1350 things Mr. Welch can no longer do during an RPG



I should try some of these for the hell of it. :lol:

Blasphemy! Goes against everything anime has taught me. :shock:

I thought that URL looked familiar. I encountered this list some time back while at a game session with my friends.

This one, however is not:

A few others you might try:

However I think most of those fall under this one:

The real question: how many of ya’ll have done these things? :lol:

Some of my friends have had their character go around naked. Also we actually did have someone wish for the party to have common sense one time.

I don’t know as I’ve ever had a character do any of those exact things, but I can recall a couple of instances that would probably go in this list. Once, during a session of Hackmaster, I had a character who had multiple personalities. One of them was a “feces flinging lemur”. I’ll let you imagine what kind of hilarity ensued. The other instance I can recall is during a D&D session. Half the party was away scouting, the other half was resting. My character decided to spend some time getting to know Rosy Palmer, if you catch my drift. Anyways, the scouting party came back in the middle of this, under attack. My character ended up fighting with his pants around his ankles for the entire encounter.

So Kimuzukashii MEIJI, your D&D character was putting conditioner in the elf’s hair, was he? What a helpful lad!