In the stories, it’s always the little box that holds the good stuff. What was in that other box?”
“Oh, just gold and jewels; healing potions and shit like that. We know the story, too, kiddo, just like everyone else. So we figured that by now it would be the smaller box that the greedy person would go after, so we pulled the old switcheroo. Haw haw.”
“Fuck you,” I said, tossing the tickets away and storming out of the cave.
On the way out, however, I tripped and fell on my face, accompanied by even more peals of laughter from the Tengus.
“Enjoy your trip?” Jaku shouted as I picked myself up.
Grrr!! If I ever see another crow in my life, I’m gonna shoot him.

It had been my intention to find the river and follow it to Moriyoh Station, but it was getting so dark that I was having a hard time finding my way. Plus, I was a lot drunker than I thought, it turned out; the result of drinking all day and not eating much food. I was stumbling around, tripping over things, and having a hard time focusing my mind. I started having blackouts, too, and every time I came out of one, I had less and less of an idea of what I was doing. All I knew was that I was wandering around, looking for something.
That’s when I came across the shack.
A little shack in the woods.
It looked familiar. Like maybe I’d been here before.
I suddenly realized that on top of everything else, I was getting a little sleepy. This would be the perfect place for a nap, so I went inside.
It was full of cobwebs and the floor was covered in trash, but, undaunted, I looked around for a place to make my nest.
That’s when I heard a rustling sound behind me.
So I turned around and saw a dim, white figure crouching in the corner.
"I was too drunk to be scared, so I bowed and said, “Good evening to you sir or madam. Nice weather we’re having, isn’t it.?”
The figure made no reply, but just seemed to back away from me, so I got a little closer in order to see what it was.
It was dark in there, but not totally, because there were big holes in the roof through which starlight came in, and, although it may have been my imagination, there seemed to be some faint fluorescence coming out of the walls themselves.
As soon as I got close enough, I saw that there was a cat girl cowering there in the corner. Although she was unlike any cat girl I ever saw. Except for a knit hat, she was entirely naked, except that her whole body was covered in short, white fur. I’d never seen anything like her.
I remembered that that Etsuji had said they were rounding up cat people and putting them in jail and this one was probably hiding out here because of that.
I tried to approach her as gently as I could.
“It’s okay, miss,” I said. "I won’t hurt you.
The fear in her eyes was unmistakable and she seemed to be trying to say something. Her lips were moving, but no sound was coming out.
And then¬ÖCLONK¬Öthe lights went out.

When I came to, I was no longer in the shack, but in a room lit by a bare light bulb hanging from a cord overhead. It swung slowly back and forth, almost hypnotically, and the shadows on the walls moved in unison with it.
I became aware that I was lying on some kind of table and that my arms, legs and waist were tied down with leather straps. When I tried to yell, I discovered that my mouth was gagged.
“Awake at last, are you?” someone said. "Good. I was afraid I might have damaged your brain, and I can’t have that.
I looked around at the sound of the voice, and saw, a little ways off, a little cat man sitting in a high chair. He appeared to be very old and slightly cadaverous.
But if that wasn’t enough, the cat girl I’d seen earlier was kneeling beside him. But now she wasn’t wearing her hat and I saw that the top of her head had been shaved clean and a raw, red line ran all around it. Right in the middle of her forehead, there was a metal plate with a nipple to which was attached a plastic tube that ran from her to the man in the chair. From time to time, he put the tube in his mouth and sucked on it.
He was sucking something out of her head!
“The answer was simple,” he said. But I couldn’t tell if he was talking to me or himself. “The answer was the pituitary. The reason why zombies are so fixated on brains is because they instinctually realize that they contain some element that can cure, or at least slow down, their condition. That element is a secretion contained within the pituitary gland. The ancients called it the ¬ëthird eye’ and attributed to it mystical powers. It would be mere indulgence to take everything they said seriously, but in this case they were not far from wrong. But by eating the brains of their victims, it turns out, zombies destroy the very thing they are after. No. The secretion has to be extracted from a living specimen. But this one is nearly worn out, forcing me to recruit a new supply.”
He put the tube away and got down from his chair.
“I’ve never tried this with a monkey boy before,” he said, moving away from my line of sight. “This will be an interesting experiment.”

(part 1)

She was in some sort of tunnel made of rough stone, possibly underground. There was no way of telling, but the feeling was subterranean. It was dark, but not completely black. There was some light; very dim, but enough to enable her to see some of the passageway ahead for a short distance. Beyond that everything was swallowed up by inky darkness.
She started walking-or, rather, she became aware that she was walking and probably had been all along. But she just hadn't noticed it before. Curiously, she couldn't hear the sound of her footsteps. In fact, she couldn't hear anything.  
Silent as a grave, she thought and wondered if she could hear her own voice.
"Hey!" she yelled.
She heard it, but not the echo she expected to hear. Maybe she'd just imagined that she had spoken?
She tried again.
‘Hey! Yodelade hoo! The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog!"
Still¬Öno echo.
She tried something else.
"Niwa no niwa ni wa, niwa no niwatori wa niwaka ni wani no tabeta! Tokyo tokkyo kyoka-kyoku kyou kyuukyo kyoka kyakka! Aka pajama, ki pajama, cha pajama! Nomu nara noru na, noru nara nomu na!" she shouted at the top of her lungs.
That should have resulted in a whole torrent of echoes, but it didn't.
Best damn sound-proofing I ever heard of, she thought. 	
Suddenly, she was standing in front of a wooden door.

Where’d this come from?
She had no memory of approaching it. It was just there all of a sudden. This experience (whatever it was) was beginning to take on aspects of the bizarre
She pushed on the door and it opened easily. Stepping over the threshold, she found herself in a bare, rectangular room with a low-ceiling.
Not even a chest of gold, eh?
Directly across from her was another door. She went over and tried to open that one, but it wouldn’t budge.
Suddenly she heard a noise behind her.
The hair stood up on the back of her head and she whirled around, automatically assumed a defensive stance: crouching low with one hand out in front of her, palm up, and the other one close to her body, the fingers were closed to form a blade. Crouching low, she tensed all her muscles in anticipation of an attack. But she relaxed and let down her guard when she saw it was just a little girl.
“Hey, that’s not too smart,” the girl said. “I could be dangerous, you know.” She struck a martial arts pose and tried to do a squeaky imitation of Bruce Lee.
It looked so ridiculous that she started to laugh.
“You startled me,” she said, smiling.
There was something familiar about this little girl, but what was it? She had a remarkably prominent bust for someone so otherwise undeveloped physically. Hadn’t she seen a girl who resembled her getting into a car somewhere?
Then it struck her.
“Hey!” she said. “You’re that kid Lawyer Suzuki abducted in Moriyoh. I saw him do it and followed his car to Mito City and then to¬Öto¬Öuh”
To where? There was someplace else, wasn’t there? Why couldn’t she recall?
“You’re silly!” the little girl replied. “I wasn’t abducted or whatever. Binkan-chan was just taking me to my Pappy.”
“No! Wait!” she replied. “That’s not right. Maybe that’s what he told you, but actually he took you to Mito and handed you over to Jose Ecuador, the notorious criminal and pornographer.”
The little girl laughed.
“No, that’s not right.”
She knew from experience that children who became victims of crime sometimes retreated into a fantasy world in order to blot out the unpleasant memories.
“Look, honey,” she said, trying to be reassuring. “Did either of them try to touch you in an¬Öah¬Ö inappropriate places?”
She wondered if she were going about this the right way. Shouldn’t she be using hand puppets or something?
“What?” the little girl replied, smiling quizzically.
“Well…ah¬Öhow should I put this? Did they do¬Öah¬Öadult things to you?”
“Hee, hee, I get it now,” the little girl replied, giggling. “Gosh, where’d you get your dirty mind from, lady? It wasn’t like that at all. Binkan-chan just took me to see Pappy, because Pappy knew where Kokoro was, and we had to find Kokoro, because she was in trouble. And I don’t think it’s nice of you to think mean things like that about Pappy. He may be a bad man, but he’s not that bad!”
“Jose Ecuador is your father?”
“Ding dong! Yeah!” the girl exclaimed, performing a clumsy little pirouette. “Well, he was my father in my past life. Binkan-chan is going to be my father in my next one, but he has to rescue Kokoro first.”
“What are you talking about?” she asked. “You don’t mean reincarnation, do you? You believe in that stuff?”
“You don’t?”
She smiled indulgently and shook her head. “No, of course not. You’ll understand when you’re older”
“Humph!” the girl said, folding her arms across her chest. “I’m older that you think, and, take my word for it, you’ll find out if it’s real soon enough. I’m in a position to know.”
Meanwhile, a thought had been growing in her mind:
Binkan? Kokoro?
“Say, little girl, this Kokoro you mentioned, would that be Kokoro Komegura? The one they call the Manic Nurse?”
“That’s mean!” the little girl replied. “Kokoro’s no maniac; she’s nice–a little dishonest, maybe, but no killer.”
She recalled the vision of the scattered body parts of the four men Komegura was said to have dismembered.
“Maybe she is and maybe she isn’t. But between Lawyer Suzuki, Jose Ecuador, and Kokoro Komegura, I think you’ve picked out a pretty rough crowd to hang out with, little girl.”
“I’m not little. I’m over eighteen!”
“I doubt that,” she replied. “But I’m looking for Komegura, too, you know. Do you know where she is?”
“Well¬Ö” the girl said. “I told Pappy where she was hiding in Moriyoh, so he and Binkan-chan kidnapped her, because she owed Pappy a lot of money. I helped, and Pappy gave me some cookies, but I couldn’t eat them. Then we drove up to Mito, but I had to go back to Moriyoh to go to school, and Binkan-chan had to return his mother’s car, so we went together. Then he went back to Tokyo. Meanwhile, Pappy sent Kokoro away to this magic castle in the mountains, but she was abducted by an ugly witch. So we all went to the castle so Binkan could rescue her and they could live happily ever after, but he lost his nerve and now things are terrible. So how about you? Can you help us rescue Kokoro, lady?”
Well, this only confirmed that this little girl had retreated into a fantasy world, but if she knew where Komegura was¬Ö
She smiled¬Öslyly, but trying to make it look reassuring…
“Sure, little girl,” she said. “I’ll help you. I’ve wanted to meet Kokoro Komegura, too, you know.” What a feather in her cap it would be if she caught Komegura. She could hardly wait to see the look on Rex’s face when she marched into Moriyoh Station with a cuffed Komegura in tow. “Where is she?”
The girl said something, but no sound came out of her mouth.
Not again, she thought.
“Um, could you speak up?”
But, suddenly, the door that had been closed burst open and flooded the room with bright, white light.
“Oh no!” the little girl said. “You’re waking up! That’s no fair!”
“Waking up?” she asked. “You mean this is a dream?”
“Of course,” the girl replied. “How else could I reach you if it wasn’t? Please, try to remember what I told you when you wake up.”
“Eh?” She couldn’t remember it now. She hadn’t even heard it.
“Could you repeat it?”
“And don’t let her show you her face!” the girl shouted.
“What? Who?” she yelled back.
But the little girl faded away as she was drawn inexorably into the light.

“Goddamn it!”
Yoshimi woke to a painful throbbing in her head.
She sat up and clutched her head, which was covered in bandages.
“What the fuck?!” she said, feeling her head. She winced when she touched her brow; which had a tender spot right in the middle.
She groaned.
“Oh! You’re awake,” said a voice.
It sounded like¬Ö
“Maria?” Yoshimi asked.
She looked around, but there was something wrong here. Her vision was all blurry. She could tell she was sitting on a bed in a white room with black curtains. Beyond that everything else was just a blur. For a moment, she wondered if this was another dream, but the hammering in her head argued against it.
“How are you feeling, dear?” Maria’s voice said.
Yoshimi rubbed her eyes and two black and white blobs near the bed resolved themselves into two women in nun’s habits. One of them was Maria; the other one was hiding behind Maria and Yoshimi couldn’t see her face.
“Maria?” Yoshimi repeated. “I feel like shit,” Yoshimi replied. “What happened? How’d I get like this?”
“Don’t you remember?” Maria said. “You saved Takuya from that ruffian, I.D.”
“Oh, yeah. That’s right,” Yoshimi replied, remembering. She smiled when she recalled the scene she found after she’d broken into the van where I.D. was preparing to rape Takuya, and how he’d freaked when he’d found out that Takuya wasn’t quite the girl he’d taken her for. Yoshimi had found him cowering in a corner of the van, whimpering like a girl, when he was confronted with the naked truth. Yoshimi had pulled Takuya out of the van and taken him back to her car, where Maria suggested they drive to her convent.
“But he came after us with his gang,” Maria continued.
“Yeah, I remember that,” Yoshimi said. “Boy was he pissed. These macho guys, they’re easily rattled by some things,” She chuckled at her little private joke; she was pretty sure she hadn’t revealed Takuya’s secret to Maria yet. It might not be the sort of thing for a nun’s innocent ears, anyway.
“I was racing down the Ridge in the direction of your convent with I.D. and his posse on our tail, right? Then what happened?”
“We came to a sharp turn, but you were going too fast to make it and we went through the guard rail and rolled down the embankment,” Maria replied. “The car rolled over a couple of times, but came to rest in an upright position. Miraculously, Takuya and I were unharmed, but you had hit your head on the steering wheel and it was bleeding. In addition, your right leg was twisted up in an unnatural fashion and your ankle was broken.”
Yoshimi pulled back the bed sheet and looked at her leg, which was bandaged from the mid-calf to the base of her foot. When she tried to wiggle it, she was rewarded with a searing pain. She lay back down, panting. “So what happened next?” she asked.
“Takuya and I managed to pull you out of the car,” Maria replied. “Then we heard some commotion coming from up above, so we carried you behind some bushes by the side of the road as I.D. and his gang pulled up to the place where we’d gone over looking down at your car. They were pointing at it and laughing and I think I.D. was starting to climb down the slope, when your car suddenly burst into flames.”
“My car¬Ö?”
The explosion startled them so much that I.D. scrambled back up the slope and they all got back in their cars and drove off."
“They didn’t try to put out the fire or rescue us?” Yoshimi replied. That’s seriously against the law. They should be in jail."
“Well, I don’t think they saw where we were hiding, so they must have concluded that we died in the flames. They will certainly have their cowardice weighing upon their consciences for the rest of their lives and will have to atone for it in the hereafter.”
Well, that was one way of looking at it. Not Yoshimi’s, however. If she didn’t have better things to do, she’d track the whole lot of them down and have them arrested once she got out of this bed.
“By the way, Sister,” Yoshimi asked. “Am I in a hospital?”
“No, this is the convent,” Maria replied. “We weren’t very far from it, so when the commotion died down, we brought you here. Takuya carried you all the way on her back.” Maria said with admiration. “She’s quite surprisingly strong for a woman.”
"Yeah. I should tell you about that, Sister.
“No!” The other nun yelled, startling both of them.
She came out from behind Maria and Yoshimi could finally see her face.
It was, indeed Takuya, now dressed in a nun’s habit.
“What the hell¬Ö?”
Maria turned and put her arm around Takuya.
“Takuya has decided to join us,” she said proudly.
“Yeah, I’m a nun now,” Takuya added.
“Not yet, dear,” Maria said, patting Takuya on the head. “For the time being, you are just a novice. Becoming a nun is a long process.”
“And in your case,” Yoshimi added. “Maybe never.”
“Sister. Uh¬Öcould I have a word with Yoshimi in private?” Takuya asked Maria.
“Yes, of course, dear,” Maria replied, nodding. “I understand. I’ll just be outside while you two talk it over,” and left the room.
"Takuya came closer to Yoshimi and whispered, “Please, don’t give me away.”
Yoshimi propped herself up on one elbow and looked Takuya in the face.
“Oh, don’t worry about my saying anything needless. But what’s your problem? Have you suddenly become a Maria-holic? You like her, don’t you?”
“Humph,” Takuya said. “I don’t know how to explain this, but as soon as I got here I felt like I had arrived home. I had a long look around-at the nuns and the way they were dressed-and I knew that this was the life I was meant to lead. But I don’t expect a cynic like you to understand.”
“On the contrary,” Yoshimi replied, smiling a little. “I understood as soon as you mentioned the nun dresses. But this is all nonsense. It won’t work. We’ve got to get back to Moriyoh, you and I together. I promised Narumi I’d bring you back safe and sound.”
“Yeah, what about that?” Takuya said sharply. “You promised you’d get me back in time for my shift at Ariel, too. But instead here we are, kilometers away from anywhere and we’ve been away so long I probably don’t have a job to go back to. At least as a nun I won’t have to worry about getting fired anymore.”
“You will if they decide to do a body check on you and discover Mr. Happy,” Yoshimi replied. “Personally, I don’t know much about nuns (do they take showers together?), but from what I’ve heard, these Christian sects take a dim view of cross-dressers. And what did you mean by ¬ëso long?’ Have I been out for awhile?”
By awhile, Yoshimi was thinking in terms of an hour or so; she was shocked when Takuya replied:
“Three or four days, I guess.”
“Impossible! Three or four days? You’re joking.” Yoshimi had been knocked before, plenty of times, But she’d always come to right away. To be under for days? And from a mere auto accident, at that¬Ö? It just wasn’t possible. And there was her foot. She’d always healed from injuries quickly-even broken bones. If it’s been a few days, her ankle should be as good as new. Her instincts were telling her that something radically wrong was going on here.
“Takuya? Who’s been looking after me all this time?”
“Well, Maria and I have been keeping an eye on you, but I guess the Acolytes are the ones who’ve really been taking care of you.”
“Acolytes? Who are they? Medical professionals?”
“Ah¬ÖI don’t think so,” Takuya replied. “They’re Mother Superior’s assistants.” Takuya bent down and whispered into Yoshimi’s ear: “And to tell you the truth, they’re a little scary.”
“Why?” Yoshimi replied.
But just then Maria re-entered the room, along with four others.
One was a nun, dressed in the same habit as Maria’s, but taller than her. Others were dressed in black robes with hoods drawn over their faces, which made them look more like monks than nuns, but their robes, which were made of some kind of silky, clingy material, proclaimed them to be women.
“Acolytes,” Takuya whispered, and Yoshimi had to agree; they looked a little scary to her, too.
And that went for the nun, as well; an aura of creepiness also seemed to surround her. Like Maria, she wore a rosary, but unlike Maria’s, which was a simple cross, hers had a strange-looking spiral shape superimposed over the cross (while the Acolytes, on the other hand, bore the spiral, without a cross, around their necks). But the most striking thing about her was that she was wearing a surgical mask.
“Yoshimi,” Maria said, “This is the Mother Superior of our order,” and she turned and bowed reverently to the other nun.
Yoshimi nodded.
“Pardon me if I don’t get up,” she quipped. But there was more to it than a sardonic joke. There was something about this woman that made Yoshimi feel arrogant toward her. She made her want to reach for her sword.
"Her sword?
She frantically started looking around for her sword, which she always kept within reach.
“Maria! My sword. What happened to it? Was it in the car when it went up?”
“Oh, no,” Maria replied, although she seemed uncomfortable to be speaking in the presence of Mother Superior. “Takuya saved it and brought it with us.”
“Where is it now?” Yoshimi said, turning to Takuya, who seemed as scared as Maria of the Mother Superior.
“Ho, ho, ho,” Mother Superior said. “I have it. Don’t worry, it’s safe.”
“I’d like it back,” Yoshimi said.
“All in good time, dear. All in good time,” Mother Superior replied, “You won’t be needing it as long as you’re here-with us.”
“Yeah, well, speaking of that, how about taking me to a hospital? Down in the valley, maybe?” Yoshimi said.
“What!” Mother Superior replied. “Why, I wouldn’t hear of it. It’s too dangerous to travel the Ridge in this terrible fog.”
“Eh?” Yoshimi replied.
She looked out the window. Just a second before, the sky had been blue, but now a heavy pall of white obscured everything.
“Dear me,” said Mother Superior. “The weather here in the mountains is so changeable, isn’t it?”
“Well, could I at least make a phone call?”
Mother Superior shook her head.
“Sorry. Our order doesn’t believe in such vain trinkets.”
A vein in Yoshimi’s forehead throbbed painfully. It was clear that this woman was ready to counter any suggestion Yoshimi might make. She was playing some kind of game with her that Yoshimi didn’t understand.
“I guess I have no choice then,” Yoshimi said, frowning.
“Ohh¬Ödon’t take it so hard, dear,” Mother superior replied. She came closer to Yoshimi and tried to pat her on the head, but Yoshimi instinctively cringed away from her. Her eyes met Yoshimi’s briefly, and Yoshimi saw such profound malice in them that she almost cried out.
Mother Superior lowered her hand.
“Very well, then,” she said, breaking the tension. “Our Maria here tells us you’re a policewoman, Yoshimi.”
Yoshimi nodded.
“Homicide, right? That must be fascinating work. Do you get to see many dead bodies? Do they look peaceful?”
Her questions were combined with a certain wistfulness of expression that made her seem all the more creepy to Yoshimi.
“Have you ever killed anyone, yourself?” she asked.
Yoshimi hesitated, unsure if it was safe to answer her directly.
“Killing is a sin, isn’t it, Mother Superior?”
“Ho ho, we’re all sinners, dear.”
“Yeah, I guess that’s so,” Yoshimi replied.
“Well, we are glad to see that you are well, dear, but we have important business elsewhere to take care of, so we’ll leave you to your recovery. Rest, and later we will have someone look in on you and give you something to help you sleep. Ito!”
One of the trio of Acolytes stepped forward.
“Yes, Mother Superior!”
“See to that, will you?”
“Yes, Mother Superior.”

After they’d left, Yoshimi addressed Maria and Takuya, who’d both chosen to stay behind and keep her company for awhile.
“Yeesh, how can you guys stand it with Madame Dracula there running around?”
Maria nodded.
“She is a little intimidating, isn’t she?” Maria sighed. “It’s too bad our old Mother Superior left. She was so easy to get along with.”
“Uh huh, why’d she leave?”
“Nobody knows. She just left overnight and was replaced by this new Mother Superior in the morning.”
“Didn’t that seem a little suspicious to you?”
Maria shrugged.
“Not really. People leave all the time.”
“What do you mean?” Yoshimi asked. “Why do they leave?”
“No reason. Well, no earthly reason. Many of us believe they’ve been translated directly up to Heaven.”
“So, in other words,” Yoshimi replied. “They disappear. That’s not exactly the same as leaving. If you ask me, this whole operation smells. I think all three of us should get out of here as soon as we can. By the way, why was Mother Superior wearing a mask? What’s with that?”
“She spends a lot of time down in the catacombs,” Maria replied. “I guess it’s dusty down there.”
“What are the catacombs?”
“This convent is built on top of a system of ancient tunnels of unknown origin that have never been fully explored. Apparently they just go on and on-- some people think that Mount Himeda is honeycombed throughout with them. It’s our convent’s claim to fame, really. I can get you one of our brochures if you’d like. Of course, none of us are allowed to go down there. But Mother Superior goes down there all the time and so doesn’t bother us that much.”
“What about those goons that were with her that looked like refugees from the Spanish Inquisition?”
“You mean the Acolytes?” Maria replied uneasily.
“What kind of nuns are they?” Yoshimi asked.
Maria replied uneasily: “They’re not nuns at all. At least not of any order that I’m aware of. They’re sort of Mother Superior’s assistants. They do her bidding, pass her orders on to us, and handle discipline.”
“How’s that?”
“Punishment,” Maria said, lowering her voice, as if fearing to be overheard. “They can punish anyone who breaks the rules or sometimes just displeases them.”
“Oh, baby!” Yoshimi said. “We gotta get out of this place, if it’s the last thing we ever do. But tell me, Maria is there an enchanted castle around here?”
“What do you mean?”
Yoshimi then proceeded to tell them about her dream.
“I was walking through this tunnel, shouting out tongue twisters for some reason when I met someone–you know, that little girl we were following, Takuya-and she told me that I could find someone else I’m looking for in an enchanted castle up on the mountain. So was it just a dream or does such a place exist?”
Maria thought about it for a while.
“Well, I’ve never heard of any enchanted castles, but there’s the Chateau. Remember? I pointed it out to you when we were on the top of the mountain. It sort of looks like a castle.”
“Right!” Yoshimi said, remembering. “You said an old lady lived there with her cats.”
“Uh huh.”
“Well, that doesn’t exactly sound like it, so maybe it was just a bullshit dream, after all.”
Maria nodded.
“Well, maybe we should leave you to your rest now. Oh, I almost forgot.” She placed something into Yoshimi’s hand. It was a small silver figure of a woman with one hand raised, her middle finger pointing upward; attached to it was a delicate chain.
“What’s this?” Yoshimi asked.
“It’s the Holy Virgin Mary. Wear this around your neck, and she will look after you.”
Yoshimi held the religious icon at arms length and gazed at it dubiously. Rank superstition, of course, but out of regard for Maria, she placed it around her neck.
“How about some grub?” she asked, “I’m as hungry as a bear.”
“Alright, I’ll make you some nice rice porridge, then” Maria said.
“Ugh,” Yoshimi replied. “How about something more substantial? I could really go for lamb curry.”
“Sorry,” Maria replied. “But after three days without food, you’d just make yourself sick if you tried to eat anything like that, so porridge it is.”
“Oh well,” Yoshimi said, resignedly. “Maria’s looking after me, I guess. But could you do me one favor?”
“Of course. What is it?”
“Could you bring back a roll of duct tape with you?”
After they’d gone, Yoshimi started tearing her bed sheet into long strips.

Ito glided down the corridor toward the stranger’s room, carrying a syringe full of some green liquid.
She had been very angry with Ito when the news came to her that the stranger had awoken. It was all Ito’s fault. It was her task to make sure that the stranger got her sedative every night, but she had forgotten. Tonight would be different, though, because tonight she had mixed up an extra strong dose. The stranger would not awaken again with this in her-maybe she’d never wake up. Which would suit Ito just fine.
It was dark in the stranger’s room. Usually, that was no problem, because enough light came through the window-even at night-to allow her to see her way around the room, but someone had drawn the curtains and it was pitch black.
She felt around for the light switch beside the door, but to her surprise, she discovered that it had been taped in the off position. Before she could react to that, however, a strong arm wrapped itself around her wind pipe and a piece of tape was slapped across her face.
Ito struggled to get free, flailing and kicking at her assailant in the dark, but Yoshimi was too strong for her. A swift chop at the base of the neck rendered Ito unconscious, and she dropped the syringe, which went rolling across the floor.
Yoshimi dragged Ito across the room and pushed her down on the bed. Her ankle was in agony all the way, but she managed to bear it.
“Sorry to be so rough,” she told the unconscious Ito. “But you’ve got something I need. I want my sword, but I’m hardly dressed to go roaming around in this,” she said, tugging at her nightgown. “But no one’s going to give me any shit if I look like one of you.”
She tied Ito’s ankles together and then did her best to pull the robe off. It was an effort getting her arms out, but she finally managed to get it up and over Ito’s head. It was dark in the room, but Yoshimi’s eyes were adjusted enough to it to tell that Ito didn’t have a thing on under her robe, except for the slippers on her feet."
“I’ll take those, too,” Yoshimi said.
Yoshimi rolled Ito over onto her stomach and tied her hands behind her back. Then she took another strip of bed sheet and wrapped it around Ito’s duct taped mouth and tied it to the back of her head good and tight.
“Just for good measure,” she said. “Here, you’ll catch your death of cold,” she said, pulling a blanket over Ito’s inert form.
She doffed her hospital gown and put on Ito’s robe.
She started toward the door, but halfway across the room she stepped on something that crunched beneath her foot. It was a broken syringe from which a dark liquid had oozed out, leaving a stain on the carpet. A strong order assailed her nostrils.
“Fuck! What is that?” she said. “Smells like shit!”

The beauty of Yoshimi’s plan was that she hadn’t really thought about what she would do once she was outside the room. She’d never been in a convent before, didn’t know her way around one, and hadn’t a clue about where her sword might be. Her one thought was to find Maria and Takuya and enlist their aid in finding it. But she didn’t even know where to find them.
Well, she would just have to find a nun, any nun, and, using the authority of her Acolyte’s robe, get her to tell her where Maria’s room was.
The convent seemed to be a very old building, with cobblestone floors and stone Gothic arches every few meters that were carved to look like branching trees, very ornate.
Yoshimi wondered how such a western-style building managed to get itself planted in the soil of Japan.
“There you are.”
Yoshimi was startled by an Acolyte, who had suddenly appeared from around a corner.
“Come on,” the Acolyte said. “We’re going to be late for the Punishment.”
She jerked on Yoshimi’s arm, which caused her ankle to experience a sudden sharp pain. Yoshimi moaned.
“Are you okay?” the Acolyte asked, letting go of Yoshimi’s arm.
“Yes,” Yoshimi said and instantly regretted it. The jig was up if this one recognized Yoshimi’s voice as not that of one of her fellow Acolytes.
But she apparently seemed to be in too much of a hurry to get to what she called the Punishment to notice that Yoshimi wasn’t who she was supposed to be. She gave thanks that these cowls hid most of your face.
The Acolyte led Yoshimi to a door at the end of the corridor, and they went through it. On the other side there was a spiral staircase carved of stone that led down into darkness. There was a torch in a cradle on a nearby wall. The Acolyte took it down, lit it, and started down the staircase.
Yoshimi followed, but each step was agony for her ankle. She sucked it up as best she could, but her face was starting to sweat.
We must be going down into the catacombs, she thought. I wonder what’s down here?
After what seemed like an eternity for her foot, they finally reached the bottom of the stairs, then walked down a short passageway that reminded Yoshimi of the tunnel in her dream-but that was probably just a coincidence. Probably all underground passageways looked the same.
The passageway opened out into a large, rectangular space and a sight that almost made Yoshimi scream. The walls and floor were decorated with strange symbols (ancient writing, perhaps) and the room was illuminated by hundreds of candles set in high, ornate candelabras. On the wall at the end of the room was a huge, spiral-shaped structure and tied to it was Maria! She was stripped bare and blood was oozing from cuts all over her body.

(Part 2)

"Darn! We missed it," said the Acolyte.

Maria was hanging from some strange, spiral-like contraption attached to the wall at the far end of the chamber. Something about it seemed familiar and yet totally alien at the same time; looking at it made Yoshimi dizzy-almost sick.
A devilish cult in the basement of a church? It was almost a cliché.
Maria was a frightful sight. She was bruised all over and blood oozed from numerous cuts on her body. And she sagged like a rag doll that had lost all its stuffing. Her head hung to the side, and her eyes were closed. From this distance Yoshimi couldn’t tell if Maria had passed out or¬Öwhat.
She prayed that Maria had just passed out.
So this was the punishment that Maria had whispered about earlier, and it looked like Maria had been singled out for it.
Yoshimi could guess why, and she blamed herself.
She remembered the look the Mother Superior had given her during their brief interview earlier, and it had been obvious that Yoshimi’s presence in the convent wasn’t welcome and Mother Superior had decided to take it out on her friends. Takuya–Yoshimi hoped he was all right, but probably he wasn’t. At least he wasn’t hanging up there beside Maria.
It occurred to Yoshimi that they’d probably been drugging her these past four days as she recalled that syringe of foul-smelling gunk she’d stepped up in the room. That could also account for why her foot was still broken. Whatever kind of poison is was, it was probably counter-acting her natural healing abilities.
Mother Superior and her gang of shits were going to pay for this.
On the floor directly below Maria, two of the Acolytes were standing behind a low table outfitted with chains and leather straps. They were packing away some fearsome-looking instruments (that they had no doubt used on Maria) into what appeared to be a doctor’s bag.
Or a nurse’s bag?
A school nurse’s bag?
Yoshimi was beginning to formulate a theory about the identity of the person behind Mother Superior’s mask.
The Acolytes performed their task quietly and efficiently- and with complete indifference to poor Maria hanging above them.
Yoshimi wondered what to do. All of her training dictated caution-don’t blow your cover. Just play it cool and wait for an opportunity to save Maria to present itself
Yeah, play it cool.
“Hey,” Yoshimi said to the Acolyte next to her.
“Yes?” the Acolyte replied.
Yoshimi punched the Acolyte in the face and she went down like a sack of potatoes.
On the other hand, any situation will yield to brute force.
The Acolyte had been holding a lit torch, which Yoshimi grabbed from her senseless hand.
It was not as good as a sword would have been, but it would at least make an effective club, and she might be able to set someone on fire with it.
“Maria!” she shouted, and, brandishing the torch, and started running across the chamber floor.
The Acolytes at the table looked up in astonishment when they heard her voice and saw her approaching.
Heedless of her broken ankle, Yoshimi closed the distance between her and them-waving the torch around and whooping like a banshee.
For awhile, adrenaline buoyed her up and she felt no pain from her ankle, but that wore off quickly, and her foot twisted under her at an unnatural angle. An agonizing sensation raced up her leg. The pain was so intense that she was temporarily blinded and she stumbled sideways into one of the candleholders that lined the side of the chamber, causing it to crash down on top of her and sending her the floor. It also disturbed the nearby candelabras, which fell like dominoes, one after the other, spilling candlesticks and pools of blood red wax all over the over the floor.
Yoshimi staggered to her feet and propped herself up against the wall, breathing heavily. The torch had slipped out of her hand and rolled away out of reach; although not without igniting a few of the pools of wax on the floor in the process, which burned briefly with a flickering blue light before going out.
With the candles out, the chamber was half in darkness, but Yoshimi could that the two Acolytes near Maria had left their work and were approaching her. They wore puzzled expressions and had big knives in their hands. Also, they had thrown back their hoods, showing themselves to be nekomimi. That was a revelation to Yoshimi. What about the one she had stripped and hog tied up in the room? Yoshimi didn’t recall her having any cat-like features. But, then, it was dark and Yoshimi was in a hurry.
Besides, in the dark all cats are grey.
They were closing in on her, hissing and snarling and their yellow eyes were blazing; whether with rage or the kind of predatory elation you see in cats she didn’t matter. Any semblance they bore to humanity was all washed away-- now they were just primal cats ready to pounce on some helpless bird.
And Yoshimi was the bird-unarmed, defenseless and sporting a broken foot.
Master Taro used to say: never meet a bullet or a blade or an opponent head on. Always make sure to go in the same direction they are. But that was going to be difficult with her back against the wall and two cat girls almost upon her now. She had to get in the clear somehow.
She quickly tore off her robe and tossed it at them. Then, taking advantage of their momentary confusion, she crouched low and-bracing her good foot against the wall-pushed off, rolling between them and evading their knives by the barest of fractions-almost.
She did feel a slight stinging sensation and some dampness on her left arm, where a little streamlet of crimson was trickling down, but at least she was in the clear.
She got to her feet as quickly as she could.
It was painful, but not as painful as before, so maybe she was getting better; she hoped so.
Bewildered howls came from the cat girls when they realized they had lost their prey.
“Look, ladies,” she said, as she backed away from them-needing some space in which to maneuver. “I don’t want to hurt you. I just want Maria. Let me take her and go and we’ll call it even. Okay?”
“Infidel! Blasphemer!” the cat girls replied, rushing toward her.
Yoshimi shrugged. She never really expected they’d listen to her.
“Well, I warned you.”
She was counting on the possibility that these so-called Acolytes were not fighters; not in any true sense, that is. They might be skilled at torturing helpless nuns, but how well would they do in a fair fight?
If you could call one naked cripple against two knife-wielding felines fair.
Yoshimi was hoping that they would give her an advantage by doing something stupid. She started smiling, therefore, when she noticed that the one on her left was coming on little bit out in front of the other. If they’d attacked her in unison, she might not have had a chance, but this was good. Now, she estimated, she’d have at least two or three seconds to take down the one before having to deal with the other.
When the cat girl was close enough, she made a vicious swing at Yoshimi with her knife. But Yoshimi quickly side-stepped and grabbed the cat girl’s wrist. At the same time, she slammed her hip into the cat girl’s side, knocking her off balance, and used the grip she had on the cat girl to send her to the floor. Yoshimi twisted the cat girl’s wrist really hard and was gratified to hear a loud snap.
The cat girl screamed and dropped her knife, which clattered to the floor.
Yoshimi tried to pick it up, but there wasn’t enough time. She found herself on her knees using both hands to evade the second cat girl, who was on her a little earlier than Yoshimi had figured.
Keeping a tight grip on the cat girl, Yoshimi rolled onto her back, while slamming her good foot into her opponent’s stomach, making her somersault over Yoshimi and hit the floor on her back.
The cat girl turned over and started to pick herself up, but Yoshimi got to her feet first and delivered a vicious blow to head with her good foot. Yoshimi’s other foot, which momentarily had to support the whole weight of her body, hurt, but not as bad as before.
Well, one cat girl was out and the other was nursing a broken wrist.
Yoshimi bent over to pick up a knife. She wasn’t thinking so much about using it as a weapon, but she needed something to cut Maria free with.
But just then, someone grabbed her from behind.
It was the first Acolyte–the one Yoshimi had cold-cocked at the beginning of this little fracas. Yoshimi had forgotten all about her, but now she had her arm locked around Yoshimi’s throat and was trying to choke the life out of her.
This one was pretty strong; Yoshimi couldn’t break her grip or get any leverage, and with her opponent’s arm crushing her windpipe, she was too busy struggling to breathe to concentrate on her martial arts. She was getting too disoriented and her vision was beginning to blur. But she could see the torch she’d dropped. It was nearby and still lit. In fact, it had rolled into a particularly large pool of melted wax which was feeding the flame, causing it to blaze up brighter than ever.
If she could just get to it.
Yoshimi employed all the strength she could gather to direct the both of them closer the torch. The hot, melted wax was murder on her feet as they fitfully approached the torch, but it was also slippery and Yoshimi could use that to her advantage.
Like an oil wrestler, Yoshimi slammed her body against her opponent’s again and again, until the cat girl lost her footing in the slick wax. She fell on top of the torch and screamed as her robe caught fire. It was what Yoshimi had hoped would happen, but since she was right on top of the cat girl and still held in her grip, she was getting barbequed as well.
But the cat girl pushed Yoshimi away and fled from the room, looking like some kind of fiery comet.
Yoshimi got to her feet, gasping raggedly.
Broken foot, knife cuts, strangulation and second degree burns! Yoshimi’d had enough of pain, but there was no relief in sight as the other two Acolytes had regained their knives and were closing in on her. The one with the broken wrist was holding her knife in her other hand loosely and awkwardly, but the other one had a firm grip on hers.
Sighing deeply, Yoshimi picked up the torch.
It was almost too hot to touch, but at this point what was a little more pain?
Now a new battle began. It was one without finesse or art-just a brutal street fight between a naked woman and two enraged felines. Anyone would have paid a dollar to see it, and in the end a weary, but triumphant Yoshimi stood over two comatose and badly singed cat girls. One of them moaned, and Yoshimi kicked her hard in the ribs.
“Bitch!” she said, bending over to pick up a knife. “I told you so.”
She limped over to where Maria was hanging and cut her down, placing her on the table. Maria felt cold to Yoshimi’s touch and there was an unsettling grey cast to her skin.
Yoshimi patted Maria’s cheeks gently and tried rubbing her arms and legs to get a little circulation going.
“Maria! Come on, wake up!” she said.
She placed her ear on Maria’s chest and tried to listen for a heartbeat and was considering mouth-to-mouth respiration when Maria’s eyes fluttered open weakly.
“Yoshimi?” Maria said faintly.
“Maria!” Yoshimi’s said hoarsely. Tears of joy streamed down her cheeks and she hugged Maria fiercely.
God, she was so cold.
“Yoshimi, I’m sorry,” Maria said in a voice that was so low it was barely a whisper.
“No, Maria! I’m the one who’s sorry. It’s all my fault. I made this trouble for you. Please, forgive me!”
Maria made no reply, but closed her eyes again. Her body felt a little bit lighter to Yoshimi-as if something were leaving.
“No!” Yoshimi shouted, shaking Maria gently. “Stay with me, Maria! Please!”
Maria opened her eyes again.
She put out her hand and cupped the amulet around Yoshimi’s neck; the figure of the Virgin Mary that she had given Yoshimi earlier.
“Trust her,” Maria said. “She will look after you,” and her hand dropped away-forever.
Maria was gone.
“No!” Yoshimi screamed. “No! Maria! No!”
She held Maria’s cold, dead body tightly in her arms and rocked her back and forth, like one would a baby; and sobbed.
This wasn’t the first time Yoshimi had seen someone die. It wasn’t even the first time she’d had friends die-friends she’d know longer than Maria. But it always tore her up. After all, underneath that tough-as-nails, tomboyish exterior, she was just a small woman.

She was still holding on to Maria’s body when they found her.
“Tsk, tsk, what have we here?” said a familiar voice.
Yoshimi looked up.
It was Mother Superior, of course. Only, instead of her nun’s habit, she was wearing a black kimono decorated with little spirals that seemed to glow slightly. They were undoubtedly the same design as the one Maria had been tied to.
Mother Superior was standing in the middle of the chamber, but she wasn’t alone. Two more Acolytes were present helping to revive the two Yoshimi had put out. Another girl stood next to Mother Superior. She was dressed in the uniform of that JAST school back in Moriyoh, and Yoshimi silently remarked to herself again how that school always seemed to be involved when there was some deviltry going on.
She was an ordinary girl-not a kemonomimi, or anything like that. But she seemed strange. Instead of standing up straight, as a normal person would, she was hunched over and swung her head back and forth for no apparent reason. He eyes were dull, and she wore a slack-almost subhuman-expression on her face.
But the most startling thing of all was that Mother Superior was flanked by two gigantic cat men.
Meow Meows! Yoshimi thought. Them again? What’s going on here?
“What are you doing out of bed, little police girl?” Mother Superior asked. “Playing with my kittens? But, my dear, you play to rough. Just look at what you did to poor Shiraki and Reika,” she said, indicating the two cat girls Yoshimi had been fighting, who were back on their feet now, supported by the others.
“And you set fire to poor Imari,” Mother Superior shook her head. “Really! Setting fire to a kitten? That’s the sort of thing I’d expect from a grade schooler, not a grown woman. Speaking of which, you really are quite shameless, my dear, walking around naked like that. Come over here, won’t you?.”
She made a gesture to the cat men behind her, and they grabbed Yoshimi by the arms and dragged her over to within a few centimeters of Mother Superior.
Yoshimi made no effort to resist. She was exhausted and demoralized. Besides, if there was any way, however remote, to get out of this, it would present itself, so she would just have to be patient. Yoshimi would have liked to spit in Mother Superior’s eye, but her mouth was dry.
“Maria’s dead!” she croaked out.
“Ah yes, poor Maria. But how thoughtless of her to invite strangers into the convent. Well, everyone dies eventually. Except for those who live forever in the body of Uzumaki.”
“What?” Yoshimi asked, puzzled.
“Hmmm,” Mother Superior replied. She ran her finger along her ear and tugged at the loop attached to her mask, lowering it a little. “Tell me, police girl, do you think I’m beautiful?” she asked.
Don’t let her show you her face! A voice screamed in Yoshimi’s mind.
“Don’t bother,” she said. I already know what you look like¬ÖKokoro Komegura."
A look of astonishment appeared in Mother Superior’s eyes-or maybe it was amusement¬Öor both.
“Ho ho, I guess my secrets out, everybody,” she replied, laughing.
All the cat girls laughed as well, and so did the girl in the school uniform, but with a kind of confused laugh that indicated she didn’t understand what was so funny and was just going along with the others.
The only ones not laughing were the Meow Meows holding on to Yoshimi. They were as impassive as statues.
Suddenly, one of the cat girls came up to Mother Superior and said, “I’m hungry.” And she was looking directly at Yoshimi the way a cat looks at a mouse.
“Later, dear,” Mother Superior replied. “Our little police girl amuses me still. I think we will play with her a while longer. Put her in with the other for now.”
“Awww! Well, can we at least fuck her up a little?” The disappointed cat girl replied.
“Oh, Saeki,” Mother Superior replied, patting the girl on the head. “You’re always such a pragmatist. Of course you may, dear.”

(Part 3)

Hideyuki was standing behind the counter where Café Ariel's waitresses picked up their orders. He was trying to get the attention of Narumi, who was standing nearby, but who seemed miles away. She was just standing around, staring off into space.
"Eh?" Narumi replied, suddenly returning to her senses.
"The order for table five-the corn and squid pizza-is ready," he said.
"Uh¬Öyeah," she replied. "I'll take care of it right away."
"Wait," Hideyuki said. "You seem distracted. What's the matter?"
Even though he was her boss, Hideyuki and Narumi had been friends since childhood; he'd even been her boyfriend in college. They'd always shared confidences, so if something was troubling her he wanted to know about it.
"Yoshimi and Takuya¬Ö" she said. "I can't stop worrying about them. They've been gone for days and I haven't heard a word from either of them. They were only supposed to be gone for a few hours."
"Yeah, tell me about it," Hideyuki replied. "When Takuya didn't show up for work, I was forced to hire Mitsuki back."
As if on cue, a loud crash was heard from across the room.
"He he he. Gomen, gomen!"
"Gomen, gomen!" Hideyuki said. "She always thinks gomen solves everything. I don't think the tableware is going to survive her." 
Narumi smiled sympathetically. She and Mitsuki had been bitter rivals for Hideyuki's attention, but ultimately he had chosen Mitsuki and married her.  Narumi thought he'd made the wrong choice.
"What was the deal, anyway?" Hideyuki asked. "They were chasing after somebody or other, weren't they?"
"Yoshimi was chasing someone, yes. And but she dragged poor Takuya along with her. We were sitting in the Antique Bakery, when she suddenly saw this little girl get into a car with that lawyer guy who she said was involved in that Maniac Nurse business. So she decided to follow him, even though she was on suspension. I had a bad feeling about it at the time, and now¬Öwell¬ÖI still do."
"I've never met her," Hideyuki replied. "But isn't Yoshimi some kind of top fighter-- like a character in a video game or something?"
: "She's headstrong and takes chances," Narumi replied. Recalling that time they mixed it up with the Meow Meows, she added: "¬Ö and not as tough as she seems. She's going to get herself into serious trouble one of these days."
"Sumimasen! Sumimasen!"
At one of the tables across the room, a man was standing up and waving his arms frantically.
"That's table five," Narumi said. "I'd better take them their order. Gomen, gomen," she shouted back at the man.
"Here," Hideyuki replied, handing her the pizza. "Look, I'm sure they're okay. Maybe they just had car trouble or something."
"I hope so," she replied.

Yoshimi's naked body lay bruised and bleeding on the floor. She was senseless but still barely alive.
Saeki still wanted to kill her, and said so, but Mother Superior had forbidden it.
"There's more to be savored from this one than mere destruction-such a feisty little child. And so inventive! Imagine, setting fire to Imari. Too bad she's not a virgin. Lord Uzumaki would love her more than the other one."
But Saeki persisted, and Mother Superior responded with a hard look and a soft voice.
"Saeki, dear, your viciousness is so utterly charming, but your attitude is impossible. Consider Nanjou here¬Ö"
She patted the girl who was standing next to her. She was hunched over and had a blank expression on her face. She looked up and smiled at Mother Superior, a line of drool dribbled from the corner of her mouth.
"We owe Nanjou a debt of gratitude," Mother Superior said, "for providing us with a sacrifice for our ceremony, but she was such an egotist. She started making the most unreasonable demands. She wanted me to treat her as an equal. Imagine! And her, a mere commoner. Besides, I wanted to see what Beast Dom's process would do to non-nekomimi. As you can see, the result was a little disappointing."
Nanjou wiped the droll from her chin; the idiotic grin on her face highlighting her total lack of awareness.
Mother Superior walked over to Saeki and put her hand on her shoulder.
"Of course, in your case results would be different. You would become a true Meow Meow. Would you like that? The boys," she said, gesturing at the two huge cat men who were standing behind her, "would love that. There are so few female Meow Meow; they would welcome you with open arms. Ho ho, that's why there are so few female Meow Meow."
Saeki shuddered and shrank away from Mother Superior's touch. She lowered her head and said, "I'm sorry, Mother Superior. I spoke out of turn."
Mother Superior nodded and the light of benevolence appeared in her eyes.
"Minasan," she said, addressing the Acolytes as a group, "We're all such good friends here, aren't we?"
"Hai," they all replied in unison.
"Good! Then let's get that," she pointed at Yoshimi, "out of here. She made a gesture and the two cat men came forward and dragged Yoshimi from the room, leaving a trail of bloodspots in their wake.
"Hmmm," said Mother Superior, eying the blood on the floor, "Could someone please clean that up?"

When Yoshimi came to, she looked up and saw the face of an angel. For a minute there she thought she'd died and gone to Heaven, but quickly realized she hadn't. Glancing around, she saw that she was in a kind of prison cell, with stone walls and iron bars on one side. It had all the accoutrements of a dungeon, too, with various chains and manacles attached to large, heavy rings decorating the wall.
No, definitely not Heaven. 

She was lying on the floor, with her head in the lap of the angel that had first caught her gaze. A blanket of thick, scratchy wool had been placed over her, which itched a little, but she was grateful that her nakedness was covered up.
The angel spoke:
“Hello cookie. You look like you’ve been in a cat fight and the cat won.”
Was that flippant remark meant to be a joke, Yoshimi wondered? Of course, it was literally true. Yoshimi’s body convulsed as a fresh wave of pain hit her.
“There, there,” the angel said soothingly. She stroked Yoshimi’s head and smiled at her.
“Where am I?” Yoshimi asked.
“Don’t worry about that right now, cookie. Relax,” the angel said softly and continued to stroke Yoshimi’s head. It felt good, and Yoshimi couldn’t think of any reason not to let her. Sure, she was a stranger-whoever she was. But she was also the first person Yoshimi had met in awhile who wasn’t trying to put her lights out.
Yoshimi knew she had things to do and shouldn’t just lie on her back getting stroked like this, but there was no rush. She wanted to hold onto this comfortable feeling as long as she could. There was time for, well, whatever. In the meantime, maybe she’d just go back to sleep.
Yoshimi smiled and closed her eyes.
Startled fully awake suddenly-- and inexplicably embarrassed, Yoshimi jumped to her feet and, wrapping the blanket around her like a toga, saw a young girl standing in front of her with her hands on her hips and a disapproving look on her face. She was perhaps eighteen years old and dressed in the uniform of that JAST school, causing Yoshimi to wonder about two things: First, what was a school girl from Moriyoh doing in a dungeon under a convent on Himeda Ridge, and, second, why was it that whenever anything weird was going on, that institution seemed to be involved.
“Excuse me?” Yoshimi said, addressing the girl.
Meanwhile, the angel got up from the floor and went over to a nearby cot that had no blanket over it, merely a sheet.
She was an attractive, although mature-looking, woman-a bejin-- and looked a little familiar, like someone Yoshimi had seen before-on television or somewhere like that. She was dressed in a colorful (although a bit loud) robe that was open in front, exposing her underwear and her long, smooth legs, which she crossed–making quite a show of it in the process.
“You wouldn’t happen to have a cigarette, would you?” she asked Yoshimi.
“Eh?” Yoshimi replied.
“No, I guess you wouldn’t. No pockets, isn’t it? I checked,” she said, smiling sweetly.
“Watch her,” the schoolgirl said to Yoshimi. “She’s a sicko; a lesbian, with a lot of weird ideas. I’ve been fighting her off ever since I found myself here.” She paused, and noting the way Yoshimi was not dressed, added: “Unless you’re one, too. In which case I suggest the two of you get a room,” she said bitterly, “¬Öand leave me alone.”
The woman on the cot laughed. “Dear, dear Yuki. What an impractical suggestion. I haven’t laid a finger on you. It’s just your imagination.”
The girl gave a hard look.
“Well¬Ö maybe a couple of times,” the woman shrugged. “Just for a little entertainment you know. There’s nothing to do in here. We don’t even have a Go board. Beside, you really should stop being such a prude, considering our situation.”
“Waaa!” Suddenly, a stricken look appeared on the girl’s face and she started crying. “Waaa!.”
“Hey!” Yoshimi said, moving to comfort the girl, but the blanket fell down to her waist, and she had to stop and pull it back up.
The girl ran over to a cot by the opposite side of the cell and threw herself down on it-- sobbing loudly.
“I’m sorry I said that,” the woman said. “Now she’s off on one of her crying jags. She gets those sometimes.” She motioned for Yoshimi to come closer to her, which Yoshimi did, albeit suspiciously in light of the girl’s recent revelation. Lowering her voice to a whisper, the woman said: “She’s scared. She doesn’t like to be reminded of her situation. Of course, neither do I, isn’t it?”
“Who are you?” Yoshimi asked.
“Yes¬Öwell that girl over there is Han¬ÖNo! Yuki! Her name is Yuki. And I used to be Anna Sugimoto,” the woman replied.
“Anna Sugimoto?” Yoshimi said. “Anna Sugimoto, the pop singer?”
“Well, someone remembers,” the woman replied and clapped her hands together. “I’m flattered.”
“Well I thought you looked familiar.” Yoshimi said. “But I’d heard you’d moved to Europe.”
“Is that what you’d heard?” Sugimoto replied. “Well, I wish I had. I loved Paris, you know. So many good memories. I should have found a nice little loft to live in and a Vespa to ride around on…”
“Why didn’t you?” Yoshimi asked.
Sugimoto shrugged.
“I guess it was because I thought I still had a career in Japan, but it turned out I was wrong. Did you ever hear of the Meowtis Tea Time?”
Yoshimi shook her head.
“A bunch of cat girls pretending to be musicians,” Sugimoto said bitterly. “They couldn’t play worth a damn, but that didn’t matter to their audience; all the fan boys wanted was to see their tails. I hate cats,” she added. “But what’s your story, cookie? A beautiful, naked stranger thrust unexpectedly among us, bruised and bleeding?”
Yoshimi was taken aback by the way Sugimoto put that and backed away from her.
“I’m Detective Yoshimi Hakage, of the Moriyoh Police,” Yoshimi said.
An expression appeared on Sugimoto’s face that indicated she might have a certain level of discomfort with law enforcement. Yoshimi decided to make a mental note of it. On the other side of the room, Yuki lifted her head up and wiped away a tear.
“You’re from Moriyoh?” Yuki asked
“Yeah,” Yoshimi replied.
“I’m from Moriyoh,” Yuki said.
Yoshimi nodded. “But finding a former pop idol and a school girl together, both the captives of an insane woman and her gang of cat bitches is a fairly odd circumstance. How’d it happen?”
“I’m here because of her,” Sugimoto said, pointing to Yuki. “Why don’t you tell us, dear? After all, I was just an innocent bystander.”
“Yoshimi turned to Yuki, “Well?” she said.
Yuki sat up and wiped at the wetness on her face.
“Here,” said Sugimoto, producing a tissue from the pocket of her robe. “Give her this.”
Yoshimi took it and handed it to Yuki, who used it to wipe away the tears and blow her nose. “Thanks,” she said. She carefully folded the tissue up and tucked it under the blanket on her cot. Then she sat up straight and smoothed her skirt, which was all wrinkled and dingy. She’d probably been sleeping in her clothes for days.
Yuki began:
“Well, I was unconscious for part of the time, so I don’t know the whole story, but have you ever heard of the School Girl Detectives?”
“You mean that dumb TV show?” Yoshimi replied.
“Uh¬Öyeah, that one” Yuki replied, a little crestfallen. “Well, there were three of us girls at school¬Öwe were fans of the show and decided to start a School Girl Detective Club of our own. We made ourselves these cute outfits, you know, like the ones the girls wore on the show, complete with trench coats and everything, and decided we’d investigate mysteries around school. The first thing we did was to try and solve the disappearance of Miss Komegura, the School Nurse¬Ö”
“And did you?” Yoshimi asked.
“No. We never did.” Yuki replied.
“Hmmm, you sure of that?” Yoshimi asked.
“What?” Yuki asked.
“Nothing,” Yoshimi replied. “Go on.”
“Well, then Kimouchi, my best friend, moved to Vancouver and Eri, who was also our good friend, got involved with a boy at school and dropped out of the club, so that left only me. I probably would have quit, too, but then I overheard these two girls (real snots who thought they were better than everyone else) talking about this secret sex club they were in.”
“The Tairano Masakado Rebellion, right?” Yoshimi said.
“How do you know that?” Yuki asked, surprised.
“I’m a policeman,” Yoshimi replied. “It’s my job to know these things.” Yoshimi saw no reason to tell Yuki about the notebook Etsuji and she had found in Komegura’s secret hideout. It was always better to leave civilians a little in the dark when it came to police matters.
Yuki looked puzzled, but went on.
“Of course, there had always been rumors, but no one really believed it until I overheard the two of them talking about it in the girl’s toilet. So I though that if I could expose them to the whole school (maybe get some pictures or something), I could embarrass them a little-or even get them expelled.”
“How were you planning to do that?” Yoshimi asked.
“Well, on TV the Schoolgirl Detectives once went undercover to expose a shoplifting club at their school, so I figured that if I could talk them into letting me join their club¬Ö”
“Hold on,” said a very surprised Sugimoto. “Were you were planning to have sex with them?”
“No! Of course not!” Yuki replied. “I didn’t plan on letting it go that far; just enough to get the goods on them. Besides, they weren’t having sex with each other.”
“Now you see, that’s not an assumption I would make,” Sugimoto replied.
“Uh¬Öwell, I’m pretty sure they were having sex with boys,” Yuki protested.
“Cum si, cum sa,” Sugimoto said, waving her hand. “But why did you want to mess with an innocent little sex club? It’s not like they were doing anything illegal.”
“Umm¬ÖI’m pretty sure they were,” Yoshimi interjected.
“Really?” Sugimoto asked, sounding genuinely surprised.
Yoshimi shook her head and turned back to Yuki, “So what happened?” she asked.
“Well, at first I thought it would be difficult to get in with them. They were pretty cliquish, and I thought their leader, Nanjou, hated me. In fact, she’d said she did.”
Nanjou? The name sounded familiar to Yoshimi for some reason.
“Hmmm, go on.” Yoshimi said.
“Well, as it turned out, it wasn’t as hard as I thought, because all of a sudden they were as friendly as could be and invited me out for ice cream and¬Öand¬Ö”
“And, what?” Yoshimi asked.
“And that’s all I remember, until I woke up in here with her,” she said, indicating Sugimoto.
“Well?” Yoshimi said, turning to Sugimoto.
“There’s not much to tell,” Sugimoto said. She raised her arms above her head and stretched. “I was just minding my own business, when these girls showed up at my doorstep, and one of them was Hanna.”
“No! Excuse me,” Sugimoto said. “I mean Yuki.”
“Where was this?” Yoshimi asked.
“At a little Bed and Breakfast I run called The Chateau.”
Yoshimi suddenly remembered that night she and Maria had stood on the peak of Mount Himeda, and Maria had pointed out a building far below that looked like a European castle.
“The Chateau?” she asked. “Someone once told me that was home to a crazy old woman and her cats.”
“I’m not old!” Sugimoto exclaimed. “Why does everyone say that? I’m just mature for my age. In fact, I’m probably younger than you.”
“I’m thirty-two,” Yoshimi said.
“There! I knew it.” Sugimoto said happily, but made no indication of revealing her own age.
“What about the cats?” Yoshimi asked. “I thought you said you hated cats.”
“I do,” Sugimoto replied. “These cats are my employees.”
“Nekomimi?” Yoshimi said. “Like the Acolytes?”
Sugimoto didn’t reply to Yoshimi’s question right away. She seemed to be struggling to find the right response.
“They’re¬Ö” she said finally. “My former employees.”
“What did you use them for?” Yoshimi asked. “Torturing your guests?”
“No! Of course not!” Sugimoto replied.
Her response was accompanied by a fleeting wrinkling of her brow; which, Yoshimi knew, usually indicated that a person was lying. If she hadn’t been before, Sugimoto was definitely a person of interest to her.
“I thought you wanted to know what happened when those girls showed up,” Sugimoto said.
“Proceed,” Yoshimi said.
“Well, I turned them away, of course; the Chateau doesn’t cater to the general public. But that one called Nanjou insisted that they were there by the invitation of someone named Betsunade, whom she seemed to think was in charge of the place.”
“Miss Betsunade?” Yuki asked. “She’s our school nurse.”
“What’s she look like?” Yoshimi asked.
“Funny you should ask,” Yuki answered. “Because none of us at school has ever seen her face. She always wears a surgical mask at work. It’s more hygienic, I guess.”
“Her name isn’t Betsunade. It’s Kuchisake,” Sugimoto said. “And, believe you me, she’s no nurse.”
“That also describes the Mother Superior of this convent,” Yoshimi said. “They’re all one and the same person-Kokoro Komegura, the Maniac Nurse!”
Sugimoto shook her head.
“No, that’s wrong. Kokoro’s been my¬Öah¬Öhouse guest for the past seven months. But Kuchisake’s been a thorn in my side for a lot longer than that.”
“Komegura!” Yoshimi exclaimed. “Do you mean to tell me that you’ve been harboring a fugitive from the law for seven months?”
“You¬Ö might say that,” Sugimoto replied.
“Is she still there?” Yoshimi asked.
“As far as I know,” Sugimoto replied. “The last time I saw her she was locked up in her room and chained to her bed, so I assume she still is.”
“Chained to her bed?” Yoshimi asked. “What kind of a place do you run, anyway?”
“Just a simple little country inn,” Sugimoto replied.
“Well, consider yourself under arrest.”
Sugimoto was incredulous.
“You’re joking.”
“And I’m going to get Komegura, too! Hot damn, what a break!”
“Well you’re welcome to the wretch,” Sugimoto said. “But how are you going get out of here, Princess Tenko?”
“Don’t worry, I’ll find a way,” Yoshimi replied. “I’ve been in worse fixes than this.”
Well¬Öthat was true, but in the past she’d always had the help of a partner-- like Rex (or even Narumi). But this time she was on her own. But she’d be okay, she told herself. She was a little put out, though, to find that her theory linking Mother Superior and Komegura as one and the same had gone bust. Hadn’t Mother Superior even admitted it? But apparently she had just been toying with Yoshimi. If this Betsunade or Kuchisake or whomever, wasn’t Komegura, then who was she?
Yoshimi shrugged. It just meant that she had two different maniacs on her hands now.
“But finish your story,” Yoshimi told Sugimoto. “You were about to send those girls packing, but you didn’t apparently. What happened?”
“Yes, I was going to send them away, but then I found Hanna¬ÖI mean Yuki passed out in the back of their car.” Sugimoto said.
“Why do you keep doing that?” Yoshimi asked.
“What?” Sugimoto replied.
“You keep calling Yuki by that name. How come?”
“Oh, no reason,” Sugimoto said. She was trying to be nonchalant, but her brow wrinkled again. “She just reminds me of someone I knew long ago.”
“That’s a reason,” Yoshimi said.
“Would you mind letting me finish my story?” Sugimoto asked. “There’s not much more to tell.”
Yoshimi bowed.
“Go right ahead.”
“When I realized that¬Öthis girl¬Öhad probably been drugged, I had her taken up to my room.”
��What for!?” Yuki cried.
“Good question,” Yoshimi added.
Sugimoto folded her arms across her chest.
“Are you suggesting that I would take advantage of someone who was unconscious?” she asked.
“Well,” Yoshimi replied. “You’ve already admitted to one kind of criminal behavior by sheltering a wanted felon. Who knows what else you’d do.”
“Well, I would never do anything like that!” Sugimoto shot back angrily, but there was that wrinkled brow again. “I was just trying to be a good Samaritan. I tried reviving her, but she had too much of that poison in her. I got some on me and passed out and woke up in this dungeon.”
“Uh huh,” Yoshimi replied. That must have been the same stuff they were using on me in the convent to keep me under. But they were injecting it in me-Yuki, how’d they get you? Do you know?”
“Well¬ÖI was eating ice cream.”
"Aha! See, in both our cases, we had to take it internally. So how’d you get it, Sugimoto?
Yoshimi glared accusingly at Sugimoto, who turned a little red and started playing with her fingers.
“There was some on her lips,” she said . “It tasted very bitter.”
“What! You kissed me!” Yuki exclaimed.
“Well, it worked for Prince Charming,” Sugimoto replied.

Time passed, and then an Acolyte appeared outside their cell. She was carrying a cloth-covered tray and was accompanied by a fairly imposing cat man.
“Ah, dinner,” Sugimoto said.
They entered the cell, and she set the tray down on the floor without a word. For a brief moment, Yoshimi thought about rushing them, but gave the idea up. The Acolyte she could probably trounce, but the Meow Meow was something else again. Without a weapon she didn’t stand a chance against him, so maybe later.
Besides, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d eaten, and right now food was a higher priority than fighting.
Sugimoto and Yuki sat down on either side of the tray, and Sugimoto pulled away the cloth. Yoshimi tried to sit as well, but found it was impossible to cover her bottom and keep her top up as well.
“Don’t be so formal, cookie,” Sugimoto said, breaking apart her chop sticks. “We’re all girls here.”
“Stop calling me that,” Yoshimi replied. ¬ëI’m not baked goods, and I’m not giving you a free show, either."
“Incredible,” Sugimoto said, laughing. She rose and walked over to the Acolyte, who was back on the other side of the cell, locking up. Sugimoto said a few words to her and pointed to Yoshimi. The Acolyte looked at Yoshimi and then back at Sugimoto.
You wait here," she told the cat man, who nodded and took a position between two torches that were mounted in the opposite wall and which provided the room’s lighting.
“What did you say to her?” Yoshimi asked when Sugimoto re-seated herself.
“Oh, I just asked her to get you some clothes,” Sugimoto replied.
“Thanks. Think she will?”
“I don’t know,” Sugimoto replied. “But, after all, these cat girls were all once my employees. I hope I still have some influence over them, but I think they’re rather amused that I’m behind bars.”
“How come they’re not still working for you?” Yoshimi asked.
“It’s a long story. Maybe I’ll tell you someday.”
“Yeah, like at your trial.”
“Oh, put away your yo-yo Sukeban Deka, and let’s eat.”
On the tray in front of them were three bowels of hot rice, some pickled vegetables and slices of what appeared to be pork. There was even a small bottle of sake. Not enough to get three people tipsy, but good enough to wash the food down. Yuki, of course, was already cramming rice into her mouth and wondering if the newcomer was going to eat all her vegetables.
“This is pretty good for prison food,” Yoshimi said, picking up her bowl."
“Well, it’s not gourmet-I could do a lot with a few spices,” Sugimoto replied. “But it is rather good. They’ve been feeding us well for some reason.”
Yoshimi took up her chop sticks and picked up a slice of pork, but Sugimoto touched her on the wrist and shook her head.
“We’ve found the meat to be¬Öah¬Öquestionable.”
“Oh,” Yoshimi replied, dropping it.
The Acolyte re-appeared (almost as if on cue) when they had finished eating.
She entered the cell and threw a bundle of black cloth she was carrying at Yoshimi. “Put it on,” she said.
Yoshimi stood up and held the garment out in front of her.
“This is a nun’s outfit,” she said. “Oh, well.” She shrugged and, casting the blanket aside, slipped the habit over her head. “How do I look?” she asked.
“Like borrowed sanctity,” Sugimoto replied. “But you can’t fool me¬ÖYoshimi-chan.”
“The sarcasm never stops with you, does it?”
“Never for you,” Sugimoto replied.
“Sleep now,” said the Acolyte, who had picked up the tray and was now on the other side of the bars. She motioned to the cat man to put out the torches, and the room was plunged into total darkness.
“Are they still out there?” Yoshimi asked.
“Probably,” Sugimoto replied. “Unlike us, they don’t need light to see. I don’t know how they do it. They’ll stay out there until we settle down, so we might as well all go to bed. By the way, where are you going to sleep, Yoshimi?”
“The floor’s fine with me,” Yoshimi replied. She sat down and measured out a clear space in the dark with her hands. A creaking sound in the corner signified that Yuki had settled down on her cot.
“I wouldn’t mind sharing my bed,” Sugimoto said.
“Yeah, I bet,” Yoshimi replied. “No thanks.”

“Yoshimi? Are you asleep?”
In fact, Yoshimi had almost dozed off when she heard a rustling in the dark, and felt a body press against hers.
“Sugimoto? Get off!”
“Hey!” Yuki’s voice sounded in the darkness. “What’s going on over there? Cut it out!”
“It’s not what you think, Yuki,” Yoshimi called back.
“Ooh, Yoshimi,” Sugimoto moaned. “Not there-lower.”
Yoshimi lashed out in the dark and hit something soft.
“Now get back to bed!”
Instead, Sugimoto grabbed Yoshimi by the waist and whispered in her ear: “Be still. There’s something I have to tell you.” The sound of her voice was barely audible and her lips were so close to Yoshimi’s ear that her breath tickled. “Something I don’t want the girl to hear.”
“What?” Yoshimi whispered back.
“Shhh,” Sugimoto said. "Just listen. She’s in great danger. Kuchisake¬Öshe’s not human. She’s¬Ösomething terrible. Her presence has haunted the Chateau for as long as I can remember. I used to see her wandering the grounds at night. At first, I was curious about her, but the staff told me it was bad luck to talk to her, so I held off. But one night, she came to me. She asked me if I thought she was beautiful, but before I could answer she took off that mask she wore. Her face underneath was indescribable. Her cheeks were slit open from ear to ear full of long, sharp teeth. I nearly fainted at the sight of it, and she laughed that nasty laugh of hers. I was scared and feared she might do something terrible to me, but she didn’t. I think that was just a test. I think she wanted to see how much she could frighten me, and it worked. After that, I knew enough to completely avoid her if it were possible.
"Then one moonlit night I decided to go for a walk in the woods. People at the Chateau had told me it wasn’t safe in the woods at night. But Kuchisake hadn’t been around for a very long time, and I thought a short walk would be safe enough. The night air was pleasantly warm; a nice breeze was blowing; and there was a full moon high overhead. Suddenly, I heard Kuchisake’s voice in the distance. I should have turned and run back to the Chateau then and there, but some kind of perverse curiosity egged me on to go spy on her.
"I discovered her in a clearing. She was wearing that black komodo of hers and talking to a group of cat men. The moonlight was bright enough for me to make all of them out distinctly. They were huge and brutish-looking, with tattoos all over their bodies (they were naked) that looked like tiger stripes. I had never seen a Meow Meow, except in history books, but I was pretty sure that’s what they were. Fortunately, they didn’t see me, because I was hiding in the shadow of a tree.
"On the ground in front of them was a human body. It was the boy who made deliveries for the noodle shop down the Ridge, and he looked dead. Kuchisake was speaking. She said: ¬ëI haven’t eaten in a long time.’ She removed her mask and handed it to one of the cat men, then took of her kimono. Her face was terrible enough, but it was nothing compared to her body. It was brown and emaciated-like the body of a very old corpse. Her skin looked like dry parchment stretched over her bony frame. The sight of it must have even startled the cat men, because they started to get restless. ¬ëThe last place I found myself in didn’t have much of a selection,’ she said.
“The worst part of it was that parts of her body were eaten away. There was a large hole in the middle of her chest in which something large and black was crawling around. Then she got down on her knees in front of the boy’s body, and the thing in her chest came into view. It was a giant centipede that crawled down the front of her and over to the boy. As soon as it left Kuchisake, her body sagged like a puppet whose strings had been cut. The centipede crawled across the boy’s chest and¬Öand¬Öate it’s way into his body! That was all I could stand. At the sight of it, I turned and fled back to the Chateau. I didn’t even care if I made any noise. So that’s why I’m afraid for Yuki. I know from snatches of conversations between the Acolytes that she’s meant to play a part in something big. So if the gods owe you any favors, you’d better call them in.”
Sugimoto released Yoshimi and vanished into the darkness, leaving Yoshimi alone with her thoughts and the memory of Sugimoto’s breath in her ear. It was the most intimate horror story she had ever been told.

Infection suppression.

Iris Isis was furious. She had made a venture oversea and it fell to shit, along with her friend lying. Luckily it wasn’t that much of a loss. What made her furious was the fact a long time friend want help. She had agreed in return for some profit it was going good for a time. Until she was told that her friend had sold her company. Losing the venture because the new person didn’t want a unknown getting money.

Iris threw a glass against the wall and let out a scream of rage. She track her friend and realized her friend was working for the government, that made her furious not the government part but the fact it was a group that is and was causing trouble between this side and the otherside. She called her friend to confirm it. The conversations is as follows.

“Hello, Iris. How’s your job and health?” [name withheld henceforth named Karen] said

“Hi, Karen. My job is profiting and health is perfect. How’s your kids and health?” Iris asked

“Kids are fine, my daughter is becoming a gymnast, my son is fine that’s all I’ll say. As for my health still problematic.” Karen replied

“At least you are alive.” Iris said

“Of course. So I want to ask you something I would like you to invest in a venture of my job.” Karen said

“It’s finally ready the project?” Iris asked excitedly

“Yes. So you will?” Karen questioned

“Yes but I except profit.” Iris replied

“Don’t except much but you may have it.” Karen promised then went on to talk about other things.

Three weeks later Iris had got a message from a worker of her own she placed on Karen’s project and got wind that, she was working to cause trouble between the otherside and this side but not only that also her friend left selling the project to another. She called back later that day and spoke with someone.

“Names Iris. I would love to know what happened to my profits.” Iris inquired.

“Sorry Ms. Locke, we could not under any circumstances give money to those we do not know.” said the other person

“I see. May I know how the project is going?” Iris asked a little heatedly

“None of your concern ma’am good bye.” the otherside and hung up

Iris placed another call to her worker that was luckily enough still there and got the full report. Thus she was furious and anger, throwing a glass and drinking heavy. She had drank a whole bottle and was working on another, her cell dinged having received a message. Upon which she could see for a few minutes then read it. Message as follows:

“Project is a success methods are not how they are suppose to be. They are brutal and painful, subjects it was tested on rendered near dead, subjects are from both places more from the otherside. Project is excepted to go omega after three weeks of testing. What are the orders?”

Iris considered whether to let the project continue or stop it then sighed she had no idea, yet and order the project to be watched some more until her decision was made. Which it really wasn’t she had to talk to the heads of the other side to determine if it was worth continuing or not. And so Iris placed a call to one of the heads and waited.

“Ah, we were excepting your call Icy Iris.” said the voice on the other end

“How long ago? Should we even bother?” Iris asked

“About an hour ago and no we’ll keep an eye on it. Your agent is good managing to get on the project, ours had to resort to setting up cameras and such.” the other said.

“Ah so that’s how. At least our agents should own what to do and not to do.” Iris stated

“Yes I believe that is all?” the other inquired

"Going to use it if proven not more brutal than it is now."Iris said

“Yes at least it’s only a few elements of both sides that don’t like that the merge happened.” the other said

“There is that, I’m not even suppose to know or interfere now that both places merged.” Iris continued “Like with everything others must do what must be done.”

“Yes well pleasure talking with you, goodbye.” the other said

Iris hung up afterwards to continue drinking, thinking if they had to interfere or not with the project while deciding if it should be completely scrapped. There had been many projects that had been scrapped but she had saved to see if at a later date it would prove useful. So far few of them did, though one seemed to have been activated by another yet was different.

That project was unstable, too unstable yet someone foolishly reactivated it. She wouldn’t have know had certain things never took place to indicate it was active. The first was disappearances, second people becoming sick, and finally those becoming enraged and attacking others. So far she managed along with Brant’s and Eri’s help managed to suppress some of the outbreaks. But the person who did the infecting was yet to be found.

“He better find who it is soon, I’ve a feel the next outbreak will be bigger.” Iris said mostly to herself.

Brant was yawning and drinking flavored coffee watching a building that looked abandoned, yet had activity. Eri was leaning against him asleep she had dyed her hair red and looked more athletic, they both did though he looked hard then soft. Which is to be except given the ¬ëjob’ so to speak they had chosen that was recovery objects and occasionally helping Iris. The last few weeks they helped suppress some infection that Iris had briefly spoke to them about thus here they were.

They had watched the place for hours, eventually Eri fell asleep about three hours ago. It was the two hour mark of her sleeping that activity in the building started. First it was an old woman entering carrying another person over their shoulders, minutes later another person carrying yet another. Half an hour later the bodies that were carried in walked out looking sick, another set of people came.

“Eri, love. Wake up.” Brant said softly causing Eri’s ear to twitch.

“Hmm what? Oh hi darling.” Eri smiled then frowned “Time to move?”

“Not yet. Least not the building we’re going to follow some people.” Brant replied then faded away so to speak to start following the sick people.

“Ok. That’s the building isn’t it.” Eri said

“Possibly but for now we’ll follow.” Brant said

Both followed the infected just as in another place more people that we’re sick had came out. It would soon become an outbreak. Which neither of them by themself could contain without help. But that’s getting ahead of things. It had yet to reach that but it would, by the time both reached where the two sick people were they spilt. So did the two of them, Eri following the other to the west towards highly trafficked place. Brant towards a family residence he frowned.

Eri kept watching then suddenly the sick one started spreading the infection, she waited to see if it really was the infection. It was but it was spreading faster than anything than before. She didn’t like this at all then went about suppressing it. It was not simple given she had to avoid killing and was still not good at fighting even with all the months of doing so. She managed though and had suppressed about thirty people in one hour.

Brant entered the house to see two dead bodies and three others turning towards him at a run. He didn’t draw his sword yet until the last instance hitting all three with the flat of his blade. All three fell he tied them up having heard that Iris may have a way to bring them back to normal. He hoped so cause he rather not kill people whose fault was just been injected and instructed then losing their minds.

Elsewhere in town/city the infection had spread fast and deadly none unknowing what was happening. It was around that time Brant handed over the people to the clean up crew that he got a call from Iris. Which he in turn got a call from Eri to met with him near the outbreak. About that time the local police announced that the residents must remain inside during the ¬ëriot’ while they took care of it. Which was them but mostly some people Iris sent to help Eri and Brant.

It was a long suppression process but they nearly succeed only to find out one infected was only sick and had left towards the city. With some cajoling from Iris and others the city and various other places had been shut down and enclosed with a perimeter of guards that we’re only slightly useful. It was spread that it was an unknown infection that caused rage in those infected. Which was true, which was odd given the way the government or any suppress things like that.

Perhaps that had to do with the fact the otherside had merged somewhat with this side, in any case the quarantine was accepted and not questioned by many people. But that was only for those that lived around the quarantined area not those within. It was a different story inside the areas, a violent one but had yet to reach full blown riot status. If it did reach full blown riot which is not known, well people may die.

“You know this reminds me of the movies 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later.” Iris commented having arrived at the ad hoc command tent with Eri, Brant and a few others.

“Well lets just hope it doesn’t really become like that else we’re in trouble.” Brant said

“With the trouble happening and have happened…it better not. We need some calmness.” Eri reminded

“True. What happens, happens.” Brant said “Hopefully while we deal with this the source of it doesn’t spread it elsewhere.”

“You just had to say that didn’t you.” Iris said

Wincing Brant realized it could very well happen even though the place was watch with everything. It was still possible for just one person to slip out unseen and starting the infection again.

“Bah, I feel certain it will not happen.” Brant assured.

“We’ll see.” Iris said “Enough of this idle talk, lets begin the planning.”

“This may take a hours if not days…” Eri pointed out

“Not like we have anything better to do anyway, my love.”

Iris went about detailing how the suppression and capture would go it was a fairly large city and had to be dealt with quickly and quietly as possible. The city was sectioned off in zones those with the heaviest infection to none at all yet. Though it was fast spreading the people themselves only moved as fast as they normal would most times or something. Thus the gather ¬ëleaders’ told the slightly over a hundred people what to do.

“Remember do not kill any infected. At least try not to, same goes for the others. Begin suppression!” Iris commanded.

All that remained was Brant and Eri, Brant studying the underground ways considering. Eri was just standing there waiting occasionally fidgeting. Studying the map a little longer he stopped, then looked at Eri fidgeting.

“What’s wrong, Eri love?” Brant asked

“Other than one of us perhaps both getting hurt, nothing just wanted to do this.” Eri puts arms around then kisses on lip passionately pushing her tongue inside his mouth. She moves away after a minute or so. “Fighting makes me wanting yet luckily it gives me the drive to make sure I live to see you.”

Brant looks at, smile then laughs not cause it was funny but that it was how he felt.

“I feel the same way perhaps when this is done we should have a few hours of sex?” Brant asked

“Yes! If possible.” Eri said tail swaying and ears twitching excited at the prospect of sex.

Both went to their group of people and begin there part of the suppression operation, so began the what would later be called the Night of Rage by one of the people that saw the suppression and lived through it. For now the slightly over a hundred of people started to spread out in five groups which spread out even more. The goal to move quick and silent at least before those outside the quarantine areas finally start questioning. It was about mid day the next day the suppression was called a success with over fifty infected collared, tagged or whatever.


The last customer had gone and the staff of the CafÈ Ariel was ready to call it a night. Yayoi was at the front counter doing paperwork and Narumi was wiping off tables.  Mitsuki was already gone. She always insisted on leaving early in order to have time to fix dinner for Hideyuki when he came home. As for Hideyuki, the owner and manager of CafÈ Ariel, he was in the kitchen with the cook, Cocoa, discussing tomorrowís menu and (no doubt) eating something nice before having to go home and confront Mitsukiís cooking.
Unexpectedly, the bell over the front door rang and someone entered the restaurant.

ìMitsuki was supposed to have locked that door on her way out,î Yayoi thought. She shook her head. She just couldnít understand why a level-headed guy like Hideyuki would marry such an airhead. He would have been much better off with someone with some sense, not just big tits. Someone like herself, for example, although she modestly admitted that her breasts were also quite impressive.
A man dressed in a tattered grey robe was standing in the entrance. At first, Yayoi though he was a monk from the nearby Buddhist temple. But his head wasnít shaved the way a monkís would be, and besides, the monks had all taken to wearing business suits these days. Anyway, he was far too handsome (in a world-weary sort of way) to be a monk. He looked more like some character from a TV historical drama.
ìIím sorry, sir,î Yayoi said, coming out from behind the counter and smiling warmly. ìBut we are closed now. Please come back again when we are open for business.î
ëYour door was not locked,î the stranger replied as he walked over to a nearby table and sat down. ìIím hungry,î he said.
ìNo. Sir, you have to leaveÖreally.î
ìI will,î the stranger replied, ìAfter I have eaten.î
ìThe kitchen is closed,î
ìThen open it,î he replied.
Yayoi was not the most patient woman in the world, and his rude behavior was pissing her off. She stomped over the where he was sitting and, glaring at him, said:
ìLook, Samurai Jack! Thereís nothing for you here, so beat it!î To emphasize her point, she smacked the table top with the palms of her hands, causing the condiment containers to rattle around like there was an earthquake.
The stranger folded his arms across his chest, and without even looking at her said: ìWhat kind of land has Japan become when underlings and women no longer have any manners. There was a time, woman, when such behavior would have cost you your head.î
Yayoi snapped straight up, which caused her ample bosom to shake. And that was not the only thing; her whole body was shaking and her face was turning red.
ìMy head? Is that a threat? Your headís the one thatís gonna roll buster. Hideyuki! Hideyuki!î
The door to the kitchen burst open and Hideyuki came rushing out, tucking one tail of his shirt into his pants.
ìWhatís up?î he asked; his face was a little red, too.
Yayoi turned to him and started to explain the situation whenÖ
ìUlp, your fly,î she whispered to him while pointing to his crotch as discreetly as she could.
Hideyuki glanced down at himself.
ìOops!î he said, hastily zipping himself up.
Yayoi quickly turned around to face the stranger again, shielding Hideyuki as he took care of his business.
ìJust one minute,î she said to the stranger, smiling sheepishly.
By now Narumi and the cook, Cocoa, had joined them to see what the commotion was all about. Cocoa was a tall, lovely, dark-skinned woman with brown hair and impressive frontage. Yayoi shot her a look of disgust which Cocoa didnít seem to notice at all.
ìAhem, whatís going on here?î Hideyukiónow fully adjusted-- said, stepping in front of Yayoi and casually brushing his hand across his crotch.
ìIíve been trying to tell this character that weíre closed,î Yayoi said. ìBut he wonít listen.î
ìSir,î Hideyuki said, addressing the stranger. ìWhat she says is true. We are closed.î
ìYour door was open,î the stranger replied.
ìThat doesnít matter,î Hideyuki replied, folding his arms over his chest and trying his best to strike an intimidating pose. ìOur hours are posted on the front window. Weíre closed and thatís all there is to it. If you want something to eat, why donít you try the Antique Bakery down the road? They never seem to be closed.î
ìI grow weary of these wretched times,î the stranger saidóalthough he appeared to be talking more to himself than replying to Hideyuki. ìIn my day innkeepers knew their obligations to the weary traveler.î
ìHe has a point, you know,î Yayoi said, poking Hideyuki on the shoulder.
ìWhat? Youíre siding with him now?î Hideyuki asked, turning to her with some confusion.
ìNot necessarily,î she answered. ìBut in business the customer is king. Thatís a fact.î When she wasnít moonlighting at CafÈ Ariel for reasons of her own, Yayoi was a serious business woman who worked for a large financial group in Moriyoh. Consequently, she knew how to pass the buck. ìIím leaving this in your hands,î she said. ìIím going to lock the front door before anyone else wanders in. Watch it!î she touched Hideyukiís shoulder. ìHeíll have your head if youíre not nice.î
ìUmÖyeah,î Hideyuki replied as she walked away. ìWhat?î
ìLook,î he said, turning back to the stranger. ìPay no attention to her. The kitchenís closed.î
ìSo open it up again,î the stranger replied. ìMy wants are simple. How hard could it be to cook a bowl of rice?î
ìCan you even afford to pay for a meal?î Hideyuki asked. ìYou look like a penniless beggar to me.î
The stranger put his hand in a fold in his robe and pulled out some coins which he casually scattered across the table top.
ìWill this do?î he asked indifferently.
Hideyukiís eyes went wide and his mouth fell open. There on the table were six small coins unlike any heíd ever seen. They were embossed with images of cranes and clouds and had square holes cut out of their centers. They were also marked with strange kanji that Hideyuki couldnít read. Moreover, they appeared to be made of pure silver.
He picked one up and bit it. He wasnít sure of what that was supposed to tell him, but heíd seen them do it on TV.
ìIs this real?î he asked, holding the coin out to the stranger.
ìUmm,î the stranger replied, nodding curtly. ìYou have my word for it.î
Hideyuki scratched his head. ìUhÖwell, I guess that puts things in a different light,î He scooped up the coins and stuffed them in his pocket.
He bowed.
ìPlease forgive us, sir. Feel free to order anything youíd like. Narumi, please take this gentlemanís order. Cocoa, come with me.î
Hideyuki and Cocoa headed back to the kitchen, leaving Narumi alone with the stranger. Yayoi was gone. She had locked the front door from the outside and walked away into the night.
Narumi took a notepad and pencil from her apron pocket.
ìMay I take your order?î she asked.
ìYour friend is in trouble,î he said.
ìCome again?î she replied.
ìYour friend, Hakage is in trouble.î
ìHakaÖyou mean Yoshimi?î
He nodded.
She put away her notepad and stared suspiciously at the stranger.
ìWhat do you know about Yoshimi?î she asked. ìAnd who are you, anyway?î
ìWho I am is of relatively little importance,î the stranger replied. ìHakage was once my pupil.î
ìPupil?î Narumi asked. Yoshimi had often told her stories about her old sword master. ìAre you that Master Taro she talks about? She said you used to beat her.î
ìI have no recollection of that,î the stranger replied.
ìHumph,î Narumi said, folding her arms across her chest.
ìYou must come with me to rescue her,î
Narumi laughed.
ìThatís what you think, ìMasterî Taro.î
Something akin to surprise appeared on the strangerís countenance.
ìDo you not wish to save your friendís life?î
ìLook, buster, whatís the deal with you? For all I know, youíre just trying to pull off some elaborate kind of nampa here. First you tell me my friend is in danger, and then you lure me into the back of your white van and try to talk me into letting my top down. Is that it?î
ìThat is a disgusting suggestion,î Taro replied, he seemed genuinely insulted by her implication. ìHow can you call yourself her friend and not want to go to her aid?î
ìI do call myself her friend,î Narumi replied. ìIf I had my way, considering how she acts, Iíd chain her up in the back yard and not let her get anywhere near trouble. Thatís what friends do. Besides, even if she is in trouble, sheíll save her own butt by doing something incredibly stupid and dangerous.î
ìIn that you are gravely mistaken, woman. I do not believe she has any chance of survival if we do not hasten to her aid,î he said.
ìWell, how do you know sheís in trouble, anyway?î Narumi asked. Although something must be up, because she hadnít heard a word from Yoshimi, or Takuya, in days.
ìA tiny goddess came to me in my sleep and told me so,î he replied. ìShe often visits me in my dreams.î
ìOh, brother! Have you been drinking?î Narumi asked. ìYouíre wasting my time, you know. Sayonara.î
She started to walk away.
ìWait!î Taro said. ìArenít you going to take my order?î
ìWhat? You mean you really came in here to eat?î
He nodded.
ìWe will talk again later.î
ìNo we wonít,î she replied, taking out her note book and pencil once again. ìWhat would you like?î
ìRice,î he replied.
ìOkay,î she said, scratching out the character for ìriceî on the blank page.
ìWith and a fried egg on top,î he added.
ìKetchup too?î she asked.

The next day, Narumi was alone in her familyís dojo, practicing her sword exercisesóas she had done every day of her life ever since she was a child.
Her father, Mr. Takeuchi, an 8-dan kendo master and owner of the dojo, had recommended it to her, saying that if she practiced with the sword every day, she would grow up to become an admirable young lady, and since she was already an admirable little girl, she had nodded enthusiastically and began to diligently study the Way of the Sword, or kenjutsu. As one might expectóseeing as how she came from a long line of kendoistsóNarumi had proved to be a natural with a sword and fiercely competitive; by the age of 13, she had achieved the rank of 1-dan, and by her early twenties risen to 5-dan with her eyes on the next level, although that would take a few more years.
ìThere is no sword outside the mind,î she said, speaking the daily mantra she always recited to herself as her sword and body swirled across the floor of the dojo in perfect unison. ìThe essence of kenjutsu transcends thought. Cultivate the unmoving mind.î
But she couldnít help thinking about Yoshimi and what the stranger had said to her last night. Was Yoshimi really in trouble? She probably was. Narumi had come to that conclusion even before his appearance.
But how did he know? Was he really Yoshimiís old teacher, Master Taro? And what about that cock-eyed story about the little goddess in his dream? Could she really put any faith in a story like that? She just didnít know what to think.
Narumi hadnít known Yoshimi for long, just since that terror-stricken night six months ago when they had fought off those awful cat men in the Comedy Box. Ever since then, Narumi had maintained a wary friendship with Yoshimi. She sort of looked upon Yoshimi as a younger sister, a wayward, bratty sister, even though Yoshimi was the older of the two. She had a taste for adventure that Narumi, who did not see herself as a brave person, didnít share. Frankly, the thought of danger frightened her. There were other things, too. Like that time they were in that dance club and Yoshimi had tried to feel her up. Later, she claimed she was drunk and had no memory of it, but who knowsÖ
Narumi stopped moving and lowered her sword.
Brooding about Yoshimi was no way to cultivate the unmoving mind.
She looked around for a towel to wipe the sweat from her brow, and noticed for the first time that two people were watching her from the east wall.
One of them was the stranger from last night. He was sitting on the floor, respectfully, in the seiza position: back erect and legs tucked under his buttocks, with his arms straight at his sides and his hands on his thighs.
The other one was a young girl in a sailor suit, who was leaning on the wall, with one knee cocked and her foot pressed against the wall. She had a cell phone next to her ear and seemed to be talking to someone, although Narumi couldnít hear what she was saying.
Narumi was shocked to find her privacy violated like this, butóridiculouslyóthe first thought that came into her mind was: ìCrap! Heís a lolicon.î
She stormed over to them.
ìHow did you get in here? The door was locked.î
ìWas it?î replied the girl, polishing her nails on her shirt and blowing on them.
ìAnd get your foot off the wall,î Narumi said. ìShow some respect for the dojo.î
The girl smiled cynically, but lowered her foot.
ìA delinquent,î Narumi thought.
The man rose to his feet.
ìApologies,î he said, bowing. ìBut I still must talk with you. The inn last evening was perhaps not the appropriate place.î
ìThis place isnít appropriate, either, mister,î she said, waving her sword at him.
ìA bamboo sword?î he replied. ìAm I supposed to be afraid of that?î
ìI know how to use it,î she said.
ìYes, I know. I saw you practicing. Your technique is impressive. All the more reason why you must come with me.î
ìDidnít I already tell you thatís out of the question?î
ìWalk with me,î he replied. ìI wish to inspect your practice space. By the way, there is one thing that has been bothering me.î
He started walking around the room, and Narumi, too confused to figure out what else to do, followed after him. ìWhatís that?î she asked.
ìI could not help but notice that all of you women who work at that inn have large chests. Are any of you even Japanese?î
Narumi was too flabbergasted by that remark to know what to reply to this insufferable bastard.
ìI overheard your mantra while you were practicing,î he said. ìThe Muto-ryu School, is it not?î He shook his head. ìAll this business about the empty mind–Iíve always disagreed with such notions. Sword fighting is violence, not a philosophy. The sword is a tool for destruction, nothing more. If you want enlightenment, you should try something else.î
ìIs that what you taught Yoshimi, Master Taro?î Narumi replied. ìBecause Iíve fought her, employing my philosophy and all, and beaten her.î
ìThatís good,î he said. ìYoshimiÖhmmm,î he seemed to grow pensive. ìDid you know that she lost her parents at an early age?î
ìOf course, she told me,î Narumi replied.
ìSubsequently,î he continued, ìshe was raised in a police gym. Not a very normal upbringing for a young lady. She was raised to be one thing and one thing onlyóa hammer. It was a ruthless idea, perhaps. But then, I, too, started at an early age. î
ìAnd when the hammer was no longer useful,î Narumi added, ìit was tossed aside. SoÖwas it your idea? To make her what she was? To be like you?î
ìNo one could be like me,î he replied. ìThat would be a curse.î
He stopped in front of a rack of swords in a corner of the dojo, picked one up, and held it in his hand.
ìShinai,î he said. ìBamboo sword. Worthless.î He replaced it and picked up a hard wood sword. ìBokuto. Better, but do you happen to own a real sword, as well?î
ìYes, of course,î Narumi replied. ìA few.î
ìGood. Pick out your best and bring it along. Youíll need it.î
Narumi shook her head.
ìHow many times do I have to tell you Iím not coming with you?î
ìHmmm, obstinate,î he said, staring straight at her. ìIn that case, I propose a wager.î
ìLet us pit your philosophy against my experience in a fight, and if I win, you come with me. If you win, I release you from your obligation.î
ìThere was never any obligation to begin with,î Narumi replied. ìBut, alright, youíre on. letís do it!î
She was taking a risk-- probably a foolish one. She had no idea how skilled he was. But Narumi had never backed away from a challenge. It was her weakness.
ìGood.î He said. ìWe will use the bokuto. Shall we begin?î
ìOkay. Youíll find some gear you can change into in the menís locker room over there,î Narumi said, pointing to a nearby portal. ìIíll see to myself and meet you back here in fifteen minutes.

As the daughter of the dojo, so to speak, Narumi had her own private room for suiting up.
She took up her tare and tied it over her hakima. This would provide protection to her waist and groin area, and the do, or breastplate that she next slipped on would protect her torso. Next came the tsuke-dari, or throat protector. Now there were just a few more steps.
Narumi wrapped a towel around her head. This would keep the sweat out of her eyes when she started moving and provide support for her men, or helmet. Finally, a pair of long padded gloves, or kote, and she was ready. The complete ensemble appeared bulky, but the weight of her armor was so familiar to Narumi that she hardly noticed it.
When she returned to the floor, Master Taro was already there and suited up.
ìYouíre late,î he said. ìYou said fifteen minutes, but it took you close to forty-five. Why canít you women ever be on time?î
ìYou canít resist making some snide comment about everything, can you?î she replied. ìYouíre like some crabby old man.î
The girl in the sailor suit, who had been leaning against the east wall, talking into her phone, was lying on her side now and making a great show of being bored. Taro gestured to her to come over to where Narumi and he were. She frowned, but got to her feet and joined them.
ìStart us off,î Taro said to her.
ìWhoís your girlfriend?î Narumi asked.
ìAt the moment, she is calling herself Sukeban Fox,î he replied.
ìThatís appropriate, she looks like a delinquent.î
ìBut she is not my lover, if thatís what you mean,î Taro said. ìShe was bound to my former apprentice.î
ìWhat happened to him?î Narumi asked.
ìCrows got him,î the girl replied, shrugging her shoulders.
ìYeah, I can see youíre all broken up about that,î Narumi said.
ìStart us off,î Taro repeated.
ìSo start already,î the girl replied. ìWhat do you need me for?î
She turned around and found herself a bench to sit on. She pulled out her phone and started talking soundlessly to it.
ìIs she going to score our hits?î Narumi asked through the grill, or men-gare, of her helmet.
She and Master Taro were facing each other with their swords crossed and in their armor and all they looked a little like a pair of Western medieval monks in catcherís masks.
ìI donít know,î Taro replied. ìIím not interested in keeping score.î
ìThen how are we going to know who won?î
ìWhen one or the other of us falls down.î
Before Narumi could say, ìWhaat!î he was on her.
Taro initiated a fierce shikake-waza, or strike, before Narumi could respond with an oj-waza, or defense. All she could do was back-pedal several paces and be embarrassed by the weakness of her kisei.
Taro rushed upon Narumi and struck her on the men. However, she was able to deflect some of the blow with an upward sweeping motion. Then she turned over her hands and aimed a downward blow at his side, which he easily deflected and countered with a thrust at her neck. Narumi saw it coming and also realized that a thrust would leave most of his body vulnerable, if she could avoid it. She twisted toward his right side, avoiding the thrust and countered with thrust of her own. He brushed it aside, but it gave her time to re-position herself and try an unbalanced hikibana-waza attack. It was a risky maneuver, but one that usually intimidated an opponent enough to put them on the defensiveóbut not this time. Taro easily countered her, and she nearly fell down but managed to correct her stance at the last momentóonly to be struck by Taro once again. Next, Narumi tried executing katsugi-waza and nidan-waza, continuous, flowing groups of strikes. Narumi executed these flawlessly, but she might as well have been beating the air for all the effect it had on Taro. Everything she tried, he countered.
On and on it went, with Taro striking Narumi time after time, while countering everything she threw at him. She was beginning to tire and was sore from the constant hits she was taking. But worse still was the bruising her fighting spirit was taking. Narumi didnít like to lose. She couldnít stand to lose.
She couldnít stand it.
Just couldnít stand it!
Then it happenedÖ
An eerie stillness descended upon the room and glowing tendrils of light, connecting everything with everything else in the room appeared in front of her.
It was just like that time when Yoshimi had knocked herself out and that cat man was squeezing his way into the room they were in through a hole in the wall. The lines had appeared that time, too. Sheíd almost forgotten about that. This strange stillness had been there as well, and the cat man had been frozen in his tracks. But a strand of light had guided Narumi, who was armed with a mop, to the best place on his head to hit him. Then everything had returned to normal.
She looked at her opponent, and, sure enough, Master Taro was as still as a statue.
There were vast streamers of light coming from his sword and hers also. They flowed and swirled around each other like hopelessly tangled yarn. Instinctively, Narumi knew those streamers represented all the potential positions their swords could take. Then she noticed one very, very faint streamer that wasnít tangled with the others, but flowed directly from the tip of her sword to Taroís neck. All she had to do was follow it andÖ
Could she do it? Wouldnít that be cheatingÖto win like that? It went against everything she believed in.
She looked around and noticed that the only other person in the room who wasnít frozen in her tracks was the girl. She was grinning devilishly and shaking her head enthusiastically.
As soon as the thought entered her mind, it was done. Her arm moved of its own accord, thrusting the sword at Taroís tsuki-dare. Reality started up again and there was Master Taro, lying prone on the dojo floor.
There is no sword outside the mind.
Narumi tore off her helmet and mopped her face with the towel. She bent over, hands on her knees and gasped for air. Her chest hurt, and she felt no elation over what had just occurred.
ìHelp me up,î Taro said with his hand outstretched.
Narumi took hold of it and helped him to his feet.
ìGood,î he said.
ìYou let me win,î she replied bitterly.
ìNo,î he replied. ìYou saw the light, didnít you?î
ìThe light that connects everything to everything else. It is a vision that is vouchsafed to very few. It only came to me once in my entire life, and that was a long, long time ago.î
ìItís weird,î Narumi replied. ìWhat is it?î
ìEnlightenment,î Taro said. ìSatori. It is what the Zen Buddhists spend hour after hour of meditation in the hopes of achieving, but apparently it comes to you in times of great stress. There are many roads to enlightenment. Oh well,î he shrugged his shoulders. ìYou have won and I have lost. Therefore I release you from your bond. Farewell.î
ìWait!î Narumi said. ìThings have changed. You win. I wonít be able to live with myself now if you rescue Yoshimi and Iím not there. Iím coming with you.î
Neither surprised nor visibly pleased, Taro nodded.
ìBut now that I think of it, you havenít said where weíre going or what kind of a fix Yoshimiís in.î
ìYouíll find that out in time,î Taro replied.
ìDammit, stop being so evasive all the time,î Narumi said. ìAt least tell me whoís trying to hurt my little sister.î
ìThe foulest, most detestable creature imaginable.î
ìMy wife.î



It's about time you got back to me.

Don't you realize this crazy old man is about to perform some kind of brain surgery on me? Without anesthetic! Although, now that I think about it, even with anesthetic that's still not a good thing. They say that at times like these your whole life flashes in front of you. Maybe so, but all I have time for now are the events of the last few days:

There I was, resting comfortably in jail, when Kitsune shows up to break me out. She needn't have bothered, because I was in there on her account in the first place. It was all because I'd been mistaken for Moriyoh's Notorious Panty Thief. But she was the real Panty Thief. It was all because of that fox thing, you know. She's possessed by all these fox spirits who express their personalities at random times, though what strikes me is that they all seem to be pretty anarchic.

Anyway, she'd broken into my cell at night, dressed like Zorro. Yeah, like in the movies. Zorro means "fox," you know. I thought that was a bit of a stretch, but she looked hot in that black outfit and the mask. After we made a pretty messy escape, she took me into the woods, where Master Taro was waiting for me. Of course, now I was in real trouble, and I could probably never show my face in Moriyoh again. But there was more at stake than my personal fate. Miss Kuchisake had my sister, Yuki, and was going to feed her to Uzumaki, that same demon she was going to serve me up to. Master Taro said he'd been told in one of his dreams that Miss Kuchisake was currently haunting Himeda Ridge. That might sound like flimsy intelligence to you, but I've discovered that when Master Taro dreams something, you can take it to the bank.

Somehow or other, he had also managed to recruit Kenta and the guys from the Survivalist Club. They were all camped out in the woods, waiting for Master Taro to lead us all in an assault on Miss Kuckisake's lair. The Survivalist's were just a bunch of gamers and otaku (I know, because I used to be one myself), so I had my doubts about how good they'd be in a fight. But as things turned out, it really didn't matter anyway.

You see, at first Master Taro withheld from me the fact that Miss Kuchisake had my sister, so for all I knew the girl we were going to rescue could have been just any damsel in distress. I guess Master Taro doubted how effective I'd be if I knew about Yuki. It was Kitsune who told me, and that made me angry at Master Taro for not telling me. In all the time I'd known him, he'd never been very forthcoming about anything-that damn, laconic samurai. It was just like I didn't deserve to know what was going on, just obey orders. We almost came to blows, but I stormed out of his tent, pissed off and confused.

On top of that, Kitsune had disappeared again, so I couldn't turn to her either. Fortunately, Kenta's mother was on hand and invited me to breakfast.

Mrs. Katakana is kind of attractive for any older woman. She's not really Kenta's mother, apparently, but his aunt, and she used to be a nun. But you wouldn't know it by the way she acts. She had that lean and hungry look and likes to flirt with younger men-like me. She also plays with knives. But she's a pretty good cook. She made me a super breakfast, and with a little food in me I had changed my perspective on things and was ready to make up with Master Taro.

But before I could all Hell broke loose.

A police tank lumbered into the clearing and started shooting at everything in sight. It blew up Master Taro's tent (with him still in it, I guess) and then started taking pot shots at me. It chased me into the woods and up a tree, where I met a Tengu.

Actually, I never took tengu for real. I thought they were just something out of manga and anime, but here was one, as big as life, standing on the same branch as me. Or as small as life, I should say, because he was only about the size of a large crow, feathers and all. He introduced himself as Jaki Amano, and explained that he had been a sort of low-class Manzai comedian who became a Tengu after he died, because¬Öwell¬Öthat's what happens to Manzai comedians after they die.

As soon as the coast was clear, we climbed down out of the tree, and he took me to a cave where his Tengu pals were having a drinking party. I joined in and got pretty well plastered, but I left after they pissed me off by playing a dirty trick on me. After that, I just sort of wandered around in the woods until it got dark, crazy drunk and lost. I wasn't thinking straight at all when I stumbled upon that little shack by the riverside-that very same shack where I'd had that same horrible misadventure with Miss Kuchisake. Master Taro and I had thought about burning it down afterwards, but we didn't have any matches and just never got around to it.

But I was too drunk to remember that this was an evil place that I should stay away from. All it represented to me was a place to crash where I could sleep it off until morning. So, like a dumbass, I stumbled right in.

It was dark in there, of course, except for the faint glow coming off those curlicue things on the walls, but it was enough light to show me that I wasn't alone. Someone else was already there.

A cat woman-a nekomimi-was kneeling in one corner, and she wasn't wearing a stitch of clothing, except for a hat. But she wasn't actually naked, either; because she was covered from head to toe in white fur. I'd never seen anything like that, although some of the tom cats in gym class at school came pretty close. 

I think I made some kind of drunken apology for barging in on her like I did and introduced myself, but she made no replied. She didn't even turn her head to look at me. She just sat there, frozen in that position like a statue, and I was beginning to wonder if maybe that was in fact what she was. To make sure, I went over to her and put out my hand to touch her, and that's when everything went blank, like in some cheap detective story.

When I came to, I was lying on a table and had a lump on the back of my head that throbbed painfully. My arms and legs were strapped down, and I didn't seem to be in that hut anymore. The place I found myself in now resembled a doctor's office or maybe a mad scientist's lair and sitting in a high chair was a little old, dried-up cat man who was, no doubt, the mad scientist, himself. Kneeling at his feet was the cat lady; only now her hat was off, and I could see that there was a shaved spot on her head that had a rubber tube stuck in it. The other end of the tube was in the cat man's hand, and he sucked on it from time to time, just like he was drinking ice tea.

It was a little creepy.

He started spouting a lot of science stuff I didn't understand, but what it came down to was that he intended to stick a tube just like the one in the cat woman's in my head, too. So saying, he jumped off his chair and walked out of my range of vision. The next thing I heard was the sound of a buzz saw starting up. It looked like this was the end of the short, happy life of Chinpo Tanuki, and I'm not too proud to say that I wet my pants.

But then there was this loud noise-like a door bursting open-followed by general pandemonium. 

I heard someone shout: "You!" and a woman screamed. The buzz saw noise ceased, followed by the sound of something heavy hitting the floor. Then there were a bunch of inarticulate growls and hisses, accompanied by the sounds of scuffling. I heard someone say: "No Rex! Don't kill him. We want him alive. Down boy!" I tried to turn my head around to see what was going on, but I couldn't manage it. 

Just then a woman rushed past me and over to where the cat lady was and bent down and hugged her.

"Oh, CeMell," she said. "Are you still alive? CeMell!" she said, shaking her.
The cat lady didn't respond at all. She just sat there, stony-eyed, but the other woman kept shaking her.

"CeMell! CeMell! Say something!"
Eventually, the cat lady turned her head, staring blankly at the other woman, but then a light of recognition slowly appeared in her eyes.

"K¬ÖKokoro?" she said.

The other woman hugged the cat lady fiercely and there were tears in her eyes. The cat lady started to say something, but the other woman stopped her.

"No, don't try to speak. Save your energy. But take deep breaths Oh, God, what's been done to you?"

The tube in the cat lady's head was dripping a clear liquid. The other woman gasped when she noticed it and quickly tied a knot in the end of the tube to contain it. "Do you think you can stand," she asked. The cat lady nodded, and they got up together-the other woman holding on to the cat lady to steady her.

"All this time I thought you were dead, CeMell," she said.

"I, too, feared for you," the cat lady said in a faint voice. "They were lying in wait for me as soon as I re-entered the tunnel. They must have known we were there all the time. That woman is strangely prescient."

"You mean the one in the mask?" the other woman replied. "Oh, God, CeMell, she showed me your tail!"

"The loss makes me sad," the cat woman replied.

The other woman hugged her again and started crying louder than before.

It was a heartwarming display, but I was in need of assistance myself. I started struggling with my bonds, but I couldn't get loose.

"Yuki?" Someone said.

Suddenly, a figure loomed over me. It was Rex. 

But¬ÖYuki? I know we look alike, but come on. It must have been the dim light. In any event, he quickly corrected himself.

"Chinpo?" He looked surprised, and well he might. I was surprised to see him, too. What are you doing there? Why aren't you still in jail where I left you?" he asked.

"It's a long story," I replied. "Rex, Yuki's in danger. We've got to save her."

"Right," he replied. "She was kidnapped by the nurse from your school."

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"It's a long story," he replied. "Come let's get you out of these straps."
I sat up and stretched my sore muscles. You think it's fun lying on a flat board for a long time?

"I know where they are-sort of," I said. "Up on Himeda Ridge somewhere."

"I know," Rex replied.

"How come?" I asked.

"Where do you think you are," he said, giving me a funny look.

“I dunno,” I replied, looking around. “Looks like a scene in one of those Zombie Cop movies.”

“Yes, I suppose it does,” he replied, looking around. “How did you get here?”

“I was lost in the woods. I was confused and¬Öuh¬Ödisoriented.” I didn’t want to admit that I was drunk. “I stumbled into this little shack by the river and somebody conked me on the head. When I woke up, I was on this table and some weird little old dude was starting to cut me open when you showed up.”

“Yes, well I think we took care of him.” He seemed to be gloating. “Are you aware that you are on Himeda Ridge? At the base of the mountain, to be precise?”

I jumped off the table.

“No! How long have I been out?”

He shrugged his shoulders. We’ve only arrived quite recently ourselves, and considering the distance between here and Moriyoh, there doesn’t seem to have been enough time. I feel that we are dealing with conditions here that are beyond our ken."

“No shit. Uh, what does ken mean?”

“Perhaps I should fill you in.”

Then he told me how it was that Yuki had been snatched by Nanjou’s gang from school, who were somehow connected with Miss Kuchisake."

“How,” I asked.

“She was posing as your school’s nurse. Did you never suspect?”

“Must have been after I dropped out,” I replied.

She had somehow survived after Master Taro chopped off her head and threw it in the river? And then went out and found a job in the public sector? Do thousand year old undying monsters do stuff like that? Well, now that I think about some of the teachers I’ve had, maybe they do.

Anyway, he had traced them to this place on Himeda Ridge called the Chateau-a hotel or something-which, I think, was the same as the castle Master Taro had told me about in his tent. Rex was sure Yuki had been secreted somewhere in the hotel. But he tore the place apart without finding her.

“Then we discovered a woman in one of the rooms, who told us about an outbuilding on the grounds-this building you’re in. I was certain at that point that was were Yuki was being hidden, and Miss Komegura was kind enough to be our guide. But here we find you, instead of Yuki, so we’re no better off than we were before.”

Well, I was better off, so doesn’t that count for something?

Wait a minute. Komegura? Why does that name ring a bell?

The woman who had been fussing with the cat lady turned her head at the sound of her name.

“I didn’t want to come back here,” she said. “You made me come.”

Up till now, I had only seen her back or in profile and in dim light. But now that I had a clear look at her, I recognized who she was and shuddered.

“Rex,” I said, pointing at her. “That’s Nurse Komegura. The maniac who slaughtered the whole of class 3-B at JAST and danced naked on top of a pile of their dismembered bodies.”

For some reason, she looked insulted after I’d said that.

“Now, Chinpo,” Rex replied. “Don’t be rude. Miss Komegura may be the victim of some rather exaggerated stories, I fear. Whatever her transgressions, at present she is our ally.”

“Oh, well in that case, I’m sorry I called you a maniac, Miss Komegura,” I said, bowing.

She folded her arms across her chest and looked at me piercingly."

“You’re Chinpo Tanuki, the skirt-flipper, aren’t you? You’ve soiled your pants by the way.”


I tried to hide the stain with my hands.

“Kokoro!” the cat woman called out, grabbing hold of Miss Komegura. She didn’t look so good. She looked like she was going to faint.

“CeMell! What wrong?” Miss Komegura replied.

“I feel unwell,” the cat woman replied unsteadily.

“Here, maybe you should lie down,” Miss Komegura replied.

She guided the cat woman over to the table I’d been lying on and gave me a look. I hastily gave her a hand and together we lifted the cat woman up and set her down on the table. Miss Komegura felt her forehead and did a bunch of nurse-type stuff to her."

“How do you feel now,” she asked.

“A little better,” the cat woman replied.

Until now, I hadn’t had a good look at CeMell, either-might as well start using her name. But now that she was up close and laid out before my eyes, so to speak. I could see that she was really very pretty. She was all covered in fur, of course, but that just added to her appearance. I couldn’t help noticing the two pink nipples that jutted out of the fur on her chest or the fact that the fur surrounding her crotch was slightly darker than the rest.

“Stop staring, Chinpo,” Rex said, slapping me on the head. “Hello, Singer,” he said, looking down at her. “Looks like you got in deep this time.” He didn’t sound too friendly.

“Ah, Rex,” she said, turning her gaze to him. She wore an unfathomable expression on her face. “Long time, no¬Ö” She broke out into a spasm of coughing before she could finish, but that didn’t seem to make Rex any more sympathetic.

“And it seems you involved a civilian in your schemes again.”

“A¬Öas did you,” she replied weakly.

“That’s different.”

I think they were both talking about Miss Komegura, who turned her attention from CeMell and addressed Rex.

“Do you two know each other?” she asked.

“More than I would like,” Rex replied.

“Why do you call her Singer? Isn’t her name CeMell?”

“Isn’t it obvious? You’ve heard her voice.”

I should point out her that she did have a very musical voice, even in her weakness.

“That’s who she is,” Rex continued. “Codename Singer of the Franco-Russian Army. Didn’t you know?”

“Frussia?” Miss Komegura replied. “Not Infant Island?”

“Well, maybe originally,” Rex said. “But who knows. CeMell is as good a name as any when you come right down to it, eh Singer?”

“But this talk about involving me in some scheme, was that true, CeMell?”

“I’m sorry, Kokoro,” CeMell replied. “But you made it easy for me. You were just as curious about the House of Pain as I was. That nail file of yours would never have worked. I tried to break in many times myself, before I realized that the only way was to use the key that Sugimoto kept on her person. The only way to get it was by giving her what she wanted. I have too many scruples for that, but I knew you did not. That’s why I put the idea in your head. You certainly took a long time going about it though. I waited outside her room for hours, and couldn’t help but hear the noises coming from within.”

That certainly was a long-winded speech coming from someone in CeMell’s condition, but it made Miss Komegura really angry.

"“Whaa¬Ö” she exclaimed, her face turning bright red. “It wasn’t like that at all. How could you do it to me? I thought you were my friend.”

I had a big grin on my face, but Rex slapped me on the head again.

“Don’t be upset, madam,” he said. “You’re not the first person Singer has ever used. She is a spy, after all.”

“Secret agent,” CeMell said.

“Who gives a damn?” Miss Komegura said. She was very angry.

“Hey, Rex,” said a voice coming from the front of the room. “I think we got a problem here.”

I looked in that direction and saw that the little old cat man was lying in a corner. He looked tuckered out and his face was awfully grey. His arms and legs were tied up with pieces of rubber hose and standing over him was another dog man-like Rex, but pint-sized. When he saw that I was looking at him, he smiled and said: “Hi, I’m Corgi. Are you Yuki?”

I emphatically shook my head.

“What seems to be the problem?” Rex asked.

“I think you killed him. There’s no heartbeat, no breath. He sure put up a fight for such an old dude. You were too rough on him. Now we’re both in trouble. Ms. West wanted this cat alive.”

“That doesn’t concern me at all,” Rex replied, shrugging. “Good riddance I say.”

“Damn, boy, are you rabid or something?”

“Who was he?” I asked.

“Beast Dom,” Rex replied. “The leader of the Meow Meow.” There was acid on his tongue.

“What’s the Meow Meow?” I asked.

"Ye gods," Rex replied. "Don't they teach anything in schools these days?"

“We teach,” Miss Komegura said. "But students don’t learn.

“The Meow Meow was the extremist movement that nearly brought down the Meowtis Empire eighteen years ago. Corgi and I both fought them-a lot of good it did us. Because they appear to have resurfaced here in Japan.”

“And among the refugees who fled the war in the first place,” Corgi added. “That’s ironic.”

“But if you killed their leader, doesn’t that’s mean the end of them as well?” I asked.

“I wish that were true,” Rex replied. “But I doubt things are that simple. We believe there may be other actors involved.”

“Miss Kuchisake?” I said.

“What?” Rex asked.

“Master Taro told me she had an army of demons.”

“Well, that certainly describes them. They’re mindlessly aggressive for the most part-true jungle cats. But Beast Dom knew how to control them. If he passed that knowledge on to her, it could compound our problem.”

“Especially if she still has Yuki,” I said.

A dark cloud seemed to settle down over all of us, and I know we were all thinking that it might already be too late for Yuki.

Suddenly CeMell, who was still lying on the table, started thrashing around. Miss Komegura was holding on to her, trying to keep her still.

“Rex,” she said. “She’s going into shock. We have to do something!”

“This place looks like a doctor’s office,” I said, looking around. “Isn’t there something you can give her?”

“No! All I can do is make her comfortable and keep her warm,” she replied helplessly. “We’ve got to get her back to the Chateau.”

“One side,” Corgi said, walking over to the table and pulling a hypodermic needle out of his coat pocket. “To think I would ever try to save Singer,” he said and jabbed the needle into CeMell’s arm.

“Wait!” Miss Komegura said, a little too late. "What is that?

“Just a little sedative,” Corgi replied. “Sodium pentothal.”

“Truth serum?” Miss Komegura asked.

Corgi shrugged. “Yeah. Too bad we don’t have time to pump her. I bet Singer has some real hot secrets in her.”

“I wouldn’t believe a word she said, even under the influence of drugs,” Rex said.

“Yeah,” Corgi replied, nodding his head.

“Are you a medical professional?” Miss Komegura asked skeptically.

“No, but I shoot up people all the time,” Corgi replied. “Trust me.”

By this time, CeMell had ceased thrashing around, and was lying on the table, breathing normally-practically asleep.

“There’s a good kitty,” Corgi said, patting CeMell on the head. “See,” he said, turning to Miss Komegura and smiling broadly.

She looked doubtful, but didn’t make any response.

“Right then,” Rex said. “I say it’s time we all got back to the Chateau. Chinpo, you’re a strapping lad. You can carry Singer.”

“Me?” I replied. “But what if I drop her?”

“Then just pick her back up again.”

You know, he didn’t sound much like the urbane and chivalrous Rex that I’d come to know. But I was afraid he’d bite me if I said anything, so I just scooped CeMell up. She felt as light as a baby in my arms. I guess all that working out with Master Taro had given me some muscles. Still, I hoped we didn’t have to go very far.

“What do you want to do with the dearly departed Beast?” Corgi asked. “I trussed him up good for portability. We could stuff him in the trunk of the car.”

“Do you want to carry him?” Rex asked.
“Huh? No way,” Corgi replied.

“Neither do I,” Rex said. “We will just have to leave him here until we can come back and collect him later.” He paused, and looked thoughtfully at the body. “You’re sure he’s dead?”

“As a door nail,” Corgi replied. “Why? Are you afraid he might come back to life?”

“It seems to have happened once before. Come, let’s go.”

So we all left. Rex led the way, and I was beside him, carrying CeMell. Corgi and Miss Komegura were behind us. He was talking to her, and by the conversation, it was obvious he was trying to hit on her. I sort of wished him luck.

Ahead of us was a long passageway that sloped upwards.

Before we reached it, however, Miss Komegura went over to the wall directly to the right of us and touched it.

“Anything wrong, madam?” Rex asked.

“Well, no. I guess not,” she replied. “It’s just that when I came here the first time, this wall was here-just like it is now. But when I left there was an open passageway here that led through a maze of tunnels and finally to a large cavern full of dark shapes. And now that I think of it-he was there, too.”

“Who, me?” Corgi asked.

“No, that cat man back there. The one you call Beast Dom. He was there in that cavern. Only he looked frozen, or like some kind of carved idol. I was going to have a closer look, but CeMell grabbed me and carried me down a passageway that led out into the woods. But now it’s a wall again. Do you think there’s a secret lever or something that opens it up?”

“Could be,” Rex replied. “We can investigate it later.”

“You mean you can investigate it later,” She said. “Because I’m not coming back.”

When we got out into the open, we were in a garden that was dominated by a giant sakura tree and beyond that was a large building that I guessed was the Chateau-in the darkness it looked like Dracula’s castle. A full moon hung in the sky and a light shone in one of the upper windows.

“You’re not really a teacher, are you, Rex?” I said as we approached the building.

“No, I’m not,” he replied.

“Are you a spy?”

“A secret agent,” he said.

“What’s the difference?”

He sighed, thought for a while, and replied: “I guess there is none.”

The air around him seemed troubled, so I asked him what was bothering him.

“Everything,” he replied. “I came to Japan in the first place to investigate this outbreak of Meow Meow with the question in my mind of whether he was still alive-which clearly seemed impossible. Then I had to deal with you in jail and Yuki’s abduction. On top of that, one of Yuki’s friends just happens to be Beast Dom’s granddaughter.”

“You mean Eri.”

He nodded.

“I follow Yuki’s trail to this place and, as a consequence, discover the very man I was hunting. I could smell him even before we entered that room. It was a smell I hadn’t known for eighteen years, but I never forget a smell. And on top of everything, it just so happens that you and Singer are involved in this affair as well.”

“Does seem like an awful lot of coincidences, doesn’t it?” I said.

“I don’t believe in coincidences,” he replied.

As we entered the building, Rex remarked that we would probably be met by a lady named Mrs. Norris and some of the staff, if they were still up. Actually, we were met by two men in a large room that resembled a Viking beer hall.

One of them was a skinny guy with thinning hair-a stereotypical salary man. The other was fat and, despite being obviously Japanese, had foreignness about him.

“Ah¬Öwelcome back, everyone,” he said enthusiastically, spreading his arms wide. “Madre de Dios! Is that my old amigo, Rex?”

“Jose Ecuador?” Rex replied. “You’re involved in this business, too? Why am I not surprised? The last time I saw you¬Öamigo¬Öyou put six slugs in me.”

“Ha ha, water under the bridge, my friend; water under the bridge.” His belly shook when he laughed. “Well, it’s a good thing I missed, no? Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to now introduce you to out hostess.”

He stepped aside just as a woman appeared behind him. She was dressed in a kimono and wore a surgical mask across her face.

“Hello, everybody,” Miss Kuchisake said.


(Part I)

"So who's this trying to hurt my little sister?

“My wife.”
“Your wife? What do you mean?” Narumi asked.
“The vilest, most evil creature ever to walk this earth; a harbinger of doom and destruction. Unfortunately, I used to be married to her.”
“Humph,” Narumi replied, putting her hands on her hips. “I’ve heard other men say the same thing.”
“This is different.”
"Yeah, well, maybe and maybe not. Look, if this is some kind of domestic dispute, I don’t want to get involved.
“But you’ve already agreed to come along,” Taro reminded her.
“Yeah, but¬Ö”
“You want to save Yoshimi, don’t you?”
“Yeah, but¬Ö”
“Then prepare your things. Bring a sword. And meet me at the train station in one hour,” he said.
And just like that, he turned and walked out the door.
“Jaa na,” said the girl in the sailor suit, who was called Sukeban Fox, following after him.
All Narumi could do was watch them leave.
Dumbfounded, she let her helmet slip from her fingers. It fell to the floor and half rolled over. Narumi ignored it and walked over to the bench and dropped down on top of it.
For maybe the hundredth time she wondered what she had gotten herself into.
His wife. Right.
Had Yoshimi stumbled into the middle of some kind of domestic dispute? One that was likely to turn deadly? That would be just like her, of course. And now Narumi had been drawn into it as well.
She folded her arms across her chest and frowned.
Well, she sure wasn’t in any mood to help a man murder his wife if that was what he had in mind. She had a mind to just wash her hands of the whole deal. But then there was Yoshimi¬Ö
Yeah, Yoshimi.
Narumi vowed she was really going to give that girl a world of hurt when she got her hands on her.
She took out her phone and dialed the number of the Café Ariel.
“Hello, Hideyuki? This is Narumi. I won’t be in for a while.”

Moriyoh station was busy this time of day, and Narumi was worried at first that she might have trouble finding them in the crowd, but Taro was the kind of character who would have stood out in any crowd, and Narumi spotted him right off sitting on a bench, dressed, as usual, in his monk's robe. He had his staff with him and a long object wrapped in cloth (which Narumi took to be a sword) was propped up against the bench, next to his legs.
Sitting beside him was the girl. Only she had changed her school uniform for more normal-although extremely stylish-street clothes. As usual, she had her cell phone pressed to her ear.
Narumi approached them and bowed. She was carrying her sword, also wrapped in cloth, under her arm.
"Taro-san," she said. "Miss¬ÖFox?"
"Her name is Kitsune," Taro said, correcting her. "Kitsune Asougi."
"Oh, I see," Narumi replied.
She sat down beside them.
"Okay, where are we going," she asked.
"Any town close to Himeda Ridge," Taro replied. "From there we will have to find transportation up the Ridge."
"I had a map, but lost it in a fire," he said. "Fortunately Miss Asougi can show us the way."
"Oh. How's that?"
"The foxes will tell me," Kitsune said.
"What foxes," Narumi asked.
"Miss Asougi is possessed by fox spirits," Taro replied.
"What? Possessed? For real?"
Kitsune nodded.
"That must be terrible," Narumi replied.
She was, of course, skeptical. But she didn't feel like questioning anymore anything that came from either of these two.
"No, they're my friends," Kitsune replied.
"Miss Asougi is a miko at the Inari shrine and a fuji, a prophetess, as well," Taro said. "They speak from her and foretell the future."

“Sometimes one of them takes over my soul for a while and makes me do things,” Kitsune added.
“Oh, that’s horrible!” Narumi replied.
“No, it’s fun. I used to be very shy. But the foxes have taught me how to sing and be comfortable in front of crowds and how to do, uh, other things, as well.”
Narumi shook her head.
“And there’s more than one of them? How many? Isn’t being possessed by more than one spirit at a time unusual? I’ve never heard of anyone being possessed by more than one spirit at a time.”
“Then you have been misinformed,” Taro said. “Multiple possessions are quite common. Many spirits prefer the company of their own kind.”
“How many are there inside Kitsune?” she asked.
“That I do not know,” Taro replied. “Does it matter? They will stand as our allies in the battle to come.”
“Are you sure about that?” Narumi asked. “All the things I’ve heard about foxes make them out to be pretty untrustworthy.
Taro may have had something to say in reply to that, but just then Kitsune spoke.
“I’m talking to my friend, Yandere Fox,” she said, waving her phone. “And she says that your man, Chinpo, has been captured, too. At the castle.”
“Chinpo?” Taro asked. “How did he get up there so quickly?”
“They don’t know,” Kitsune replied, “But there seems to be someone else acting as well as Kuchisake?”
“Chinpo?” Narumi said, smirking. “Who’s that?”
“My apprentice,” Taro said, waving his hand. He seemed distracted. “And her lover,” he added, pointing at Kitsune.”
Narumi broke out in laughter.
“Chinpo? Your boyfriend’s name is Chinpo,” she asked Kitsune.
“Hmph,” Kitsune replied, turning up her nose. “He’s not my boyfriend. He’s just some drudge who works around the shrine. The foxes seem to like him, though.”
Taro stood up.
“It’s time to go,” he announced. “Our destination is Isesaki, a small town at the foot of Himeda Ridge. Secure us passage on a train going in that direction,” he said to Narumi.
“Okay,’ she said, standing up. “Give me some money, so I can buy our tickets.”
“I have no money,” he replied.
“I have no money. You’ll have to pay for our transportation.”
“Wait a minute,” Narumi replied. “Last night. Those silver coins you gave Hideyuki¬Ö”
“That was all the money I had,” he said.
“Those old coins must have been worth a fortune. You paid a fortune for a bowl of rice, and now you’re telling me you can’t afford the train fare to take us on this great quest? What’s with you?”
“In my day it was the woman who carried the money and dealt with the commoners. The man never concerned himself with such trivialities.”
Smoke would have poured out of Narumi’s ears and flames from her eyes at this point if such things were possible.
Kitsune chose this moment to stand up.
¬ëHey, relax you two. I’ve got a rail pass,” she said, pulling a card from her purse. “I’ll go find a train schedule.”
“I’ll go with you,” Narumi said. “The atmosphere here is too crazy for me.”
¬ëAnd you," she said to Taro, “Don’t wander off. Someone might catch you in a butterfly net.”
As soon as they were out of earshot Narumi said: “What is that guy’s problem. He goes around dressed in that ratty old robe and talks like a character in an old movie. I think he thinks he’s some kind of samurai.”
“Silly, isn’t it?” Kitsune replied, smiling secretly to herself.

When they boarded the train, the conductor gave them some problems about their swords at first. But Taro took the man aside and had a few words with him, which in a few moments had him bowing to Taro over and over before going away.
Narumi couldn’t figure it out.
This Taro, he was vague and arrogant and probably insane, but he acted like one who was used to being obeyed and generally got his way. Narumi actually admired that kind of self-assertiveness that so many modern Japanese men seemed to lack. She had to wonder if he ever used that power on women, too. Well, he sure wasn’t going to use it on her, that’s for sure. But then she realized where she was.
‘Shit," she said to herself.
They searched the train until they found a car that was fairly empty. It just held a few salarymen, reading sports magazines or dirty manga, and a group of school girls, who were doing each other’s nails under a sign that read: PLEASE DO NOT APPLY MAKE-UP ON THIS TRAIN. At the far end of the car was a sad-looking young man wearing ear phones who had with him a back-pack that bore a distinctive design of half a fig leaf with some writing in English beneath it that Narumi didn’t understand.
They found some seats away from the others and waited for the train to start.
“Taro-san,” Narumi said. “Now that we’re about to be on our way, I want you to fill me in. I want the whole picture. For example, back in the station Kitsune mentioned someone named Kuchisake. Is that the evil person who’s got Yoshimi? Your wife?”
Taro didn’t respond to her. He just sat there-stiff, immobile-staring into space (or maybe back in time). And just when Narumi thought she wasn’t going to get anything out of him after all, he began:
"It was a long time ago. I was young then, barely fifteen years old. But I already had a reputation for slaying demons when I came upon a small village at the base of Mount Himeda. Except that in those days it was Mount Hoja and had been the site of a famous Buddhist monastery that had fallen into ruin shortly after the Gempei Wars.
“The village itself was located roughly where Isesaki is today, but in those days it was called Sadd. It was appropriately named, because in those days the villagers were beset upon by some demon cats that lived in the ruins of the monastery and feasted on the flesh of young virgins that they periodically raided the village to get. There was no one there who could stand against them and the village was beginning to run out of young people.”
“Sounds like it was a dangerous neighborhood,” Narumi said. “Why didn’t they just move?”
“You should remember that this was in the wake of civil war in Japan and banditry was everywhere. It wouldn’t have done them any good to move, and besides, in those days people were more attached to the land than they are in this modern Japan.”
“But weren’t the Gempei Wars hundreds of years ago? You’re not making any sense.”
“Hush,” Taro said. “These are painful memories for me to recall. Let me finish and be done with them.”
“Oh, okay,” Narumi said, folding her arms and leaning back in her seat.
She looked at him. Did he actually have some sort of emotions beneath that stoic exterior?
Kitsune, for her part, was sitting on the other side of Narumi, and as always, she had her cell phone pressed against her ear. She seemed oblivious to the presence of the other two.
“Go on,” Narumi said.
"Yes, I vowed then and there to help the villagers of Sadd, so I, with my three companions, travelled up to the ruined monastery to confront the demon cats.
“The monastery, as I said, was in ruins-just a collection of walls and roofless cavities, but I discovered that the cats had also constructed a vast maze of underground tunnels, the purpose of which I discovered when I entered therein. It was a vast slaughterhouse. The cats had imprisoned all the young people they had collected in their raids on the village and were systematically killing and eating them.”
“Ugh!” Narumi said.
“But what’s more,” Taro continued, "they were worshiping an even greater demon named Uzumaki, to whom they dedicated the choicest virgins in the most blasphemous rites, the sight of which continues to give me nightmares.
“Of course we killed them all and, freeing the virgins, led them back to the safety of the village. The elders, of course, were overjoyed to see their sons and daughters alive again. That is all except one. A young girl with no family who, before she was taken away, had had to support herself by singing and prostitution.”
“You mean she was a geisha?” Narumi asked.
“No, she was a prostitute,” Taro replied. "The villagers shunned her and wouldn’t let her back into the village. That should have been a clue, but I was young and charmed by her singing. I was even foolish enough to marry her.
“I was happy enough with her at first, even though my companions seemed ill at ease around her. But I thought little of it. I still had my travels to make, demons to slay and bandits to kill, so I wasn’t home all that much. But when I was, I noticed that she was in the habit of leaving my side at night and not returning till dawn.”
“Didn’t that seem a little strange to you?” Narumi asked.
“Of course it seemed strange,” he replied. “But as I said, I was only fifteen¬Ö”
“Oh! That’s too young to get married!”
"Yes, it was. But I was inexperienced about women, and for all I knew, they all wandered out of doors at night. Of course, I was also worried that during my absences she had fallen back into prostitution again. But it wasn’t until my companions started to disappear, one after the other, that I started to suspect something far worse.
“So one night I followed her, and it was worse than I suspected. She went up the Ridge until she came to a cave in the base of Mount Hoya, which she entered. I followed her, even though it was pitch black and all I had to guide me were her footsteps. Eventually, though, we came to a huge cavern which was lighted by candles, and there inscribed on the wall of the cavern I saw the Sign of Uzumaki and my three companions hanging from it. Their bodies had been gutted and underneath them was a trough into which the gore from their bodies was dripping.”
A chill ran up and down Narumi’s spine.
“The Sign of Uzumaki? What’s that?”
“This,” Taro replied.
He thrust his hand into his robe and pulled out a sort of pendant that hung around his neck, attached to a leather tong. It was a twisted piece of metal shaped like a spiral.
“What is it?” Narumi asked.
“A whirlpool. A vortex. Swirling chaos. The symbol of the End of All Things.”
“Yeah, that sounds nasty,” Narumi said. “But why do you have it.”
“It used to be hers,” he replied, and Narumi though she saw the hint of water welling up in his eyes.
“I took it from her,” he said, his voice suddenly turning cold. “As she wallowed in the entrails of my companions. I grabbed her by the hair and dragged her across the floor of the cavern. Then I threatened her with my sword, but she mocked me. She explained how during her captivity she had given herself over completely to the demon Uzumaki and dared me to try and kill her, saying that she was now the shadow of Uzumaki on the earth and could never be defeated.”
“What did you do then?”
“I killed her, just like I meant to all along. I cut her in half and left her to rot in the cave.”
“Oh, that’s not quite right,” Kitsune said. “Tell her what else you did.”
“No,” Taro replied.
“Do it!” Kitsune said. “The foxes say you should do it.”
“Alright!” he replied. “In my rage, I wasn’t content to just kill her. I also mutilated her body in various ways. Chiefly I slashed her mouth with my sword, disfiguring her horribly. I shouldn’t have done that.”
“God, what a lot of bullshit!,” Narumi said. “I’m getting off this train now!”
She rose from her seat, but Kitsune grabbed her arm.
“No, you have to come with us. The foxes say so.”
“Well, fuck the foxes,” Narumi replied. She struggled to free herself from Kitsune’s grasp, but the girl had a grip of steel.
Reluctantly, Narumi sat back down.
“I just don’t like being taken for a fool,” she said.
“Why?” Taro asked. “In what way have I offended you?”
“With that stupid story that’s how.”
“It is no stupid story, as you say. Every word of it is true. And it was quite painful for me to tell it.”
“Come on,” Narumi said. “It’s chockfull of contradictions. If it was true, you’d have to be hundreds of years old, and, more importantly, if you killed your wife, how can she be troubling Yoshimi?”
“He is hundreds of years old,” Kitsune said. “The foxes say so.”
“And my wife is not dead,” Taro added. “She never died. She is one with Uzumaki and can never die. Not until I confront Uzumaki directly and defeat him.”
“Still sounds like a fairy tale,” Narumi replied.
“But a scary one,” Kitsune added.
Just then, the train gave a lurch and started moving.
“Just wait until we get there,” Kitsune said. “And you’ll see for yourself. You know we could all die. I hadn’t thought of that until just now.
“Great!” Narumi said. Well, there really was no going back now. She’d just have to see what was what.
“Well, one other thing,” she said, addressing Taro.”
“Who were these companions you were talking about?”
Three people entered the car and took seats across from them.
There were two men and a woman. One of the men was fat and had an open, although somewhat smug, expression on his face. The other man was even fatter and was extremely ugly. The woman in the middle was mature, attractive and wearing dark glasses.
“A dog, and monkey and a crane,” Taro replied.
The woman took off her glasses and smiled; a slow, sultry smile directed at Taro.
“My, you’re looking well,” she said.

Dealing With The Devil
(part 2)

Binkan Suzuki dropped two ant-acid tablets into a glass of water and watched as they floated to the bottom, consumed by their own bubbles.
Strange. He had been okay until he saw those two giant cat men carry Kokoro off.
"That stuff's no good," Jose Ecuador said.
He was pouring whiskey from a bottle into a glass he held in his hand.

“Try this,” he said, offering the bottle to Binkan. "Fifty-five year old Glen Fiddich Reserve. Sugimoto always did have a taste for the best.
“No thanks,” Binkan replied, waving the bottle away. “That would just make it worse.”
“Suit yourself,” Jose said, raising his glass to his lips. “You know, amigo, you really should get that stomach of yours looked into.”
“It’s just an ulcer.” Binkan said.
“Hmmm,” Jose replied.
They were in Sugimoto’s office in the Chateau.
Jose was sitting behind her desk and Binkan on a couch across from it.
There was a liquor cabinet with an open door behind where Jose was sitting. Other than that, the room was sparsely furnished with a filing cabinet in one corner and a folding table littered with office supplies. Notably, the room lacked any sort of telecommunications equipment at all-no computers (except for a lap top gathering dust on top of the filing cabinet) or telephones. Electronic devices didn’t seem to work up on the Ridge for some reason; maybe there was something in the mountain.
The walls of the room were covered with a few of the paintings Sugimoto had salvaged from her old apartment and a framed photograph of a naked woman with long rabbit ears. One side of the room had windows that looked out on the Chateau grounds. It was dark outside, but the light from the room illuminated part of the road that led down to the front gate. Beyond that, the statuary on the lawn were just dim shapes-more menacing than erotic in the dark. On the other wall was a door, which Jose had locked as soon as they had entered the room.
As soon as that strange woman in the mask started dealing with those other people–the two inumimi, the kid with the unconscious cat woman in his arms and Kokoro-Jose had tapped Binkan on the shoulder and whispered:
“My friend, it would be best if we make ourselves absent before she turns her thoughts to us.”
"Binkan had nodded in agreement, and they quietly slipped away.
So much had happened in just a few hours.

Binkan had been in his apartment in Tokyo, brooding over Kokoro ever since he had helped Jose kidnap her. Sometimes he wished they had never found her. They probably wouldn't have if it hadn't been for that strange little girl who claimed to be either the reincarnation of Jose's son, Ramon, or an angel from Heaven, depending upon her fancy. Jose apparently believed her, but Binkan had his doubts. Still, she had led them to Kokoro's doorstep.
Then, while he was in the middle of making himself miserable over all that, he'd gotten a phone call from her, saying Kokoro was in trouble and it was up to him to save her.
Surprisingly (well, surprising to him, anyhow) he had agreed to meet Aquamarine in Mito without any hesitation. He had simply grabbed his car keys and left without thinking. But on the trip down he'd had time to mull over the situation.
Kokoro had been a former employee in Jose's narcotics business who had disappeared a few years back with a lot of money. It was well know that employee pilferage is one of the most common problems small businessmen like Jose have to face, but it just would have been something to write off, if  Binkan hadn't gotten himself accidentally engaged to the very same woman by sheer coincidence.
When they caught up with her, Jose demanded his money, but she claimed it had been stolen from her. Binkan, however, reasoned she had probably spent it all. After four years, she had plenty of time for that, although the circumstances under which they'd found her were not posh.
Also, there was the business of the police wanting to question her in regards to a grisly multiple murder, making her hot property. Anyone else in Jose's shoes probably would have killed her on the spot and left her body for the police to find, but not Jose. He seemed to have a soft spot for women-take Sugimoto, for example. Instead, he had sent Kokoro up to the Chateau.
 Binkan didn't know much about the Chateau. Jose tended to be secretive about it, but there were stories. For all Binkan knew, Kokoro was up there paying off her debt with her body.
So maybe Jose didn't have such a soft spot, after all.
He decided to give Jose a call from the car.
"Has something happened to Miss Komegura?"
"Komegura?" Jose had replied "How do you mean, amigo?"

“Is she okay? Or has something happened to her?”
“No, of course not,” Jose replied. “She’s safely on ice until I get my money back-- or until I can find some use for her. Maybe I’ll sell her organs, hah hah.”
Binkan didn’t find that amusing.
“But why do you ask, old friend? Of what concern is she to you? At least you don’t have to marry her now¬Öor have you had a change of heart, hah hah?”
Binkan didn’t know what to say to that. He was embarrassed now to have brought up the subject of Kokoro at all.
“Aquamarine seems to think she might be in some kind of trouble,” he said.
“Aquamarine? You mean Ram√≥n? Is he¬Öshe with you?”
“Jose, you don’t really believe Aquamarine is Ram√≥n come back to life, do you?”
“Binkan, my dear, dear friend, you’ve never had a child, have you? Nor experienced the death of one, either?”
“Then reserve your skepticism for when you do. Maybe that little girl is Ram√≥n come back to life and maybe not, but it calms my heart to think it so.”
“Have you told your wife about this?” Binkan asked.
“No, of course not. She’d never believe it. But is Ram√≥n with you now?”
“No, she’s in Moriyoh. I’m on my way there now.”
“Moriyoh?” Jose said. “I wondered what happened to her after that night. What is she doing there?”
“Devil if I know.”
For someone who said he took comfort in finding his long, lost child again, Binkan thought, Jose seemed pretty nonchalant about keeping track of his child’s whereabouts. He wondered if Jose had been this irresponsible with Ramon when he was alive.
“She wants us to go up to the Chateau and check out the situation,” Binkan said.
“What situation?” Jose asked. “If anything were wrong up there, Sugimoto would have contacted me.”
“Yes, but what if Sugimoto is the problem?” Binkan said.
“How’s that, amigo?”
“Well, she’s already killed one girlfriend.”
“You’re suggesting Sugimoto and Snow Queen might¬Öah?” Jose said.
“I don’t know. I hope not,” Binkan replied. “But didn’t you basically just give her a cookie and expect her not to¬Öah, give in to temptation?”
“Hmmm,” Jose replied. “Delicately put, my friend. I wanted Sugimoto to take care of my property, not sleep with it. Still, it probably gets lonely up there for her at times, and she doesn’t like cats.”
“Eh?” Binkan asked.
“Never mind, amigo. You’ll find out soon enough. Hurry and get up here. Then we’ll go to the Chateau together. Via con Dios.”

“Okay, explain to me about this danger you say Miss Komegura is in,” Binkan had said to Aquamarine shortly after he had picked her up in front of the Antique Bakery in Moriyoh. “What’s going on and how do you know about it?”
Aquamarine replied to his question, but with a manner that was so vague and convoluted that little of it made any sense to him.
He sighed a little.
It wasn’t any different from any of the past conversations he’s had with her. His professional opinion as a lawyer was that this girl was too stuck in her private fantasy world to make her a reliable witness. Anyway, he had to be honest with himself. He doubted that Kokoro was in any danger at all. He was just using this girl as a means to see Kokoro again.
Aquamarine, for her part, kept trying to ask him personal questions.
“You like Kokoro, don’t you?”
It sounded more like she was making a foregone conclusion than asking a question.
“Like her?” Binkan replied. “I’m not sure. I only talked with her once before the kidnapping, and I wasn’t that impressed with her. To be honest, I found her a bit off-putting. I’m sure she didn’t hear a word I was saying at the interview. I only met with her to get my mother off my back, if you must know.”
“Then why are you going to rescue her?”
“Who says I am?” Binkan replied. “I’m just doing this to humor you”
“Ah, come on now,” Aquamarine replied. “You can’t lie to an angel. I can see right through you.”
“Still into that, are you?”
“Well, I am! O’ ye of little faith.”
“Suit yourself. Look, Miss Angel, I’ll give you that Miss Komegura has been on my mind on occasion.”
“On occasion? Yeah, right! Like all the time. You think about her constantly. And it’s messing with your sex life.”
The car swerved, because Binkan took his eyes off the road, staring at Aquamarine.
“Hey, watch it,” she shouted. “I don’t want you to die, too.”
Binkan got the car back under control and took a deep breath.
“Don’t be so impertinent, youngster,” he said. “What do you know about my sex life, anyway?”
“I know that you broke up with that television actress,” she replied.
“How in the world¬Ö”
“I’ve had my eye on you,” she said. “And I know that you’ve been pining away so much for Kokoro that you can’t even look at another woman. Despite the fact that being a hotshot lawyer, you could have any woman you wanted. Even if you’re kinda old and worn out. I bet you could even sleep with AKB48 if you wanted to.”
“How do you know I haven’t slept with AKB48,” Binkan said.
“Ha, that’s a laugh,” Aquamarine replied.
Their conversation died after that and they were both left to their own thoughts.
Binkan adjusted the car’s rearview mirror and stared into it.
“What?” Aquamarine said.
“Oh¬Önothing,” he replied. “Never mind.”
“Okay,” she said.
“I don’t think I can go through with this,” Binkan said. His voice was very low, as if he were talking to himself.
“You have to,” Aquamarine said, folding her arms on top of her breasts and pouting. “It’s all your fault she’s in trouble. You’re responsible.”
“Actually, no.”
“Actually yes. You kidnapped her and sent her up to that awful place.”
“Wrong,” Binkan replied. “For the record. Jose is the one who kidnapped her. At the most, I was merely an accessory. Besides, if we are going to assign blame, what about Miss Komegura herself? She’s a criminal and a thief, who stole money from her employer. Ultimately, the responsibility is entirely hers.”
“Pooh! Quit talking like a lawyer. You like Kokoro, and you know it.”
“Like her?” Binkan said softly. Again, it was not so much a response to Aquamarine and it was thinking aloud. “What difference does it make? She probably wants to tear my heart out.”
“Yeah, but you were made for each other. You’ll patch up your differences and live happily ever after. You’ll see.”
“You’re indomitably optimistic, aren’t you?”
“I’m an angel,” she replied.

They arrived at the Ecuador Agency a little after dark.
Jose came out to meet them. He was his usually ebullient self-all full of smiles and hardy laughter.
“Pappy!” Aquamarine shouted, wrapping her arms around his belly as far as them would go.
“Ha ha, Ram√≥n,” he said. “Long time, no see.”
“It’s Aquamarine now, Pappy!”
“Ha ha, whatever. Let’s all go inside.”
They went into Jose’s office where there was a buffet table heaped with food.
“I suspected you would be hungry after that long drive, so I had Reiko order sushi before she left for the day. Dig in.”
“Just rice for me,” Binkan said. "My stomach’s a little unsettled.
Jose shook his head.
“Ah, my poor friend. That stomach of yours seemed determined to deny you the sweetness of life. You should have it looked into.”
“It’s just an ulcer.
Jose took a plate and loaded it up with food, while Aquamarine looked on unhappily.
“What’s this, little one?” Jose said, noticing her. “Still not eating?”
“Angels don’t eat,” she replied.
“And what if I forced you to eat? We could tie you to a chair and Binkan could hold your nose while I forced it down your throat.”
“Don’t even try!” Aquamarine shouted. Her eyes were blazing. “Not if you value your life.”
For a second, the atmosphere in the room turned dark and menacing. Binkan was startled, but Jose didn’t seem to pay it any mind. He merely shrugged his shoulders.”
“Temper, temper, Ram√≥n. Suit yourself,” he said.
He walked over to a round table in a corner of the room and sat down.
“Come and join me, you two,” he said as he began stuffing nori rolls into his mouth.
“Now,” he said as soon as they were seated. “What’s all this about the Snow Queen?”
“Kokoro’s in terrible danger,” Aquamarine replied.
“How do you know?” Jose asked.
“I’m an angel,” she replied. “I know these things.”
“You should know, little one, that that is not a stock answer to every question. But whatever; are you her Guardian Angel, then?”
“In a way,” she replied.
“How’d that happen?” Binkan asked. “Were you assigned to her, like in that movie? You know, ¬ëevery time a bell rings, an angel gets her wings.’ Except you don’t have any wings, do you?”
“Take this serious, you guys,” she replied. “You’ve got to go up to that place and get Kokoro out of there. Miss Sugimoto is being mean to her.”
“Ha ha, little one,” Jose said. “You just don’t know about adults. And Sugimoto is a very special kind of adult. You’ll understand when you’re older. Besides, the Queen owes me a lot of money, and she’ll stay where I put her until I get it back. I’m actually being quite nice to her. I could have just turned her over to the police for a reward. It wouldn’t have been as much as she owes me, but enough to allow me to cut my losses.”
Binkan knew that wasn’t true. If the police got their hands on Miss Komegura, it would be a disaster for Jose Ecuador. If they questioned her, it would point an uncomfortably strong spotlight on the true business of the Ecuador Agency.
“But Binkan, my old compadre, what’s your interest in all this? Why did you come all this way out here when you could be spending the evening in the arms of some starlet?”
“He’s in love with her, that’s why,” Aquamarine said.
“Oh ho ho,” Jose replied. “Is that true, Binkan?”
Binkan felt his face flush. He tried to say something, but his mouth just flapped like a character in an anime with no sound.
Jose threw his head back and laughed.
“Now I see what’s truly going on here. Well then, eat up and let’s take a nice little drive up into the mountains. I can’t wait to see the love birds united. I hope you brought protection, ha ha.”
“I picked up a tail in Moriyoh,” Binkan said. “They’re parked down the street.”
“Who would follow you?” Jose asked.
“Well, I’m known in Moriyoh. I used to be Miss Komegura’s fianc√©e, after all. A couple of policemen came up to my office in Tokyo and questioned me about her last year. I guess I was noticed.”
“It was that lady in the Antique Bakery and a friend of hers who dresses like a girl, but is a boy.”
“How do you know that?” Binkan asked.
“Because I’m an ang¬Ö”
“Well, never mind that,” Jose said. “We can lose them easily enough when we get to the Ridge.”

“What an unexpected surprise, sir,” Mrs. Norris said.
“Yes,” Jose said, looking around. “It certainly is a surprise.”
Binkan and Aquamarine and Jose were standing in the main lobby of the Chateau, having just arrived.
Mrs. Norris, who was supervising a group of cat girls who were mopping a part of the floor covered in multi-colored stains, came up to greet him. Some of the other staff were milling around and, in a corner of the room, a group of girls in school uniforms were sitting around and laughing about something. The rest of the room was a shambles. There were some overturned buffet tables in one corner and broken objects lay scattered across the floor.
“Is that pie?” Aquamarine asked, pointing at the floor. “Looks like there’s been a pie fight or something here.”
There was a strange feeling in the air. The cat people seemed depressed but also anticipating something.
“Your pardon, sir,” Mrs. Norris said, bowing low. “We’ve had our troubles, I’m sorry to say.”
“What’s happened?” Jose asked. “And who are they?” he asked, pointing at the girls. Are they here to make a movie?"
“No, sir,” Mrs. Norris replied.
“Quite right,” Jose said. “I would have known about it if they were.”
“Of course,” Mrs. Norris replied. “They arrived here this morning, claiming they were summoned here by someone called Betsunade. Mistress was going to send them away, but she took an interest in one of them who appeared to be ill-or unconscious at any rate-and took her up into her room and locked the door.”
“Where is Sugimoto?” Jose asked.
Mrs. Norris shrugged. It was a very uncharacteristic gesture for her.
“We thought she was still in her room. But when those others came, they burst in there, but it was empty. Mistress and the girl had vanished.”
“What others?’” Jose asked.
“The dog men,” she replied.
“Eh? Dogs?” Jose asked. “Where did they come from?”
“I don’t know,” Mrs. Norris said. “They arrived later on–around noon–and started attacking the staff.”
“How many of them were there?”
“Only two. One of them was tall, with long ears and the other was short with short arms and legs, like a dwarf.”
“Only two, and they took on your whole staff?”
“My people are not fighters, you know. At least not until¬Öthey change.”
“Change?” Binkan asked.
“It’s nothing,” Jose said, with a wave of his hand. “Go on, Mrs. Norris.”
“Fortunately, I was able to break up the fight before too many of my people got hurt.”
“Madre de Dios,” Jose exclaimed. “Why wasn’t I informed?”
“It all happened so fast,” Mrs. Norris replied. “No doubt the Mistress would have contacted you, if she hadn’t been distracted by the girl.”
“I see,” Jose said, nodding. “But what did they want with the girl, anyway?”
“The tall one claimed to be related to her in some way.”
“Did these men have names,” Binkan asked.
“Well, the tall one called himself Rex,” Mrs. Norris replied. “They don’t use any surnames, you know.”
“Rex?” Jose exclaimed. “Rex? Ha!”
“Is he someone you know?” Binkan asked.
“Maybe,” Jose replied. “A long time ago, when I was running guns to the Shining Path rebels in Peru, there was a group of mercenary do-gooders called the Dogs of War. Among them was a man named Rex, whom I got to know. We alternated between taking shots at each other, and at other times drinking shots together.”
“Do you think this might be the same Rex?” Binkan asked.
“Who knows,” Jose replied. “It’s a small world. But where are they now, Mrs. Norris? Did they leave?”
“Not exactly,” she said. “They searched every centimeter of the Chateau, and then they discovered our Guest, who was locked in her room.”
“You mean Miss Komegura?” Binkan asked, betraying himself a little by the tone of his voice. “Is she alright?”
“I don’t know,” Mrs. Norris replied. “They took her into the House of Pain.”
“What’s that?” Binkan said.
“Why did they do that?” Jose asked.
“They intended to search out there as well,” she replied.
“Hmmm, that’s not good. But why did they take Komegura with them.”
“They wanted her to act as their guide, since she’d been in there before.”
“Before? Carumba! How did that happen?”
“She stole the key from the Mistress last night and went in there, thinking it was a way to her freedom, I suppose.”
“And what happened then?”
“Nothing much, we found her in the woods and brought her back to the Chateau, which brings us back to the time when these young ladies arrived,” Mrs. Norris said, pointing to the girls in the corner.
Aquamarine tugged on Binkan’s sleeve.
“We’ve got to go get her out of there,” she said.
Binkan looked at Jose, but he just shook his head.
“No. You’ve lost her for good now, my friend. If they went there, then the witch has them for sure.”
Binkan looked down at Aquamarine and shrugged. He didn’t fully understand what was going on here, but if Jose said Kokoro was lost, she was lost. Binkan was in the habit of deferring to his friend’s judgment.
“Oh, you!” Aquamarine yelled.
She kicked Binkan in the shin and ran away. There were tears in her eyes.
“Ow,” Binkan said, rubbing his leg.
Just then, there was a noise at the entrance, and everyone turned their heads to see a woman in a black komodo and a surgical mask standing there, flanked by two huge cat men. Binkan had never seen anything like them. They were like freaks of nature.
She glided into the room and all the nekomimi, including Mrs. Norris, got down on their knees and bowed.
One of the girls in the corner shouted: “It’s Miss Betsunade!”
They ran across the room and surrounded her, but she waved them aside and walked over to Jose and Binkan.
“Ecuador-san,” she said, curtseying slightly.
“Ma’am,” he replied.

Binkan finished his bicarbonate and set his empty glass on the desk.
“Well this is a fine mess we’ve gotten ourselves into, my friend,” Jose said. “From here on in, we are going to have to tread very carefully. I’m afraid that you are going to wish you’d forgotten all about Komegura and stayed safely in Tokyo. But as it is, we now have to find some way to deal with that devil.”
“What’s going on here, Jose?” Binkan asked. “Who is that woman? Where’d she come from?”
“As for that last question,” Jose replied. “She came with the property. But as for the other ones¬Ö” He reached for Binkan’s empty glass and filled it with whiskey. "Well, that’s a long story, and you are going to want a drink before I’m finished.

(Part 3)

Kokoro could have cried to find herself back in her old room.
In fact, she did cry.
She threw herself onto the bed and cried into a pillow until there was a wet spot and her cheeks were all sticky with tears running.
When she was utterly exhausted with crying, she sat up, took a tissue from a box on the night stand, and took stock of her situation. 
For a while there she had hoped that dog man named Rex would be her salvation and ticket out of here, but now he was a prisoner, too. It might have been different if he hadn't insisted on sticking around and looking for his niece (or something like that) and insisted that she tag along.
"I guess that's what I get for relying on the kindness of strangers," she said, wiping her cheeks.
What about that girl?
Whoever she was, apparently she'd been snatched by the Tairano Masakado girls and brought up here for some purpose. In other words, just like her, she'd been kidnapped.

“That seems to be the usual way the Chateau gets its guests,” she said, wadding up the tissue and reaching for another one.
But then Sugimoto had taken a shine to the girl and carried her off somewhere.
Yeah, that sounded just like her. But it must have been a pretty busy day in the Chateau while she was locked away in this room.
At least it was good to know that CeMell was still alive, although there was small comfort in that.
They had found her in that so-called House of Pain, the little shack built into the side of the mountain. Rex had been bent on going in there and had insisted Kokoro accompany him and that rude little Corgi fellow because she had been in there before. He was still searching for his niece, of course, but instead they had found CeMell in a terrible state and that horrible little cat man with a bone saw and that kid tied to a slab, who also turned out to be related to Rex somehow.
(First the Tairano girls and then Chinpo. What was going on here? Was the whole school eventually going to drift up to the Chateau?)
It had surprised (not to mention displeased) her to find the Chief and Binkan waiting for them on their return to the Chateau, along with that weird masked woman she had met in the woods the night before.
She recalled how frightening that had been. Behind that mask and her mocking tone of voice, Kokoro sensed that there was something really wrong with this woman. She was creepy. And there was something else. At the time, Kokoro had felt, or imagined she felt, there were invisible tentacles emanating from that woman and invading her body. She thought she might have passed out at one point, but she couldn’t remember clearly. Who knows what would have happened then if it hadn’t been for the timely arrival of Sugimoto and Mrs. Norris, who drove Kuchisake off and took Kokoro back to the Chateau.
“It was a sort of rescue, I suppose,” Kokoro mused.
Sugimoto, of course, had been really angry with Kokoro for trying to escape (and the other things). They had chained her to the bed and threatened to severely punish her, but that was before Sugimoto had suddenly gone out of the picture. And now this scary masked woman was running the show.
Which was obvious by the way the servants-the cat people-kowtowed to her the moment she appeared. Even Mrs. Norris, who had always seemed to be Sugimoto’s biggest ally, was now referring to Kuchisake as “Mistress” in her stead, and even Jose deferred to her as well, suggesting that he had some kind of history with her. And the Tairano girls from school also appeared to have some connection to her by the way they cheered and flocked to her the moment she appeared.
Even Rex and that rude little Corgi did nothing.
Kokoro was disappointed that they at least hadn’t put up some kind of fight. They claimed to be secret agents or spies or something after all. She’d expected they’d pull out their laser guns or something and turn the tide, but no. All Rex did was to say: “Madam,” and bow to her as they were led away by those big, ugly cat men with the tattoos.
Only that youngster, Chinpo, looked like he was going to put up a fight. He’d seemed more startled-and frightened-to see Kuchisake than any of the rest, but he was still holding CeMell in his arms. Until, that is, she’d motioned to another of those cat men, who’d slugged him and, slinging CeMell over his shoulder and carried her away.
Which brought Kokoro back to the present moment: trapped again in this hateful room, weary, alone, frightened. God, how she wished for a cigarette or a drink!
She curled up on the bed and tried to get some sleep, but it came fitfully. Every time she dozed off something would startle her awake. She’d imagine that things were coming through the walls to get her, but, of course, nothing was there.
She never turned out the lights.

In the morning Kohaku, the maid, brought her breakfast as usual.
Despite, her emotional state, Kokoro found that she was tremendously hungry and wolfed down every morsel.
They hadn't bothered to chain her up last night, nor did Kohaku attempt to chain her, as she usually did, when she left. Nor did Kokoro hear the familiar click of the lock when Kohaku closed the door.
"Did she forget this time?" Kokoro wondered.
Curious, she got up and went over to the door.
She turned the knob and the door swung open.
Standing on the other side was Mrs. Norris, smiling cynically.
"The Mistress said you can have the freedom of the Chateau. You can go anywhere you want on the grounds, but don't try to escape again. We have men in the woods, and you won't get far."
So saying, she turned and strode off down the hall, leaving a very confused Kokoro in her wake.
Kokoro went back into her room and locked the door from the inside, and it wasn't until late afternoon before she gathered up enough courage to test her new found freedom.
Well, relative freedom. Things were just back to the way they were until a couple of days ago-except under new management.
She wandered through the halls for a bit and investigated a few of the rooms: the lobby, the swimming pool and other places. No one said a word to her or prevented her from going anywhere she wanted, but she noticed there were no other people around except for the servants, and she was never out of sight of them.
There seemed to be a lot more of them around as well. Some she'd never seen before: Cats girls in black robes who glided around, singly or in pairs, and appeared to be engaged in mysterious tasks. And there were more of those large, fierce-looking cat men, too. They all had tattoos and wore no clothes, and encountering them always made her feel uncomfortable. Not that Kokoro hadn't seen naked men before, but always in the proper context, which the halls of the Chateau were not.
She eventually settled in the library where she and Sugimoto had once played Go, and where she had first had a glimpse of Kuchisake outside the window. As it was, the servants didn't seem to have any particular interest in that room, so it provided her with a certain degree of privacy, except for the occasional servant who would come by, presumably to check up on her.
Kokoro was puzzled that she hadn't seen any of the others around. She asked the servants about them, but they had suddenly turned into a very tight-lipped group. She would like to see Rex again and find out if he had any plans for getting them out of here, and she worried about CeMell. On the other hand, she didn't want to run into the Chief-- and definitely not Kuchisake.
With nothing much else to do, Kokoro picked a book at random from the shelf and found a comfortable chair to sit in while she read it.
The book she'd picked turned out to be a history of the Meowtis Empire and the Meow Meow uprising. Kokoro had never taken much of an interest in history, so she had little knowledge of the event, except, vaguely, as something that had happened a long time ago. But as she thumbed through the book, she came upon a photograph of a typical Meow Meow insurgent, and it was just like those painted monsters in the halls!
She had an even bigger shock when she came across a picture of Beast Dom, as he was known, the creator of the Meow Meows. It was the same as that evil little cat man Rex and Corgi had attacked in the House of Pain. He was the one who had done something horrible to CeMell and was about to do something similar to poor Chinpo as well.
But the book said that he had been killed during the final assault of the Punitive Forces on Meow Meows last stronghold in the Marshall Islands. Well, that may have been wrong, because obviously that was him-or someone just like him-they'd found in the House of Pain.
But what was he doing there-dead or alive-anyway?
Up until now, Kokoro had assumed that the Chateau was just a place for making dirty movies and whatever other dirty pies the Chief had his fingers in. When she had first seen those charts in the House of Pain, she realized that someone was performing plastic surgery on cat people. Sugimoto had hinted at it when she'd said that people came and went around the Chateau, and CeMell had sort of confirmed it when she stated that Sugimoto occasionally led one of the servants out to that little shed out back where they were never seen again.
Kokoro could understand that there could be cat people who would be willing to have plastic surgery in order to pass more freely in Japanese society (although no amount of surgery would make them Japanese), but this Meow Meow business was something altogether different. Reading about the savage nature of the Meow Meow and the atrocities they had committed (which this book described in great detail) made her shudder.
Now she wasn't just uncomfortable about the cat men's nudity. Now she was afraid.
Suddenly, Kohaku appeared in front of her to announce that dinner was ready.
"Shall I bring it in here? Or do you want to have it in your room?" she asked.
"In my room," Kokoro replied, putting the book down and standing up. "In fact, I never intend to leave my room again."

But it was a resolve she couldn't keep.
After a couple of days, she was out again, wandering around the Chateau, desperately looking for a friendly face and avoiding the Meow Meows when they appeared. She spent a lot of time in the library, reading all she could find about the uprising on Meowtis.
But one day she decided to go out into the garden and get a breath of fresh air.
There was a little white bench next to the Snow Sakura tree that stood in the middle of the garden. It faced the Chateau, rather than the mountain, so she didn't have to look at that little tin shack that had caused her so much trouble.  She sat on the bench with her back against the smooth bark of the tree and took in the sight and scent of the flowers as they swayed in the spring breeze; she felt quite cozy here. There were no cat men out here, but always the ever-watchful servants.
Without any clocks or calendars, of which the Chateau had none, it was difficult for Kokoro to say what time of the year it was, but winter was long past and spring, too, would soon be gone. Then the hot, rainy days of summer would arrive. 
When she was little, she used to make teru teru bozu, those little charms that were supposed to keep the rain away. Only, when she was little, she thought they were for keeping away all kinds of bad luck.
"Childish, simple-minded" she said to herself.
But lately her life had been all kinds of bad luck.
Could it hurt?
Across the garden from her, one of the ever-present servants was sitting on a stone bench near the entrance to the Chateau. It was a sunny spot and she looked like she was going to doze off.
Kokoro wondered if it was still appropriate to still be calling them servants. 
After all, with the coming of Kuchisake, everything was different.
"The freaks are running the circus now," she thought.
"Excuse me," Kokoro said, waving her hand to get the servant's attention.
The servant-who in this case was the one named Mehitabel--opened her eyes wide and scowled, but walked over to Kokoro anyway.
"Well? What do you want?" she said bitterly. This one had always been a bit surly.
"Could you bring me some cotton balls, some string and a few sheets of tissue paper? Oh, and a pair of scissors would do, too."
"What for?" Mehitabel asked. She wrinkled her brow disapprovingly.
"Please." Kokoro replied.
"Hah! We'll see," Mehitabel said. 

She yawned and went into the building.
A few moments later, she returned, carrying the supplies Kokoro had requested on a tray.
“She said you’re to have whatever you want,” Mehitabel said, placing the tray down next to Kokoro. From her tone of voice, it was clear that she was disappointed to still have to wait on Kokoro.
“Thank you,” Kokoro replied. “She?”
“The Mistress,” Mehitabel said and returned to her post.
“The new Mistress you mean,” Kokoro said under her breath.
That was easier than she had expected, but Kokoro felt a little uneasy. Why were they being nice to her all of a sudden?
But she set aside her misgivings and started to make tera tera bozu.
She took a sheet of tissue and cut it to the size she judged would be about right. Then she took a few of the cotton balls and wadded them together until she had a piece she judged to be about the right size and placed it in the center of the sheet. She folded the ends of the tissue around the wad and secured it at the base with a piece of string. The result was tera tera bozu, an object that looked a little like a Halloween ghost in a white sheet. She took another length of string, looped it around the first one and used it to tie the teru teru bozu to the sakura tree with it.
Satisfied with the result, she started to make another one.
She had plenty of material to make several tera tera bozu, and after a while a bunch of them were hanging from the tree, swaying in the gentle breeze.
“Bring me luck,” she silently said to them.
A shadow fell across the tray.
She looked up and saw Binkan Suzuki standing there.
She gasped and backed away, tightening her grip on the scissors.
Her strong reaction startled him and he took a step back.
“Please forgive me,” he said, bowing deeply.
She made no reply, but he held himself in that position until he started to feel ridiculous, so he awkwardly resumed a normal stance.
“What are you doing here?” she demanded.
“Uh¬ÖI wanted to see you. I had to get permission.”
“Well, bully for you,” she replied.
A moment of uncomfortable silence passed between them.
“Uh¬ÖMother misses you. And¬Öwell¬Öyours does too, of course,” he said, his voice trailed off.
As usual, his stomach hurt.
“Are you sure you want to bring up our mothers?” Kokoro replied. “Did you tell my mother about how you drugged and kidnapped her daughter? And does Mrs. Suzuki know what a miserable little pervert her sweet little Binkan is?”
“I? A pervert?” Binkan replied. “Oh, no! I’m not a¬Ö Well, I haven’t seen either of them since¬Öugh!” He gasped and bent over, clasping his stomach with both hands.
“Umm¬Ömay I sit down? I’m feeling a little sickish.”
Kokoro didn’t care whether he was sick or not, and, in fact, would have been glad to see him drop dead at her feet. But there was something about the expression on his sorry-ass face¬Ö
“Oh, go ahead,” she said.
Binkan sat down next to her.
“Not so close!” she said. “Sitting next to people who abduct other people is against my principles.”
He obediently edged away from her and twisted his face as another spasm of pain in his stomach hit him.
“What’s wrong with you?” Kokoro asked. “I am a nurse, you know. Maybe I can help. If I had some arsenic or prussic acid I could fix you up in a jiffy. "
“Never mind,” Binkan replied. “It’s just an ulcer. It just acts up now and again.”
But Kokoro could tell by his unhealthy pallor and the stricken look in his eyes that something more than an ulcer was wrong with him. Hopefully, something that would kill him.
“You should get that looked into,” she said.
But he just shook his head.
“I came to apologize,” he said.
“And you probably want me to forgive you, don’t you? Well, that’s entirely out of the question. Nothing would give me more pleasure than plunging these shears right through your dirty heart,” she said, brandishing her scissors.
Fear crept into his eyes.
She laughed bitterly.
“Ha, herbivore. Luckily for you, I don’t feel like getting your blood on my hands on such a nice day. Why don’t you run back to the Chief? Maybe he’ll protect you from me.”
“Uh¬Ölook, maybe what we did was bad, but it was in your best interest, after all.”
“What!?” she exclaimed.
“Look¬Öit’s simple,” Binkan replied. “The police were looking for you, too. In fact, there’s still a nationwide dragnet out for the Maniac Nurse.”
“All I did was take out some trash,” she said defensively.
“Nevertheless, it was fortunate that Jose and I found you before the police did.”
“So you’re saying,” she replied. “That the Chief sent me up here out of the goodness of his heart?”
“Well, no, of course not. He still hopes that you’ll come across with the money you stole from him.”
“Well, too bad,” she said. “Because that train left the station a long time ago.”
“Granted,” Binkan replied. “But if the cops had found you, you would have had to make do with accommodations far worse even than that squalid little apartment we found you in.”
“Um¬Öyou have to admit it was a bit¬Öum¬Öuntidy.”
“You mean,” Kokoro replied, stroking the scissors meaningfully, “it was a pigsty. I know what I’m like. It was still better than this,” she said, using her arm to encompass all of the Chateau. “At least I was by my self, and didn’t have to put up with Sugimoto and her crew of alley cats.”
Mehitabel was curled up on the bench and nearly asleep, but her ears caught Kokoro’s last comment. She sat up and hissed.
But Kokoro didn’t care. She just stuck her tongue out at her.
“What was so bad about Sugimoto,” Binkan asked puzzled. “She’s a good person.”
“You obviously don’t know much about the facts of life, do you?” Kokoro replied, which caused him to turn a little red.
“No, you don’t understand. She was peculiar in some ways, but she’d had some hard breaks in life and was just as much an exile up here as you.”
“Too bad for her,” Kokoro replied. “But she sure was making the most of it.”
She didn’t want to admit that, at least on a couple of occasions, she and Sugimoto had gotten along-sort of.
They both fell silent again.
And then.
“Oh, you’re making rain charms,” Binkan said, changing the subject. “I haven’t made one of those in years. But the way you’ve got them tied up makes them look like hanged men.”
“Well, that’s the idea, isn’t it?” Kokoro replied. “Wasn’t the original Bozu a weatherman who made a wrong prediction and got strung up by some villagers over it?”
“Is that right?” Binkan said. “I’ve never heard that. But if that’s the case, why do we think that making little effigies of him will keep the rain away?”
“Who knows,” Kokoro replied. “It’s just a child’s game. Do you remember how the song goes?”
“Hmm¬Ö” Binkan said, “Let me think. Ah¬ÖTeru teru bozu make tomorrow a sunny day. Like the sky in a dream sometime¬Ö”
“Teru teru bozu,” Kokoro replied, “Do make tomorrow a sunny day. If you make my wish come true, we’ll drink lots of sake. But if it’s cloudy, I’ll snip off your head.”
She put some extra stress on that last line and stared directly at Binkan, making him squirm uncomfortably.
“Ah¬Ölet me show you another way to make one,” Binkan said. “May I?” He asked, pointing to the tray in her lap.
She shrugged.
“Okay,” she said, passing the tray over to him.
He seemed to feel a bit of a shock as it touched his knees. A moment ago, this tray had been in her lap, and he imagined he could still feel the warmth from her legs on it.
Am I that sensitive? he wondered.
“Um¬Ölet me show you another way to hang them,” he said. “May I have the scissors?”
Reluctantly, Kokoro handed them over to him.
“Now if you poke a hole in the middle of this sheet,” he said as he carefully pierced it with the scissors. “And then take some string, loop it and pass both ends of the loop through the hole. Then you make a knot¬Ö”
“That’ll never hold up,” Kokoro said.
“Jose thinks he can get us all out of here,” Binkan said softly, without raising his head.
Kokoro looked toward Mehitabel, who was now sound asleep.
But she bent her head down as well and pretended to be interested in the operation Binkan was performing.
¬ëWhat are you talking about,” she whispered.
“Just this,” Binkan replied. “Those dog men, they’re secret agents.”
“I know,” Kokoro said.
“Um¬Öah¬Öwell, one of them is sort of an acquaintance of Jose’s and he thinks that if they team up together we can put down Kuchisake and all escape from here together.”
“How is that going to work?”
“I don’t know yet,” Binkan replied. “But I thought you’d like to know. I’ll keep you posted. Have faith.”
“Now,” he continued at a more normal volume. “You make the teru teru bozu in the usual way. But now it’s free, see?” He held the finished rain charm up and dangled it from a finger through the loop.
“But that’s not the real reason I came to see you,” he whispered. “There’s something I need to know.”
“What?” Kokoro replied.
“Do you still want to marry me?”

(Part 4)

It rained the next two days in a row.
Kokoro puffed on a cigarette she'd bummed from one of the maids and watched the rain from the window of her room. It was coming down steadily, and there was a strong wind blowing. In the garden below, the flower beds had all turned into little lakes and the Sakura tree swayed and shuddered in the wind.
Funny how the rain had come up so suddenly	

The tera tera bozu she had made and hung on the branches of the Sakura tree were all gone-- blown away by the wind. But to her annoyance, Mr. Suzuki’s were still hanging there, even though they were nothing more than shapeless lumps of soggy paper by now. They looked as sad and apologetic as their maker.
A sudden gust of wind blew a sheet of water against the window, which startled her and made her jump back.
Kokoro walked across the room and stabbed her cigarette out in an ashtray she’d placed on top of her dresser. It was full of several other cigarettes that had been partially smoked and then snubbed out. She seldom smoked one all the way to its end. She didn’t want to become addicted.
She stood next to the dresser and drumming her nails on the top.
A couple of days ago she had been down in the garden, sitting under the Sakura tree making rain charms, when Mr. Suzuki had suddenly appeared. At first, she thought he had come to gloat. But it was far worse than that. He asked her if she still wanted to marry him.
Kokoro laughed in his face and sent him packing.
What nerve! After helping the Chief kidnap and imprison her? How could he possibly think she wanted to marry him now?
There was now a small refrigerator in her room, which the staff had brought in and stocked according to her wishes-mostly with alcohol. She puzzled over why they were being so nice to her all of a sudden, but appreciated the gift. She had complete freedom of the Chateau and grounds now. She could go anywhere she wanted to (except outside the gate) and do anything she wanted. But there was always the chance of running into one or more of those big, naked cat men prowling around. In fact, she had once tried to go swimming in the pool, but two of them suddenly appeared while she was in the water and jumped in. They didn’t do anything. They just stood there in the water gazing at her expressionlessly. But it scared the wits out of her to be in there with them and her as naked as they were. She hastily climbed out of the pool, wrapped a towel around herself and fled back to her room. It took her awhile to get over the shock.
She walked over to the fridge, opened the door, and pulled out a can of beer-a Yebisu-and popped open the top. She took a long swig and flopped down in a chair.
“I always thought cats hated the water, Shinji,” she said aloud to the air. “But to get back to Mr. Suzuki, I may have acted too hastily to send him away. After all, he had hinted that the Chief was working on some plan to get out of here.”
She took another sip of beer.
“Ah! That’s good.”
A plan? Of course, the Chief always had a plan, didn’t he? But why tell her about it? Suzuki couldn’t really be feeling any remorse over what they did to her, could he? It was more likely that they wanted to get as many people on their side-and that would include Rex and the others-now that they found they were in the same ointment they’d stuck her in.
“It is to laugh, Shinji,” she said.
A knock came on the door.
“It’s open,” she said.
Mrs. Norris entered the room.
“I smell alcohol,” she said.
“Well, obviously,” Kokoro replied, waving the can of Yebisu in the air. “What else is there to do on a rainy day?”
“It’s unseemly,” Mrs. Norris replied. “The Mistress wants to see you.”
“What? Is Sugimoto back?”
Mrs. Norris shook her head.
“I mean the Mistress.”
“Oh. Her,” Kokoro replied.
She took a hasty swig of beer. It landed in her stomach like a lump of lead. In the back of her mind, she lived in fear of having to confront that weird woman again. The terrifying memory of that night in the woods made a chill creep up her spine.
“Why?” she asked plaintively.
Mrs. Norris smiled. Not a pleasant smile in Kokoro’s opinion. It was the kind of smile a cat gives a mouse.
“She wants to talk with you. Come.”
Mrs. Norris ushered Kokoro out of the room and led her along the hallway.
Strange, Kokoro thought, how quickly Mrs. Norris, who had always seemed so loyal to Sugimoto, had gone over to Kuchisake. In fact, it was strange how the entire staff had turned in just the blink of an eye. Was it that nekomimi were just basically untrustworthy? Or had they never actually been loyal to Sugimoto all along? Poor Sugimoto.
Fuck poor Sugimoto! She was the one who ran off.
Mrs. Norris led Kokoro to Sugimoto’s old apartment.
So Kuchisake had taken over Sugimoto’s room. Well, of course. It was the nicest one in the building, after all.
Kokoro found herself trembling as Mrs. Norris opened the door. She was scared, but she resolved to put up as brave a face as she could while confronting that thing. It was impossible for her to think of that Kuchisake as an actual woman.
But when they entered the room, Kuchisake was nowhere in sight. And in fact it felt like no one had lived there for awhile. And it wasn’t just the light patina of dust that was collecting on most of the surfaces. Empty rooms just have a certain feel to them.
But it wasn’t completely empty. There were four people there-those black-robed cat girls they called Acolytes. And they appeared to have been waiting for their arrival.
One of them was standing beside the tansu, the cabinet where Sugimoto stored her robes. Another one was holding a low stool in her hand, while, of the other two, one was holding a bath kit in a plastic basket and the other had a terrycloth robe draped across her arm.
“What¬Ö?” Kokoro asked.
“We have to prepare you for your meeting with the Mistress,” Mrs. Norris replied. “This is what you will wear.”
She snapped her fingers and the Acolyte next to the tansu bent over and opened the lowermost drawer of the cabinet. Inside it was a garment wrapped in rice paper. The Acolyte pushed aside the paper, picked up the garment and carefully unfolded it.
It was a kimono of creamy white silk that almost seemed to float in the cat girl’s hands as she unfolded it. It was simple, with no decoration at all. But all the more beautiful because of that; any decoration-any pattern or even a crest-would have marred its snowy perfection.
“Of course you’ll need help getting dressed,” Mrs. Norris continued.
The Acolyte holding the stool placed it on the floor in front of her and stood behind it with her hands folded up in the sleeves of her robe.
“But first, we need to cleanse you.”
The Acolytes with the bath kit and robe came forward and took positions on either side of Kokoro.
“Follow me,” Mrs. Norris said, heading toward Sugimoto’s private bath. “Disrobe her,” she said motioning to the two Acolytes, who started tugging at Kokoro’s garments.
“Hey! No! Wait a minute!” Kokoro shouted while trying to shoo away the cat girls with her hands.
“Don’t resist,” Mrs. Norris said.
Kokoro resisted anyway. Nevertheless, the Acolytes eventually had her stripped down to her underwear and started tugging at her bra and panties.
“Will you get off me,” Kokoro said. “I can do this part myself.” And she quickly stripped off her gear.
She was completely naked now, with one arm across her breast and the other guarding her crotch. Standing thus, with the cat girls one either side of her holding her clothes, she resembled Botticelli’s painting of Venus on the Half-Shell.
“Well, we’re ready now,” Mrs. Norris said. “Get the tub.”
Sugimoto’s bath was a large, luxurious space with a tiled floor and a huge marble sunken bath tub. On one of the walls, there was a huge mural depicting obscure anime characters in some rather hentai poses that had been put there by some previous owner. Kokoro had been in this room a couple of times before and remembered it well.
Meanwhile, the cat girls had retreated to a corner of the room, but were soon back lugging a large wooden tub filled with water which they set down in front of her.
“Step in so they can bathe you,” Mrs. Norris ordered.
“Wha…?” Kokoro replied.
“Get in the tub,” Mrs. Norris said.
“Bathe in this?” she replied, eyeing the tub doubtfully.
“Of course,” Mrs. Norris replied.
“What’s wrong with the big bathtub?” Kokoro asked. “Where I’d have room to stretch out in.”
“I haven’t got all day,” Mrs. Norris said sharply. “Just get in the tub.”
Kokoro sighed.
“Okay, okay! Do I stand up or sit down? Yowtch! That’s cold,” she exclaimed, dipping a foot in the water. “Why is it cold?” She put her other foot in, and now she was standing in chilly water up to her knees. She shivered and goose-pimples popped out all over her arms.
“Damn! Let’s hurry up and get this over with,” she said. "Hand me the soap,’ she said to the cat girl who was holding the bath kit.
Instead, both cat girls threw off their robes, and all they had on underneath were fundoshi (loin cloths). The one with the bath kit bent over and dipped a bar of soap in the water while handing the other one a sponge, which that one dipped as well.
“Oh, no no no no!” Kokoro, who saw what was coming, said. “I can do this myself. They’re not touching me.”
“Quit making a fuss and let them do their job,” Mrs. Norris replied.
The cat girls, meanwhile, had started lathering up Kokoro’s flanks.
It was the point of no return.
The Acolytes were washing Kokoro, and there was nothing she could do about it, except endure it.
Once they had her all soaped up, they put away their sponges and started to lick the soap off her body with their tongues.
“Eek!” Kokoro screamed.
She lost her balance and fell out of the tub, knocking it over. Water poured out all over the floor. But the cat girls continued to lick her, undeterred. Kokoro struggled to get away, but they had her pinned down, and there was no part of her body-no matter how intimate-that they weren’t touching with their tongues.
How humiliating!
(Don’t get the wrong idea. It wasn’t stimulating at all. The water was cold and cat girl’s tongues were rough.)
When they had finished, the cat girls stood up and threw buckets of clean water on her and hauled her up by her arms. Her damp hair hung limply over her shoulders and across her back. And though it was totally irrelevant, it occurred to her that she’d hadn’t had a haircut since coming to the Chateau. She felt like what the cat had dragged in.
The Acolytes toweled her off and then handed her a terrycloth robe, which she grudgingly put on. Then they brought up a chair and made her sit in it.
Mrs. Norris gave Kokoro an appraising look.
“Hmmm, we should do something about your hair. A traditional hairstyle would be fitting for the occasion, but what kind, do you suppose? Yakai maki? Katsuyama? Katsuyama would be easier, of course. But I don’t think we have any hair pins.”
“How about Taregami?” asked one of the cat girls. “It’s simple. All we’d have to do is give her a part in the middle and let it hang down the way it is now.”
Mrs. Norris nodded.
"Very good, Ito. A little old-fashioned and theatrical, perhaps. But we can’t keep the Mistress waiting too long. Take care of it, and bring her along as soon as you can.
With that, she turned and went into the outer room.
“Here,” said the as yet unnamed cat girl, handing Kokoro a package.
“What’s this?” Kokoro asked.
But it was plainly a brand new bra and panty set in a clear plastic bag.
“Is this my size?” she asked.

When they finished with her hair, the Acolytes took Kokoro back to the outer room, where Mrs. Norris made her stand on the low stool, which had been placed on the floor in the middle of the room. She stood there, in her new underwear, with her arms crossed, wondering what was going to happen next.
The Acolyte standing by the tansu opened one of the drawers and pulled out a pair of white tabi socks. Meanwhile, another cat girl grabbed Kokoro by the ankle and lifted up her foot. Both of them together placed tabi on her feet, one after another. Kokoro swayed a little during this business and almost fell off the stool.
Once they had the tabi on her, the Acolytes wrapped Kokoro up in a white hyoko, or under kimono. The wrapped it around her, left over right as was the custom, and adjusted the collar. Kokoro was grateful to be covered up again-and a little warmer as well.
Next, they dressed Kokoro in that beautiful white silk kimono. The cloth whispered as they wrapped it around her and adjusted the fit. It was so light and supple and the sleeves were so long they were like wings. Kokoro had never felt so dressed up, and she was eager to find a mirror and see what she looked like.
The obi came next.
It was also white, but had sakura blossoms printed on it for contrast. A black obi cord to hold the whole thing together came last. Then one of the Acolytes placed a pair of plain wooden geta on the floor and indicated to Kokoro that she should put them on.
“Let’s see how you look,” Mrs. Norris said, and Kokoro stood still for the inspection. She hadn’t worn a kimono since Coming of Age Day, several years ago. She had mixed feeling about that. Her mother couldn’t afford to spend thousands of yen on an outfit like most of the other girls parents could, and Kokoro had to make do with the one her Mother had worn for her coming of age and saved. Kokoro never begrudged her mother for that, but still¬Ö
“Well, you’re presentable now,” Mrs. Norris said. “But (sigh), back when I was a girl on Meowtis, the hyoko were usually very showy compared to the outer furisode, which were always very subdued and modest. That way we could always get the boys attention by flashing a little underwear. Ah, those were the days.”
“Takes you back, doesn’t it?” Kokoro said, smiling a little at this surprising display of sentimentality on the part of Mrs. Norris. But that was like throwing a dash of cold water in her face, and Mrs. Norris was suddenly her stern, no-nonsense self again.
“Enough of this,” Mrs. Norris replied. “Time now to meet the Mistress.”
“Yeah, well I’m not looking forward to it,” Kokoro replied.
This time Mrs. Norris smiled.

Mrs. Norris led the way and Kokoro followed. Although at first she had a little bit of trouble walking in her kimono. It restricted her stride and she found she had to take little, mincing steps that made her feel kind of modest and subdued. She found that she sort of instinctively bowed her head as she walked like those ladies in the historical dramas and geisha do. That must be the effect wearing a kimono had on a person. She wished she had a fan to hide her face with. How come they didn’t provide her with a fan?
Mrs. Norris led Kokoro down to the ground floor. They walked past the library and the pool and in the direction of the theater, where Sugimoto had said they sometimes staged little theatricals (Well¬Ömade dirty movies, actually).
As they got nearer and nearer to wherever it was Mrs. Norris was taking her, Kokoro’s heart started to speed up and sweat formed on her forehead and under her armpits. What did Kuchisake want with her, anyway? She remembered how frightening that first encounter with her in the woods had been. That woman was definitely not of this Earth. And why did they get her all dolled up like this. Was Kuchisake some kind of cannibal who liked to have her desserts nicely decorated?
Kokoro heard music in the distance, and as they entered the theater, Kokoro discovered that it was coming from behind a bamboo screen that had been put up on the stage.
“Come, this way,” Mrs. Norris said, and she led Kokoro up onto the stage and behind the screen where they found Kuchisake sitting on a cushion, stirring matcha powder (green tea) with a whisk in a ceramic bowl. Spread out in front of her were things for a tea party: a pot of water heating up on a brazier, little cups for drinking out of, plates of sweetened rice cakes and bowls of various kinds of finger food.
Behind and to the left of Kuchisaki, an Acolyte was strumming on a samisen.
It was, to say the least, a confusing sight. Kokoro had been expecting to have to gaze upon some hideous scene in the presence of Kuchisake-a blood orgy, perhaps. But to see her mundanely mixing tea was totally unexpected. It was a totally incongruous thing for an undying monster to seem to be doing.
Becoming aware of them, Kuchisake looked up and put the bowl down at her side.
“Ah, Komegura-san at last. And, my, how nice you look. Come, sit down,” she said, motioning to a cushion opposite to where she was sitting. “Excellent work, Norris. I especially like her hair.”
Mrs. Norris bowed especially low. “Mistress,” she replied.
“You may go now. Komegura-san and I have private things to discuss. Don’t we dear?” she asked, looking at Kokoro, who felt another chill run down her spine. Her eyes followed Mrs. Norris as she left the stage. She would have felt better if she had stayed. Not that Mrs. Norris could have aided her in any way (or would even have wanted to), but Kokoro would have felt better anyway, as long as she was not alone with Kuchisake.
As she watched Mrs. Norris go, Kokoro noticed that the bamboo screen behind her was painted with a large mural that depicted a plethora of ugly, cartoonish creatures: there were hairy monsters with big fangs followed by froglike creatures, monsters with one eye or many, a hideous old woman toting an equally ugly infant, and even an umbrella hopping on one human leg.
“Isn’t it lovely?” Kuchisake said.
Kokoro snapped her head back.
“It’s called “The Night Parade of One Hundred Demons,” Kuchisake said. “It was painted by a very talented artist from the Edo times. I had it commissioned myself.”
“Friends of yours?” Kokoro replied, trying on a little bravado.”
“Ho, ho,” Kuchisake laughed, covering her mouth with her fingers as she did-even though her face was already covered by a mask. “That’s very funny.”
“Umm,” Kokoro replied. She folded her arms and waited to see what was going to happen next.
“Komegura-chan,” Kuchisake said. “I think we got off on the wrong foot the last time we met, so I decided to have this tea ceremony to apologize. Forgive the makeshift setting,” she said, encompassing the entire room with a sweep of her arm. “Really, you’d think that when they built this structure, they would have thought to include a suitable room for tea ceremonies. Ah well, maybe I should talk to dear Jose about it the next time I see him.”
“Dear Jose?” Kokoro thought. “Her too? What do these women see in the Chief that I don’t?”
Aloud she said, “The last time we met, you waved CeMell’s tail in my face.”
“Ah¬Öthat was cruel, wasn’t it? But you know¬Ö” Kuchisake said, preparing the tea. She had no business snooping around my home. Neither did you, dear," she said, handing Kokoro a cup of freshly brewed tea. “But I forgive you.”
Kokoro looked at the tea uncertainly.
“Go ahead, dear,” Kuchisake said. “It’s not poisoned. I don’t want to hurt you. I want to be your friend. I think we have things in common.”
“What things,” Kokoro asked, setting the cup aside. She still had her doubts.
“Well, you’re perceived as a mass murderer and I am¬Öwell¬Öwhat I am. Tell me, dear, do you think I’m beautiful?”
Kuchisake pulled at the end of her mask and pulled it away from her face. She hung her head in shame and averted her gaze from Kokoro. The whole side of her cheek, from the edge of her mouth, almost to her ear was an open gash. And, as near as Kokoro could tell, the other side was the same way.
“Good Lord! (choke),” Kokoro gasped. It was a good thing she hadn’t been drinking her tea, because she would have spit it out at that sight.
Kuchisake put her mask back in place and faced Kokoro again.
“Sorry, dear. I seldom like to reveal my affliction. But maybe now you feel a little sympathy, eh?”
“What happened to you?” Kokoro asked.
Kuchisake sighed.
“A man did this to me. A man I loved and trusted,” Her voice had a wistful note to it. “I tried to forgive him, but with this face as a constant reminder, well¬Ö Men are the real trouble with this world, wouldn’t you agree?”
Kokoro thought about all the men who had caused her trouble throughout her life: Suzuki, the Chief, her American father and countless unnamed jerks.
“Yes, even you, Shinji,” she thought.
“But, dear, sister,” Kuchisake said, leaning forward, I’ve discovered the cure for the common man."
“What?” Kokoro asked.
“It happened years ago,” Kuchisake replied. "When I was a girl I used to live in a village that was not far from this very mountain. My parents were poor, so I guess they felt they had no choice but to sell me to the local brothel. Was that a bad thing? It was just how it was done in those days. But I hated that life. The men I got were evil and abusive and the other women of the village ill-treated me as well. Well, as it turned out, a group of cat people were living up here in the caves where I lived myself-until recently. The villagers were afraid of the cat people and had all sorts of wrong notions about them. The cats worshipped a being named Uzumaki, whom the villagers took to be an evil demon, and in their fear they concocted the crazy notion that they could placate the cats and make them leave the area by offering up the prettiest girls in the village-myself included.
“So that was done. We were all herded up into the caves and left for dead. But the cat people were kind to me and I came to see Uzumaki as no kind of demon at all, but a savior who will someday set the world aright. Ever since then I’ve dedicated my self to the goal of opening up this world to Lord Uzumaki. Paradise regained, dear.”
“What happened to the others,” Kokoro asked.
“What others?” Kuchisaki replied.
"You know, the other girls you were roped up with. What happened with them?
Kuchisaki made no reply. A moment of ida (like what happens in a Kabuki play) passed.
“I don’t remember,” Kuchisake said.
Kokoro finally saw it all.
This woman in front of her was not only creepy, she was also nuts.
Or, to put it more professionally–mentally ill.
Up until now, Kokoro had harbored some notion in the back of her head that this Kuchisake might actually have some kind of supernatural power, but now she was beginning to have her doubts. This Uzumaki business cinched it. Crazy people often had the impression that they had a relationship with some powerful person or being. Kuchisaki was a textbook case of that.
But she was also a dangerous mad woman who now commanded a small army of cat people who hung on her every word. Kokoro suddenly saw how bad it would be for her to get on Kuchisake’s bad side, now that she had taken some inexplicable interest in her.
“Have you ever seen this Uzumaki,” she asked.
“No, I haven’t,” Kuchisake replied. “Uzumaki can’t be seen. Not with the eyes, but with the heart. That day when my former husband cut me to pieces and left me for dead, Uzumaki entered my heart and healed my wounds. Now He works through me. You might say I am Uzumaki’s shadow on the Earth.”
“Healed your wounds, eh?” Kokoro thought. "Well He didn’t do such a great job with your face looking like that. Obviously this Uzumaki was a delusion brought on by the trauma Kuchisake had suffered from being horribly disfigured. Kokoro had no patience with the supernatural. Of course, she believed in the Lord Buddha (in a vague sort of way), and she used to have those premonitory dreams, but those could be explained away rationally-sort of. But any other sorts of supernatural manifestations were out of the question.
Still, for her own good, she’d better not let her skepticism show.
“So you and Uzumaki are as one? That must be nice. But I was under the impression that you were trying to arrainge some kind of personal appearance. I wish you all the luck in the world with that, but that doesn’t have anything to do with me. So why don’t you just let me go home? There’s probably a ton of mail waiting for me there.”
“You know you can’t do that, Kokoro,” Kuchisake said darkly.
Then, in a lighter voice: “Besides, I do need your help.”
“How can I help you?” Kokoro asked.
“Well, do you remember those girls who used to be in that, ah, club you started?”
“Oh, yeah,” Kokoro replied. “But look, that wasn’t entirely my idea. It was mainly Nanjou’s. She caught me shoplifting some cosmetics at Jusco and used it to make me start Tairano Masakado, as she called it. All the details were hers. She and her little gang of sluts wanted to get their rocks off without messing with their reputations, so it was my job to¬Ö”
“Pimp for them,” Kuchisake said.
“That’s a little direct,” Kokoro replied.
“I used to be in the business myself,” Kuchisake said.
“Uh, yeah. Well, the deal was that I had to find them good-looking studs. Men they had never met, who didn’t know who they were and they would never meet again. Well, there are plenty of men in Japan who want to sleep with school girls, but not many who were big on looks. I finally found a good solution, though. I hired a bunch of gay men from host clubs far away from Moriyoh. You see, not only would they never see the girls again, they wouldn’t want to. There was a local bakery in Moriyoh that helped me out greatly in making the arrangements.”
“When I temporarily took over your job at the school,” Kuchisake said. “I found some of your records. It seems you made a tidy sum charging the girls for contraceptives and stud service.”
Kokoro blushed.
“Well, I had to look out for myself. By the way. I know those girls are up here. But I haven’t seen them around lately. Where are they?”
“Someplace safe,” Kuchisake replied. “They are being prepared for their part in the Great Ritual.”
“I want them to do what they want to do-have sex.”
“Uh¬Öhow’s that?”
“I want them to all gather at a certain place at a certain time and copulate. The energy released will help immensely in bridging the gap between our world and Uzumaki’s. But I have so much on my hands already, I’m turning to you to take charge of the girls. Will you do that for me?”
“You want me to arrainge an orgy?”
Kuchisake nodded.
“With who?” Kokoro asked. "Those big naked Meow Meows?
“Will you do it?”
“If I do,” Kokoro asked. “Will you let me go away from here when it’s over? No matter whether Uzumaki shows himself or no?”
“Certainly,” Kuchisake replied. “But He will come.”
“Okay,” Kokoro said and finally took a sip of tea. “Boy, are they in for a surprise. Can’t say that I envy them. Hey! Wait a minute¬Ö”
“Yes?” Kuchisake replied.
“This ritual of yours, it’ isn’t one of those things I’ve read about. You know, that involve a human sacrifice, is it?”
“Of course,” Kuchisake replied. “Not.”


He wasn't dead; he just wanted them to think he was.
Those damnable dogs! They had burst into the room quite unexpectedly, interrupting him just as he was about to start opening his new specimen. 

Beast Dom may have been the world’s greatest self-acknowledged intellect, but it didn’t take a genius to know that an old man recently raised from the dead didn’t stand a chance against two powerful and aggressive inumimi appearing so suddenly out of nowhere. One of the pair-the taller one with long ears-looked oddly familiar. They may have met before. And if he had the time, he might recall when and where. But no matter. After a perfunctory bit of pretending to struggle, he had simply closed his eyes and let them drag him to the floor, where he lay still as death. And when they discovered he wasn’t breathing nor had any heartbeat, it was enough to deceive those wretched bullies into thinking that they had accidentally killed him.
And may it lay heavily on their consciences, the fools!
If they’d had sense enough to prick him with a needle, he would have given himself away quickly enough. His nervous system was still in perfectly good condition, thanks to the pituitary fluid he was extracting from the pure breed. But it wouldn’t remain that way for long now that he had been deprived of his supply.
He sat up and tugged at the surgical tubing they had tied him with. The bonds were very loose and came off easily enough. They didn’t expect a dead man to come back to life, he supposed. But why they had even gone to the bother was something of a puzzle. It didn’t make any sense, unless they were planning to return and carry him off like a side of meat.
Well, if they did, they wouldn’t find him waiting for them.
He got to his feet and surveyed the room.
There was the table that until recently had held the body of the new specimen and lying on the floor next to it, the bone saw he was about to use to open it up with. A little further off was the siphon and hose apparatus he had concocted to suck the pituitary fluid from his first specimen, the pure breed, lying in a heap on the floor. Wherever they had taken her, she would be leaking brain fluid from the nipple he had implanted in her forehead, so she probably won’t be alive for too much longer. But no matter, he was nearly through with her, anyway.
But it was imperative that he find a new vic¬Öspecimen.
He went over to his apparatus and picked it up, stuffing it into a pocket in his lab coat.
He wondered who those people were and he opened a drawer in a cabinet next to the wall. He took out a silver hammer and a trepanning spike and stuffed them into his other pocket.
Crude, but it should work.
They couldn’t have been sent by the Witch. She was the one who had locked him in this room, along with the pure breed, who was probably meant to serve him as a food supply while he descended slowly into a mindless zombie. She would have found that very entertaining. But she didn’t realize who she was dealing with and locking him up in the laboratory was like that story about the rabbit that was thrown in a briar patch. He had quickly learned how to save himself by extracting certain chemicals from the brain’s pituitary gland. That he surmised was what zombies were after and why they were so attracted to brains.
The very thought of brains caused him to be consumed with a gnawing hunger, which he forcefully suppressed. That was counter-productive.
So, no, they weren’t sent by the Witch. They were more like a rescue party. There had been a woman with them who had seemed to know both specimens and called them by names. That suggested that there were more actors involved in events occurring outside this room than just the Witch. It would be interesting to find out what was going on, and perhaps he would-right after he took care of a little bit of business.
He pushed the cabinet aside, and there on the wall behind it was what he was looking for.
It was a large spiral-shaped design he had drawn there with a red marker he had found in another one of the cabinets.
Beast Dom crouched down and stared at it intently.
The first few months after he had been brought back to life, he had existed, immobile as a doll in that dark cavern that Skootch (Ah, poor Skootch!) had said was not part of our corporeal universe, but was closely connected to it, where the Witch made extravagant promises to him while she slowly stole the secrets of creating Meow Meow from him.
She had a habit of appearing or disappearing from behind a black curtain set up in front of the cavern wall directly in front of him. And, he had noticed, she always wore the same threadbare black kimono with the spirals on it-which sometimes glowed.
All this aroused his curiosity, and one time he pretended to be asleep (which was an impossibility) while she went behind the curtain. On this occasion, she seemed to be in a hurry and neglected to draw the curtain all the way back. All he could make out though was a portion of large design on the wall. The Witch kneeled down in front of this, intoning some mumbo jumbo. Then there was a flash of light and she was gone.
Dom quickly ordered some Meow Meow there in the cave with him to draw the curtain all the way back in order for him to see what was behind it.
It was a very large version of the spiral designs on her dress. When he asked her about it later, she smiled and explained that it was the symbol of Uzumaki, that demon or god she supposedly worshipped and whom she promised would do great things for him once a certain ceremony had been performed.
However, even though she was smiling, he could tell that the incident had agitated her, and she made sure thereafter that the curtain remained closed. But from then on Dom took a close interest in the symbols on her dress and discovered a couple of interesting things: no two of them were alike, and they were not just mere decorations. They were actually something like intricate mathematical equations expressed in something similar to a curled up binary code. After a little more cogitation, he came to the conclusion that they were nothing more or less than Riemannian space-time equations, and that brought to mind a paper he had read years ago.
It had been written by a gifted young mathematician named Walter Gilman and published under the auspices of the Miskatonic University in Arkham, Massachusetts. He had argued that it was theoretically possible for a person to travel into the fourth or higher dimensions and back down to any point on the three-dimensional plane one choose. It was highly speculative, of course. But the mathematics was sound. However, in an addendum to the main paper, Gilman had suggested that witches and wizards of folklore may have possessed some insight into higher mathematical realms than even Planck or Einstein, citing a story of a seventeenth century witch named Keziah Mason who was imprisoned during the Salem witch trials, but had escaped, according to eyewitnesses, by scrawling some symbols on the wall of her cell and walking right through it.
At the time, Dom had dismissed that part of the paper as utter nonsense. The Miskatonic was famous for mixing solid scholarship with sheer crack pottery. But now he wasn’t so sure. And weren’t wizards (like the one in that Disney cartoon) traditionally depicted wearing robes with stars and moon and other arcane symbols on them? Now he saw them not so much as mere decoration, but as Cliff’s Notes for necromancy.
With that in mind, he started taking a much closer interest in the Witch’s clothing, and he noticed that, while they were all slightly different, there was a sort of ur-pattern that was a sort of key for all the others. Further, he suspected that this ur-pattern corresponded to the one behind the curtain. Which, unfortunately, he hadn’t been able to study, but he suspected he could eventually reconstruct in his mind.
After all, how hard could that be for the world’s greatest intellect?
And he had almost had it all sussed out by the time the Witch had him locked in this room.
His first problem, of course, had been finding a way to prevent, or at least slow down, zombie degeneration. But he had solved that easily enough and had moved on to seeing if he could learn to walk through walls like old Keziah Mason.
With that in mind, he had cleared a bit of wall space and set about reproducing what he thought was the basic equation he’d need.
When he was finished, he kneeled down in front of it like he’d seen the Witch do, keeping the pure breed close to his side. Next, he was aware he had to recite some kind of incantation in front of it. He strained to try and remember what he had heard the Witch chant that time. He wasn’t quite sure what purpose such mumbo jumbo was supposed to serve, but he worried about the results of getting it wrong.
“I-i√§,” he began. “Shub-Niggurath. Cthulhu fhtagn! Ygnaiih, Yog-Sothoh.”
He felt like a fool, but instantly he was nearly blinded by a great flash of light and he suddenly felt he was being pulled forward into some great vortex. All of his senses were assaulted by indescribable sensations. He seemed to be flying over-and sometimes straight through-a crazy landscape of weird angles and impossible geometry. And everywhere there were colors. Colors like none he had ever seen-indescribable and unwholesome. At times it felt like parts of his body had gone missing and at other times like his body had rearranged itself into different forms. And everywhere there was a great roaring sound, like that of a great waterfall.
Of the pure breed he no longer had any sense at all, and he feared that he had lost her in this insane place.
Whether this journey through higher dimensions had taken mere seconds or a lifetime he couldn’t say. But it came to an end at last and he found himself standing on solid ground again.
It was dark, but he appeared to be in some small, filthy shed.
The floor was littered with all sorts of trash, but the walls were covered with numerous spiral shapes that glowed faintly. Looking around, he was relieved to find that the pure breed had made it through that eldritch journey with him and was passively sitting nearby. She was bathed in light coming through a door opposite them.
He walked over and went through it.
He could see now that it was, indeed, a dilapidated shack in the middle of a forest, and it was night time. He could see a full moon in the sky and the lights of a city off in the distance. He had no idea where this was, but he had a feeling he was still in Japan.
Just then, he heard a noise in the distant brush and ducked back into the shack.
Someone was coming.
A young man appeared in the entrance of the shack. A young man who was obviously quite drunk.
He lurched into the shack and fell on his face. When he raised himself up, Dom could tell that the stupidity written on his face was from more than just the result of inebriation. Here was the sort of high school drop-out that probably spent his time masturbating to hentai anime.
“Perfect,” Dom whispered to himself.
The young man couldn’t see Dom, because he was small and hiding in the shadows, but he noticed the pure breed, who was framed in the moonlight quite prettily.
The young man started to say something, when Dom pounced.
He found a large bone among the debris on the floor and used it to give the young man a good, solid blow to the side of the head. He crumpled up like a paper doll and lay inert on the floor of the shed. Dom made a quick check to make sure his heart was still beating. He wouldn’t want to have inadvertently killed his new specimen.
After assuring himself that the young man was in good shape, Dom turned his attention to the problem of getting him back to the lab.
By now Dom knew that all these faintly glowing spirals on the walls were not mere decorations, but keys to other destinations. He could see now that this miserable hovel was, in fact, a central station for inter-dimensional travel. Who would have thought it? Had he enough time, he could probably figure out where each and every one led to, but now it was imperative that he get back to the lab and prepare his new specimen.
The problem was, the ur-pattern probably only led to this location and not back to where he came from. That was probably represented by one, and only one, of the symbols.
But which one? He could understand why the Witch wore her train schedule (so to speak) on her back.
He began to study each spiral carefully.
Perhaps there was some way to tell which one was the right one to use. Some pattern in the equation, perhaps.
But it turned out to be much easier than that.
One of the spirals, about halfway up and in the center of the wall, was glowing brighter than the others.
Was that the one?
It had to be.
It would make sense if the symbol representing your starting point were highlighted in order to make your way back.
At least that was what he assumed, and for lack of better idea he tried it.
And it worked.
After another phantasmagorical journey through the dimensions, all three of them were back safe and sound in the lab. The pure breed had had to carry the young man, of course, because he would have been too much for Dom, but he had worried that he might lose them both.
Well, eventually he did as it turned out, but not in the fourth dimension.
Now what?
As he crouched there in front of the spiral, the conclusion was obvious. He had to travel back to the shed this same night and find a new specimen somewhere out there, away from here.
He fingered the trepanning spike in his pocket and started to chant.

(Part 4)

Sugimoto was sitting on her bunk, looking at her fingers.
Her nails needed work badly: The polish had chipped away from most of them and one nail was cracked. Her cuticles were a mess. If only she could get hold of a nail file. But she knew they wouldn't let her have any sharp objects.
As if she might pose any danger to them with it.
She tried to imagine what it would be like: Her overpowering the Acolyte as she brought them their food. Pressing the nail file against her throat, and forcing her to unlock the cell door. Then using her as a shield against the Meow Meow standing guard outside. 
And how would he react?
From what she knew of them, what they lacked in brains, they made up for in ferocity. He would probably just kill them both. Yuki and Yoshimi, too, for that matter.

Sugimoto had to admit to herself that she didn’t have the guts to try a stunt like that, anyway.
That was more like the sort of thing that hot head, Yoshimi, would try. In fact, she had: Claiming to be good at picking locks, she had gone over to the cell door to see what kind of lock it had. The Meow Meow on guard out in the hall had growled at her and thrust his arm through the bars to take a swipe at her. Yoshimi had responded by grabbing hold of his arm and twisting it back and forth, trying to break it. She hadn’t counted on his other arm, though, which he used to punch her in the face and sent her staggering across the room. She ended up with a pretty good shiner as a result. But she still remained, in Sugimoto’s opinion, a loose cannon.
Sugimoto looked up and glanced over at the opposite side of the room, where Yoshimi and Yuki were.
They were sitting on Yuki’s bed and laughing. Crazily enough, it turned out that they were both acquainted with some guy named Rex, and they were comparing notes. Yoshimi was sure that this Rex, who was a very resourceful fellow apparently, would find them and set things aright. Yuki seemed to be going along with that–probably for her own peace of mind. Seeing them bonding like that made Sugimoto feel terribly jealous.
She wished she could be the one sitting on the bed next to Yuki-she resembled Hannah so much. But she had spoiled it by coming on too strong when they both found themselves in this cell. Yuki was shocked and asked about a hundred questions that Sugimoto couldn’t answer. Then she went hysterical and kept screaming that she wanted to go home. So Sugimoto had tried to deal with her the only way she knew how.
Later she had told Yoshimi that she had come on to Yuki only to distract her a little from their situation. But the truth was that she had been afraid. They had fallen into the clutches of Kuchisake and who knew how much longer they would be alive? So she had tried to have sex with Yuki. She knew it was crazy. Unsurprisingly, Yuki had rejected her and was now completely leery of her.
In a way, Sugimoto acknowledged it had been a desperate attempt to make love to Hannah one last time and ask her forgiveness. She was surprised to acknowledge such maudlin sentiments.
But they hadn’t been killed right away, and Sugimoto got an inkling that they were saving Yuki up for something special.
Time passed.
How much time, Sugimoto couldn’t say for sure. The cell they were in seemed to be somewhere underground, and the lighting was artificial. Sometimes there was light and sometimes it was dark, but the periods of light and dark were not always consistent. . Sometimes they were fed, and if you went by meals, maybe they had been here a couple of weeks.
Sugimoto turned her attention back to the sad state of her nails and sighed. She longed for a bath, too. But all they had in here was a slit trench toilet, and she wasn’t quite desperate enough to start cleaning herself with flush water. At least, not this day.
Sugimoto sighed and lay down. There was nothing else to do. She closed her eyes and let her mind drift back to happier times.
Paris. Ah, Paris. What great times she had there; she should have stayed. Wasn’t there that one cookie? The blond with the cute little nose and the deep blue eyes? What was her name? Hannah?
An unbidden vision flashed into her mind of poor Hannah, slumped over an open suitcase in the bedroom of their Tokyo apartment, blood gushing from her slashed throat, drenching all the clothes-the clothes Sugimoto had bought her-she had been planning to take away with her.
Sugimoto gasped quietly and rolled over to hide her tears from the others.
“I’ve got it!”
Sugimoto rolled back over, surreptitiously wiping her eyes. Yoshimi was standing up in front of Yuki, slamming her fist into the palm of the other hand.
“Got what?” Sugimoto asked, sitting up.
“How we get out of here,” Yoshimi replied.
“I thought we were waiting for Rex to pick us up in a taxi, Honey. Around about half past ten?”
“Huh?” Yoshimi said, looking puzzled.
“You don’t get it, do you? Well, I guess that’s to be expected” Sugimoto replied. “Well, never mind. What were you thinking?”
“Get this,” Yoshimi replied. “We have Yuki feign an illness, and when the Acolyte comes in to see what’s wrong, jump her.”
“Amazing,” Sugimoto replied. “I was thinking the very same thing-just about. But my scenario ends with us getting torn to bits by that large gentleman outside.
“That chump?” Yoshimi replied. “A pushover. I’ve taken on these guys before.”
“Uh huh,” Sugimoto said. “How’s your eye? Your plan’s screwy. And too obvious, isn’t it?”
“Sometimes the old tricks are the best, you know,” Yoshimi said.
“No,” Sugimoto replied, shaking her head. “They’d see through that in a minute. You think cat girls are dumb; probably because that’s how they’re portrayed in the media. But I know cat girls, and, believe me, they’re not dumb. Let me tell you what will really happen: Yuki pretends to be sick, and we call for the guard. When she comes and unlocks the door, the Meow Meow comes in after her and hold us down while she carries Yuki off to see if there’s really something wrong with her. And when they discover there isn’t, we’re probably dead, because Yuki’s the only one who’s important to them. We’re nothing. And if they get ticked off because we tried to fool them¬Ö” Sugimoto extended a forefinger and drew it across her throat in imitation of a knife.
“Jeez! Where’s your balls, Dyke?”
“Sticks and stones, dear. Sticks and stones. Actually, among the three of us, you’re the one who’s the most mannish. Maybe you should make an honest appraisal of yourself. Hey, Yuki, I’d keep an eye on this one and your legs crossed if I were you,” she said, pointing at Yoshimi.
“Why you¬Ö” Yoshimi rushed over to where Sugimoto was sitting and stood in front of her with blazing eyes and an upraised arm.
Sugimoto covered her head in anticipation of a blow, but Yuki came over and stood between them.
“Guys, guys!” she said. “Settle down. Being cooped up in here is making us all a little crazy, that’s all. But let’s not give up and start fighting among ourselves.”
Yoshimi dropped her arm, “Yeah, you’re right,” she said.
“For the record, I don’t think much of your plan, either, Yoshimi,” Yuki said.
Sugimoto looked up at Yuki and smiled. This cookie was more level-headed than she looked it seemed.
But Yuki gave Sugimoto a stern look, “By the way,” she said, “Stop talking about my legs.”
“Oh” Sugimoto replied.
There was a noise coming from outside the cell, and the three of them turned to see what it was.
A middle-aged cat woman, flanked by two of the Acolytes, was out in the hall, talking to the Meow Meow guard.
They turned around and approached the cell. One of the Acolytes produced a key and unlocked the door. Then they entered the cell.
They left the door open behind them, but the Meow Meow re-positioned himself right in front of it to prevent anyone from getting out.
“Mrs. Norris,” Sugimoto said, standing up. “Are you in this too?”
“Mistress,” Mrs. Norris replied, nodding her head.
“Who is that?” Yoshimi asked Sugimoto. “You know her?”
“She used to help me run the Chateau,” Sugimoto replied. “And was my friend, I thought.”
“Indeed I was your friend, Mistress,” Mrs. Norris replied. “I always liked you, despite your perversions. You were a good administrator, and I greatly admired your manners and refined tastes.”
“Then why¬Ö?”
“Well despite what you may have thought, you were never the true Mistress. Cats are nocturnal creatures. What did you think we did at night while you slept? We were out in the woods or down in the caverns, communing with the Slit-Faced Woman.-the one who had brought the Great Dom back to life.”
Sugimoto looked puzzled.
“What are you talking about,” she asked.
“You mean you really had no idea of what was going on at the Chateau? That is, beyond the movie-making and holding parties for the other degenerates.”
“Well, maybe I did, and maybe I didn’t,” Sugimoto replied. “I knew there was some reason why the staff were all nekomimi, and why the turn-over was so high. And I could see that some of them started changing even before I had to take them out to the House of Pain.”
“Wait a minute,” said Yoshimi, butting in. “You knew this place was a nest of Meow Meow and you were okay with that?”
“Who is this person?” Mrs. Norris asked, indicating Yoshimi.
Sugimoto shrugged.
“Who knows? Just something the cats dragged in.”
Mrs. Norris nodded.
“Hey! I resent that,” Yoshimi said. “You didn’t answer my question. What did you know about the Meow Meow?”
“Nothing,” Sugimoto replied. “Well, maybe I had my suspicions, but that was Jose’s business, not mine. I was just told to keep an eye on Kuchisake.”
“Jose?” Yoshimi said. “You mean Ecuador? I knew he was mixed up in this.”
“Mrs. Norris,” Sugimoto said. “I can’t believe you were on her side all this time… Don’t you know she’s an inhuman fiend, and planning something awful?”
“Do not talk disrespectfully” Mrs. Norris replied. “Whatever the Slit-Faced Woman is planning will be wonderful.
Her eyes gleamed.
Sugimoto was surprised. Mrs. Norris was usually such a dead-pan character that she didn’t know how to take this sudden change.
“It will be a re-birth of Meow Meow,” Mrs. Norris went on. “Too bad you choose to involve yourself with the Chosen One; otherwise we might have allowed you to keep your position. But when you locked her and yourself in your room, we feared for her purity. Something had to be done.”
“So you helped Kuchisake snatch us?”
“Of course.”
“Wait a minute,” Yuki said. “Chosen One¬Ödo you mean me? What’s that mean?”
“I think it’s a high-faulting term for victim,” Yoshimi said.
Sugimoto gave Yoshimi an angry look. She was sure that her tactless remark would send Yuki into a panic.
But, instead, Yuki just said:
“Is this Kuchisake the same as the one who tried to kill my brother?”
“What?” Sugimoto asked.
“He told me and my girlfriends all about it,” Yuki replied. “He ran into her in the woods near Moriyoh, where I’m from. He said she was a deathless fiend who tried to sacrifice him to Uzubuzu or something like that. Anyway, some kind of monster she sort of worships.”
Yuki then proceeded to tell them the whole story of her brother’s encounter with Kuchisake.
“We didn’t believe him, of course,” she said. “But he wrote it all down and posted it online, so I guess he wasn’t making it all up after all.”
“That part about Momotaro, a fictional character, is a little far-fetched, though,” Sugimoto said.
“Yeah, and Master Taro never mentioned it the last time I saw him,” Yoshimi added.
“You two seem to know something I don’t,” Sugimoto said. “But how could they have killed her, because she is definitely alive and well. Although maybe it would be more appropriate to say she possesses a kind of unwholesome vitality. Because she never looked all that well, you know. Her coloring¬Ö”
“Enough!” Mrs. Norris roared. “Have you forgotten about us?”
Startled, the three fell silent.
“As if the Mistress could ever be killed. I’ve come to take you to her right now.”
She motioned to the Acolytes, who came forward and placed leather collars on them.
Sugimoto and Yuki submitted to this humiliation quietly enough, but Yoshimi put up a fight.
It was no good, though. Together, the two cat girls were stronger than she was. They brought her to her knees, bent her over and snapped the collar around her neck.
“Assaulting an officer,” she said, standing up and tugging at the collar. “That’s one more charge I have against you people. You are in so much trouble.”
“Are these from Storage,” Sugimoto asked, running a finger along the inside of her collar. “These are pretty uncomfortable. You could have at least gotten the softer ones.”
There were metal rings on their collars, to which the Acolytes attached a chain, first passing it through Yuki’s collar, then Yoshimi’s and finally clipping it to Sugimoto’s.
“Alright, let’s go,” Mrs. Norris said.
An Acolyte was holding an end of the chain. She gave it a tug, which caused Sugimoto to stumble into Yoshimi and Yoshimi stumbled into Yuki. They almost fell down in a pile, but managed to right themselves.
Mrs. Norris observed this with disgust.
“Come on,” she said, as she turned and went out of the cell. The Meow Meow at the entrance stepped aside to let her pass.
The prisoners followed, being led by the cat girl holding the chain and followed by the other who occasionally pushed Sugimoto’s back.
Sugimoto, Yoshimi and Yuki tried their best to space themselves out in order to create a little slack between them.
As soon as they left the corridor it got very dark.
Mrs. Norris and the Acolytes had no trouble seeing, because they were cat, of course, but for the prisoners it was hard going. Sugimoto imagined this must be what it was like to be blind. But even though she couldn’t see, she had the impression that they were going down.
After a while, the smooth tiles under her feet turned to rough, rocky ground, which only heightened her sense of insecurity.
Eventually, though, it started to get light again.
It was an eerie, greenish light, and Sugimoto could see that they were in a natural cavern. The greenish light was coming from some kind of luminescent fungal growth that covered the walls.
There was the sound of rushing water coming from somewhere in the distance, and suddenly they found themselves in a vast open space where huge stalactites and stalagmites had fused together to form great pillars. The green fungus covered the walls here as well, but their light was supplemented by flaming braziers that were placed in various places around the cavern. The smoke from the braziers went straight up into darkness overhead.
“The ceiling must be very high,” Sugimoto thought. “If this cavern isn’t filling up with smoke.”
Water was rushing out of a crack high up on one wall and flowing into a pool in the center of the cavern. Several other Acolytes were stand near it.
The prisoners were marched up to the edge of the pool, and Sugimoto could see steam rising from the water.
“A hot spring?” she said. “Probably volcanic in origin. We must be directly under the mountain.”
“We are directly under the Chateau,” Mrs. Norris replied. There’s a secret passage that leads up to the kitchen.”
“The Chateau has a hot spring?” Sugimoto said. “Mrs. Norris, if I’d only known. We could have attracted some real guests, instead of just criminals.”
“Well, it wasn’t for you to know. Now strip.”
“We have to clean those filthy bodies of yours before bringing you into the presence of the Mistress.”
Several Acolytes ran up and started pulling the prisoners clothes off, and there was nothing they could do.
Soon they were naked-except for the collars and chains-- and the Acolytes brought buckets of water up from the pool and poured them over their heads. Then they lathered them up with soap and rubbed them all over with soft clothes.
Sugimoto had to admit to herself that it felt pretty good. Finally they were led into the pool.
“Wow!” this water’s warm,” Yuki said.
“Yeah,” Yoshimi replied, trying to suppress a yawn. “Hot springs always make me feel a little drowsy.”
But too soon, it seemed, they were being pulled out of the water, where a gang of Acolytes pinned them down and started drying them off with their tongues. Yuki screamed and Yoshimi swore bloody murder, but Sugimoto didn’t much mind it at all.
When that ordeal was over, they dressed them in striped summer yukatas.
Sugimoto rejoiced at having clean clothes at last, but¬Ö
“These are from my wardrobe, aren’t they Mrs. Norris?” she asked.
Mrs. Norris nodded.
“You don’t mind, do you?”
“Under the circumstances,” Sugimoto replied. “I guess not.”
They were then led around the far side of the pool and up a flight of steps that had been carved out of the stone. At the top there was an alcove with a smooth, flat floor. They were taken over to a spot where some cushions had been set out and made to sit down.
“Seiza,” Mrs. Norris commanded. “On your knees. The Mistress insists on tradition.”
It had been a long time since the thoroughly Westernized Sugimoto had sat seiza, so she wasn’t sure how long she would be able to, but she was determined not to show any weakness.
Two Acolytes came up the steps carrying a large, folded bamboo screen which they set down and unfolded about a meter and a half from where the prisoners were sitting. Painted on it was a scene depicting a procession of various grotesque creatures.
“The Night Parade of one Hundred Demons by Tosa Mitsunobu,” Yoshimi said.
“You’re familiar with it?” Sugimoto asked.
“Yeah. In Edo times it was believed that all the monsters in Japan came together one night of the year and had a celebration.”
“You mean, like Halloween?” Yuki asked.
“No, it was more like the matsuri from Hell,” Yoshimi replied. “It was said that any human that happened to see it would die.”
“And here we are, looking at it,” Yuki said quietly.
The Acolytes next brought in a tea caddy and a cushion and set them down in front of the prisoners.
“Are we having a tea party?” Sugimoto thought.
Yuki screamed as Kuchisake suddenly appeared in front of them, standing by the edge of the bamboo screen.
“Heh, heh.”
She glided over and sat down on the cushion prepared for her.
“Wearing that same black kimono,” Sugimoto thought.
It was looking a little dingy. But that was fine with Sugimoto, because that meant she wasn’t wearing something from Sugimoto’s closet, like everyone else here was.
Kuchisake took a chawan from the tea caddy and filled it with green matcha powder from a box. Then she stirred up the matcha with a whisk.
“How is everybody?” she asked. “Have you been enjoying your stay with us?”
She motioned to an Acolyte, who rushed to her side and set a teapot down in front of her; steam poured from its spout.
Kuchisake removed the lid, and poured a couple of scoops of tea power into the pot.
“You bitch!” Yoshimi suddenly cried.
She tried to lunge at Kuchisake, but the cat girl holding the chain tightened it, which sent her reeling back. It also caused Yuki and Sugimoto to bump into her as the slack between them suddenly disappeared.
It was comical, and Kuchisake and all the Acolytes laughed.
“You’re disturbing the wa, dear. See how your friends suffer when you do that? Relax and have some tea.”
She poured the tea into three cups. An Acolyte came over with three folded white cloths, which she placed in front of the prisoners. Then she placed the teacups onto them.
“Please, enjoy,” she said.
But none of them made a move to taste it.
Kuchisake sighed.
“Ah, this is always so exasperating,” she said. “It’s not poisoned. And we have some delicious treats on the way.”
“Aren’t you going to drink any?” Sugimoto asked.
Kuchisake shook her head.
“I’ve never been good with hot foods.”
Sugimoto recalled that night she had spied on Kuchisake disrobing. That corpse’s body and all those holes in that rotten flesh. If she did drink anything, it would probably just pour out of her.
Sugimoto picked up her cup and took a sip as a gesture of defiance. Even if it was poisoned, well¬Öwho cared?
Yoshimi was still fuming.
“You killed Maria,” she said.
Kuchisake shook her head.
“No, you misapprehend. We didn’t mean for it to happen. Maria, poor dear, just wasn’t strong to punishment, that’s all.”
“Fuck you,” Yoshimi replied. “I saw that set-up. She was tortured, pure and simple. Why?”
“Maria knew that bringing strangers into the Convent was forbidden, and yet she brought in you, a broken and battered woman who should have been taken to a hospital or-better yet-left along the roadside to die.”
“Well, you murdered her, and you’re going to pay. Consider yourself under arrest. Consider all of you under arrest,” she said, addressing the Acolytes. “If any one of you will free me of these chains and help me overcome this woman, I can guarantee that the law will be lenient with you.”
That brought another fit of laughter to the assembled cat girls.
“Oh dear,” Kuchisake said. “You’re such a funny little police girl, aren’t you? When Uzumaki comes to rule, maybe we’ll make you our court jester. If you really want to arrest someone, why don’t you arrest her,” she said, pointing at Sugimoto. “She killed her lover, you know.”
Yoshimi turned to Sugimoto.
“Is that true?” she asked.
“Don’t listen to her,” Sugimoto replied. “Can’t you see she’s toying with us?”
“Oh, Anna,” Kuchisake said. “How hard it must have been for you, knowing your lover was making adult pictures. How you must have suffered seeing her in the arms of all those men. But it wasn’t jealousy that made you kill her, it was money, wasn’t it. Dirty, filthy money.”
“Shut up!” Sugimoto shouted.
She picked up her teacup and threw it at Kuchisake. Her aim was bad. It missed Kuchisake completely and struck the screen behind her. The cup shattered and its contents dripped down to the base of the screen and onto the floor.
“My oh my,” Kuchisake said. “That was a very expensive work of art. Heh, heh, I’ll have to find some way to make you pay for that. Someone clean that up,” she said. An Acolyte rushed over and started picking up the pieces of broken teacup and another brought a towel."
“Not as pleasant a party as I had hoped for,” Kuchisake said. “These two are hopeless, I’m afraid. But, Yuki, you seem like a very nice girl.”
“I know who you are,” Yuki replied. “My brother told me all about you. You aren’t going to sacrifice me to some Uzubuzu.”
“No, that’s exactly what I’m going to do. But don’t look so alarmed. To become one with the great Uzumaki is the greatest thing that could happen to a girl like you. If only you knew.”
“To become whatever with a monster? Is that your idea of a good time?”
“You’ll think differently in time. If you only knew Uzumaki as I do. He sits at the very center of reality, a giant, flowing, ever-changing whirlpool of light, surrounded by thousands and thousands of his ecstatic followers. When you join that blessed throng, you will see.”
“Humph, if it’s so great,” Yuki replied. “Why don’t you off yourself and join them?”
Kuchisake shook her head, and her voice sounded genuinely sad when she replied:
“I would if I could, but I have been chosen to stay behind to help others achieve oneness with Uzumaki. I am his shadow on Earth. I suppose you would say I’m his boddhisattva.”
Yuki folded her arms across her chest.
“Well, I’ve got news for you,” she said. “It’s not going to happen. My brother who fought you once before will find me and that’ll be the end of you, lady. He’s a warrior now, you know.”
“Your brother?” Kuchisake replied. “You mean dear Chinpo? Such a lovely boy. It’s too bad he chose to align himself with my wretched husband. But it’s of no consequence. You brother’s now my guest, as well. And if he proves to still be a virgin, he’ll join you on the alter. A brother-sister sacrifice, I don’t think it’s ever been done.”
“Chinpo?” Yuki turned pale and looked like she was in shock."
“Heh, heh. What a pathetic lot you are,” Kuchisake said. “It’s time you realized that you’re no match for me. I¬Ö”
Just then, an Acolyte came over and whispered something in her ear.
“Oh, dear,” Kuchisake said. “I am afraid I will have to bring this little party to a sudden end. I’ve just received word that one of my pets has gotten loose, and I must find him before he hurts himself.”
“Chinpo?” Yuki asked hopefully.
“No, dear. Not Chinpo. Mrs. Norris, please escort these three back to their room.”

“You never answered my question,” Yoshimi said.
They were back in their cell now. Sugimoto was sitting on her bed, looking at her fingernails. Yoshimi was standing in front of her. Across the way, Yuki was lying on her bunk, curled up in a fetal position. Whatever she may have had in the way of hope was completely gone now.
“What question was that?” Sugimoto asked.
“Did you kill someone,” Yoshimi said.
“No, that was just Kuchisake playing with your head.”
“Look at me when you say that,” Yoshimi replied.
“You’re sweating,” Yoshimi said.
“No I’m not,” Sugimoto replied. “I¬ÖIt’s hot in here. Don’t you feel it?”
“Your eyes are blinking.”
“So? Everybody’s eyes blink.”
“Not that rapidly,” Yoshimi said. “And you keep wrinkling your brow. You’re hiding something. What is it?”
“My, aren’t you just the little bloodhound,” Sugimoto replied. “Why don’t you give it a rest?”
Sugimoto sighed.
“Oh, I give up. What does it matter now, anyway. Okay, what she said was true. I did kill my girlfriend. Satisfied?”
“Why?” Yoshimi asked.
“It was like Kuchisake said. She had emptied out my bank account and was going to leave me. I don’t know whether it was the money or her rejection; I just couldn’t stand to lose either. So I got a knife–the knife I had so lovingly used to prepare her dinners with–and cut her throat. I’d never killed anyone before, but it was easy when it came down to doing it. I didn’t even cry.”
“You’re crying now,” Yuki said. She had uncurled herself and come over when she heard the other two talking."
“No, I’m not,” Sugimoto replied.
But she felt the wetness on her cheeks.
“It’s only sweat,” she said. “It’s hot in here. It’s¬Ö”
Suddenly, all her flippancy and nonchalance fell away from her like shattered armor, and she fell, face down on the bed.
“Hannah!” she wailed. “I’m so sorry!”
Then she cried. Huge, racking sobs.
Yoshimi approached her cautiously. Her hand hovered over Sugimoto’s prone form, but she couldn’t bring herself to touch her.
"Uh, look. If it’ll help, I can put in a good word for you at your trial.
Yuki pushed her out of the way.
“You’re insane, you know that?”
She sat on the bed next to Sugimoto and tried to comfort her.
Just then, the lights went out.
“That’s a bit early,” Yoshimi said.
Outside, there was a thump and the sound of something big and heavy hitting the floor. Then a light flared up and swept across the cell.
“Yoshimi? Yoshimi? Are you in there?” a voice called.
Yoshimi rushed up to the bars.
“Takuya? Are you out there?”
“Yeah, it’s me. See?”
Takuya was carrying a flashlight and directed its beam on his face. He was still dressed in a nun’s habit.
Sugimoto was attracted by the commotion and sat up. She saw the light shining on Takuya’s face, and brushed away her tears. She got out of bed and came over next to Yoshimi in order to get a better look.
She smiled.
"Who’s your friend, Yoshimi.
Yuki, still in the dark, said: “Wow! Is that a recovery or what?”


"My, you're looking well," the woman in the dark glasses said, directing her gaze at Taro.
She, along with two men, had come on the train just as it was pulling out of the station, taking seats across from Taro, Kitsune and Narumi. One of the men was fat and had an open, although somewhat smug, expression on his face. The other was even fatter, built like a sumo; ands was about the ugliest man Narumi had ever seen. You don't forget a face like that, and, now that she thought about it, she had seen him once before. He had come into the restaurant just before New Year's with Yoshimi. He must be Etsuji, Yoshimi's partner on the Police Force before she had been suspended. Yoshimi talked about him often. She had nicknamed him LST, which stood for Large Stationary Object, because once he rooted himself to a spot, nobody could budge him out of it. Yoshimi had often bragged about how during workouts in the gym he would routinely take on any number of opponents-big, strong policemen-at once, who tried in vain to bring him down but never could.
His appearance on this train made Narumi sweat a little. Had they done something to attract the attention of the police? They were only going to rescue Yoshimi from a den of monsters. Nothing suspicious about that, was there? Did he know?
Taro offered no response to the woman's comment. He merely returned her gaze with that eternal frown of his.
"Hmmm?" she said chuckling and cocking her head. 
She lowered her glasses and smiled at him provocatively.  
Narumi thought it inappropriate for a woman of her age to smile that way.
"By gadfrey, madam," the fat man sitting to her right said. He chuckled and pointed at Taro. "Here we have it, madam. It's as I was saying: immortality implies invulnerability. He's come through the fire and destruction unscathed. Remarkable, sir; quite remarkable indeed."
"I'm not invulnerable," Taro replied. "And as for immortal¬Ö" He shook his head. "I sometimes feel that I have lived past my time. I find this modern world intolerable."
"Indeed, sir, indeed. But if-as you say-you are not invulnerable, then it remains that you must be extraordinarily durable to survive the blast that destroyed your tent. There was nothing left but a smoking crater after that tank fired upon you."

“I was not in it,” Taro replied. “Just before, I had gone out into the woods to relieve myself.” Leaning on his staff, he bent forward in his seat.
“Why did you try to kill me?” he asked.
At that moment, Kitsune put down her phone and tapped Narumi on the shoulder.
“I’ll be right back,” she whispered. “Toide.”
She stood up and moved toward the end of the train car, unnoticed by the others.
Narumi, meanwhile, tapped Taro’s shoulder and said, “Taro-san, do you know these people?”
“Ah! Quite right, Miss,” said the fat man, “I thing I speak for us all when I say that we were so taken aback to find this gentleman here alive and on the very same train with ourselves, that we quite forgot our manners. Let us introduce ourselves. My name is Hideo Tenma, but please call me Doc. I’m known as an adventurer and raconteur, and have sometimes been called the Human Encyclopedia, but as for that, I demur. I’m simply well read. “And this lovely lady at my side is Mrs. Katakana.” He turned to her and bowed his head slightly.
“Hello,” she said.
She reached across the aisle and placed a hand on Narumi’s knee.
“But please call me Niwa. I don’t really care for formality. You don’t, do you?”
She gave Narumi that same seductive smile she had offered Taro a moment ago. It gave Narumi the creeps.
“I kind of think I do, Mrs. Katakana,” Narumi replied, taking the other woman’s hand away.
“Hmmm? Kawaii,” Mrs. Katakana said, withdrawing.
Narumi’s face was flushed, and she didn’t know if it was from anger or embarrassment.
“And that large land mass beside her¬Ö” Doc Tenma began.
“¬Öis Police Officer Etsuji,” Narumi said, finishing his sentence.
“Eh?” Etsuji asked. “You know me?”
“I’m a waitress at the Caf√© Ariel,” Narumi replied. “And a friend of your partner, Yoshimi. You’ve had dinner with her at the Cafe a couple of times and I’ve waited on you both times. I’ve even come to the police station occasionally to pick Yoshimi up after work. Surely you remember me.”
“Now that you mention it,” Etsuji replied. “There are a couple of things about you I ¬Öah¬Öremember.”
Narumi shook her head.
“You’ve never even looked at my face, have you?”
“Come, now, dear,” Mrs. Katakana interjected, placing her hand on Narumi’s knee again. “Everybody knows the Bazooka Caf√© is famous for its zeppelin races.”
Narumi’s face went red again, and this time it really was anger. She had her sword with her, and there’s no telling how far things might have gone-there could have been blood in the aisle-if Taro hadn’t interrupted.
“You have not answered my question,” he said. “Why did you try to kill me?”
“Humph, we had nothing to do with that,” Etsuji replied. “That was the Tank Police.”
“We were merely visiting your camp to observe,” Doc Tenma said.
“And to prevent you from leading a bunch of children into danger,” Mrs. Katakana added.
“You were planning to take my son, Kenta, and his friends in that silly Survivalist club in an assault on that demon, Kuchisake. You should be ashamed of yourself. She probably has all the demons of Hell on her side by now. What chance would a bunch of untrained boys have?”
Taro shook his head and sighed.
“This exaggerated concern for the welfare of underlings so prevalent in modern Japanese society is one more thing I hate about these times. Japan will never become a great nation again unless it purges itself of such weakness.”
“Hey!” Narumi said, jabbing him in the side with her elbow. “Am I an underling?”
“Ha,” Etsuji said. “You should talk with Saitama. You and he would see eye to eye on a lot of things.”
“Who is Saitama?” Taro asked.
“Moriyoh’s own resident Yakusa. He’s also on the City Council. In fact, he’s the one who finances the Tank Police, which, if you think about it, is just the sort of thing a fascist like him would come up with. But why he would send a tank out to break up you little Boy Scout party is beyond me. I’m sure he’s never heard of you.”
“But if you recall, sir,” Doc Tenma to Etsuji. “It was a local informant who alerted the Tank Police.”
“Who?” Taro asked.
Doc Tenma thought for awhile.
“You know, I don’t quite recall¬ÖNo, wait, now I remember, it was someone named Yandere Fox. A strange name, don’t you think?”
Narumi and Taro glanced at each other.
“Where is Kitsune?” Taro asked, suddenly noticing that she was gone.
Narumi was about to reply that she had gone to the toilet, when¬Ö
“Tally ho, Mates!”
Kitsune had suddenly reappeared, only now she was dressed differently than she was before she left. She was wearing a red waistcoat with brass buttons and a black collar, white pants and high top black boots with buff-colored cuffs. In her hand was a leather riding crop which she casually slapped against her side.
Doc Tenma smiled, Mrs. Katakana looked at Kitsune with bemusement, and Etsuji said: “What th¬Ö”
“Who are you this time?” Narumi asked.
Kitsune struck a pose. She placed a hand on her hip and raised the one holding the riding crop into the air.”
“I’m Fox Hunter,” she replied. “Yea!”
“Let me get this straight,” Narumi said. “Now you’re a fox, but you’re dressed like someone who hunts foxes. Isn’t that a little perverse?”
“Egad!” Doc Tenma said. “You must be that fox girl whose existence was brought to my attention by young Chinpo.”
“Chinpo?!” Kitsune asked eagerly. “Have you seen him?”
“I had him under lock and key until someone¬Ö” he eyed her narrowly, “sprung him from jail.”
“Not I, sir,” Kitsune, or rather, Fox Hunter, replied. “That deed was done by another.”
“I’m a little lost here,” said Mrs. Katakana. “Can someone fill me on what’s going on here?”
“You remember the young woman calling herself Zorro, who brought Chinpo to the camp, don’t you?” Doc Tenma said.
“You mean the cosplayer with the black mask?” Mrs. Katakana replied.
“Well¬Ö” Tenma replied, pointing at Fox Hunter.
“Technically this is Miss Kitsune,” Narumi said. “At the moment she’s a hunter, I guess.”
“Oh, so she’s possessed by spirits,” Mrs. Katakana replied. “Well, that explains the costume. Zorro means fox too, doesn’t it?”
Mrs. Katakana smiled, crossed her legs and leaned back in her seat-apparently satisfied with the explanation she’d been given.
“So¬ÖFox Hunter¬Öwhat are you hunting?”
“Sweet Chinpo as always,” Hunter replied, regaining her seat. “But we decided to lend a hand in rescuing Yoshimi too. You will find that I’m an excellent tracker.”
“What about Yoshimi?” Etsuji asked. “I thought we were looking for a girl named Yuki, Chinpo’s sister.”
“I don’t know anything about a girl named Yuki,” Narumi replied. “All I know is that Yoshimi’s got herself in the miso soup, and we’re going to get her out.”
“Yoshimi’s still in Moriyoh,” Etsuji said, although the tone of his voice was a questioning one…
Narumi shook her head.
“Wait a minute,” Etsuji said. “We’ve got to get a few things sorted out here. The original plan was to rescue Yuki Tanuki, Chinpo’s sister, who had been captured by the witch. When we all thought that you were dead,” he said, addressing Taro, “Iris told us we should rescue her ourselves. That’s how we came to be on this train.”
“Who is this Iris?” Taro asked.
“Iris Isis Locke,” Etsuji replied. “The head of the Otera Clan. We three are her faithful servants.”
“Otera Clan, eh?” Taro replied. “I knew the first Oteras when they arrived in Japan-pirates and swindlers.”
Etsuji’s ugly face smiled.
“So you know us then. Well, things haven’t changed that much. But what’s all this about Yoshimi?”
“This Kuchisake woman’s got her, too,” Narumi replied.
“Damn,” Etsuji replied. “We were trying to keep her out of trouble. That’s why Rex had her suspended from the Force.”
“Rex had her suspended?” Narumi asked. “And all this time she was blaming it on Saitama. This will kill her if she ever finds out. She worships Rex. Why’d he do it?”
Etsuji shrugged.
“He had his reasons. Personal ones, I suppose. He thinks she takes too many chances, and he’s not wrong. That business with the Meow Meow around New Year’s proved that.”
“I know,” Narumi replied, nodding. “I was there.”
“Well, he thought her foolhardiness would just get in the way of his investigation, so he had her sidelined.”
“Yeah well she fooled you there.”
“How did this happen?” Etsuji asked, and Narumi told him about Yoshimi having spotted the lawyer Suzuki in town and decided to follow him. Taro added to her account by explaining that he had seen a goddess in a dream who informed him of Yoshimi being captured by Kuchisake. Etsuji listened impassively, without showing any sort of skepticism toward Taro.
“Well, now I guess we have two damsels in distress we have to rescue.”
Narumi looked around at the six of them: Taro, Hunter, herself, and the three strangers sitting across the aisle, and shook her head.
“Have we even a chance?” she asked.
“Well, I don’t know about you,” Mrs. Katakana said. “But we’re what you might call pros in this area. Look, we have Doc, here, who has brains and Etsuji for brawn-although he’s not lacking in smarts, either.”
She reached over and patted Etsuji on the back.
“And he’s so ugly that even a Meow Meow might hesitate to cross him. As for my self¬Öwell¬ÖI have a certain skill set.”
She rose from her seat, and lifted her skirt up nearly to the top of the absolute zone. The upper portions of both her legs were ringed with small knives attached to a pair of wide garters.
“Hmmm, are you a ninja?” Taro asked.
“No,” Mrs. Katakana replied, lowering her skirt and sitting back down. “Just an everyday mother and housewife.”
“Aren’t those a bit of the uncomfortable?” Fox Hunter asked. “Aren’t you afraid you’ll pink the old thighs?”
“Thank you for asking, dear,” Mrs. Katakana replied. “Actually they are well fitted, although I do have a tendency to walk bow-legged sometimes. And these thighs aren’t so old either.”
“I have a question,” Narumi said. “Do any of you know where we’re going? This guy here,” she said, indicating Taro, “is always short on explanations.”
“The goddess will meet us when this train reaches its destination to inform us where to go from there.”
Doc Tenma, Mrs. Katakana and Etsuji put their heads together and whispered back and forth among themselves for several seconds. Finally Doc said.
“Well, sir, that’s good enough for us.”

The trip seemed to take forever. The train they were on was a local and so made frequent stops, but at length they arrived at the town of Isesaki, which was the end of the line for that route.
They disembarked and followed Taro into the station.
“The goddess said she would appear here,” he informed them, gazing around.
Narumi wondered just how Taro’s goddess was going to manifest herself. Was she going to appear suddenly in a beam of light piercing the ceiling of the station, accompanied by ethereal music?
“There’s a vending machine over there,” Etsuji said. “Does anybody want coffee?”
No one else did, so he set out alone through the crowd.
Meanwhile, Narumi, who was looking around herself, spotted a little girl standing in the middle of the station, holding up large sign that had MOMOTARO written upon it with a magic marker. It was accompanied by a picture of the Little Peach Boy copied from a kindergarten book.
Narumi tapped Taro on the shoulder.
“Look,” she said, pointing at the little girl. “You’re Momotaro, aren’t you?”
Taro immediately strode over to her and the others followed in his wake. As soon as he was in front of her he went down on one knee and bowed his head.
“My goddess,” he said, “I am here.”
The little girl looked down at the big man kneeling in front of her and giggled.
“You don’t look anything like you do in your dreams,” she said.
Taro looked up with a puzzled expression.
“How do I look?
“Like him,” she said pointing to the cartoon on her sign.
Narumi, for her part, was disappointed. This little girl didn’t appear anything like a goddess to her, except that¬Ö
Suddenly, she remembered.
“You’re no goddess. “Hey, you’re that girl Lawyer Binkan picked up in front of the Antique Bakery.”
“Well, I am an angel, and that’s as good as a goddess. Momotaro-san, am I ever glad to see you. You’ve got to help. I’ve tried to get Binkan to help and then Yoshimi. But he just got cold feet and she disappeared. So you’re my last resort. Did these people come with you? Are they going to help, too?”
Taro came to his feet.
“Yes, these are my followers,” he said.
“Don’t you mean underlings?” Narumi quipped.
“Minasan, this is the goddess, Aquamarine.”
Doc Tenma bowed.
Mrs. Katakana said,” Kawaii,” and aside to Narumi: “She’s a bit busty, isn’t she? Any relation?”
“As one spirit to another,” Fox Hunter said, curtsying.
Etsuji, plowing through the crowd with a can of UCC coffee in his giant paw, caught up with them and Doc Tenma explained the situation to him.
“So this little lady is going to tell us where to find Yuki and Yoshimi?” he asked.
“And Kokoro, too,” Aquamarine said.
“Who?” Etsuji asked.
“Kokoro. You know, Miss Komegura? We have to save her, too. She’s the most important one, in fact.”
“Kokoro Komegura, the Maniac Nurse?” Etsuji asked. “Is she involved in this business, too?”
“Yeah, although I don’t think she deserves that nickname. She’s a nice lady.”
Etsuji popped open the can of coffee and downed it all in one gulp. Wiping his mouth, he said:
“So now we have three damsels in distress to save. What are they trying to do, start a club?”
“We’ve got to get up to the Chateau quick,” Aquamarine said.
The question was how to get there.
None of the party had ever heard of “the Chateau” or how to get there. Aquamarine said that it was located at the base of Mount Himeda and generally inaccessible, but she knew a secret trail through the woods.
Aquamarine’s first idea had been to hire a cab, but she hadn’t counted on there being so many people.
“A cab?” Narumi asked. “Can’t you fly us up or magically transport us there instantly?”
“Nope,” Aquamarine replied. “You don’t know about angels, do you? Don’t expect too much.”
“I guess,” Narumi replied.
There were a few cabs lined up in front of the station, but that would mean they would have to split up. However, at the far end of the line, Narumi noticed a green Hyundai minibus with a big sign on top: MICHI’S RIDGE TOURS Engrish spoken.
“How about that one?” she asked, pointing to it, and everyone agreed.
“Driver! Show yourself,” Taro shouted as soon as they were standing in front of the van. “We wish to hire your carriage.”
The door was open and a girl of about nineteen or twenty years of age appeared in the entrance.
She was a cheerful, round-faced girl with huge eyes and flaming red hair that hung down to her waist.
“Kawaii,” Mrs. Katakana said under her breath.
“Clairol,” Narumi replied.
“You want a tour of the Ridge?” she asked. “All of you?” she counted their heads with her finger.
“We wish to go to a certain destination,” Taro said.
“I usually just do guided tours, but, hey, whatever. Where is it you want to go?”
“Do you know of the Chateau?” Taro asked.
Michi started to laugh.
“The Chateau? Are you kidding? There’s no such place.”
“How do you mean that?”
“It’s just a Ridge legend,” Michi replied. “Of a haunted castle in the woods, full of treasure. There’s many as tried to find it and many as never came back. You really don’t want to go into the woods. Especially at night, and it’s getting dark already.”
True, thick, dark clouds were developing in the sky and the wind was picking up. It looked like rain.
“This one knows the way,” Taro replied, indicating Aquamarine, who was standing beside her."
“Oh, what a sweet little girl.” Michi said, smiling. “How old are you, honey?”
“I died probably before you were born,” Aquamarine replied.
Michi acted like she’d just had a slight electric shock.
“Say, are you all actors or something?” she asked, noting Taro’s robe and Hunter’s fox hunting togs. “Because we get a lot of show business people through here sometimes.”
“No,” Taro replied. " We are not in any show. We merely wish transportation."
“Well, business is business,” Michi replied, counting heads again. “I tell you what. I’ll drive you up to the woods, but I won’t go in.”
“Hmmm,” Taro said, turning to Aquamarine. “Goddess, how far is this Chateau from to edge of the woods? Could we walk from there?”
“Well, it’s a little bit of a hike, but I guess we could.”
“Then it’s agreed. Is everyone satisfied with that?” he said turning to the others.
By and large they were. Narumi wasn’t, but she didn’t see any point to making an objection.
“All right, then,” said Michi. “I’ll drive you up the Ridge. I’ll even wait while you poke around in the woods, and after you find nothing and get tired, I’ll even drive you back down the Ridge. But I won’t go into the woods. How’s that?”
After brief negotiations a price per head was settled on, which Taro insisted Narumi pay.
“I’ll pay for you and Kitsune,” she said. “But the others will have to pay for themselves.”
“What about me?” Aquamarine asked.
“[sigh] Okay, you too. You’re a pretty useless angel, aren’t you?”
As soon as everyone was seated, Michi, in the driver’s seat, pulled down a microphone that was mounted overhead and spoke:
“Welcome to Michi’s Ridge Tours everybody. This afternoon we will be visiting many scenic areas and beauty spots as well as learn a little about the fascinating history of Himeda Ridge. Fasten your seat belts and feel free to smoke ¬ëem if you got ¬ëem. Since this group is mixed gender, I’m obliged by the management to ask you to please refrain from ecchi behavior enroute. Please enjoy your tour.”
She started the engine and they pulled away from the train station.
“First, we will be passing through the town of Isesaki, which itself has many interesting features. For example, over there on you right¬Ö”

They had left the town and were beginning the climb up the Ridge. Fox Hunter had secured a window seat and was enjoying the view, but turned her head, when Narumi, who was sitting next to her, called her name.
“You know, Hunter, there’s something I’ve been wondering about.”
“Yes?” Hunter asked.
“Back in Moriyoh, when you were still Kitsune, you mentioned the name Yandere Fox, and later Doc Tenma mentioned the same name. Was that one of you?”
Hunter nodded.
“And she called the Tank Police down on Taro and nearly got him killed?”
“Not at all Narumi, old chum. You’ve got it all wrong. She wasn’t trying to get Master Taro killed. She was trying to get Chinpo killed. If Master Taro had died, that would just have been collateral damage.”
“Why was she trying to kill Chinpo? I thought all you foxes liked him.”
“Oh, we do. He’s so earnestly na√Øve, and we love him for that. But Yandere likes to take things to extremes. She’s already decided she wants to share a lover’s suicide with him. But, seeing as how that was inconvenient at the time, she decided to just have him killed.”
“Is she an evil spirit?”
“No, just young and romantic. But, naturally the rest of us were upset with her. Zorro was dominant at the time, and there should have been no way for Yandere to make that call, but she went behind our backs. There are two other miko who work at the Shrine with Kitsune, twins. Yandere jumped into one of them and used her body to make a phone call. That was a serious transgression, and she’s being punished for it.”
“Punished,” Narumi asked. “How?”
She was curious. How does one spirit punish another?
“If I told you, I’d have to kill you,” Hunter said and turned back to looking out the window. A chill ran down Narumi’s spine and she suddenly wished she were not sitting so close to Fox Hunter.
Doc Tenma had taken a seat next to Michi, as he was the only one who interested in hearing her little tidbits of Ridge lore."
“I understand Himeda Ridge is popular with the downhill racers,” he said.
“Yeah,” Michi replied. “But that’s the reason why I’m driving this bus. My father owns the taxi company in town, and I was working for him, driving one of his hacks. But I used it to race on the Ridge at night. I was a pretty good driver, too. Won a few races and I was getting a reputation as an ace driver, but papa found out about it and demoted me to driving this tour bus.”
“Shame,” Doc replied. “I would assume you must miss it.”
“A little bit. But the Ridge isn’t what it used to be.”
Lightning flashed around the mountain ahead and thunder rumbled down the Ridge. It started to rain and Michi turned on the windshield wiper.
“How has it changed?” Doc asked.
“Well, strange things have been happening lately, especially at night. People sometimes disappear for no reason. I used to have a boyfriend, and he disappeared.
“I am so sorry for you, my dear,” Doc said. “How tragic.”
“Yeah,” Michi replied. “He used to do deliveries for a noodle shop, and he was the best darn navigator I ever had.”
The rain was starting to come down harder now, and the bus was rocked by occasional gusts of wind.
“You know, I don’t think this trip is going to be much fun if it keeps raining like this,” Michi said, turning off the engine. How about we turn around?”
Doc turned and looked at Taro.
“Well?” he asked.
Taro shook his head.
“Keep going,” he said. “The rain may let up, and we may be somewhat sheltered from it in the woods. It is imperative that we reach our destination.”
Michi turned around in her seat.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, mister. You know, driving the Ridge in weather like this can get pretty dangerous. There can be landslides. Look, how about this? We passed the Convent a little ways back there. Why don’t we go there? We can park in their lot and wait out the storm.”
“Hmmm, the Convent,” Mrs. Katakana said. She appeared to be recalling something.
“You know it?” Narumi asked.
“A little,” Mrs. Katakana replied, “A little.”
Taro and Aquamarine were against turning around, but the consensus among the rest of the passengers was to go along with Michi. Only Fox Hunter abstained from voting. She sat in her place with her cell phone on her ear and ignored everything else that was going on in the bus.
“Right,” Michi said.
She started the bus back up, and was starting to turn when lightning struck an outcropping above them. It exploded like a bomb, and hunks of rocks rained down on the bus. One large stone hurtled down onto the road, bounced and smashed into the front of the bus. The passengers were rattled by the impact and Doc Tenma fell out of his seat onto the floor. They were relatively unharmed otherwise, but poor Michi was thrown forward and hit her head on the windshield hard enough to crack it. She fell back in her seat, unconscious and bleeding on one side of her head.
When Doc Tenma had raised himself from the floor and noticed the condition Michi was in, he quickly pulled out a handkerchief and tied it around her head.
Narumi was the first one to make it up front.
“How is she?” she asked.
Doc Tenma shook his head. He was applying pressure on the source of the bleeding with his hand. It was painted red.
The others crowded forward, except for Hunter, who was completely oblivious.
“What should we do?” Etsuji asked.
“Lay her down somewhere. Make her comfortable,” Mrs. Katakana said. “And find a blanket. We need to keep her warm in case she goes into shock.”
They lifted Michi out of the driver’s seat and laid her down across one of the passenger seats. Narumi had a blanket in her duffel, and they covered Michi with it.
“Move aside,” Taro said. “Let me look at her. I am familiar with head injuries.”
He kneeled down in front of the prone Michi and ran his fingers over her head.
Narumi was surprised at how gentle this rough, tough Samurai could be.
“I think she broke her skull,” he said.
“Her spirit is real scared and wants to run away,” Aquamarine added. “But I told her to stay.”
“Good,” Taro replied. “She needs to be treated right away.”
“The Convent had medical facilities,” Mrs. Katakana said. “We were going to go there anyway, weren’t we?”
“You know that for a fact,” Narumi asked her, and she nodded.
“Very well,” we’ll go to the Convent, after all," Taro said, and Narumi noticed that he stated it as if it hadn’t already been a foregone conclusion.
“See if there’s a first aid kit on this vehicle,” he said.
Meanwhile, Doc slid into the driver’s seat and strapped himself down.
“The Convent it is then, by gad,” he said, turning the ignition.
The engine wouldn’t start right away. The bus had been hit straight on by a giant rock, after all, and there was little chance the engine hadn’t taken some damage. But eventually it belched into life, spewing out a cloud of black smoke, and they limped back in the direction of the Convent.

They stood in front of the door to the Convent. Taro was out front followed by Etsuji, who was carrying Michi in his huge arms.  She was covered in Narumi's blanket, and they had found some gauze pads and a compression bandage to put around her head.
Taro rapped on the door with his staff.
There was no response, so he knocked again, this time harder.
"Open up in there! There are travelers outside in need of assistance."
"W-who's there?" the fearful voice of a woman said.
"Didn't I make myself plain?" Taro replied. "We are in need of assistance. One of us is injured."
"Please, y-you c-can't come in here. It's impossible. Please go somewhere else."
Taro scowled.

“Damn you, woman. Open up this door or I’ll bust it down.”
He lifted his staff and was preparing to beat on the door again, when Mrs. Katakana came forward and touched him on the sleeve.
“Wait,” she said. “You can’t talk to nuns that way.”
“Hello in there,” she said. “That sounds like Sister Julia.”
“What,” replied the voice. “Is that you, Sister Niwa?”
“The same. It’s been a long time, hasn’t it. Would you please open the door? We really are in need of help.”
There was silence for a long while. Then the door opened a crack, and someone’s face appeared in the opening.
“Sister Niwa! It is you. You’ve come back to us,” the woman said.
“Well, actually, I was on the way to somewhere else. But won’t you please let us in. This one¬Ö” she pointed to Michi, wrapped in Etsuji’s arms “¬Öreally needs help.”
There was still some hesitation on the woman’s part, and Narumi could see she was struggling internally with some problem. But at last she said, “Very well. But be very quiet.”
She opened the door wide and they all crossed over the threshold.
On the way in, Narumi couldn’t help taking a jab at Mrs. Katakana.
“You’re not a nun. You’re more like a chijo.”
“The one follows the other, dear,” she replied.
It was gloomy inside. The electricity didn’t seem to be working.
They were confronted by two other nuns, who seemed pleased to see Mrs. Katakana, and they gathered around her, smiling and asking all sorts of questions, until Sister Julia clapped her hands quietly.
“Sisters, shhh¬Ö” she said. “I’m going to take you all to the infirmary,” she said, but you have to be very quiet. No talking, and don’t make noise of any kind."
“What’s going on, Julia?” Mrs. Katakana asked. “What’s with all this sneakiness? It’s too early for curfew.”
“It’s Mother Superior,” Sister Julia replied. “She has strict rules about outsiders, and I’m breaking all sorts of rules just by letting you stand here in the hallway.”
“What? Mother Superior? She’s the most out-going person I ever knew. She loves visitors.”
“That was the old Mother Superior,” Julia replied. “The new one is much more strict.”
The other two nuns nodded their heads in confirmation.
“But come. To the infirmary.”
They silently marched through the gloomy halls until they came to a door labeled: INFIRMARY.
“Quickly, inside,” Sister Julia said, ushering them in.
The Infirmary was quite impressive to Etsuji, who, of course, had some knowledge of forensics. It had all the latest equipment and the cabinets were supplied with an impressive array of drugs.
He laid Michi down on a bed that Sister Julia indicated and tucked her under the sheet.
“Wait here while we fetch Sister Nurse Salvia. And, please, don’t any of you leave this room under any circumstances.”
“That’s very odd,” Etsuji said, after Sister Julia had left.
“Very odd, indeed.” Mrs. Katakana replied. “Do you think it might have something to do with our quest?”
¬ëIt might," Taro agreed. “Keep your eyes open.” He surveyed the room, and then said: “Where’s Hunter?”
Narumi looked around the room, too. “She’s not here,” she said.
“Hmmm, she probably went off on her own,” Taro replied.
“What for?” Narumi asked.
“She’s a fox,” Taro replied, as if that explained it all. “Go find her, Narumi.”
“But Sister Julia said we should stay here?”
Taro nodded.
“But it will be worse if someone finds her sneaking about.”
“How am I going to find her in this place?”
“Just do it,” he said, pushing her out the door.
Hunter Fox turned out to be easier to find than Narumi thought, although she did have a moment of despair. She found Hunter sniffing around in a corridor that was not far from the Infirmary. Narumi walked up behind her and grabbed the collar of her jacket.
“What do you think you’re doing.” She said.
“Shhh,” Hunter replied. “I’m tracking spoor.”
“Oh? What kind of spoor?”
“Yoshimi’s,” Hunter replied.
“What? You know where she is?”
Hunter nodded and pointed to a door to their right.
“Yoshimi’s in there?” Narumi asked.
Hunter nodded.
“But it looks like a broom closet. Could she really be in there?”
“Open it,” Hunter replied.
Narumi approached the door, and as she put her hand on the handle, she thought she heard a low moan.
“God! Could Yoshimi really be in there, and had they hurt her?”
Narumi yanked the door open, but, instead of Yoshimi, she saw two nuns joined together in the small room. They had nothing on but their wimples, and they were quite clearly lost in passion.
“Oh, excuse me,” she said, hastily closing the door. Her face was quite red.
She glared at Hunter.
“Wise guy,” she said.
Hunter just giggled.
“Come on, we’re going back to the others.”
She grabbed Hunter by the collar again and started to drag her down the hallway.
Narumi couldn’t believe what she had seen. She heard stories about nuns doing things like that, but she had always assumed they were just sleazy male fantasies. But now she had seen it with her own eyes.
“So they really do that?” she thought. “Wait a minute.”
Suddenly she stopped in her tracks.
There was something awfully familiar about one of those nuns.
She let Hunter go, strode back to the door, and flung it open.
“Takuya?” she said.

(Halloween Special)

It had been a very nice dream.
Miss Mizuno, my beautiful--but stern--homeroom teacher, whom I'd always had a crush on, was in bed with me and stroking my crank. She was completely naked and so was I-although I most always wear pajamas. Who knew what Miss Mizuno wears in bed in real life, but here she was in her bare naked glory. Her breasts were ample and her thighs creamy. Her head was resting on my chest and she was slowly but surely making her way down toward my cock with her mouth open. But a part of me was saying, "I can't let Motoko catch me like this!" 
Yeah, what would she think?

Motoko comes in every morning to wake me and we go off school together. She’s my best friend (sort of), but she has the demeanor of a drill sergeant and a strict sense of morality. If she caught me with Miss Mizuno like this, it would probably be my last day on earth. But then I realized this was just a dream and that Miss Mizuno wouldn’t really go down on a student and woke up.
Yep, only a dream, darn it. I wished it had gone on a little longer. But it had left its mark. The morning flag was up-way up! It was the stiffest I could ever remember it being.
I thought I’d better take care of it–and fast–before Motoko got here. I’m not much of a morning person and usually hard to rouse. But Motoko had ways of waking me–some of them not so pleasant. And since I was particularly vulnerable at the moment, I didn’t want to offer her an easy target. I had to take care of this and fast. I reached over to get a tissue from the night stand and while doing so glanced at the alarm clock.
School had already started! I was late!
I’d overslept and the alarm hadn’t gone off. How could that be?
Well, mostly because I never set it. Who needs to when Motoko comes and wakes me up anyhow? She should have been here already! Why wasn’t she here? Was she sick or something? Well, I didn’t have time to worry about it right now; I had to get my ass to school pronto. The real Miss Mizuno was pretty strict about promptness wasn’t likely to give me a blowjob for being late. The old penis would just have to wait, I guess. So I leaped out of bed, took a quick shower, got dressed and ran out the door, grabbing a piece of toast on the way and stuck it in my mouth. Then off I raced to school.
As I expected, the front gate was locked, but there’s a secret hole in the fence that the tardies use all the time. So I got into school that way.
But when I finally got inside the building, I was a little shocked to find that there was no one there. The class rooms were empty and there was no one roaming the halls. I couldn’t figure it out. Was I really awake, or was this part of my dream, too? Then I belatedly remembered–this was October 31st, the day of the Girls’ Festival. There weren’t any classes today. That’s why Motoko didn’t show up. She must be at the Festival. I smacked myself on the head-what a dumbass!
Well then, I should home and jump back into bed.
But, on the other hand, I’d always been a little curious about what went on at these Girls’ Festivals. Boys weren’t allowed to go, and the girls were always pretty secretive about what went on there. Motoko, for instance, would never talk about it. Even when I tried to invoke our friendship in the spirit of confidentiality, she’d get pretty huffy and tell me to mind my own business.
The other guys didn’t care about it one way or the other. To them, it was a welcome day off from school, and who cared about what girls did among themselves. The majority opinion among the boys was that the girls just sat around and talked about their boyfriends and clothes. On the other hand, there were one or two guys who speculated that the Girls’ Festival was one big lesbian orgy. But no one pays those perverts any mind.
But now I had this golden opportunity to see for myself what it was really like. Of course, I might get caught. But probably all that would happen is that I’d get chewed out and sent packing. But later I could brag about it to the other guys.
But here’s the thing–if there was a festival going on today, where was it? You’d think the school would be crawling with girls, but it was as empty as could be. It was as quiet as a grave. There’s not place as creepy as a school when there’s no one around, and I started thinking about all those ghost stories you hear in school: the one about the girl with the scythe or the one about the ghost in the girl’s bath room. Just silly stories to scare kids with, but, nonetheless, I couldn’t help giving myself the willies thinking about them as I wandered through the empty hallways, looking for some signs of life. Also, I got to wondering why those stories were always about girls.
Then it hit me-they were probably all in the gym.
Yeah, that made sense. The gym was the only place big enough to hold a lot of people at one time; In fact, it was often used as an auditorium.
The gym was located at the south end of the school, where the ground level dipped a bit, so if you were on the first floor (as I was); you had to walk down a short flight of stairs to get to it from inside (although there was an outside entrance, too). But you could see down into it from the first floor, because there were windows you could look through. It was a great place to spend your lunch break watching basketball practice or the girl’s track team working out.
Sure enough, as I got near the gym, I could hear the shrill buzz of female voices. At this point I had to be careful if I didn’t want to get caught. So I sort of crouched down and approached the windows. Then I got down on my knees and peered up over the bottom edge of one of them.
It was uncomfortable, but from this vantage point I could see that, indeed, that’s where they were. The gym was filled with girls-maybe twenty or thirty of them. But their appearance was kind of startling, because, instead of wearing their school uniforms or street clothes, they were all of them dressed in these short, white tunicy things that hardly cleared their absolute zones. The top of the garment was held up by a strap over one shoulder, and in a lot of cases at least one breast was bare. It was like they were all walking around in their nighties. It was no wonder there were no boys allowed!
All along the sides of the gym these tables were set up that were covered in junk the girls seemed to be greatly interested in: bells, books, candles, crystal balls, and jars of smoky liquid that seemed to contain dim shapes. At one table, there was a girl who was obviously doing horoscopes, and next to her was another one was reading those fortune-telling cards. You know, the ones with the old-fashioned pictures on them? What do they call those? There seemed to be all sorts of fortune-telling going on: palm reading, tea leaves, crystal balls-all that stuff.
So then the Girls’ Festival was just a dumb fortune-telling club, huh? That was disappointing. I was hoping there might be something a little bit naughty going on at least. (Besides those things they were wearing.)
A stage had been set up at the far end of the gym and two girls were there, setting something up. One of them was positioning a step ladder by the wall and the other was carrying something that looked like a rolled-up tapestry. She handed it to the other girl and scurried up the ladder. Then the girl on the floor handed it back to the girl on the ladder, who attached it to a hook on the wall and unrolled it down to the stage.
A hush came over the crowd of girls, and all eyes were fixed on the tapestry as it unfolded. It contained a picture of a tall woman in a sort of ancient Greek-type dress accessorized with all sorts of trinkets: stars, crescent moons, little daggers and even a skull or two. She had three heads-or maybe one head with three faces. The middle head was that of a mature woman with a stern and unforgiving expression on her face. The face on the right, seen in profile, was that of a little girl, and the one on the left (also in profile) was the face of an old, old woman. Also, there were these long, spiky things coming out of her hair, sort of like a crown. It was a sort of creepy picture, but obviously of great significance to the girls, because they all cheered when it was done unrolling. I felt a chill run down my spine, and I didn’t know why. I’m not given to these kinds of things, but looking at that picture made me feel like I was in the presence of something profoundly mysterious-and I felt kind of silly for thinking that way.
The girls took away the ladder, but returned moments later and returned with three chairs (actually three-legged stools), which they set down in front of the picture. Then three figures in long black robes and wearing long, pointed hats with wide brims (you know, like witch’s hats?) came up and sat down in the chairs. The two girls bowed to them and left the stage.
Now the thing here is, I knew who they were.
One of them was Kyoka Hokatue, the vice-president of the Student Council; the next one was Miss Mizuno, my homeroom teacher; and the third one was Motoko! What was the deal here? Were those Halloween costumes?
An aura of expectation settled over the gym. Miss Mizuno stood up and walked to the front of the stage, and I couldn’t help but admire how elegant she looked, even if she was dressed up like a witch. She always did have a cool style that I admired. I felt a little twitch in my pants.
She smiled and looked down at the assembled girls, who were giving her their complete attention and started to speak.
“Welcome Daughters of Hecate,” she said, and the girls all cheered. It was a little hard for me to hear her from my side of the glass and all, but the gym has a high ceiling and good acoustics, so I was able to make her out if I listened very carefully.
“This, as always, is a very special day-this so-call Girls’ Festival,” The girls all laughed. “We gather here on this day to honor Mother Hecate, the Great Goddess of the night and Patroness of witches.” She paused, and turning slightly bowed to the picture, which I took must represent this Hecate, whoever that was. All the rest of them, including Kyoka and Motoko, did the same, and the atmosphere in the gym became all serious and religiony. I could swear I heard wild organ music playing, too. Someone must have brought a CD player.
Miss Mizuno turned back to the crowd and said, “As I look out upon your young and eager faces; I am filled with great feelings of pride and confidence for the future of our craft. May this day provide us all with great and wonderful opportunities to learn new spells and meet new friends. Enjoy it to the utmost. However, I solemnly bind you, with words and dire spells, never to speak of this to outsiders. What goes on at the Girls’ Festival,” she said sternly, “stays at the Girls’ Festival.”
More laughter.
“Seriously, our craft has had so many troubles over the centuries. The witch trials may be over-- for now. But we must never let our guard down. Mum’s the word. Say it! Mum’s the word!”
“Mum’s the word!” the crowd repeated.
“Good,” Miss Mizuno said. She raised her arms above over her head and shouted, “Praise the Goddess! Blessed Be This Day!”
The girls went wild and repeated her exhortation.
Miss Mizuno put her arms back down.
“Now let’s hear a few words from the Coordinator of our covens, Kyoka Hokatue. Kyoka?” She turned and beckoned to Kyoka, who rose from her stool and came forward. Meanwhile, Miss Mizuno went back to her seat. There was polite applause from the audience.
“Greetings, Sisters,” Kyoka began. “I know you don’t want to hear any long speeches or dull statistics, so I will mention that, in brief, our covens have had a good year of making mischief and spreading malice. The number of cursings and sickenings performed this year has been truly outstanding.” She bowed to the crowd. “Thank you for all your hard work.”
The girls cheered.
“In addition, I would like to extend a special commendation to the 4-H coven, which has been particularly active this year: drying up cows, mutilating cattle and poisoning wells. All this demonstrates an admirable dedication to our ancient traditions. We love you 4-H coven!
More cheering.
“Now, without further hesitation, I would like to introduce to you this year’s Queen of Darkness, as chosen by all the covens, Motoko Anaru. Motoko, please.” She turned and stated clapping as Motoko stepped forward, and there was general applause.
“Thank you, Sister Kyoka,” Motoko replied. “Thank you all for this great honor and welcome to you, one and all. I, too, will be brief. You should all have received your detailed program books when you arrived, so instead of telling you, point by point, about the exciting day in store for you, I’ll just mention some of the highlights: This morning is free time. Mingle, get to know one another, and be sure to patronize our dealers who have many things on offer for all your bewitching needs. Also, coffee and donuts will be arriving soon.”
And again, the girls cheered.
“Around noon, we break for lunch and in the afternoon, be sure to attend one (or several) of the many presentations and workshops listed in the program book. I recommend the one love curses at 1:30 and the presentation on removal spells at 3:00. If you attend that one, be sure to bring a list of unpleasant teachers or love rivals you want to get rid of. At tea time, we’ll be dining with the girls from the Justifiers of Ancient Mumu Club, who have been gracious enough to join us this year. But at midnight the real fun begins¬Ö”
A really tremendous cheer rose from the crowd.
“So be sure to save up your energy for that,” she said, winking and flashing the V for Victory sign with her fingers.
Meanwhile, I was trying to figure out what I was seeing and hearing. I couldn’t believe it–Motoko, a witch, or Hokatue-san, or Miss Mizuno? Or, for that matter, the entire female student body of our school? It was to laugh. They’d all been watching too many Harry Potter movies, and this some elaborate form of cosplay, I was sure. I made a note to razz Motoko about it tomorrow.
While Motoko was speaking, someone had walked onto to the stage and whispered something in Miss Mizuno’s ear; but I couldn’t hear what it was. Miss Mizuno nodded and said something in reply. Then the girl bowed and walked off the stage.
At that point I figured I’d seen enough and didn’t want to push my luck any further. I knew that if they caught me spying on them, I’d be in trouble; especially now that I knew the great secret of the Girls’ Festival.
So I turned around and started to slink away, only to run smack dap into Mrs. Tsuyoi, the girl’s gym teacher along with one of her huskier prot√©g√©s.
She grabbed me roughly by the arm. “What are you doing here, boy? Don’t you know it’s forbidden?”
“Ow, ow! It hurts!” That woman was amazingly strong.
“Answer me, you worm!”
“I didn’t mean any harm by it,” I replied. “It’s all a mistake.” I started to explain how I’d forgotten what day it was and came here by accident…
“So you decided to spy on the girls as long as you were here, is that it?”
“I’m sorry,” I replied. “I didn’t mean any harm. So if it’s all the same to you, I’ll be going now.”
“You’re not going anywhere,” she said, squeezing my arm painfully. “Yamano!”
The husky girl grabbed my other arm and they lifted me up and carried me down the hall. I kid you not. My feet never once touched the ground.
They took me down to the Teachers’ Office and shoved me inside.
“Stay here,” Tsuyoi shouted (I swear, this woman never, ever speaks with a reasonable level of volume). “Mizuno will decide your fate. Yamano,” she said to the girl. “You stay with him and make sure he doesn’t try to get away.”
“Donuts?” Yamano bleated.
“Oh, don’t worry, sweetie. I’ll make sure they’re not all eaten up,” Tsuyoi said, patting the girl on the head. “I’ll save all the ones with jelly for you. I’m sure the Miss Mizuno won’t put this business off for long.” She gave me a malicious look and I’m sure she would have spit at me if it hadn’t been the Teacher’s Office
She left me alone with the mountainous Yamano, who was glaring at me sullenly and repeatedly cracking her knuckles. I decided it was best not to try and engage her in conversation, but I could understand her feelings. My blood sugar was dropping and I wouldn’t have minded a donut myself.
I thought I’d find a nice quiet place to sit and think of some way to get myself out of this. I still didn’t think I’d be in for much more than a brow-beating, so I still wasn’t that much concerned about the consequences-only disgusted with myself for getting caught.
I looked around for something to read, but it being the Teacher’s Office, there wasn’t much, except for a few old magazines that weren’t at all interesting and a lot of teachers’ manuals. However, on top of Miss Mizuno’s desk I did find a couple of books that looked sort of interesting. One of them bore the title “The White Goddess,” and the other was called “The Golden Bough.” History books, I supposed, by the looks of them. I picked up The Golden Bough and started leafing through it, looking for pictures, but, instead, came upon this highlighted passage:
The two great festivals of May Day or Beltane and the corresponding festival of Hallowe’en betray a remote and purely pagan origin. Witches have great power to do mischief on these nights.
“Frazer was a man who knew too much,” said a voice from behind me. “There is much in that book that should never have been written. Fortunately, modern scholars don’t give him enough credit. The same goes for Graves. However, in his case, his take on the Goddess was entirely wrong.”
I turned around and saw Miss Mizuno standing behind me.
She was still dressed in that black robe and witch’s hat, which she removed and placed it on the desk, next to the books.
“Sit down,” she said quietly.
I looked around and found there was a chair directly behind me, although, strangely enough, I hadn’t noticed one there before. Miss Mizuno sat down on top of the desk, and her robe parted as she crossed her legs. The sight of them caused my pants to twitch.
She planted her hands on the desktop and leaned forward a bit-enough to cause the front of her robe to open a little, revealing a bit of cleavage.“You’re in trouble, young man,” she said. “Do you care to explain what you were doing here?”
I told her about how I’d forgotten about the Girls’ Festival.
“Why, then, didn’t you simply go home when you remembered?” She bent over a little more, revealing some more of her d√©colletage and stared at my face. It was uncomfortable. Her eyes seemed to resemble the eyes of a snake.
“It was a mistake. H-honest,” I stammered…
“You were caught spying,” she replied. “Was that a mistake, too? Do you know what happens to young men who violate women’s mysteries?”
She laughed and slid off the desk, adjusting the folds of her robe as she did so.
“Ha!” She walked a few paces away from me and then turned around. “Have you ever heard the story of Actaeon?”
I shook my head.
“He was a hunter in ancient times, but, like you, he was too nosy for his own good. One day, while out hunting with his dogs, he caught the goddess Diana, unawares, bathing in a pool. He was so entranced by her beauty that he stood and stared when he should have fled. But when the goddess discovered she was being spied on, she became so enraged that she transformed him into a stag, right on the spot, and he was ripped to pieces by his own dogs.” She bent over me and grabbed my chin. “Do you want to be turned into a stage? I can do it, you know. Tell me, how much did you overheard while you were snooping on us?”
“Really? Nothing at all, hmmm?”
“You mean all that witchcraft stuff?” I replied.
She removed her hand from my chin and stood erect in front of me. “You sound skeptical. Don’t you believe in witches?”
“No, of course not,” I said.
“Of course not. Well good, that’s as it should be. But let me tell you something–I’m a witch”
“Yes, I’m a witch,” she repeated. “And, furthermore, so are we all–all the female teachers here at the school are witches and so is the entire female student body. We’re all witches. I can tell by that look on your face that you doubt me.”
“Well, pardon me, Sensai, I mean no disrespect. But there are no such things as witches. You’re all just playacting, right?”
You think so? Then tell me, did you have a dream about me this morning?”
What the¬Ö
“Of course you did. You’re in love with me, aren’t you? That’s because I put a love spell on you. I do that with all my male students. It makes them more amenable and easier to deal with. You don’t think you’d really fall in love with an old woman like me on your own, do you?”
For the record, she wasn’t that old, and I didn’t see how it would be all that strange for me to fall in love with her, but¬Ö.
“All women are witches,” she continued. "Every time a woman reads her horoscope in a newspaper of attaches a charm to her cell phone, that’s witchcraft. All women know certain spells or magical practices handed down to them by their mothers or grandmothers. That’s witchcraft, too, although they may not think of it that way. The difference is that, in this school, we’re more self-aware and organized.
“Do you worship Satan?” I asked, because that’s what I heard witches do.
“Satan?” she replied. "I’ve never met him personally. No, witchcraft is far older than the Christian Devil. It’s always existed. No doubt women in the caves practiced it. We don’t have any connection to those silly nature worshippers who call themselves Wiccans, either. They’re just wannabes. Here, in this school, we worship the Great Goddess in the guise of Hecate, Queen of the Night. Other schools worship her as Lilith or Eris or Hel or Yomi, and there are probably other aspects of the Goddess that I’ve never even heard of. This is all very secret knowledge, of course. But I’m telling you this, my Actaeon, because you’re never going to pass it on to anybody else.
Before I could wrap my mind around what she meant by that, the door opened and Kyoka entered the room.
“Hello, Vice-President,” Miss Mizuno said. “Here’s our intruder. Do you know who he is?”
“Sure,” Kyoka replied. “That’s Motoko’s boyfriend.”
“I’m not her boyfriend,” I protested. “We’re just friends”
“Interesting,” Miss Mizuno said. “Motoko-chan is elected Queen of Darkness and her boyfriend shows up, snooping around. What do you think, Vice-President?”
“I’m sure she had nothing to do with this, Sensai. I can vouch for her.”
“Perhaps, but we can find out later. But right now I want you to help me with his punishment.”
Miss Mizuno walked behind the chair I was sitting in. She leaned over and placed an arm across my chest.
“This young man’s penis has been erect ever since I came in here. Take off his pants, won’t you.”
“Of course, Sensai,” Kyoka said, smiling.
“No! Wait!” I hollered. I tried to stand up, but Miss Mizuno held me firmly in place. She was stronger than she looked.
Meanwhile, Kyoka had pulled my trousers down to my ankles, and my crank was making a tent out of my shorts.
“My!” Kyoka exclaimed.
“Go ahead and rub it, Kyoka,” Miss Mizuno said.
Kyoka nodded and wrapped her hand around the cloth surrounding my penis. She started stroking it and I let out a gasp. After all, I’d pretty much been in a horny state since this morning.
“I can feel him trembling,” Miss Mizuno said. “It looks like he’s going to come soon. You’d better use your mouth.”
“Yes, Sensai,” Kyoka replied. She pulled down my shorts, grabbed my naked cock and lowered her head. Her lips surrounded the head of my dick and she started sucking. The sensation was incredible but unfortunately short-lived. There was no way I was going to be able to hold it in much longer.
Suddenly, Kyoka stopped.
“He’s going to come soon, Sensai,” she said, wiping a bit of drool off her chin. “Should I let him come in my mouth?”
“No,” Miss Mizuno replied. “Finish him off with your hand. I want to see it.”
“Okay.” Kyoka grabbed my shaft and started stroking it swiftly. In a blinding flash, I came. I came like I’d never come before. A great fountain of sperm gushed from the head of my penis. Most of it landed on Kyoka’s face and some on her robe. She wiped bit from her cheek with a finger and sucked it off.
“How is it?” Miss Mizuno asked.
“Not bad, I’ve tasted better,” Kyoka replied.
Exhausted, I slumped down in the chair. Had I just been sucked off by the Student Council Vice-President with my home room teacher looking on? No, I couldn’t believe it. But, you know, that thought alone was pretty stimulating.
“Why, look,” Miss Mizuno said. “After all that, he’s still hard.”
“Yes, he is, Sensai,” Kyoka agreed. I looked down, and yes, I was. “What now?” Kyoka asked.
“Go ahead and mount him,” Mizuno replied.
Kyoka nodded and threw off her robe. She was completely naked underneath. She had a trim, athletic body with smallish breasts. I had never paid much attention to Kyoka before, but now¬Öwow!
Miss Mizuno took her arm away from my chest and placed the palm of her hand on my forehead. “Stay, boy,” she said and I instantly felt paralyzed.
Kyoka, meanwhile, had positioned herself above me with her legs spread apart and was preparing to lower herself onto my johnson.
“Wait,” Miss Mizuno said. She went over to her desk and pulled something out of one of the drawers. It was a flat tin of the sort that salve comes in. “This is an ointment that I made myself,” she said. “Anoint his penis with this. It will prolong his strength and has hallucinogenic properties besides. It will make you feel like you’re flying.”
“Is it safe?” Kyoka asked.
Miss Mizuno nodded her head. “Perfectly safe for you,” she replied.
“What about him?” Kyoka asked.
Miss Mizuno shrugged. “Maybe not so much. Who cares?”
I cared, but I was paralyzed. Kyoka scooped out a portion of the ointment Miss Mizuno offered her and rubbed it all up and down the shaft of my penis. It stung a little, but the action of Kyoka’s hands running up and down the length of my member was so stimulating that the stinging was no big deal. Kyoka lowered herself onto my penis and all of a sudden I was inside her. She started moving herself up and down on top of me and the sensations were blinding. I really did feel like I was flying.
“Sensai! This is marvelous,” Kyoka said as she bounced up and down. She bent over and grabbed onto my shoulders to steady herself. I don’t know how long it went on with us joined together like that, but it was longer than the last time, I was sure. Kyoka and I were in our own little world, flying through the clouds. But eventually I came, and Kyoka shrieked when I did. Then we were back in the Teacher’s Office. I was still sitting in that chair and Kyoka had collapsed on top of me. Sensation was coming back to my limbs. I was no longer paralyzed. But I felt something around my neck.
“A collar,” Miss Mizuno said. "And a chain to keep the stag from running away.
And, indeed there was a light chain attached to the collar and Miss Mizuno was holding the other end.
Kyoka slid off me and fell in a heap on the floor. She was unconscious, but smiling.
“My turn,” said Miss Mizuno. “But I don’t want to have you in that awkward position. Get up.” She tugged on the chain and I rose from the chair. Crazily enough, I was still hard and filled with a need to come again and soon. It wasn’t natural.
“You’re no longer a man,” Miss Mizuno said. “I’ve turned you into a stag, and your only goal in life now is to rut-rut and rut until you die. Lie down.”
I got down on my back. My pecker was still as hard as ever and stood straight up in the air. Miss Mizuno doffed her robe. She was naked underneath, just like Kyoka was, so for the first time ever I got to see my home room teacher naked. In contrast to Kyoka, she had a mature woman’s body: more curves and ample breasts. They weren’t as large as I remembered them in my dream, but they were impressive all the same. She also had a luxurious patch of hair surrounding her pubes.
She bent down and smeared a generous dollop of that ointment all over my cock. At this point, I think it was more for her pleasure than mine, because I didn’t think my unit would ever go down again. She squatted over me and, grabbing my penis, rubbing it back and forth across her pussy before inserting it into her opening. Then the wild ride began again. Unlike Kyoka, however, her movements were more controlled, less frenetic; she was in no hurry to finish. She tugged on the chain, which nearly choked me, but it had the effect of pulling my face up to her breasts, and she made me suck on her nipples while we were having intercourse. By the time she was finished, Kyoka had revived and wanted another go at it.
“We’ll do it together this time,” Miss Mizuno said. “Take a seat, Kyoka,” she said, pulling away from my cock. As Kyoka descended on my cock, Miss Mizuno turned around and stuck her pussy in my face, forcing me to lick it. It was oozing a combination of her natural juices and my spunk, along with a stranger taste that must have been that ointment and ingesting it caused me to really start tripping. I started having out-of-body experiences. I seemed to be hovering near the ceiling and I could see the three of us below: Kyoka straddling my cock and Miss Mizuno straddling my face. There were embracing each other as well and kissing passionately.
After awhile, they changed positions. Now Miss Mizuno was riding my cock and Kyoka was rubbing her pussy in my face. They seemed to go on like that for hours; changing positions and then changing back again. Every once in awhile someone would come into the Teacher’s Office and say something to Miss Mizuno or hand her something to sign, which she would attend to without letting up. But eventually it was all just too much for me and I slipped into unconsciousness.
When I awoke, I sat up and rubbed my noggin. What a headache I had! But my boner was just as stiff as ever. I was beginning to get worried. What if it never went down? Would I have to wear baggy pants? Then I noticed that it was dark outside and the clock on the wall said it was 12:30.
Someone pulled my chain.
Miss Mizuno and Kyoka were still in the room and still as naked as could be.
“Up, stag,” Miss Mizuno said. “It’s time to throw you to the dogs.”
I got up a little unsteadily, and I was sore all over. I started to say something, but couldn’t find my voice.
“Don’t even try,” Miss Mizuno said. “People talk, stags don’t.”
We left the Teacher’ Office together. Miss Mizuno walked ahead with the chain across her shoulder, and every now and then she would tug on it if she though I was following too slowly-or maybe just out of malice. Kyoka walked beside me with her arm wrapped around mine. She was laughing and chatting gaily.
We walked through the darkened halls of the school until we came to the gym. Kyoka detached herself from me and held the door open for Miss Mizuno to lead me inside.
I thought I had seen a lot today, but it was nothing compared to the sight that now greeted my eyes. The floor of the gym was covered with mats and on them every girl in the school was naked and writhing around. There were girls in pairs, trios and even more complicated combinations, and they were doing each other to beat the band. The girls on the swim team were practicing some free-style stroking, the Home Economics classes were cooking up some hot dishes, the girls from the Language Lab were practicing their linguistics, and the Shop girls were checking out what was under the hood.
My god, the Girls’ Festival really was a big lesbian orgy!
Miss Mizuno led me around that heaving mass of girl flesh and toward the stage. Everyone we passed stopped what they were doing as we passed and followed us with their eyes as we passed. Once on the platform, Miss Mizuno forced me to stand with my manhood exposed to the eyes of the collective body of young witches down on the floor.
“Daughters of Hecate!” Miss Mizuno shouted. “How has your day been? Are we having a good time?” The girls shouted, “Yesss!” in unison and there was laughter and rude comments directed at me. “Well, now here’s a rare treat in store for you. This animal,” she said, pointing a finger at me, “dared to violate our sacred mysteries, and just as Diana transformed Actaeon into a beast of prey, so too has this one been reduced to the status of an animal–and tonight he is your prey!”
The girls went wild, and to my ears their cheers sounded more like the baying of hounds. They were all on their feet now, and some of them were beginning to rush the stage, but Miss Mizuno held them back with an outstretched arm. “Wait,” she said. “The first one of you to have him will be our Queen of Darkness. That’s only fair.”
The girls roared their approval.
“Motoko, dear,” Miss Mizuno said. “Where are you?”
“I’m here,” Motoko replied, appearing out of the crowd and climbing onto the stage. She was as naked as all the rest and her chin was wet and shiny. I had to wonder what she’d been up to.
I hadn’t seen Motoko naked since the days we were both just two roly-poly little piglets sharing a tub, but in the interim she had grown into an impressive figure of a woman-funny I’d never noticed before. Her body was somewhere in-between Kyoka’s and Miss Mizuno’s. She was more womanly than the boyish Kyoka, but didn’t yet possess the voluptuousness of Miss Mizuno. I tried to speak to her, but all that came out of my mouth were animal sounds. She regarded me crossly, with her hands on her hips.
“Look at you,” she said. "All my life I’ve tried to protect you from these other witches, and now you’ve gone and doomed yourself. Stupid!"An angry tear rolled down her cheek.
Miss Mizuno put an arm around Motoko’s shoulder. "There, there, dear. Don’t be upset. You do know this is really all your fault, don’t you?
"Oh yes. If you’d locked your pet up, he wouldn’t have followed you here today. Really, that was terribly careless of you, dear. So you deserve to be punished as much as he does. But I will forgive you and, as our duly elected Queen of Darkness, you have the honor of having sex with him first.
Motoko’s face clouded over.
“Is something wrong, dear?” Miss Mizuno asked. “He’s your best friend, or so I hear. And look at that magnificent organ. I’d think you’d be eager to have sex with him.”
“Uh, it’s not that,” Motoko replied. “It’s just that I don’t want to lose my virginity just yet.”
Miss Mizuno nodded her head. “Quite right. You want to keep you hymen intact. That’s perfectly understandable, but what about here?” She said goosing Motoko in the butt. Motoko yelped and leaped into the air like she’d had an electric shock.
“No, no! That will hurt,” she said.
“A little bit at first,” Miss Mizuno replied and holding up her tin of ointment, said, “But this will make it feel better.”
“No, no!” Motoko backed away with her hands clamped over her backside.
Miss Mizuno sighed. “I know how to deal with stubborn students. You and you,” she said, gesturing to two girls in the audience who clambered up onto the stage. “Hold her down,” she said, pointing to Motoko. They grabbed her. She resisted, but they were too powerful for her and soon had her pinned down on the floor with her butt sticking up in the air. Miss Mizuno patted it gently.
“Now!” she exclaimed. “Who wants to see the Queen of Darkness get fucked in the ass?”
The girls screamed and yelled like ravening dogs. A few of them even leaped into the air, waving their arms and shouting, “Yes! Yes!”
“There you have it, dear,” Miss Mizuno said to Motoko. “Vox Populi, the voice of the people.”
“No, no,” Motoko repeated weakly.
“Oh, don’t make such a fuss.” Miss Mizuno kissed Motoko’s rear and smeared her ointment all over Motoko’s anus. Then she gave my chain a tug. “Come, stag. It’s time to rut.”
By this point, there was no question of resisting her. I stumbled forward and allowed her to guide my member to the entrance of Motoko’s anus. “Push!” Miss Mizuno said, slapping my ass. I pushed, but Motoko’s anus resisted me. “Harder!” Miss Mizuno said. “Motoko, try to relax.” Motoko shook her head and kept moaning, “No! No!” but suddenly her anus dilated and I was in. She was incredibly tight. The ring of muscle around the entrance squeezed my dick so tightly that I was afraid it would be cut in two.
“Okay. Move! Move!” Miss Mizuno said, and I felt a sudden sharp pain across my buttocks. Miss Mizuno had procured a cane from somewhere and was hitting my ass with it. I had no choice but to start moving in and out of Motoko’s ass.
“It hurts! It hurts!” she screamed. And to be fair, I wasn’t feeling so good, myself, what with Miss Mizuno slapping my ass with that cane. But eventually the ointment started doing its job. Motoko’s cries of pain changed to moans of pleasure and she started saying, “More! More! Deeper.” And we were soon flying above the clouds again for all eternity. Then I came, and it was all over. Motoko’s knees gave way and we collapsed to the floor in a heap with her underneath and me on top.
I was dead tired. This was just too much. I wanted to curl up and go to sleep, but that stupid thing was still hard.
Suddenly Miss Mizuno tugged on my chain. “Up, stag,” she said, and I painfully got to my feet. Motoko was still on the floor, panting and apparently too weak to get up.
Miss Mizuno pulled me close to her and pressed my head to her chest. “Now, stag, your moment has come. See all those girls down there? You’re going to have to have sex with each and every one of them. All through the night. Until cock crow-that’s dawn to you. But if this marvelous member of yours,” she grabbed hold of it. “If it should fail, even once, they’ll tear you apart and feast on your flesh. Having you was so nice, I’m reluctant to let you go, but it can’t be helped.” And with that, she pushed me off the stage and into the arms of the crowd of girls.
Everything that happened after that is kind of a blur. All I have are vague impressions of arms, legs, lips, breasts, pussies and the scent of female bodies that became so overpowering after awhile that it was sickening. And I came and came and came. Then all the girls disappeared and I was standing in front of the woman with the three faces, Hecate herself. I have the impression that I had sex with her too. After that it all goes blank.
Until I felt someone shaking me.
“Hey! Get up! We’re going to be late. I swear, why do we have to go through this every morning?”
I opened my eyes and there was Motoko shaking my arm. I opened my mouth to speak. “Motoko?”
“Yes, Motoko,” she replied. “Like who were you expecting?”
Well, to make a long story short, it was the day after the Girls’ Festival and everything had seemingly gone back to normal. I was temped to ask Motoko how her butt was, but how do you ask a question like that? I found that I couldn’t, and Motoko never brought up the subject of the Girls’ Festival either. In any case, whatever had passed between us, she didn’t seem to hold it against me. We went to school and everything seemed normal there as well. All the girls in the school seemed perfectly normal. They stood around in hallways or in class, chatting with each other or with their boyfriends, and never gave me the slightest impression that they remembered having had sex with me. Even Miss Mizuno was back to her normal, conservative self. Not at all like the sex monster she’d revealed herself to be that night. I tried to approach her about the events of the Girl’s Festival once or twice, but could never bring the subject up. I couldn’t even bring myself to say anything to my male friends about it. Could it be that she had bound me with dire spells to prevent me from saying anything? Of course, even if I did tell the other guys I had fucked every girl in school, I’d be tagged as the biggest liar and pervert in history.
But from there on, I kept my eyes peeled for any unusual thing that might be evidence of witchcraft. Like any couples breaking up or unlikely pairings of others; any mysterious sickenings or accidents: like when Mr. Sago, the unpopular math teacher, broke out in boils and later on drove his car off a bridge. But eventually I came to the conclusion that it all must have been a dream.
But I’ve got to know for sure!
There’s another Girls’ Festival coming up tomorrow, so I’ve decided to sneak into the school again-like the last time-and see for sure. But don’t tell anyone.
Mum’s the word!


""Hi, Yoshimi," Takuya replied. "There you are."
He was standing in front of the cell Yoshimi and the others were in with a flashlight held up to his face to allow them to see who he was in the pitch dark.  He was still dressed in his nun's habit and the halo of light around his head cast by the flashlight made him look very holy.

“How did you find us?” Yoshimi asked. “Is Rex with you?” She asked eagerly.
“No,” Takuya replied. “Should he be?”
His answer was disappointing.
He could perceive two other people in the cell with Yoshimi, but they were just vague shadows until they came and stood next to Yoshimi. One of them appeared to be a young girl and the other was an older woman whose face seemed slightly familiar, reminding him of someone he’d seen on TV or someplace. The three of them were dressed the same, in striped yukatas. It was not an uncommon design, but in this case they looked like prison stripes.
Suddenly the lights came back on and Takuya was joined by someone else.
“Narumi!” Yoshimi exclaimed. “Great!”
“Humph, not so great,” Narumi replied, frowning. She put her hands on her hips and gave Yoshimi a stern look. “Here’s another fine mess you’ve gotten yourself into, little sister.”
Yoshimi was far older than Narumi, but with her slight frame and immature behavior she came off as younger, and Narumi couldn’t help but think of Yoshimi as a sort of younger sister-an impetuous, irresponsible, pain-in-the-butt younger sister. This occasion, however, was the first time she’d called her that to her face, and it had an effect.
“Sister?” Yoshimi exclaimed, clutching the bars. A broad smile lit up her face. “You called me sister! I never had a sister.”
That made Narumi smiled a little, too.
“But where did you guys come from?”
“It’s a long story.”
Sugimoto, who was standing right next to Yoshimi, couldn’t help but notice the way they looked at each other and thought she detected a bit of girl’s love going on there. She could practically see the little hearts floating around their heads.
“Hello,” she said to Narumi. “If Yoshimi here is the little sister, then I guess that makes you the big sister, isn’t it?” she said while openly staring at Narumi’s chest.
“Who are you?” Narumi asked.
“No one,” Yoshimi said. “Just some wretch who confessed to a murder a little before you arrived. I’m taking her into custody.”
“Hello, I’m Anna,” Sugimoto replied blandly. “Nice to meet you.” She stuck her hand through the bars and offered it to Narumi.
Narumi was a little hesitant, but she shook it anyway.
“Uh, nice to meet you, too, I guess,” she replied.
Yuki, who was also standing next to Yoshimi, didn’t want to be left out of the conversation, so she introduced herself, as well.
“Hi. I’m Yuki Tanuki.”
“And I’m Narumi Takeuchi.”
“Well, now we’ve all been introduced to each other,” Sugimoto said. “Isn’t that lovely? Say, cookie, is there any chance you could get us out of here?” "
“I haven’t been introduced yet,” Takuya interjected. “I’m Takuya Aihara. Nice to meet both of you,” he said, curtsying.
“Are you cosplaying?” Sugimoto asked. “Or is that outfit part of your drag act?”
Because of his delicate features and smooth skin, most people took Takuya to be a woman–he did himself. He believed he had been turned into a girl as the result of a science experiment gone wrong in high school and behaved accordingly. But there was no fooling Sugimoto. She’d been in show business.
“I’m really a girl.” Takuya said resentfully.
“Not likely,” Sugimoto replied, laughing.
Yoshimi poked her in the ribs.
“Stop it,” Yoshimi said under her breath-speaking low so that, hopefully, Takuya wouldn’t overhear. “He thinks he’s a girl and he’s a friend, so don’t hurt his feelings.”
“Whatever,” Sugimoto replied, rubbing her side. “You have sharp elbows.”
Turning back to Takuya, Sugimoto said: “Sorry I doubted you, miss. Carry on. By the way, can you let us out of here?”
“Is there a key anywhere?” Narumi asked.
“Well, the cat girl who brings us our meals has one,” Yoshimi said. “And then there’s the guard who’s always out there in the hallway, but I don’t see him anymore. What happened? Did you take him out, Narumi?”
“No,” Narumi replied. Months before she and Yoshimi had fought a group of cat men in Moriyoh. It was a terrible experience that still gave her nightmares. “It was someone else.”
“Who?” Yoshimi asked.
“Well, her name is Kitsune,” Narumi said. “She has this¬Öcondition. Well, it’s complicated. I’ll explain it later. Now, how are we going to get you out of there?”
“You could jump the cat girl when she comes and take her key,” Yoshimi suggested.
Narumi didn’t like that idea. This dungeon gave her the creeps, and she didn’t want to spend anymore time in it than she had to. Still, it seemed the only option.
“Why don’t you let yourself out?” Takuya said.
“How?” Yoshimi replied. “If we could, don’t you think we would have tried by now? What do you suggest? That we dig ourselves out under the bars like dogs?”
“Why don’t you give it a try, Yoshimi-chan?” Sugimoto said. “That would be a sight worth seeing. I’ll not try it myself, of course, since my nails are already a mess, but for you it would be appropriate.”
“That wouldn’t work,” Takuya replied. “This floor is made of stone. What happened to Maria’s charm, Yoshimi?”
“You mean this?” Yoshimi replied, pulling out an object from beneath her clothes. It was a religion icon-a figure of the Virgin Mary with one upraised arm. The sight of it brought back to Yoshimi the pathetic memory of Sister Maria dying in her arms.
“They killed her!” Yoshimi cried. “The fuckers!
“Oh, no! That’s terrible.” And he started to cry. Takuya hadn’t known Maria for long, but she had been very nice to him. “How did it happen?” he asked sniffling.
“Pull yourself together,” Yoshimi replied. “You’re too sensitive by half to hear the details-at least right now. These cat people are fiends, and we need to obliterate them! But how did you manage to stay out of their clutches?”
“Well,” Takuya replied. “As you remember, I was preparing to take holy orders anyway… So dressed like this¬Ö” he displayed his habit. “I was able to blend in with the other nuns.
“Not likely,” Sugimoto interjected and got another shot in the ribs.
“No, no, it worked,” Takuya said. “The other nuns befriended me. There was one in particular–Sister Index¬Ö” His voice trailed off with a certain indefinable smile.
Narumi doubled over with laughter. The others regarded her with puzzlement. Takuya appeared embarrassed.
“What’s so funny?” Yoshimi asked.
“Nothing,” Narumi replied, remembering that she had discovered Takuya in a broom closet with another nun in flagrante delicto. “Private joke.”
“Excuse me,” Sugimoto said. “This is all very interesting, isn’t it? I’m sure Maria was a saint and all, and I’m sure you miss her. But how is this helping to get us out of here? You implied something.”
“Right,” Yoshimi added “And it had something to do with this, didn’t it?” She held up the charm. To her it was just a weighty icon of a religion she didn’t even believe in, but Maria said it would look after her–otherwise she would have tossed it aside.
“Oh yes,” Takuya replied. “Did you know what Maria did before she became a nun?”
“No,” Yoshimi replied.
“Well, she was a car thief.”
“Yes,” Takuya said. “Apparently a really good one, too. She told me all about it. She used to pose as a nun while she went about her business, but then she got religion and became a real nun-although I think she still did a little stealing even after that. She called that her toolbox, and told me she was going to give it to you. She thought that you might need it, the way things were going on around the convent. She showed me how it worked. There’s a latch on the side.”
“Oh yeah?” Yoshimi ran her finger down the side of the Virgin’s form and sure enough there it was. She pressed down on it, and the Virgin flipped open like an oyster.
Inside, it was lined in velvet, with a row of metal objects tucked in little pouches.”
“Hairpins?” Yuki said.
“And a nail file!” Sugimoto exclaimed with glee.
She made a grab for it, but Yoshimi knocked her hand away.
“Keep you hands to yourself.”
“But I need that,” Sugimoto said.
“I guess even nuns need to fix their hair,” Yuki said.
“No, they don’t,” Yoshimi replied. “But if somebody found this, they might think that as well. But these aren’t hairpins.” She picked one out and held it up in front of her face. “See how the ends have been flattened out and formed into shapes? These are lock picks. Well¬Ö”
Yoshimi wasted no time, and went at the lock with it. It took her several attempts and she had to try a few different ones (using the file to hold back the tumblers), but eventually the lock opened with a satisfying click and they were free.
There were hugs all around, except for Sugimoto, who oddly enough held back.
“I guess Maria really was looking out for us after all,” Yoshimi. She started to close the charm back up, but Sugimoto stopped her.
“Can’t I please have that nail file now?”
“Humph!” Yoshimi replied, but she handed it over, and Sugimoto proceeded to eagerly go at her nails.
“Some detective,” she said to Yoshimi. “To think that all this time you’ve been carrying the means of our–salvation, I’d guess you’d say–around between your breasts all this time. If you’d figured it out before, we’d have been free long ago.”
“But, you know,” Yuki said. “Even if we had escaped, where would we have gone? We probably would have just been recaptured. But I think we have a better chance now with Yoshimi’s friends here.”
“How philosophical,” Sugimoto said as she filed her nails. For herself, she wasn’t sure that their situation was all that much better. Yoshimi’s friends-a cross-dresser and a girl with big boobs who looked more like a waitress than a rescuer? And Yoshimi, herself, hardly inspired Sugimoto with much confidence. She came off as a person who was better at getting into trouble than out of it.
“I wonder why Maria told you about this, Takuya,” Yoshimi said, clicking it shut. “But not me.” Right–why had she been so obscure about its purpose right up to her dying breath?
Takuya shrugged. “Maybe she thought that if she had told you, you might have tried to arrest her-or at least lost your good opinion of her.”
“I hardly think that would have happened,” Yoshimi said. But why was it she was running into so few honest people these days?
¬ëBut, anyway,” she said, turning to Narumi. “How did you find us?”
The last time Yoshimi had seen Narumi was when the three of them-Narumi, Takuya and herself-had been having lunch together in the Antique Bakery back in Moriyoh, when Yoshimi had spotted that lawyer, Suzuki, picking up a young girl in his car and driving away with her. She was sure that if she followed him, he would lead her to the location of Kokoro Komegura, the Maniac Nurse, whom she’d been looking for. She urged the others to come with her. Takuya accepted, but Narumi declined and after that one thing led to another.
“Here’s what happened,” Narumi said, and she told her of how she had encountered Yoshimi’s old mentor, Taro, in Caf√© Ariel and then later at her dojo and how he had convinced her to come with him, because he said Yoshimi was in danger from some devil-woman.
“Yeah, I met her,” Yoshimi said. “At first I thought she was Komegura, but she turned out to someone called Slit-Face.”
“She’s Taro-san’s wife.”
“No! He never told me he was married. He doesn’t even like women.”
“Well, he sure doesn’t now,” Narumi replied, recalling her impressions of the time she’d spent with him. She went on to describe how on the train they’d encountered three other people bound on the same mission as they were-to get Kuchisake.
“And guess what,” Narumi said. “One of them was your old partner, Etsuji.”
“Wow! Etsuji’s here, too? Man, that’s great! Have I got news for him. I know where Komegura is now. This wretch–” she said, pointing at Sugimoto, " has been harboring her. What’s more, Komegura is up to her neck in this Meow Meow business. I don’t doubt that she’s been an ally of this Kuchisake all along."
“Well, you’re wrong about that,” Sugimoto said. “You seem to get lots of things wrong.”
“I got your confession.”
“What confession,” Sugimoto said. “I don’t remember confessing to anything.”
“Yes you did,” Yoshimi replied. “You confessed to killing your female lover, and I’m taking you in, as soon as I clean up this mess.”
“But weren’t you suspended?” Takuya helpfully mentioned. “Can you still arrest people?”
“What?” Sugimoto said. “So you’re not really a police officer, after all?”
“Suspension is just temporary,” Yoshimi said and once I crack this Meow Meow business and turn in Komegura, I’ll be back on the force-probably with a big promotion. So don’t get any ideas. You’re still in my custody."
“How do you figure that?” Sugimoto asked. “What are you going to do? Drag me off to the nearest koban? I don’t see any around here. Do you? What if I deny that I have anything to do with any murder? You don’t have any proof; no witnesses. It would just be my word against yours: a poor kidnapped woman who may have become a little delusional due to the stress of imprisonment versus a defrocked cop. It would be just your word against mine.”
“Actually, I heard you confess, too,” Yuki said.
Sugimoto walked over to Yuki and put her arm around her. “Yuki, dear, you wouldn’t say anything, would you? After all we’ve been to each other?”
“Eyuuu!” Yuki replied, pushing her away. “We haven’t been anything to each other.” She turned and addressed Narumi and Takuya. “We really haven’t,” she said.
Sugimoto clasped her hands together and bowed several times.
“Gomen, gomen,” she said. “If you say so, Yuki-chan.”
Sugimoto was making light of things-as was her habit-but deep down she was concerned. She didn’t want to trade one kind of prison for another. She silently vowed to ditch this group as soon as it was safe. On the other hand, she thought wistfully, she really wished there had been something between her and Yuki.
“Look, Anna,” Yoshimi said, switching to Good Cop. “You don’t like Komegura. You’ve said so yourself. I’m only trying to bring her to justice. If you cooperate, maybe I can put in a good word for you. After all, she’s a worse fiend that you are.”
Narumi watched these exchanges with growing impatience.
“We’re wasting time,” she said. “See? This is why I don’t like going on adventures,” she said to Yoshimi. “You get distracted. Come on, let’s get back to the others.”
She gathered everyone together and started leading them down the corridor, but then stopped in her tracks.
“Damn!” she said.
“What?” Yoshimi asked.
“I forgot all about Kitsune. We can’t leave her behind.”
“Who’s Kitsune?” Yoshimi asked.
“I mentioned her before, didn’t I ? She the one who led us down here from the convent and took care of the guard.”
“How’d she do that?” Yoshimi asked.
“I really don’t know. She has this condition,”
“What is it?” Yoshimi asked. “Is she possessed? By a ghost? Or a fox?”
“How did you guess?” Narumi asked.
“I see this sort of thing-possession-all the time. It’s more common than you know.”
“Well, the first time I saw her,” Narumi said, “Was when Taro came to the dojo with her in tow. She was dressed like a kogal and called herself Sukeban Fox at the time, but on the train she switched over to an English fox hunting outfit and started calling herself Fox Hunter, but her real name is Kitsune. For some reason, Taro-san insisted on bringing her along.”
“Did you say her name was Kitsune?” Yuki asked. “My brother, Chinpo, has a girlfriend named Kitsune. She’s a miko at the Inari Shrine, and she’s in a singing group with my friends Eki and Miki.”
“Now that you mention it,” Narumi replied. “As Fox Hunter, she did say she was looking for him.”
“Yes, they’ve got him, too,” Yuki said sadly.
“How did you say she took out the guard again?” Sugimoto asked.
“Well, she somehow turned out the lights, and when they came back on both she and the guard were gone-vanished.”
“But what was the point?” Sugimoto said. “These cat people can see perfectly in the dark.”
“It makes sense if she reverted to her true fox form,” Yoshimi said. “You see, fox form can’t exist in the light, but in that form no cat can stand against a fox.”
“Well, what should we do?” Narumi asked.
“If she’s still in fox form,” Yoshimi replied, “there’s nothing we can do. But she can probably take care of herself. I suggest we just rejoin Master Taro and the others. Maybe she’ll catch up with us.”
Narumi reluctantly agreed. But not too reluctantly. Deep down in her heart of hearts, Kitsune creeped her out and she’d be happy not to see her again if it came to that.
Kitsune had led them down here, but Narumi was confident that she could remember the way back. She and Yoshimi took the lead, while Takuya followed behind with his flashlight in case it was needed, which it was from time to time, because not all the passageways were lighted. Yuki and Sugimoto brought up the rear, with Yuki walking as far ahead of Sugimoto as she could without bumping into Takuya.
But it wasn’t long before they bumped into a wall.
“This wasn’t here before,” Narumi said, confused.
They seemed to be in a dead end.
“Wasn’t this an open passageway?” Takuya asked. “I seem to remember it that way.”
“Me, too,” Narumi said, a trace of panic in her voice. “We couldn’t have gotten turned around so soon.”
“That’s because some of these tunnels have magic locks,” Sugimoto said. “Magic walls that just appear and disappear. I used to have a key that unlocked them, but I don’t anymore.”
“Why didn’t you tell us this before?” Yoshimi asked.
“To tell you the truth, I’d forgotten,” Sugimoto replied.
“Well, what do we do now?” Yuki asked. Her voice was edgy.
“Nothing we can do,” Narumi replied. “We’ll just have to retrace out steps and try to find another way out.”
“That won’t work,” Yoshimi said. “This labyrinth goes on for miles. Maria once showed me a brochure.” She had pressed herself up against the wall and was running her hands along its surface. I ran into something similar under a vampire’s castle in the Balkans once. In that case, there was a hidden button that opened it up. Maybe there’s one here, too."
As she groped the wall, Yoshimi ran her hands across a small spiral figure engraved in the stone without noticing it. But the second she touched it, she was engulfed in light and disappeared, leaving the others in confusion.
“My, people come and go so quickly here,” Takuya said.