Too much sex

Well, of course. As aforementioned, it’s the most apparent in ren’ai games.

Indeed. TH2AD suffers from the same in Silfa’s route (my favourite so far), where just the day after the eroscene, Takaaki and Silfa go through… errrr, spoilers. Let’s just say it happens as well and makes it awkward. Of course, people used to such ‘tricks’ (such as me ;)) just consider it never happened and go on with the story. To the OP, as I wrote, it’s how you should work as well.

Of course, the western market not labelling games as being ren’ai, bouken, sexfest, brutish, etc. doesn’t make it easy, but, heh. :twisted:

And if PP would ask us if we want games with or without H-scenes, what would you answer ? :smiley:

I want H-scenes in my games !
I probably wouldn’t have start playing visual novels if it were not for the H-scenes (that’s why I bought Crescendo… the game that made me a perv for ever).

I don’t play my games for the ero-scenes. I don’t mind having some, nor do I mind not having any. Now, I admit I don’t buy the non-ero editions of games, but that’s because I prefer the PC to consoles, therefore prefer to buy the PC games --and those have ero-scenes. I often skip them, though, because they’re more a distraction to the story than anything else.

That’s a loaded question my friend. If PP said they could get their hands on something like Sister Princess or one of the Princess Maker titles, would you tell them not to because it has no ero?

Since we’re dealing with “what if” here…

If PP were able to get their hands on a Da Capo 2 or To Heart 2 license, then I’d have to say its in their (and our) best interest to use the ero version. Although the developers of those games would have preferred them to NOT have sex, and the no sex versions are the real vision of the original intention, as OLF has already mentioned, they had no choice but to release sex editions to make the $$$. Same goes for the West. B-games = H-game in the minds of the mainstream customer… and if there’s a hentai version of the game, but that’s not chosen, people will think the non-hentai version is a censorship even though its not. See the dead horse beating on Hirameki.

Of course if PP could negotiate something like To Heart 2, then it would probably be better if they released the ero AND non-ero versions. Happiness for everyone.

But to just reject a title because it lacks ero, should not be a measuring factor. Then you’d be denying things like Sister Princess, Futakoi, and Sakura Taisen ¬ñ all of which have been proven to NOT need ero to sell incredibly well (at least in Japan).

If PP could translate non-erogames like Clannad (or even Princess maker 4), I would be the first to buy it of course.
I have nothing against non-erogames, but if you take the case of Da capo or To Hearth, if I had the choice I would buy the ero version of the game.

I would always go for the ero version, except for games like Kanon, Air, …

On the matter of ero-scenes, there’s no difference between D.C. ~Da Capo~/ToHeart and Kanon/Air. I’d be curious as why you’d single out the latter from the former.

My ero-sixth sense :slight_smile:

lol it’s just that I can’t see Key’s games as ero-games.

Because Leaf’s/Circus’s eroscenes are perhaps fractionally less dull than Key’s eroscenes? I guess it’s a matter of taste.

Sure, but how would le nuage know without playing any? In such a case, none or all would be the most common choice, thus my question to le nuage’s atypical one.
For the record, Leaf/circus/key were just a few from a huge list of foremost ren’ai companies where the eroscenes are essentially thrown in, for the sake of the market’s expectations. Former NekonekoSoft, August or Ètude would fit the bill as well.

for me i kinda like the sex romps a little bit more, but i do like games like crescendo, snow sakura, ymk.

heres a game for the op. heart de roommate. very long game and not a lot of h-scences. i never finished it but i was over 30hrs in it and i think i got like 2. its pretty good but long.

Hmmm, that’s a game still on my “to play” list. It’ll be sitting on the backburner for a while, but I am looking forward to it. Though 30 hours is a bit…staggering, if I do say so myself. I certainly hope I have it in me to take on this game when the time comes!

ehh…PM4 had good graphics and the character developement was slightly better than PM3…but in pretty much every other respect it was a step back. PM5 was well…worse than PM4.

PM4 was for me a total disapointment… I’m a fan of this series, so i was waiting eagerly PM4 while i was still playing the 2 and 3 on a regular basis (mostly the 3 since i had’nt finished it)… When the 4 was at last released i jumped on it… And…The drawing was really realy good, i liked it but… in only 3 weeks i got all the ending… PM2 and 3 take me both month to get all the ending…That was my first disapintment… the second was, even is the Character design and Art was beautifull… I found that it was lacking of personallity… I had the impression i was Playing an All Age version of Pincess Holiday from August… Not that i didn’t liked Princess Holyday, but Patricia (the “princess” of PM4) was lacking the something that the previous “princess” had : Charisma… She was lacking.

Nowaday, i’m still playing from time to time PM2 and 3 (and sometime the first)… But never replayed PM4 at all.

I’ve played PM4 several times. I haven’t gotten around to pm5 at all yet. I played through pm3 once, was frustrated, and will probably never do so again.

… But this has a lot to do with the fact that I can’t read Japanese, and PM3 does not work with the text hook programs. Therefore, I’m not really aware of what any of PM3’s good points are, as it is nothing but irritation to me.

Please tell me in what ways pm3 is better than pm4?

I’m different: I absolutely loved PM4. The entire backstory was detailed, the rivals had their own subplots that were independent of Patricia’s, and there was a bit of a plot twist I didn’t expect. Honestly I never played PM3 until I played PM4 first (PM1 to PM2 to PM4 to PM3 to PM5). I thought Patricia was very charismatic, because she valued friendship so greatly. The rivals being close friends (her best friends in fact) was a really nice touch. The “marry father” ending was also well executed. I don’t dislike PM3… but I personally don’t see it better than PM4 in terms of story narration. Gameplay mechanics? Sure. PM3 was better here and there… but not so much that I think PM4 was broken or anything.

I personally liked the lessened difficulty in PM4 as well. PM3 had some really ridiculous objectives to achieve certain endings… which is good for the “hardcore” gamer, but PM4 was marketed towards the mainstream. PM5 was an attempt to get back the hardcore gamers (difficult is shot to hell and then some) - but sales were terrible because the new mainstream were unhappy with Tenhiro gone; and hardcore were upset about PM4’s easiness.

They should have just targeted the mainstream again… but oh well…

I can read Japanese and the game still made me stressed. The “point system” is too narrow. You spend way too much time figuring out what order you need your daughter to go through (jobs, lessons, etc) to get a decent ending. I actually had to make a spreadsheet to organize my choices, so that I could meet the objectives for a “marry father” ending. PM2 had a larger “spread” that you could work with… PM3 is ultra micro. PM5 sorta follows the same “unforgiving” scale for its endings.

Me too! Me too! :o

On a sidenote: I think this topic is explaining why Peach Princess isn’t going to port a Princess Maker over. :lol:

I still say PM6 should have twin daughters. :twisted: