Trailers and Opening Videos for Visual Novel/Bishoujo Ga

No problem! >=) No videos this week but…

The review system is finally finished. Here is the first review:

Ever 17 -The Out of Infinity- -

This review was basically done back in February but I had to delay posting it until the score section was done. Should have the next reviews from the 18+ games pretty soon too.

Also, are there any other downloadables that PP and G-collections use to have but are no longer up? I know there’s a movie and demo for Critical Point, the opening theme to Snow Drop [Ever Stay Snow by Shiho of I’ve Sound], a movie for Pick Me, Honey! and a demo for LMM which Lamuness worked so hard on to create…but aside from Ever Stay Snow I can’t add it as a downloadable because of the content.

I don’t suppose any of you still have these old downloadables that PP or G-collections use to offer?

[ 06-11-2006, 05:05 AM: Message edited by: Mockingbird ]

Here is the start of Phase 2.

Figures of Happiness Opening Movie up (in 2 resolutions):

I’ve also added G-Collection’s Lyrics for White Season and Chain from Kana and Chain respectively. I’ll begin to search thru the archieves and get the others up this week.

Some Notes and Mentions:
I must thank Benoit once again for locating the official wallpapers for me. Thank you very much!

To Darkling, I have corrected the song translation for Kana ~ Little Sister. Also I noticed a few days ago that I put copyright Angel Smile instead of D.O… I copied and pasted the copyright from G-Collection’s page and thus the error transferred over unfortunately.

To Yami Bakura: Thanks for pointing out the MP3 mistake. I have acquired the opening theme for Chain and will replace it once someone with Media server access signs on.

Also, I can’t find a way to extract the Opening Movie from Crescendo! Apparently the opening video runs like a powerpoint presentation so I don’t know how to pull it.

Here is the Gif for the opening movie:


I have added the Opening Theme MP3 (One More Time) and the Title Screen Instrumental MP3 (A Sense of Goodbye) to the Figures of Happiness Download page:

A Sense of Goodbye is worth checking out imo. With only 13 tracks I was thinking about adding the entire sound collection but I’m not sure if there’s a soundtrack available for Shiawase no Katachi…

I have also fixed the Chain: The Lost Footprints MP3 link (though you can also download this MP3 from G-Collection’s page).

[ 06-19-2006, 03:33 PM: Message edited by: Mockingbird ]

Here is the Opening Movie for Ever 17 -The Out of Infinity- - Removed for time being

I will create a download page, similar to the ones for the previous trailers next week. So for now the link is to that page.

Game is wonderful btw.

also I will have pics of the J-List booth up for Ax06 and will interview Hirameki and Peter Payne. Also will interview The Indigo so if you’ve any questions you want me to ask them just PM me.

[ 09-07-2006, 04:49 AM: Message edited by: Mockingbird ]

on that page you have a link problem… the Hi Res link is going to a jpg… I found it though… just a heads up mockinbird

Urge to Kill Rising…

Thanks ms308680! The Link is now fixed!

I have posted some MP3s for Crescendo:

Thanks for your continued interest. Regarding the OP Movie for Crescendo, I would lvoe to put it up on the site but I have no clue as to how I can extract it because the OP Movie plays kind of like a power point and it’s not packaged in a movie file like most other titles. So for me to be able to get the movie I’d have to find someway to record it while it’s running and I have no clue how to do that unfortunately. If anyone here knows please let me know and I should probably be able to get the movie up.

Regarding other game trailers, I’m afraid we’re only allowed to put up trailers for titles that are licensed by Peach Princess and G-Collections at the moment, as we do not permission to host other ones on our site unfortunately. . .

If it’s any consolation at all I have finished my review for Crescendo:

I hope it is an enjoyable read. Also, I’ve uploaded to the site all the non-hentai version from the DVD-ROM version of the game. Details are on page 4 of the review.

Also, I added the English Folk Song - Scarborough Fair - sung by Kaho Nagira onto the Crescendo download page if anyone’s interested.

I’ve finally finished another review.

Here is my review for Kana ~Little Sister~ -

Also added some mp3s for it - Kana ~Little Sister~ (Theme Song + 2 Instrumentals + Insertion Song) -

I really wanted to add video for Kana’s OP but unfortuantely there’s one scene that depicts nudity.

I gotta work in Tsuki - Posession next.

[ 01-18-2007, 06:48 AM: Message edited by: Mockingbird ]

Nice review :slight_smile: , but…

…For one scene only? You know :wink: , even YouTube is more permissive… sometimes :stuck_out_tongue: .

Well, I do have a new review up.

:)     , but...

…For one scene only? You know :wink: , even YouTube is more permissive… sometimes :stuck_out_tongue: . [/b]
Sorry, it’s not my site so there are certain restrictions that I must comply to. Hey Lamuness, I don’t suppose you can edit it for me? I thought you guys would make it available with all the recent videos added but Peter said he couldn’t get the video or something along that line.

Speaking of which, because of all the videos that have been added to Peach Princess/G-Collections’ site a few weeks ago, there’s really no need for this topic anymore. Well, I’ll probably have to change the thread title to certain exclusives that the site might have introduced, such as interviews with Peter and Shimura-san.

It has been over a year since I opened up the the visual novel section over at AMN Anime. I have to admit that I do not have as much progress on the section that I would have expected. I thought I’d be able to get more reviews up, but that’s not the case, unfortunately.

I opened up the section for the sole reason of spreading word out about visual novels and to try and give it more press. Whether or not I’ve had any influence, I do not know; however, despite this, I still plan to work on building up material and content for the Game and 18+ Game sections. For those that check the site out out regularly, I hope you’ll continue to do so. For those that don’t, I hope I will be able to provide the kind of content that may provoke your interest in the future.

James Jursudakul

[ 05-02-2007, 06:15 AM: Message edited by: Mockingbird ]

A site with an 18+ section that presents pornographic games doesn’t want to host a video because it has one scene of nudity?

Logic has been thrown out through the window.

However, nice review! :slight_smile: Thanks!

well benoit, in mockingbird’s defense, his site may have a policy of not allowing any “graphic” depictions of adult material, but then i rarely visit his site anyways so i cant really check if there are any images of such (at least not on the pages i have looked at so far) so that’s not saying much either

but nevertheless, their site, their policy

regarding the kana OP, i will ask peter to dig it up for me, but they are busy with certain things right now so that may take some time…or you can send me the file yourself if you actually have it readily available and i can take alook at it and see what happens (i dont own any gc games myself)

contact me via PM if you do

[ 04-24-2007, 02:17 AM: Message edited by: Lamuness ]

Edited by Mystvan

[ 06-18-2007, 01:39 PM: Message edited by: Myst-Vearn (Mystvan) ]

I’ve added the trailer for Snow Sakura (The one from Yume Miru Kusuri’s Disc) -

The resolution is the same as the disc’s 640 x 480. If you stream it, it’s altered, I think.

Additionally I also have the videos for Kana and Chain coming up, courtesy of Lamuness.

Thanks! What bad jokes? I thought they were pretty funny :slight_smile: I for one, will start referring to Benoit as Big Ben too.

[ 05-15-2007, 05:58 PM: Message edited by: Mockingbird ]


Edited by Mystvan

[ 06-18-2007, 01:40 PM: Message edited by: Myst-Vearn (Mystvan) ]

Edited by Mystvan

[ 06-18-2007, 01:43 PM: Message edited by: Myst-Vearn (Mystvan) ]


I’ve also added two instrumentals as well as all other publicly available downloadables here:

The Demos for Ai Yori Aoshi and Ever 17 are down. Some time ago the server suddenly decided to not allow .exe files to be downloadable or some crap. I have to redownload them, zip them up, and then reupload to the server. Though you guys should not be needing to play demos for these games anyways. Especially Ever 17. You should have already bought it. And shame on you if you havn’t.

Now I have to concentrate on getting the small backlog of manga reviews done before AX, then create an AX coverage schedule. Oh AX. How I’m both looking and not looking foward to you at the same time. . .

I was just joking around, actually.

[ 06-19-2007, 05:19 AM: Message edited by: Mockingbird ]

Not a bishoujo title (though it does have bishoujo), but I’ve added the two trailers for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations. It’s due out this September.