21:52 (Nandemonai) shutthehellupLamuness

Ah, the wonders of advancing technology…

G-collections and PP are merging… (buys stocks in both)

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:

So we've determined that the impending "great news" is either a bishoujo magazine, a plastic urinal, or our own personal loli. I think I've made my choice. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

SAY IT!! SAAAAY IT!!! (i must say that i would like it with a Lemmon fragance)

i would say that the 'secret' answer is the one that holds the truth about this topic:
i'm pretty sure that the surprise lamuness is getting ready is a 'Strip-Dance'!! (oh god, i already believe i'm going to have some BAAAD nightmares...)

well, lets try not go to south too much :stuck_out_tongue:

anyways, yes this thread relates to the future direction peapri is going. my evil plan will likely become a reality by the end of this month so just be a bit patient

in the meantime, i would like to ask you for opinions on how our future prodcuts are presented, but i will start a new thread on that; please post your opinions there

I hope you don’t go direct downloading the games Hmm…other than that I suck really bad at guessing games, so I’m just going to wait for the anouncements.

P.S. So when did Lamuness get in a pissy fight with nand and where’s nand to rebutt

well i guess it doesnt hurt to reveal one of our tentative plans, although it really doesnt relate to my 2yr evil plan

yes, we are considering to provide downloadable games, but it will be as a supplement in addition to the actual tangible cd/dvd version you get so far (so there will be 2 versions). the main purpose is to provide an extre venue to offer our games (for people who prefer to download than to wait for the mail to come), and for those who live in conservative countries where they have trouble with customs. obviously, u r responsible for your own internet connection and bandwidth when downloading the game (meaning, a 56K modem user will not be a good candidate to download the games obviously). we have no ideas yet because we dont have the specific workings out at this time, but we do have thoughts about it.

anyways, just a side-thing, and again it’s not part of my 2yr evil plan

I would love a downloadable option, especially for games that I kind of want but don’t feel like dishing out $50 for. Of course, this assumes that the downloadable option would be cheaper, and not just because of free shipping. How would you implement this? Using a program like V-mate? I don’t think anyone would mind as long as both versions are available, and there’s plenty of people that would be for it.

The LE option (the other side of the coin) would be great for games that I’m really looking forward to, on the other hand.

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
Of course, this assumes that the downloadable option would be cheaper, and not just because of free shipping.

no, we will have a dark_shiki special price of 49.98 (as supposed to 50), while others get much cheaper price :P

we really dont know how much they will cost but yes i would imagine the downloadable ones to be cheaper in price

and we have no ideas on how to implement it yet. we may have to use a vmate-like system, we may not, we really dont know at this time. but rest assured that if i dont approve on how the system works i wont let it go out (it may cost me my job but...see? im a nice guy :P).

and that's why i didn't bash or praise the vmate system back in october and kept my mouth shut :P

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 01-11-2005).]

Ummmm… Peach Princess will be opening a chain of PC game / adult product / restaurant / bunny pub / dating service storefronts, coming soon to a mall near you!

That’s it, right?

More realistic guesses…

- What others here have guessed, that PP has opened up dialog with a new game company and is working on a contract (unlikely as other than wishful thinking though, judging from Lamuness’ wording);

- Some kind of reissue of older games as new compilations;

- Relocation of PP (where are you guys located, anyway?) to some place more advantageous to production and distribution and/or employee creature comforts, like Maui?;

- Branching out to some other type of product line, like non-Ecchi games and non-game anime products;

Definitely a stumper…

[This message has been edited by ZaphodB.Goode (edited 01-11-2005).]

Your evil plans coming to fruition?

Guess… You are going to be a full time employee of the company and be moved to sunny San Diego. You will then release your personal bishoujo games through the company.

work in the US? unfortunatately the US dollar is still doing quite weak to make it look tempting

How exactly do you work for Peach Princess from your office in Canada (I think that’s right)? Besides moderating this forum and dealing with us rabble-rousers, that is.

how hard is it to monitor you guys? err, wait, dont answer that :stuck_out_tongue:

as long as i have a computer with internet access i can do that easily. of course i have other roles in the company too, but that will remain a secret for the time being

but yes, i do most of my stuff in remote

How hard?

Hey guys, let’s have a contest and see who can post the most posts in one day!! The winner gets a special prize from me, personally!

hahah that would be funny to see everyone spamming but then I’d lose track of all the threads I want to read so let’s not do that

I think that it would be more of a contest of who has the most time.

Originally posted by AG3:
I wouldn't be surprised if someone reads this thread, misunderstands completely, and spreads all over the web's many public forums that Peach-Princess is starting with the infamous "P-Mate" copy protection system on their games...

You rang? Here you go:

Originally posted in some pirate board far far away:
The reason for the delay for LMM is because rumour has it Peach Princess is developing (P-Mate) or so the story goes.

Bingo! [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img] You don't even need a copy protection system like V-mate. You just need to make people think you have one.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 02-05-2005).]

Well it’s been the end of the month + some. Spill the beans! Unless the beans have already been spilled elsewhere and I missed em?

due to some people’s attitudes i have decided to shut myself up for the time being

well…that and the fact that my evil plan is taking a bit longer than i thought which was totally out of my expectations. at the right time and situation i shall spill the beans

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 02-06-2005).]

Due to some people’s attitudes? Come on, just come right out and say that I’m the cause.