This is for Spec Beholder

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
hey spec....i plan to send out the cd's right after the new year, because holidays are crazy for shipping and such, and there is a bigger chance of it getting lost....they are burned and work properly though [img][/img]

Hmm, has things calmed down by now, enough so that you can send them away? ^_^

they are going out this upcoming week

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
they are going out this upcoming week [img][/img]

Music to my ears! (and to my poor, bishoujo-starved soul too).

um, spec, can you send me your address again? i can’t seem to find it anywhere…not in my email mailbox or on my desk (which was where i had put your stationary)…i think the cats are trying to sabotage this…

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
....i think the cats are trying to sabotage this....

Which color have those cats? Green-yellow?
That might be a new kind of disguise for them...

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
um, spec, can you send me your address again? i can't seem to find it anywhere....not in my email mailbox or on my desk (which was where i had put your stationary)....i think the cats are trying to sabotage this....

Ok, I shall send it to you later [img][/img]. hopefully I can do it tomorrrow or so, if things doesn't get worse for me than they alreday are... (ugh).

There, I sent it yesterday, I think. Did it reach you?

yup i got the address…it will be shipped out over the next couple of days

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
yup i got the will be shipped out over the next couple of days [img][/img]

YAY! *bounce bounce bounce*

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
YAY! *bounce bounce bounce*

Isn't that *bounch bounch bounch* [img][/img] ?

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Isn't that *bounch bounch bounch* [img][/img] ?

Heh, perhaps, but right now, I'm too happy to care either way [img][/img].

But besides that, Unicorn, about one thing in your short mail... you said "... even through it's not my turn yet"? But since I sent my answering mail to you yesterday, it should be your turn, right? Unlesss, of course, you wrote a reply to me, that hasn't come into my mailbox (and perhaps gotten lost?)? (and if that's the case you know what to do...).

Hello! Today I got the CD’s! I was very Happy… but, there is a small problem…

I think I remember that my reason for waiting these demo CD’s was because that Kumiko told me that the Utsukushi Hime demo, which I never was able to download from Will’s website, because that I came here long after that demo had been released and removed from Will’s website. So, when I asked Kumiko if she had this demo. she said that it was on the demo CD’s that she had comped and sent to, among others, LadyPhoenix. I tihnk you, Ladyphoenix, may have confirmed this earlier, but I might remember incorretly, so, anyway…That has been my strongest motivation for getting the CD’s. But, when I looked closer at the CD’s, then… That demo wasn’t there, or so it seemed. Of the not-yet-brought-by-PP game demos there, there was only the Dokusen demo and the Itsuka no sora demo. But all others were demos I had alredy seen; the Brave Soul demo, the Snow Drop demo, the Doushin demo, and so on… now, I wonder what the heck happned? Was the Utsukushi Hime demo never there, or did Kumiko lie at the beginning, was there just some confusion, or did the demo just disappear? I don’t know which, but either way, I’m feeling very depressed right now…

Oh, well… crawls away into a corner, comforted by soem lemons all the way

i’m sorry the demo you really wanted wasn’t on the demo cd’s, spec…i copied them exactly as i got them, straight burns, so i doubt it just ‘disappeared’…i guess kumiko/dave lied to you, which i think stinks…maybe that demo was on a demo cd he sent to someone else?

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
i'm sorry the demo you really wanted wasn't on the demo cd's, spec....i copied them exactly as i got them, straight burns, so i doubt it just 'disappeared'......i guess kumiko/dave lied to you, which i think stinks.....maybe that demo was on a demo cd he sent to someone else?

*sigh* Perhaps, but to know for sure, I'd have to contact him, and that might take some time, since he is most likely not using any of his PP e-mail adresses, and if that case, only Peter and maybe Lamuness knows how to contact him right now.

Anyway, I'm not angry at you, or anything [img][/img]. It's just kind of depressing that with this, my last chance to see that demo seems to have disappeared.

Still, it's not really that bad. The demos on the Cd are pretty good anyway, and now, I can carry them with me anywhere I go ^_^.
And I didn't have a couple of those demos, too, so you could say that I did gain something on this, after all [img][/img].

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 02-17-2003).]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
*sigh* Perhaps, but to know for sure, I'd have to contact him, and that might take some time, since he is most likely not using any of his PP e-mail adresses, and if that case, only Peter and maybe Lamuness knows how to contact him right now.

Don't know, I got the impression Lamuness-san and Dave E. didn't get along. OF course, the other question would be, would Dave E want to speak to us even if we did get ahold of him?

Originally posted by ekylo:
Don't know, I got the impression Lamuness-san and Dave E. didn't get along. OF course, the other question would be, would Dave E want to speak to us even if we did get ahold of him?

Perhaps he would, perhaps he wouldn't. Who can say? It's not entirly impossible that since he has left PP, he may want to sever all ties between himself and PP, including us. Still, I'm kind of desperate, so I might as well try, anyway. Can't see any other solution, unless someone here has the demo of Utsukushi Hime hidden in his/her computer? But for all that I know, it should not be _impossible_ to get hold of that demo, somehow, just very difficult. So I'll try to contact him, anyway, unless someone comes up with a better solution, that's it...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Perhaps he would, perhaps he wouldn't. Who can say? It's not entirly impossible that since he has left PP, he may want to sever all ties between himself and PP, including us. Still, I'm kind of desperate, so I might as well try, anyway. Can't see any other solution, unless someone here has the demo of Utsukushi Hime hidden in his/her computer? But for all that I know, it should not be _impossible_ to get hold of that demo, somehow, just very difficult. So I'll try to contact him, anyway, unless someone comes up with a better solution, that's it...

Hey Spec, Does the Demo Video for Utsukushi Hime count? I have that burned on a CD-R.

[This message has been edited by Doug (edited 02-18-2003).]

Originally posted by Doug:
Hey Spec, Does the Demo Video for Utsukushi Hime count? I have that burned on a CD-R.

[This message has been edited by Doug (edited 02-18-2003).]

*_* YESSSSSSSS!!!! *_*. Do you have the demo? It's that, the movie demo of Utsuskushi Hime that I've been searching for for so long...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
*_* YESSSSSSSS!!!! *_*. Do you have the demo? It's that, the movie demo of Utsuskushi Hime that I've been searching for for so long...

I think Spec-san just had a "happy". [img][/img]

Originally posted by ekylo:
I think Spec-san just had a "happy". :D

As long as he keeps the happy to himself, I don't care.