The appeal of censored games

Except eroges are very expensive and the more money you have, the more eroges you can play.

How 'bout now? =P

Don’t have insurance now. Don’t want insurance now. That argument will never work in my case.

I also tend to believe in allowing nature to take its course. Instead of pumping one’s body full of poisons to “heal” it, maybe people need to either start finding other medicinal ideologies or let whatever happens, happen.

As for eroge: fun and entertaining. However, if access was suddenly denied due to financial reasons or computer failures, it wouldn’t be a damning loss. The same goes for anything I own.

I could even survive without money altogether, since I actually know how to survive with what nature naturally provides for us. Money, science, things… all these offer are convenience. In the end, convenience is nice but is doesn’t answer the question. Am I happy and have I led a happy life? And here comes the cliche… money cannot buy happiness.

Money buys eroge and eroge == happiness.

Money can’t buy happiness, but it can certainly make it easier to achieve.

People in the process of slowly starving to death tend not to be all that happy.

In any case, if you’re not particularly worried about longevity (hunter-gatherers tended to be dead by 35) and you have the skills and resources to take care of yourself, then please, donate your unneeded money to charity. A tiny bit of money can make a huge difference to someone else who doesn’t have your advantages.

I don’t give money to charity. I will give my time and effort, but I will not give them money. First, I don’t trust many of the charities, especially when many of them have turned out to funnel the money elsewhere. And… another cliche: give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he’ll eat for a lifetime.

I’ve continually volunteered for several organisations while also being an active member in the scouting organisation (BSA and OA primarily) for my entire life. So I do try to make people’s live better or easier. I’m willing to truly help people, I’m just not going to give them a hand-out.

But then is the problem in much of the world: everyone does the easy thing and gives the hand out. People expect it now.