Record of Agarest War

Nope. Looks like that observation was totally off the mark:

PSN Gives Developers A “Much Weaker Negotiating Position”

tl;dr - Sony is still a bitch. :evil:

It was co-developed by Red Entertainment, responsible for the Sakura Taisen series.

In any case, there’s reviews of the European version already out there. There’s hardly any need to speculate based on the track record of the developer when the game is already out in English.

This game is too naughty. :lol:

I’m obviously doing it wrong. Though I will admit the box-art, mouse-pad, and pillowcase make up what might be the best limited edition ever released in the States. I actually had to open mine in Gamestop, because the clerk (who was female if it matters) wanted to see the Oppai Mousepad. No one really seemed aghast at it either, everyone kinda just chuckled and said it looked comfortable.

I think I’m basically at the end of the First Generation, and I’ve yet to see anything too ecchi… or really anything ecchi. I’ve hit the majority of optional events…I think. The game is fun for the most part, it’s just that I hate Compile Heart/Idea Factory’s “You must invent it before we stock it in the stores” approach to games. Sometimes I just want to buy better weapons and armor ffs, and not spend 2 hours farming mobs for items to make other items.

Got the PS3 D/L version of the game.

My only beef about the game is the Unwinnable fights. I’ve always hated that, only due to the fact that I feel railroaded instead of actually getting to choose my path in the game. (Though we do get that at certain points). This was my problem with Viper RSR as well in the fact that there were fights you weren’t allowed to win.

OK Got through the 1st Generation (on easy mode) and here are some tips and tricks for gameplay :

-Rule #1 Always keep your future Bride and Leonhardt or his descendant (Depending on which generation you are on) in your active party set up.
-Obvious reason for this is to keep her level close to Leonhardt’s (or Descendants) and to get her stats up so they make a great kid.
-Also note that each women represents light, Dark and Neutral Depending on where she shows up in the Circle.

-Rule #2 Always keep Ellis in your Active party
-Reason once you upgrade her weapon she can become the all around healer, and can also attack with a big magic punch. Make sure her INT is as high as you can get it since this helps deal magic damage and protects her from it too. (After capping INT go for VIT as this increases her HP and protects her from Physical Damage. Luck also helps in Preventing Damage as well.)

-If you like to metagame then note that Winfield Zerva, Ellis, Villa-Nor, and Borgnine all travel to the next Continent for Generation 2.

*Chose the Dark Choice Fyuria in !st Gen, Elaine would have been a better choice (She was an option too) since the kid would have had some ungodly stats, but I liked Fyuria’s attitude.

I’m currently working on the 2nd generation myself (on normal, I really should have chosen easy so I could breeze through, but I’m an idiot.)

I also took Fyuria as my waifu for the 1st generation, as I knew I’d lose my agility character to snag first attacks, my kid in the 2nd needed some godlike “A” rank agility. I can’t stress how important it is to raise Ellis’s intelligence as high as possible as quickly as possible… you really need her to punch through Break meters and hps since the new characters you get are usually downgrades from the party members left behind. The cap on stats is 999, so capping Int in the first chapter is pretty much impossible on a first playthrough, unless of course, I really am doing it wrong and there’s some trick to it.

The second chapter is pretty interesting, I don’t think I’m that far into it, I just met Yayoi, and am currently retreating from Valeria’s pursuit. When I started playing the game I wanted to go the Dark route, but basically being evil means you have to fight random battles… (since the routes you take are for speed and your party’s safety, not so much the populace) and I’m not so into level grinding my guys up, which means I take the longer, kinder to civilization routes. I still had max affection with Fyuria at the end of chapter 1 with my full Light side meter, and I believe she’s the “Dark Side” girl, so it doesn’t REALLY matter what path you take, you can still romance any potential wife you want. I’m pretty sure the “Dark”, “Light”, “Neutral” just affect the actual ending you get.

As a last tidbit, before you leave the continent in Chapter 1, you can go back to Ellis’s village and open up an explorable island for a full set of 300-500TP weapons with an almost 0% encounter rate.

PS edit - I used Vira Nor, Borgenine, and Ellis exclusively in the first generation, and see no reason not to keep them in the party for as long as they’re available. However, Winfield and Zevra can take a long walk off a short pier, as their god awful starting stat allocation make them completely useless. I WANTED to like Zevra, but he’s just too horrible to use…he’s not a caster, not a tank, not agile, and definitely not in my party.

Ya Zerva goes as soon as I get the next Wife (already have Yayoi), only wish I could marry all 3 this generation, as they are all awesome. :smiley:

As for capping abilities that’s what PP is for, depending on which version you play, go to the menu and see the party selection screen? on the PS3 version there’s a Green Triangle. hit that while the selector is on it and you can use it to use PP which are points that can be used to build stats. They can be used on any character.

This is helpful for those of us who are going for 100%CG in the game.

A yep, I’ve been doing it wrong. Thanks for posting that Doug, maybe I can get everything extra wise the second time through, lol.

Pretty sure I’ve screwed myself out of the true ending this go round as well. Ah well, same thing happened with Cross Edge, so it’s not like I expected this one to go differently.