what is 2chan?

Thank you for understanding that what I said is only my opinion. Whenever I post, I try and make that evident. I know all too well from personal experience the danger of speaking in absolutes when absolutes don’t apply. Which in part is why I find people who state that their religion is the absolute truth so irritating. Forgive me, I digress.

NO WAIT- Please don’t make your closing statement that I WAS ABOUT TO BUST OUT MY RELIGION STICK.(I don’t like using those emotes to convey emotion but If I must) :wink:

That wink is so ambiguous too… but seriously Meiji, I was expecting your closing statement to be about all that WALL O TEXTS we were discussing, I don’t get insulted honestly unless I state otherwise so go ahead.

Edit-> Oh I kinda see how that came out so let me clarify. I already gave my closing statements and I won’t use what you say against you or anything, I’m just curious.

2n’d Edit: I don’t feel like posting again as I’ve already given my final thoughts but lets recap for everyone too lazy to read the whole thing. There was no debate or “Time Battle”. I kept on subject which was why someone decided to purposefully take the meaning of my words in a way to twist them advantageously against me. That is all.

Nothing was implied, and I wasn’t really making a closing statement. I was just thanking you for understanding, and digressing in to an example of absolutes being used that irritates me.

Does anyone know whats up with 4chan it seems to be down nearly all have the time now. not to mention the spam bots.

Narg wins the time battle.

Im still not sure why you posted an image of a disaccharide …? The side groups on a molecule can greatly affect its properties , including taste. After all just wiki Thalidomide - a chiral molecule which merely has two forms. The right enantiomer causes hideous birth defects.

Site was hit with a massive DDoS that was the major reason.

We’ll you’re right about the number of people needed. However Narg doesn’t screw light bulbs. I have twin slaves do it for me. :twisted:

I really don’t have one… although I would recommend never bringing up the topic of fallacies in a debate. It generally better just to discuss on the points themselves, and fallacy accusations demand proof, generating the kind of flow style I believe you prefer a debate not to go (hard logical and meticulous explanation of evidence). Overall though, I was just having fun. No hard feelings what so ever. What happens in General Off-Topic Discussions, stays in General Off-Topic Discussions. :wink:

Glucose is a product of photosynthesis. Fructose is a sugar found in honey and fruits. Thus both are present in honey and pineapple… I probably should have erased the oxygen bond to avoid confusion. My bad.

Interesting. I wonder who coordinated/planned it.

Hmm… Peter, are you up to shenanigans?

I jest, of course. So many people get ticked at 4chan. They always come back though. Like a phoenix.