The World Ends With You and Crisis Core

If people want to play their games that way, that is their business. Might they be ruining the experience? It’s possible. However, I’m not going to worry about it. Kind of like how if someone wants to have a carpet made out of thumbtacks in their home, that’s their business (as long as they don’t expect me to come over). It’s kind of like how in some gaming forums people who play on easy difficulty get ragged on by those who feel superior because they completed it on the hardest difficulty. True, those people have accomplished something, but in the overall course of the world, what does it matter?

If the developers actively attempt to prevent you from doing something, then finding a way to do it is cheating. Note I did not say that it was always a bad thing; in single player games, if it’s still fun for you, then who gives a shift?

If people want to play their games that way, that is their business. Might they be ruining the experience? It’s possible. However, I’m not going to worry about it. Kind of like how if someone wants to have a carpet made out of thumbtacks in their home, that’s their business (as long as they don’t expect me to come over). It’s kind of like how in some gaming forums people who play on easy difficulty get ragged on by those who feel superior because they completed it on the hardest difficulty. True, those people have accomplished something, but in the overall course of the world, what does it matter?

However, more and more of those single-player games have some level of multiplayer connectivity. While it’s not a system like true MP or an MMO, it can bring unbalances to the system.