What would make a good adult game?

While on fun or just awesome gamer comics, Order of the Stick rocks, and Goblins is very cool. There’s a few others that I like, but that’s more because they remind me of friends and gaming groups past.

You can try DLSite’s English site for self-publication if your goal is to make money, as long as the item does not have any licensed anime characters, unless you live inside Japan.


Some comics are fun to read, not for the quality, but because you remember them from being a child.

Dennis the Menace (the American version) is like that for me. It’s not all that great… but it’s the first newspaper comic I loved because he was the old mascot for Dairy Queen… and I loved ice cream as a kid.

Luann is another comic I love. It’s evolved over the years, along with it’s readership. Used to be all kiddy jokes. Now it has all sorts of innuendo and fan service. :stuck_out_tongue: