Seeking 3 to 4 recommendations for really short games

I noticed a while back that they were giving away free purchase points on the english side if you submitted works. :slight_smile:

I think I saw a skull-mark game on eng once but not often. I don’t really look at maniax much so I’m not sure what the percentage of crossover is. I do regularly check the home listings, which is slightly foolish of me since the things I want that don’t cross over are exactly the things I’m concerned about buying on the japanese side (licensing issues - if they’re specifically not putting them on the english side that probably means they don’t want me making stuff with them). A lot of things from home do turn up with a time delay that seems practically random.

Yup - it’s impossible to please all people all the time!

But for my own purposes, I don’t think trying to do the massive mix of puzzles again is a good idea unless a partner comes along who really wants to do that with me. I’m not strong enough at puzzle design to come up with enough of the things to make a really hardcore puzzlefest, and while it’s fun to come up with ideas it’s a pain to try and debug and polish a million different types of challenges and interfaces. Trying to keep the gameplay a little more focused for more balanced results in the future.

Early planning stages for Date Warp involved the minigame getting harder as the story progressed, but in practice that seemed too annoying. You may have to work a tiny bit to reach the choice you want but you shouldn’t be stuck for long periods of time trying solution after solution. Will this work out? Should find out soon. :slight_smile:

Errrr… what are “home” and “hana”?

Oh gods… I knew I shouldn’t have tried to like read EVERY line in Animamundi or Ever17(minus 1 scenario). :lol: Even if those aren’t really eroge or rather sexual, there were just a few different lines being spoken. Gods… I guess I’m too obsessive about certain things. I think I actually read the same lines in Ever17 and Animamundi, many times over until I got sick of reading them and chose to skip, instead.

I thought there was a way to skip the text you’ve read? If you’ve chosen to skip the text and it doesn’t, then you haven’t read those lines. Perhaps that’s a game mechanic only present in certain VNs eh…

What are you? Katsuragi Keima(Kamii-sama) from Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai? That’s a hell load of games, if you’re asking me… :o You must spend thousands on them.

Yet some more games…I’ve never heard of. I know what are Tsukihime or Fate(would like to play Tsuki… but maybe in the future… would cost me a ton to actually buy it since it’s out of print, right? And same for Fate, i think.).

K, cool… thx for the suggestions, man. :slight_smile:

Ehhh didn’t know that? What is “meta-sense”? I had a look at your site… Date Warp seems kinda interesting. For some reason, Linds’ character profile reminds me of Doctor Muraki from Yami no Matsuei(I stopped reading that though). :stuck_out_tongue:

Ehhh… oops. I have a tendency of being vague and cryptic at times. :stuck_out_tongue:

Let me elaborate: I mean, what a “said character” does in a puzzle should reflect their personality. As in: how the puzzle is being “perceived”(, “interpreted”, “what items they use”, “how they interact with it”(like someone who’s aggressive and kinda violent might try to figure out how to break an object instead of trying a more gentle approach. Or if it’s a series of questions, be really forceful.)

Or if it’s someone who’s intuitive and subtle, might try to recall information relating to said item and figure out how to put it together.

Sorry if these are lousy examples.

Also, I meant like… the puzzle itself contains information about the gameworld(nature of questions, said items, what certain people do and don’t in certain circumstances).

Best as in what? Sorry… this thread is getting so lengthy, I kinda forgot what we’re talking about. Do you mean “short” kinda games?

Just a question: is this “Sono” game the kinda “yuri” where “two young girls = cute” or does it contain “real relationship depth between 2 humans who happen to share the same gender”? I’m not too big on cute things.

Errr… interesting facts.

Pfftt… guro. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ohhh you mean the demographics on the English site = made up of horny people who crave for their daily fixes of “somwhat interactive animated porn”? I noticed a hell load of hentai games and BL games with high sexual content. I don’t mind sex in games but it can get somewhat boring if not very erotic. :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay, just played True Remembrance. Man… this is the 2nd time and this time, I actually finished the whole story. It was very good. Maybe next time I’ll play it again. :slight_smile: It took me many hours(7 to 8 hours) though… cos I kept sloowllly reading the conversation.

[spoiler]It completely stunned me when I realized in the end, that Blackiris was the one who was actually suffering from Corrosion. Kinda turned the tables on the whole thing, actually. I wonder if Rook ever knew or noticed anything, really.

Ughhh… so good and sooo sad. :frowning: Soo heart-wrenching. And that music only squeezed me heart further.[/spoiler]

Hmmmm… flowchart, eh? I was lucky enough to find a flowchart or if not, a walkthrough for Animamundi and Ever17. I doubt I’d have been able to go through the various routes otherwise. - where they put only the non-adult stuff. - where they put only the “for girls” stuff (mostly yaoi, some GxB)

It’s just “look, girls are cute!” in my opinion. I was quite excited to buy it as soon as the translation patch was done; I lost interest FAST and haven’t actually played through the whole thing yet.

Really cute art, but bleh writing. To me anyway.

Best as in best eroge series with 100% yuri scenes. There’s no real relationship depth in the SH games, but all of the other similar eroges I’m aware of are even worse. 1 is the weakest game in the series (out of the four I’ve played), but the others have all been similar, just with slightly better writing, more interesting characters, and up to 1.5 times the length.

Yes, but generally people are using eng.dlsite because they can’t read Japanese, and so the best selling products are those which don’t require any real language knowledge. There aren’t many english products on eng.dlsite either, and most of them are also of the pure porn variety, so yeah.

By flowchart, I meant eroges that either come coupled with one in-game, or use it as their selection screen. If a game’s been split up like that, then there’s probably a reasonable chance that each section has something to add to the overall story.

Exactly the same for me. There’s no story, it’s all about cute girls blushing and touching each other. If I should answer the original question, the best really short game I’ve played recently is Kira Kira Curtain Call and then Downhill Night.

Which is a total waste of time unless you played the original one. And the original Kira Kira is LONG. Well, maybe not LONG, but fairly long. :slight_smile:


Nevermind :smiley:

Thanks for the explanations. Why do certain sites have to be so confusing… lol.

What a darn shame… :frowning: >>;; Too bad I can’t write or I’d be trying my hand at making VNs… lol.

Hmmmm… maybe another time then. I’m not really into yuri just 'cos it is yuri but for the depth in it. As in: portrayal of close relations between females, lesbian relationships, etc., etc.

Haha… oh well. :slight_smile:

Hmmmm I didn’t know that VNs had that kinda format. Heh… I guess I learnt something new.

… … And Kirakira is released by MangaGamer, right? Hmmm I see. :slight_smile: I’ve heard that their translations aren’t really that great. In comparison, Ever17 and Animamundi had some strange translations but I could figure out what they really meant if I thought about it and tried to understand the context.

Hmmm will check out Downhill.

Oh thanks for the warning.

Nope, just nope… :haha: Nice try, though. :stuck_out_tongue:

Mangagamer have improved the quality of their translations, so with the exception of original Edelweiss (for which they’re planning to release a translation patch), the translation quality is at least acceptable. Speaking of Edelweiss, there’s also a fan disk for that game called Edelweiss: Eiden Fantasia. It is relatively short (two small routes and a tiny bonus route after you complete the two), and it is one of the best fan disks I’ve ever played. And unlike Kira Kira Curtain Call, it is not really necessary to know what happened in the original Edelweiss to enjoy the fan disk. You’ll meet all characters from the original game, but they won’t feature heavily in the storyline.

I strongly advise you to try it.

Just curious, have you played Immoral Study? It’s really short.

@Russo_Turisto : I’ll give their trial a shot and then see. Hopefully, it’s not as terrible as the “translations” posted on their site which have a feel of “direct translating”. Those lines don’t even come near to “good translating” that takes into account context, speech mannerisms, personalities, age, etc. Plus, why do I have the feeling that… they skipped certain kanji or substituted the meanings for those kanji they couldn’t read?

@equatorean: how is the writing? I don’t mind that it’s a H-game but there has to be some good writing.

There is no trial version for the fandisk, only for the horribly translated original game. :wink:

If there’s a trial version of Suika, Kira Kira, or Da Capo up, I’d recommend those as showings of their current quality of translation.

Like others have said, they’ve really, really improved the translation quality from their first few offerings.

Well, there’s barely a story within the game. Player will assume the role of a perverted teacher trying to seduce a student. Other than the teacher and the student, there are two supporting characters. So, it doesn’t have that many things to read.
I must mention that it is an older game, probably 15 years old, so you may run into compatibility issue (runs fine on my xp unit though).

Because I’m soo tired of quoting people. -__-;;

@Hedonism: kay, you’ve convinced me. :stuck_out_tongue: Yeah… they do look somewhat better than… shudders Eldelweiss, albeit still with quite a few grammar issues. ^^;; Too bad they probably won’t fix the Higarushi series and no, I’ve too many problems with symbol-based languages to ever really understand them(which means no learning Japanese, boo).

@Russo_Turisto: Hmmmm… I think I’ll wait for their “patch” for eldelweiss so i can better understand the fandisc. :stuck_out_tongue:

@equatorean: I just finished it yesterday with a walkthrough… haha. So, that’s what a h-game(not eroge) looks like… well, an aged one. =P Damn, next time in the distant future, I’ll find one… where the protagonist’s face is visible. :3

Anyways, thanks everyone for all the recs. :slight_smile: Finally finished more of the ones that were recommended and I’ve made up my mind to try everything Insani has released. The commercial ones, though… will have to wait.

Also hoping to find something like Tegami soon… :stuck_out_tongue: I know it had very bad reviews but i really and truly appreciated the themes which were likely written for a much older audience. =P Call it an older man’s take on his younger days… lolz.

And yah to whoever recced me the game… OMGWTFOTL was awesome.

If you want another bizarre thing, try Crimsonness from al|together 2008


Thanks… will give that a shot soon. :slight_smile:

Crimsoness was good. Pure fun and sheer insanity… lolz.

Le Nuage: Leaves wasn’t too bad and actually, quite good. It wasn’t until I’d read Insani’s “analysis”, until I just remembered how much I well… take certain things for granted or simply, accept them as they are: “public face and private face” and “harmony”, though I don’t always or rarely, abide by these concepts anymore.

Interesting story about finding oneself, really.

Anyways, request thread closed. Not taking anymore suggestions. =p 'Cos I think I… played TOO many… at one go.