4chan -do you like it and how often do you partake?

Im just wondering …and one time narg I saw someone post Gore being…gory in japan general-was that you? :wink:

I visit 4chan from time to time, but I’m not a regular there. I spend more hours on 2chan, because that’s where 4chan gets their info anyways. :stuck_out_tongue: I’ve posted about GSS in the past, although not recently. I don’t have a regular handle on 4chan, so I always post as an Anonymous. Last thing I did on 4chan, was argue how Japanese VA’s are not always better than English VA’s… but that was a few weeks ago.

I mostly use 4chan to gauge “what’s hot and what’s not” with the Western Otaku community.

Place lacks a good twincest board, despite my best efforts otherwise. :frowning:

I know people who enjoy hanging out on 4chan but there is just too much pointless negativity there for me. They’ve targeted friends of mine as well which makes me want to associate with the site even less. Occasionally something will get sent to me that started on 4chan that will make me laugh a little but mostly I try to stay away.

Well in 4chan’s defense, it doesn’t exactly discriminate against specific people: it discriminates against EVERYONE.

Mindless ranting, idiotic posting, fuckwads, baseless insulting, and politically incorrect nonsense is normal there.

Like a regular day in the office really. :stuck_out_tongue:

Never been there. I’m too civil to survive there. I do, however, have an amusing picture a friend from Japanese class sent me:
Edit: Image removed, because photobucket is run by close-minded puritans.

I occasionally play on 4chan. Most of the forums on it are actually pretty nice… but there’s areas where the kiddies just have to kick up their heels. It’s just a microcosm of the Internet. If you cannot handle it, you probably shouldn’t be anywhere near the net.

I go on 4chan 2-3 times a week when I’m bored (/b/, /h/ and /u/)
Thanks to /b/ (and /d/) I’ve lost all the faith I still had in humanity (after playing Hitomi).

Nevertheless I enjoy meme, copypasta and funny pictures posted there.

Oh I completely grant your point there, whatever happens in their corner of the world is their business and their right. I’m certainly not going to lose sleep over it, I just never felt the need to associate myself with it.

Btw, it’s so nice to meet someone else who uses the word ‘fuckwads’ in casual conversation. Every time I use that word I get weird looks from people. :slight_smile:

4chan is dead to me.

Why do pedos think that 4chan is their 2nd home ?

I enjoy the images they have on there most of the time, but I find the layout a little whacked out so navigating seems a little odd, and the load times seem really slow, so I don’t really go to it very often, but sometimes when i’m bored i’ll check it out

I go there once or twice a month to check for new wallpapers, and sometimes I go to one or two other boards and browse around a little bit. Post rarely, only if I have some wallpapers to share, mainly.