18+ Otome games, will there be any in the near future, P

Ok, I know I haven’t been around this forum for a while. I know I started some threads about Otome games, like “Under The Moon” by sugarbeans, and many other games. Otome games are for girls, GXB games, where the Heroine is surround by many Bishounens(Pretty boys/men), could be 3 to 8 or more! This is the games for me! I am a female, I play games, not many Hentai games, since the ones over here are more for men, then women. I’m not interested in Bishoujo’s or Boy love, just straight H-Otome games like “Under the Moon” “Butlers” “Step” “love Drops” and many more I can’t think of at the moment. I want to know if my plea to any gaming company, such as Peach, or to any other, whether H or not will ever make Otome games port over here? Am I wasting my time,and breath (typing in this case)? There is only one, one Otome game out, “Yo-Jin-Bo” and Hirameki hasn’t release anything since that one game I can’t remember the title. I notice Peach releasing more games, mostly for men, of course, no games for women, of course. I guess I should just give up, and buy the import games of Otome games, which I can’t cause them imports are high, and I ain’t rich. SO, Peach, how about releasing some of them 18+ Otome games for us, girls who want a few at least, I mean your releasing quite bit of regular H, would it hurt to release a few games made for girls? :frowning:

Fatal Hearts should be out within a month, but it’s not H.

I wouldn’t get your hopes up too high, this niche is really small already, and you’re an even much smaller portion of it. I imagine most of the customers are male, and since Peach Princess seems to go with strictly H games, there probably won’t be much aimed at females. But never say never, there’s always a chance, however slight. I already feel lucky that there’s even companies doing this with any games. Also, I am male, luckily so most of the current products appeal to me.

Anyhow, good luck getting more games you want, hopefully something comes out again someday. I played Yo-Jin-Bo myself, it was hilarious and fun. So maybe if it sold okay Hirameki may try some more.

You may have a long wait, but don’t give up hope. When I first got ibto science fiction fandom years ago, just about 99% of the writers and fans were male, but that eventually changed. Likewise anime. The general public perception of anime fans is that they are male, overweight and geeks. Yes, many of us are. But it’s my observation that a larger segment of anime fandom is female and always has been. Eroge might prove to be a harder field for female interest to take root in, but hang in there. You might even consider writing your own games.

One otome H-game that you might be interested in is The Nettestadt Troll. I’ve reviewed it here (shameless plug).

I really enjoyed Yo-Jin-Bo - pursuing guys is fine for me, as long as I get to see the girl in some of the CG’s as well :slight_smile: .

ya, i am afraid you are stuck with the titles hirameki has released, but who knows what may happen in the future (although to be realistic, like billybob said it’s a niche inside a niche so such games are relatively harder to come by even in japan)

Thanks letting me know of that game. I will download it and try it out! :slight_smile:

Anyway, most H-otome games I seen do show the girl in it also, but I could care less about the girl I am more interested in the guys!

I guess if companies are not going to release any Otome games, I should just get the imports than, I can get them but they are so high! $70-90 high a pop, yeah, I guess I may have to sell some blood, a kidney, rob a bank, Kidding!

I just wish, peach or kitty would release “Under the Moon” at least. I want that game so bad. Oh, and the rest of H-Otome games. It shouldn’t be that hard to, I mean “sugarbeans” is a will company. It shouldn’t be that hard to get that game over here. But, I’m not holding my breathe. I’ll just deal, buy the imports, or something.

It would be nice to have Otome games over here. H or not. La corda d’oro, Harukanaru toki no nake de, Angelique, many more, their all are only in Japan.

And, only “Yo-Jin-Bo” is the only English Otome game out here in the US!

Reeeeeeeally now? Why don’t you step into my … office? Whose blood, exactly, did you have in mind? And how fresh is the kidney? The taste goes funny after about a week. >8D

On a more serious note, just because Sugarbeans is a Will company doesn’t mean we can get them to talk to us. If you look up Slave Bazaar, it was one of the first games announced by Peach Princess … except it ultimately turned out that even though it was a Will game, Will didn’t quite have the rights to everything since the game was developed by a third party.

The project eventually died.

So yes, because of the Will connection they could probably talk to Sugarbeans … but it might not go anywhere, for lots of different reasons.

Fatal Hearts’ demo is secretly out, but not being publically put around yet until the game is on sale… :slight_smile:

Back in 2006, I bought Enzai, even though I’m not interested in the game. Why? Because I wanted to “vote with my money.” I wanted to encourage JAST to publish more diverse games. Ones which don’t necessary involve a standard harem of 2-5 girls.

In early 07, I also bought Yo-Jin-Bo for the same basic reason… plus the fact that I’m interested in finding out what other fans consider cute or attractive. I didn’t love Yo-Jin-Bo… that ADV game could’ve used a little re-thinking (there was a “dead end” which didn’t warn the player). Even so, since I’m something of a shoujo fanboy, I found the story and characters to be charming and different.

So would I spend $50 or so for an adult otome game? You betcha. I’d also encourage other fans to go forth and purchase it as well.

@Papillion: Thanks for letting me know about Fatal hearts demo!

@Nandemonai or whoever else is against Otome games: Cause it seems you are. If it was Yuri Everyone here, is like Heck yes. I mean,you have Yuri in some games, that has lesbians or something. Me, myself, don’t like Yuri like most here hates Yaoi. I don’t really care for Yaoi. So there’s not much games for me to play.Regluar H BXG is okay. I have played one or two. Playing a game from male pov, focus more on girls, not my cup of tea. I rather play a game from girl pov focus on guys. Call me whatever. I can’t help it.
You don’t have to tell me anything about companys and rights, I know they wont release any otome games not H, and not regular, I was luckly Yo-jin-bo was release.The only GxB game. And Hirameki hasn’t release any more, I don’t know what happened to them, It seems they quit. SO I guess I will give up, and just buy imports, which I can’t cause I don’t have that much of cash on me at the moment. But,Oh well. You win. Sorry for everything. Bye and Sorry.

[ 10-23-2007, 01:24 AM: Message edited by: rmr34 ]

rmr34: I don’t think anyone here is against otome games; I think Nandemonai was just taking a realistic (perhaps pessimistic) look at the possibility of acquiring them at some point.

Personally I would love to see us try an otome game, as I think it’s an untapped part of the market with broad appeal (potentially even more than yaoi). I’m doing my best to add one to our lineup at some point in the future, along with the continued quest for a good yuri game.

Mentioning this quietly here rather than a proper thread because we’re still in soft-launch status…


Demo’s up, game can be bought now.

It is NOT 18+. And it’s not a standard ADV. But it is GxB. And hopefully a few people will be willing to try something different… :slight_smile:

I am equal opportunity. If otome games are what you want, great! Hopefully some will be released sometime. (When PP announced yaoi games, there was some hating from the board … I was one of the big guys against the hating.)

But honestly, learning Japanese and buying imports is your best bet. That’s what I’m doing, because I finally got sick of all the games I want to play, but can’t.

EDIT: Just to clarify – I’m honestly glad Shingo is working on getting one if he can; but even if he does, it’s 100% guaranteed he’s not going to get ALL of the ones you’re interested in. They’re not all made by companies PP has access to, and it’s not like PP releases every BxG game Will makes. Looking at this purely as a numbers game, what you want is in Japanese, and any given entry is likely to stay that way for quite awhile.

I could try to hem and haw a bit and avoid mentioning it, but all that would happen is you might get a false hope – and that would only lead you to spend months waiting, that you could be spending taking classes. Lord knows I wish I’d started with the Japanese classes years ago. So I decided not to blow smoke up your ass [pardon the expression] and called it like I see it.

[ 10-23-2007, 09:02 PM: Message edited by: Nandemonai ]

It doesn’t have to be all games I want if one, I hope ‘UNder the Moon’ It looks good.

My hopes aren’t up, they are down, way down for games to be release. They were down when I started on this forum, but I wanted to spread word about them that maybe someone will take it into thoughtof releasing one.At least get a little support anyway.

Thanks to all who are supporting Otome games to get release.

@papillon : Thanks for the link! Doesn’t have to be H. I’ll d/l the demo anyway, I don’t have any credit cards to buy it yet! T_T Unless they take money orders or something.>.> I’ll find out. Anyway, it looks good. THanks again.
Update: Yeah, looks like I need a new computer to play Fatal Hearts. TTT_______TTT I d/l it, but it won’t play because of my graphic cards old or something. I need a new card or computer. Planning on getting a new one later down the road,I guess I’ll just have to wait. Just my luck, Bad. lol

[ 10-25-2007, 11:51 PM: Message edited by: rmr34 ]

I want some otome games to :smiley:
I have the Japanese ones but I would love to buy an English version X3

an hey look. Sugar Beans announced a new game called “My Master”
Official page

there isn’t much here except for character profiles and 2 sample Cg…if I could try to req. this :stuck_out_tongue:
but I’m sure It won’t have a change because it’s new.

“My Master” another hot game going on my want but never will have list. lol not at the moment anyway. It looks very good! The silver haired guy (Leon) is so XD’hot.Well, they all do. I’ll be on the look out when it’s released in JP, maybe I wil get it for christmas If it’s release before than, if not I will plan on getting it, along with Under the Moon maybe.

Games like that make me wish I was born and raised in Japan… T-T lol

Thanks, Bento for posting about it, and I love your avatar icon! And, you so lucky to have th Japanese ones of Otome games! I’m jealous J/K!!

hmm i don’t know if this qualifys but try the xchange series. you play a character that turns into a female. and its not all yuri.

I hope PP can bring over an otome game. More variety of games would only grow the English game market.