Oh gods, I need to ask someone these n I don’t wanna take over the other topic. And sorry 4 the garbled topic… my eyes hurt. And i’m close to passing out.
- Is Japanese SOV? “Subject Object Verb”? And what does “object” really refer to, anyways? 'Cos a person can’t be an object, rite?
Or so it says here: http://amaterasu.is.moelicious.be/forum … sg60#msg60
Or this? http://www.guidetojapanese.org/forum/vi … php?id=844
Which one is right? :?
As in: Watashi wa visual novel jya nai ka"(whatever the hell “ka” means… I’m using it 'cos I heard Sora repeat it soo many times.) ??? I don’t like visual novels? <— think it means this since “ka” = “used to denote a question” and btw, do you follow “ka” with a “.” or “?”
I’m soo tempted to write this but… it’s obviously wrong 'cos subarashii is used for food, right? =P
???(anime wa subarashii, ne?)
???(no idea how to say: “I am not momo-chan” properly)
Watashi wa anime wa? Or… ???
Yes, I’m reading this before trying to “learn” Japanese. =/ It’s too damn confusing… trying to learn random words and attempting to make sense of some language by blindly memorizing language structure. No more of that, my men! roars
- Can anyone who speaks American English point me to an accurate guide(not book) of grammar rules?
That’d be really helpful 'cos I’ve no idea which guides are accurate and which aren’t. I’d need a guide for… referring to, when people talk about things like “indefinite pronoun”, “noun” and so on.