Vaginal Kidney Surgery… no it’s not the guro ero. This is totally worksafe… err… I think.
LOL… Narg is speechless.
I love these old WW2 propaganda cartoons. They’re so ironic. :lol:
Bart Simpson is in trouble. … tology.cnn
Although Bart is the natural enemy of twincest, so I have no sympathy for him. :twisted:
LOL… military units that deal with nuclear weapons, have the coolest insignias. :lol:
What more can I say
Haha, an entertaining following of Nigerian scamming gone wrong :lol:
Although sometimes It actually works… Some people can be pretty clueless, you’d think someone that knew him would know better :roll:
Then to top it all off, Here is the Nigerian scammers theme song :evil:
Now witness the firepower of this full ARMED and operational… no… wait…
Get your own custom Mini-me robot for only $2200!
This embodies the thread. 8)
I don’t quite understand why this was rejected. :?:
This pic is totally canon, yo.
Elita One is technically Alpha Trion’s daughter. On that same note Optimus Prime is Alpha Trion’s son. Elita One and Optimus Prime are always getting it on. Freaky robot incest? LOL… they obviously get it from daddy. :lol:
That was absolutely hilarious. So how did you end up stumbling upon this gem?
I somehow ended up at, I think someone linked me some Perpetual Mario (Which pretty well fits into this category),
From there I crawled around the video pages till I stumbled across Street fighter: the later years,
afterwhich I found deathsponge notepants buried deep in the video pages, found it a while ago but remembered about it’s existance today/yesterday and kind of thought “what the fuck” so figured I would link this on here to you wonderful people
Best (mis)translation ever of an eroge title You admire the beautiful.Raise your bong in vagina (for reference, the original is ???.. I have no idea whatsoever about how they managed to get bong out of that.
Also, Paletweb is selling Mahou Shoujo Ai 3 for only $59.99 (possibly the worst eroge ever made - no CGs for the ero-scenes, only 14 CGs in total etc. etc.)
Also, Paletweb is selling Mahou Shoujo Ai 3 for only $59.99 (possibly the worst eroge ever made - no CGs for the ero-scenes, only 14 CGs in total etc. etc.)
lol… they can’t sell it in Japan, so they try to pawn the garbage on us.
More info on why it sucks. We’re desperate, but not that desperate. :lol:
Ignosco:Also, Paletweb is selling Mahou Shoujo Ai 3 for only $59.99 (possibly the worst eroge ever made - no CGs for the ero-scenes, only 14 CGs in total etc. etc.)
lol… they can’t sell it in Japan, so they try to pawn the garbage on us.
More info on why it sucks. We’re desperate, but not that desperate. :lol:
Woah, what the hell? Daaaaaaaaamn. How does something so obviously shovelware get released? Doesn’t the company care about being able to sell anything to anyone in the future? Is it some kind of glitch, and the data is just not accessible? Then why hasn’t it been patched? And if it really wasn’t done, why didn’t they delay shipping it?
I have no idea whatsoever about how they managed to get bong out of that.
I assume the word they meant to use was ‘boing’. Still hilarious
Woah, what the hell? Daaaaaaaaamn. How does something so obviously shovelware get released? Doesn’t the company care about being able to sell anything to anyone in the future? Is it some kind of glitch, and the data is just not accessible? Then why hasn’t it been patched? And if it really wasn’t done, why didn’t they delay shipping it? … al-fiasco/
Business plan:
- Sell Eroge without CG for normal price, until customers catch up.
- Generate insane amounts of discussion by this.
- Secretly buy back your “used” games for 100 Yen or so apiece.
- Release a supplemental CD or Web supplement containing the - suitably awesome - CG you withheld so far.
- Resell the games you secretly rebought for normal prices, profiting from the PR resulting from the whole thing.
- Swim in money!
Does it make economically sense (and will It work?)? :? :? :?
Oldie butt goodie.
My little girl will be raised with the same values.
Dinosaurs went to Hell! :twisted:
Batman gets Pawned: … ets-pwned/
Vid says it all.
Pucca is the cutest lovey-dovey you’ll ever see. Period.