2007: Yes, that time of year again. Suggestions please

It is that time again. Every year (really, check previous years!!!), I am here asking for suggestions for new games. I buy 4-5 every year for myself as my Christmas presents to me from myself.

Listed below are the games I currently own and the rating that I currently have assigned to them. Ratings are always changing as I loose interest in a game or play a game that strikes me a new way.

At any rate, your task, should you choose to accept it, is to make two suggestions for games I might like, after reading my currently owned games and the rating associated with them. Also, please tell me the reason you think Ifll enjoy it.

When suggesting a game, please suggest games that are already available for order or that soon will be. As much as I want that Family Project game, itfs realistically not going to be available until next year, which means it will have to wait until the end of 2008 before I grab it.

Now, for my preferences:

I will play any game as long as rape isnft the primary goal of the game. In fact, I have a spanking/discipline fetish and love BDSM themes and service oriented themes (as in the girl serving me).

English translated games only pleasec someday I swear Ifm going to learn to read Japanese, but thatfs not now.

I love role playing games.
I love games that are a tear jerker.
I can be helpless romantic, so strong romantic themes I also enjoy.
Games that are longer and focus on heavy character development are also personal favorites of mine.
I do not want single path games or games that have only one or two endings.


5 Stars

Season of the Sakura (My model for the type of game I love most).
Brave Soul
Kana Little Sister
Private Nurse
Ever 17

4 Stars

May Club
Casual Romance Club
Bible Black

3 Stars

Graduation II
Snow Drop
Tokimeki Check In
The Maidfs Story
X-Change 2
Critical Point

2 Stars

Heart De Roommate
Phantom of Inferno
Nocturnal Illusion

1 Star

Amusement Park

One last note: If you ever hear of any English translated game that is a rearing or raising game, let me know. I WILL pre-order such a game and thatfs about the only type of game I will consider pre-ordering. :wink:



From looking at your list, you want Yume Miru Kusuri.

Then, if you have time leftover and are willing to look at non-H games with not-so-great graphics, you want Cute Knight Deluxe and to badger me to get the sequel for it made, the one that will have more budget and better graphics. :slight_smile:

Ditto papilion, on both games.

Pretty Soldier Wars A.D. 2048 (strategy rpg). Every other game right now seems to be on preorder i’d mention and they aren’t life simulation/stat raising games.

Oh yea, and get a sequal made. There was a lot of good stuff, but there could have been so much more with things. I let my friend try it out when he came over and he said he really liked the weird endings and bad endings and wanted to see more of both. He also said he wanted some more events and stuff along the way because he felt he was just doing work/school all the time and got bored with that aspect. He also complained about the lack of pay increases for doing the same job (aka the box lifter, which is all he ever did, except working for place to sleep).

Myself, I kinda of have to agree with the second point, but i also understand it was the first game and i know you got your inspiration from Princess Maker series and their first games didn’t have as much.

There’s some more stuff, but i don’t want to get this too offtopic and the only reason I’m posting here instead of emailing you is:

Something is wrong with your site. I just get a bunch of Chinese characters when i visit any of your pages. :frowning:

[ 11-05-2007, 06:02 PM: Message edited by: Jinnai ]

hrm, are you sure it isn’t something wrong with your computer/connection hijacking you? everything looks fine to me…

(anyway, gamewise - just released Fatal Hearts, still doing some adjustments on it, have to finish the ice skating game after that, then the cute knight sequel. Which will be wandering off in a slightly different gameplay direction than any Princess Maker game ever did…)

[ 11-05-2007, 07:24 PM: Message edited by: papillon ]

It looks fine to me too! Thanks for the link papillon and the suggestions you two. Of course, I’m hoping for more! :wink:

Looks like it may be a hijacking bot. Several other pages i went to through google (completely random, ie had never visited there before) have the same message, but not others. I’m scanning my computer, but I believe it’s not on my end because it only occurs on specific pages and doesn’t seem to be spreading.

Hmm… dunno if i’m gonna like it or not. And are you just talking about PM2 or all the PM games because 3 and 4 are entirely different beasts from 1 and 2.

[ 11-05-2007, 08:26 PM: Message edited by: Jinnai ]

I’ve not been able to play 3 very much because it doesn’t work with any translation tools I can find. 4 is interesting (and in certain ways has more in common with CK than PM2 does, in terms of the way the plot develops… or perhaps in terms of actually HAVING a plot. :slight_smile: )

Anyway, since this is a game still at design phase and not actually coded at all, it’s hard to say yet, some ideas may be thrown out if they turn out not to work. The biggest difference from any existing PM game that I know about is that it’s not going to involve just one town. There will be different locations, and travel time will therefore be an issue in planning.

(I also have vague ideas for a non-RPG stat-raising sim involving a school, but that’s not a definite project.)

Incidentally, “Princess Maker 3” was my favourite of the series because it didn’t have a plot so I could dedicate myself fully to the reasons why I’m playing the series: raising my dear little girl. :o
Of course, she never ended a Princess but then it never was my objective to raise her as such. :smiley:

[ 11-06-2007, 07:21 AM: Message edited by: OLF, i.e. Olf Le Fol ]

Commercial English games

  • Figures of Happiness
  • Hour Glass of the Summer
    Future releases:
  • Family Project
  • Snow Sakura
  • Princess Waltz (SLG)

if this part is no allowed here then I’m sorry! (I read the rules so does this fall under the category of modifying the game?)

Fan Translated in English - buy the JP game
buy it at himaya shop or Pelet web. Get the English patch on visualnews.net and your ready.

  • Wind~ A breath of Heart. It’s 100% in English It’s quite a nice game

  • D.C Plus Communication
    only 3 stories got translated but it’s worth it. Da capo is awesome!

  • Fate/Stay Night
    Only the “Fate” route is in English but the project is ongoing.

  • Tsukihime
    English patch is out but good luck on getting this game. it’s out of print and it’s expensive.

  • Utawarerumono (linear SLG)
    The translation reached 100%. in Editing phase.

    this is an “if” because the project is still ongoing (Kanon project looks dead while the Air project is canned)

Thanks Bento! I appreciate it… Wind sounds interesting… :slight_smile:

I forgot Kingdom and the Studio e.go game castle Fantasia 2 Renewal edition. Both are also completely in English and have gameplay elements but keep in mind that fan translated games are censored.
If your bothered with that kind of stuff then that would be a problem.

Ok, could someone send me a PM and give me a link of where I could learn more about this Kingdom game at? You’ve all got me intrigued now.

[ 11-07-2007, 03:27 AM: Message edited by: ScorpioMysterica ]

getchu for Kingdom. The game developed by GIGA (JP)

Some story info.
In Kingdom, you’re a young guy named Crow who is searching for his calling in life. He moves into a castle town, settles into a boarding house run by a distant relative, and tests his luck on the various jobs (and girls) available in the city. Some of the characters are… well… really weird. Depending on your attributes (gained from your job(s)), some characters may not even want to talk to you. There are 21 potential soulmates in the game so if you buy this good luck!

Note: This isn’t really a visual novel game. It’s more of a dating sim so don’t expect lots of text.

[ 11-07-2007, 10:49 AM: Message edited by: Bento ]

A couple of the non-fan-translated games are still preorder ones.

About Kingdom:
It doesn’t have as much text as a visual novel, but it’s not text-light either. It makes up with it more with gameplay elements. It is somewhat stat-based, but not as heavily dependant as True Love is.

Kingdom is sounding pretty darn good the more and more I hear about it. I LOVED true love, but didn’t include it in my list simply because I thought the game was out of print…

So, this is translated then? Where would I find the translation if I do buy the original version?

Does it go by any other name? I’ve been trying to google Kingdom and I’m not finding much on a “Kingdom Game”…

Thanks everyone!

There should be a topic on it in the Japanese Games board somewhere, I think ‘Oukoku’ is in the j-title…

About the fan translation patches…I posted the link in my previous post in this topic.

[ 11-08-2007, 11:59 AM: Message edited by: Bento ]

Thanks again Bento, as well as everyone else. I do appreciate it.

My number 1 recommendation would be Yume Miru Kusuri - it’s my favourite game so far aside from Ever 17.

Aside from that, I enjoyed Hourglass of Summer (non-H). The interactive DVD format and the password system for it are truly horrible, but it’s got a great storyline and every line is fully voiced.

Figures of Happiness was also good, although some characters receive much more screentime than others. Besides that, the game does a lot of things very well, particularly the endings.

All three games fit all the criteria you mention (apart from the BDSM/service and RPG ones), but out of them, Yume Miru Kusuri is significantly better than the others, particularly in the quality of the writing/translation and the artwork.

I second (whoops, third I guess) that suggestion. Very strong story and script, plus excellent artwork.


[ 11-09-2007, 01:20 PM: Message edited by: 0001 ]