Whats The Status on The New Games that PP Requested?

wow i didn’t know that, but does the scaling use the crappy “nearest neighbor” algorithm or the better “bicubic” one?

um… you can … it just really agervating and turns out really crappy. but it is possible because paint shows you how big it really is so you save it the way you want it to look in Paint then no worries… but I do reccomend PhotoShop :slight_smile:

Add: Sorry Liquor … I didn’t know you already said the same thing

[ 05-24-2006, 11:49 AM: Message edited by: ms308680 ]

well what i am really curious is…since benoit is using win98, does the win98 paint/paintbrush application have that much functions?

i mean, i can see the extra functions in XP with the image viewer and all that, but win98?

Ahum, Windows 95.

It has the “stretch/skew” function, if that’s what you mean.

ya i do realize this thread getting really off-topic but i will allow it this time since this thread is obsolete now that i have a sticky post on future releases, and good’ol doug still hasn’t changed his avatar

given the bbs transition, i will let it go

I actually used a website to resize my image. It lost a little of its sharpness, but otherwise it worked fine. I’d assume the website would work regardless of operating system, and it’d be good for those of you who never bother with such things except to make the occasional avatar.

Here’s the link: http://online-image-resize.kategorie.cz/

Note it only resizes the image, keeping the same proportion, and doesn’t crop the image (taking parts out that were there before).

The paint stretch function is really crappy. After messing with it for a while today, I wouldn’t recommend it. The cropping works fine without hurting the quality though, if you happen to have a lot of “filler” surrounding the important part of the picture.

well if you are enlarging the pic from a smaller one, of course it will lose the sharpness no matter what…

I did use Paint before. It was really crappy. I made this avatar = - from Paint. x_x

I did my early avatar from Photoshop/Image Ready. -

[ 05-27-2006, 05:33 AM: Message edited by: RonXE ]

Well, when you enlarge an image you shouldn’t lose sharpness so much as it becoming “blockier” due to the size increase without a corresponding resolution increase. Shrinking the image should actually improve the visual quality. At the very least, there shouldn’t be a loss in quality. For my particular pic, shrinking it resulted in a loss of some of the sharpness, or perhaps contrast, due to a quirk of the program. Maybe it has more to do with the compression involved in .jpeg’s and .gif’s (used as the originals you modify) rather than the particular program you use.

There are plenty of free/cheap art programs out there if you look for them. There’s no need to rip people off. :slight_smile:

Okay!!! I won’t release illegal link. =P

Back to topic. I will play Doushin - Same Heart when I will receive for few days. :slight_smile:

[ 05-25-2006, 11:54 PM: Message edited by: RonXE ]

I use Irfanview it’s a free image viewer and can resize and resample images and has a couple of minor editing features, I higly recommend it :slight_smile:

We’ll be posting soon about the new games. We’re still waiting for the final list ourselves.

Perhaps I misspoke. What I was imagining wasn’t so much using a program to physically shrink an image, but rather simple magnification/demagnification (to avoid technical issues and quirks unique to different programs). Imagine one of those blocky paintings, where when you stand up close you see all the individual blocks, or “pixels” that compose it. Then you step back, and you begin to see the picture as a whole. Step back far enough way, and you can’t even tell that the picture was made of “pixels” that big. I would say that the visual quality improved as you stepped back. When games can run at several resolutions, but all it does it resize the window, I almost never play at full-screen, because I think the visual quality is too poor. I’d rather the window be smaller and the graphics more crisp.

I was trying to relate that to physically shrinking images.

[ 05-26-2006, 12:40 PM: Message edited by: Dark_Shiki ]

To work with pictures from the net or from your digitalcamera i use ACDSEE Partner Eedition, i will use it to make me an avatar sometime in the future, but it is useful and it is free.

You make sure the numbers of pixels before you will put your avatar on your profile.