Why isn't Jewel Knights Crusader listed anywhere?

I’m not exactly sure about Hitomi and Idols Galore, but in Sensei 2, rape is the whole point of the game, and it hasn’t been taken down.

I’ve played the Sensei 2 before. The whole plot revolves around you as the protagonist going insane from a curse passed down in his bloodline that causes him to go out and rape women. None of the decisions you make in the game help him overcome his curse–All they do is help choose his victim. His scenarios often involve situations like drugging a woman with aphrodisiacs, blackmailing her into having sex, or tasing her and peeing in her mouth (this one ends up in a mindbreak afterwards). In all of the game’s endings, the protagonist will wind up taking control over the woman.

If that isn’t what you’d call a rapefest, then I don’t know what is.

Oops, my bad. I only checked PP site then. GC site did not let me in and I thought their content is identical.

If it has loli in the first place, why was it licsenced?

Because GC wanted to sell it? Because GC had a higher tolerance for loli content?

To be more specific:

G-Collections used to be completely seperate from Peach Princess / Jast USA. They were owned and operated by CD-Bros, the Japanese company that owned DO and Zyx and all the other brands they translated games from. In fact, before GC began translating games into English, they were an eroge import shop!

When CD-Bros more or less collapsed, Peter bought the pieces of the company and (I assume) bought out the licenses.

Jewel Knights Crusaders was originally released by a completely different entity, one that only shares a name with its current incarnation. Peter (the new boss) doesn’t want to re-release JKC, so he hasn’t.

Here is a crazy idea. Since JAST is a business and the goal of a business is to make money, how about the fact that it wasn’t continued is because it sold really bad?

Think about it, if you got a license to a game and you didn’t even break even on your investment, would you pay even more money to keep it going thus taking on additional loss? Probably not unless you’re stupid. The game also came from a company that went under, so it isn’t so far-fetched to imagine that the decision of getting that game played a role in its downfall. They clearly made some bad business decisions.

I don’t think it really has to do with the loli content. I think too many here are jumping the gun on JAST being so “anti-loli” just because of one game (kk). From what recall, it had to do with the fact that the storyline of KK was too direct in implying Matsuri’s age, thus, it was either edit the story or the images. The game is famous for the story, so it made sense of their decision. It was one game. To back up my point, if JAST was truly anti-loli, then Demonbane would not be even considered for localization, but why is it ok? The storyline makes no implication of her being under 18, in fact, I recall that she is suppose to be some thousands of years old, so that is why Demonbane is acceptable.

On that note, I don’t think JAST will ever do extreme loli content (toddlercon) and I’m thankful for that. They will do games that have one or two characters that happen to have it, I bet. I wouldn’t mind seeing one entirely with loli. Why? Because in the real world, one of my preferences in women happens to be petite women with small breasts, and loli is the closest to resemble that. The funny thing is that some people claim that real women cannot look like these characters that are described as “loli”. Well, I have seen these women out there in the real world and they DO exist, and anyone claiming otherwise is retarded and just pushing some religious/political agenda. Just recently I’ve met two of these women and they were both under 5’ (probably 4’7"-4’9") and yet both were college-age women.

i knew a girl that was under 5 feet as well but college age

I almost married a girl who was 4’ 10". She had big boobs, though, so she didn’t look that loli.

At the gaming conventions I go to we’ve been building up a collection of girls under five feet tall. I know at least three fairly well and I think there are one or two more. None of the three would be mistaken for underage, although one of them enjoys acting childlike at times (and will dress in gothic lolita). The other two are a slightly-punk girl with big boobs and a classic femme fatale (really! european accent, tight cocktail dress, cigarette holder, usually plays murderers).

When I was younger I knew a girl who was 19 but would get handed under-twelve menus due to being short. Again, she had enough figure that if she dressed up it didn’t happen, but shape isn’t that visible in comfy shirts.

It’s a much rarer roll of the genetic dice to still look underage undressed (Kitty).

Certainly the original G-Collections (who localized the game) made some bad business decisions. They collapsed :slight_smile: Too many games released in too short a timeframe too similar to one another, in my opinion.

But under Jast, other games that have had poor sales were not discontinued. As the sales slowed, the final print runs were allowed to dwindle off. Yes, they are now no longer in print in disc form. But almost all titles whose license Peter holds that have ever been made available, are still available in downloadable form. Even fairly old and low quality games like DOR and the original XChange. The only exceptions that I know of are Transfer Student, Jast USA / Milky House Memorial Collections, and Jewel Knight Crusaders.

And of these, I believe we have been told that the Memorial Collections are not downloadable primarily because of technical issues; I don’t think we have any official comment on JKC or Transfer Student.

Further, consider the list of totally-out-of-print games. All the games in both Collections are really old, and so is Transfer Student. (Despite its release date, it was in development hell for a very long time; it is quite old.) Jewel Knights Crusaders is a much more recent game with much better production values than the others; it even has higher production values than some games that remain available.

Doubtful. It isn’t just one game. XChange 3 featured (in the original Japanese version) one such scene with a character … I believe her name was Tripp? Been too long, can’t remember. The scene was altered and all hints that the obviously very underage character were involved in sexual activities were completely excised. Peter then attempted to deny this when called out on it. And you also have to consider JKC; even though it hasn’t been explicitly confirmed that the title was dropped due to the content, it is still totally unavailable while other games of dubious quality (XChange 1, DOR) are still being sold.

Peter has never selected to localize any game with characters that look as loli as the ones in JKC. (Games that GC licensed when GC was an indepenent company are games that Peter licensed (when he bought up GC) but not games he decided to localize, they were already-existing work he simply bought up.) Looking at the lineup, it seems clear to me that MangaGamer has a higher tolerance for loli content than Peter.

I suppose it is possible. The only reason why I get JAST games is because they offer physical copies, but if MG ever starts doing physical copies consistently then JAST will probably be seeing less of my business if they really keep going with the behavior.

The funny thing is that MG, from what I recall, is based in Europe. European laws regarding such content are more strict there than in the US, and yet we see MG doing all these games without a problem. The market is too niche and it probably won’t ever outgrow that status imo.

they have and you can get the first one on jlist

Keyword from my post being CONSISTENTLY. Not some one time thing where they are seeing if it works out or not. Anyways, I have no interest in a hard copy of Da Capo. I tried a little bit of that game and it just bored me.

I’m also not terribly interested in Da Capo. But even if I were, I’m not likely to buy a game on disc that I’ve already purchased for download. As long as their physical copy policy is “we select titles much after their release a few at a time” I’m unlikely to buy them, even though I’d prefer physical copies.