The battle for Anonymous to stay Anonymous

True, and that’s a problem for the legal system in general and needs a different kind of reform rather than just attempting to ban particular categories of ‘frivolous’ suit.

I’m the child of a messy divorce, I have at least some experience in the ridiculousness of court cases ruining your life. :slight_smile:

A GOOD justice system should not require months and months of delay in order to hear a simple shoplifting case by which time the witnesses can’t be found or can’t be bothered to turn up or can’t remember what happened any more.

A GOOD justice system should not allow a corporation to run amuck over an individual because the corp can buy a ludicrously expensive lawyer and the individual can’t.

A GOOD justice system shouldn’t force people to choose between going to court and keeping their jobs/houses.

Etc, etc.

Probably why I only believe in my own personal justice. Society has failed far too much to place that kind of trust in any more. When people can buy a verdict, the system is a joke.

Kramer ? :lol:

Naw… it’s Ronald McDonald’s fault. He’s an Evil Bastard, who’s only equal is the slave owning Colonel Sanders. :stuck_out_tongue: