A game that makes you stay up all night

I got my copy of Yume Miru Kusuri yesterday and I was up till four A.M. playing it. I feel terrible. Pretty good game, tho. The art in beautiful. The characters are interesting. and the stories are involving (maybe too involving in my case). The game starts out pretty light-hearted and downright hilarious at times, but starts getting dark and dramatic after Kagami takes a piss. His sister, Aya, seems a bit too loli if you ask me, but the game gets addresses that in a clever way. Also, there is the usual Peach Princess alternative English spelling, which I always look forward to. One peculiar thing, tho. My copy has a strong burnt odor to it. You know, like an electrical appliance that’s fried? I noticed it as soon as I took the shrink wrap off. Doesn’t seem to affect the game any, tho. But…talk about hot off the presses.

i did the same thing about 5 years back with leaf’s utawarerumono…and i had a professional thesis to work on at the time too :stuck_out_tongue:


Can you elaborate on this? I don’t know what you mean.

I was trying to say that there are some spelling errors in the text. I was trying to point this out in a clever way.

So even with Shingo’s intellect there are still noticable ones? Peach Princess will never learn…

Some will say I’m being too hard on them, but come on, if someone can spot several spelling errors on their own and the first time that they play, it can’t be that hard to get it right.

If it didn’t mean getting spoiled the entire story, I’d offer my help…

I’m sure PP themselves can settle those errors, and the reason why we have patches even for b-games.

Yeah, right. Peach Princess has released plenty of bishoujo games by now, yet the only content-altering patches they have released up to now are for Brave Soul and X-Change 3. Brave Soul’s patch was primarily released to fix some bugs, but it introduced the zombie as a bonus. In the case of X-Change 3, it’s not certain if it even corrected any grammatical or spelling errors.

[ 04-29-2007, 06:11 PM: Message edited by: Benoit ]

I’m afraid no game we release will ever be 100% free of spelling errors; that is of course the goal and we are constantly working to improve our production quality, but there comes a point when the vast majority of errors have been caught that subsequent thorough passes of the text become impractical from a time perspective. I personally would rather see more games on the market more frequently than one game a year with perfect spelling and perfect grammar.

That said, we’d be happy to hear about the spots where we’ve messed up. While I think a patch is unlikely as I’m confident in the fundamental integrity of the translation, the more issues brought to our attention the better.

Oh, and I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying the game, bamboo. :smiley:

[ 04-29-2007, 07:10 PM: Message edited by: Shingo ]

I’m aware that it won’t be 100% free of them, but the ones seen in Peach Princess’ games are not few, and could be caught by just casual reading and on the first time through.

I stayed up pretty late several nights with XC3 . Fun game , so I didn’t mind one bit.

I welcome any constructive suggestions you have to improve future PP releases, Benoit, but perhaps they would be better off in a different thread? If you have any comments directly related to Yume Miru I’d be happy to address them here.

[ 04-29-2007, 08:35 PM: Message edited by: Shingo ]

So when do we get a patch that restores the censored Shingo route?

I’m afraid that was on the disc that Shingly Whiplash made off with on April 1st… we expect he may return with it around the same time next year, so look for an announcement then.

One thing I’ve noticed about this game is that you can’t tell when the main character is speaking, and when he is monologing internally. There are no quotes to differentiate. This would be helpful to understanding what is being said, and what is merely being thought.

The game does indicate when he’s speaking, actually. Like the other characters, when he’s speaking his name appears above the dialog box, like this:

When he’s narrating or thinking, no name appears:

do we ever find out who this blonde lady is? I’ve nicknamed her “Yulia”.

That’d be a spoiler, no? Just play the game. :slight_smile:

There were quite a few spelling errors, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as X-Change 3. With grammar and spelling mistakes every other line. Though the patch for the most part fixes this.

So far I’ve only finished one path, and I hated it. It the girl who is being bullied. Bullying and abuse just drive me crazy. It makes the game a chore to get through. Simply not enjoyable at all.

Hopefully the other paths will be more enjoyable then that one.

[ 04-30-2007, 06:53 PM: Message edited by: Molenir ]