Right Stuf customer care

Avoid sharp turns whereever possible, because they can poke someone’s eye out.

精神 の 神

Doh! That one almost got me in the eye…

Originally posted by SCDawg:
With all these questions still up in the air, for some reason The Animaniacs "Wheel of Morality" keeps coming to mind. "Wheel of morality turn, turn, turn, tell us the lesson that we should learn. . . and the moral of today's story is..."

"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups"?

One of my professors way back in my freshman year at UGA did say “No one ever went broke underestimating human intelligence or overestimating human stupdity”.

I always liked the line from MIB: “No… A person is smart. People are dumb, stupid, panicky animals.”

That is a great line.

I’ve bought at TRSI (The Right Stuf International) and I’m very satisfied with them.

Their Custom Care/Custom Service/Custom Support is excellent and they replied very quickly.

Congratulations, TRSI!!!

[ 04-21-2007, 03:17 PM: Message edited by: Mystvan ]

Wow, this is 3 years old. Well, since I work partially for USPS I can tell everyone why a smashed box would go to St. Paul MN. There are 3 Mail recovery centers, one in San Fran, one in ST Paul, and one in Florida or somewhere around there. If an address comes off a box, and it happens, sometimes the machines or people screw up, it will end up being sent to that hub, those places are busy so it takes them a while, but when they do get to the box, they open it to see if they can find where to send it to. Those are the only 3 places authorized to open any mail, and only for the purpose of finding an address to mail them to. If an address can’t be found, the items are destroyed. Working for the MPS/USPS for 4 years now I’ve only sent 2 boxes to the mail recovery places, but I’ve sent numerous letters. You’d be surprised how many people drop blank envelopes into mail drop boxes.