Refresh my memory, Lamuness

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
and yes, iti s difficult to live with the disorders i have, but that is theh and life dealt me and i am not going to complain about it, i just try to do the best i can with it...i'm very creative and intelligent, and i work with that as much as i can [img][/img]

Good for you. That's exactly the kind of attitude that works...and I can talk out of my ass some more, but I don't really think you want to see that.

Originally posted by ksarchet:
As this topic has crossed many of the topic boundaries I thought I would insert another off topic comment. How many of you cry when you listen to the song Butterfly Kisses. It seems to make me cry ever time I hear it. Another song that does this to me is I'm Already There. Is it just me?

Umm...I'll try to put this delicately.

I thought the song was sweet the first time, and sort of cute a few times after that. After that its ubersaccharinity just irritated me.

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
and i find it extremely funny that none of you wants a kiss from me, but you all want to date me [img][/img] lol....i use 'all' broadly, so don't bombard this thread with 'I didn't say that!!!"


Why not? We're discussing everything else...

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
i talk to my cats all the time...i have three of them and they are my family as far asi am concerned [img][/img]

Cats....wanna see my wife?

...please don't kill my bandwidth

disclaimer: there is NO audio in this movie clip

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 08-15-2002).]

if you want to tell everyone exactly what my disorders are, feel free…i’m not ashamed of them…it’s part of who i am and they make me a stronger person…

but to sum it up…
generalized anixiety and social anxiety makes me nervous about everything possible…i’m terrified of meeting people, going places, doing things…i need to have someone i trust with me to do almost anything outside of my very small world of 'normal and used to’

panic disorder means i panic and have severe attacks over things that most people don’t worry about…my attacks usually result in me hyperventilating, crying, shaking violently, and repeating ‘i want to go home, i want to go home’ over and over really fast under my breath

agoraphobia means i have lots of trouble leaving my house to do even menial tasks, since my apartment is essentially my bastion of safety…at times i go more than a week drinking nothing but water because i cannot make myself leave my apartment to go across the street to the convenience store to buy milk or juice

but i am happy to report that i have not had a severe panic attack in over two years, 75% of the time i have milk to drink, and i am currently undergoing job rehabilitation to get me into college for next fall to major in Equine Studies

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
and i find it extremely funny that none of you wants a kiss from me, but you all want to date me [img][/img] lol....i use 'all' broadly, so don't bombard this thread with 'I didn't say that!!!"

* glares around *

Who said, I would not want one? I know, I'm risking being torn apart by an angry crowd, but that's a penalty woth the crime of getting to close to a goddess (I mean, Icarus got to close to the sun and was burned too, but he never said, he regretted it...).

So at least, I would gladly take it, regardless what happens thereafter....

* gets nailed to a cross, feet up, head down... *

Hey, guys! No punishment, before the crime is done!

Aaah! Looks like, I have to get in line:

ksarchet, Spec and perhaps also Nandemonai are already waiting…

And of cause, I would never again try to get in line ahead of SB!
(“Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars…”)

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Aaah! Looks like, I have to get in line:

ksarchet, Spec and perhaps also Nandemonai are already waiting...

And of cause, I would never again try to get in line ahead of SB!
("Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...")

Wise decision [img][/img] *hides rocket launcher behind my back, just in case* [img][/img]

Originally posted by Lamuness:
Cats....wanna see my wife?

...please don't kill my bandwidth

disclaimer: there is NO audio in this movie clip

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 08-15-2002).]

What a thirsty cat [img][/img]

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
agoraphobia means i have lots of trouble leaving my house to do even menial tasks, since my apartment is essentially my bastion of times i go more than a week drinking nothing but water because i cannot make myself leave my apartment to go across the street to the convenience store to buy milk or juice

That does sound a little like me; I hardly go outside house unless I really need to, but your case sounds so much worse [img][/img]. Life can't be easy for you, ladyphoenix... but as they say: What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, and that goes for all of us here [img][/img]

Originally posted by woodelf:
Are all B-gamers shut in's I wonder?
PS. Lamuness if you had smaller CAT the
downloads would be smaller. [img][/img]
Also my cat looks a lot like that one but
with less white on the face.

Who knows? We'll see what everyone answer.

Oh, BTW, one more thing about Aspergers Syndrome that I think you should know: Those of us who have Aspergers syndrome does oftenh ave a problem: They often say "too much" if you know what I mean. I've hurted other people in the past becuase of that, without intending it, and still does so sometimes when I get careless, because that I don't know when I've said too much, or said something that shouldn't be said. If I've happened to say "too much" or something that shouldn't have been said to anyone here and hurted them without knowing it, then I deeply aplogize now *bows deeply to all in the forum*

I’m not a shut in. Thanks mostly to my medications.

Hmm, I don’t think I’m a shut in myself. I’m just too darn tired most of the time to go out…

And okay, I’m still trying to absorb this thread. Trying to go through a 6 page thread the first time is really odd. Then again, doesn’t “odd” pretty much describe us normally?

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
and i find it extremely funny that none of you wants a kiss from me, but you all want to date me [img][/img]

Of course we want to date you. To actually touch our goddess, that would be wonderful beyond description.

Ladyphoenox! Beloved Goddess! come here for a sec… … Ha! got you! bounces away from a very angry mob

SB, you can’t steal our goddess. She must be free to make her own choices.

Originally posted by ksarchet:
SB, you can't steal our goddess. She must be free to make her own choices.

I didn't steal her [img][/img]. I just stole a,little something [img][/img]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
I didn't steal her [img][/img]. I just stole a,little something [img][/img]

that must be her choice to give as well. To steal that from her is wrong, and you of all people should know this.

Originally posted by ksarchet:
that must be her choice to give as well. To steal that from her is wrong, and you of all people should know this.

Maybe, maybe [img][/img]. We must all be trouble makes soemtimes [img][/img]

Our goddess hadn’t even stated if she would kiss a troll. You had no reason to steal her. I must insist that you release her, now. Don’t assume that rocket launcher behind your back will help you, it won’t work against me.