A Hentai Strategy RPG

Its been awhile but somwhere out there in internet land i heard there was a game that had mechas, was a strategy game like the super robot taisen series but had a hentai twist. For those who dont know what Super robot taisen is its a popular robot strategy game with characters from popular mecha anime shows like gundam and what not. Thats not what im asking though, i beleive a website was translating one like the Super robot series but was all hentai and what not. Any info on this would be muuuuch apreciated since i have been scouring all over the place for this H-game.

That sounds pretty much like Gun Shield Warrior SAKIGAKE, a game Peach Princess was working on but had to scrap due to a number of reasons.

You might be thinking of Shield Gun Warrior SAKIGAKE, which Hobibox planned on translating, and which was later handed to Peach Princess. However, there was an announcement this January that Peach Princess was dropping the project, much to the disappointment of many here.

Here’s the thread where the cancellation was announced: http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/Forum1/HTML/002150.html

Anyway, Shield Gun Sakigake is the only H-game posed for official translation that had either strategy or mech elements, as far as I know.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 04-01-2005).]

Gun Shield, not Shield Gun. I made that mistake a lot too when I was younger. [/oldfartbesserwisser]

Eh? But “gun shield” doesn’t really make sense, unless it’s a novel word. On the other hand, I’ve heard of a “shield gun”…

Yes, but if you click on the link you conveniently posted yourself you’ll see what Peter himself calls it. And I still have my pre-order e-mail with this game and Little My Maid listed on it.

Besides, it’s a Japanese game for crying out loud! When was the last time Engrish made any sense?

Come to think of it, “Gun Shield” could be interpreted as “the shield against a gun (aka protecting something)”. I’m sure it all would make sense if we could actually play the game. Maybe.

[This message has been edited by AG3 (edited 04-02-2005).]

what was the main reason for dropping it?

As it says in the post that is linked up there:

Originally posted by Peter Payne:
I am sad to announce that we’ve given up on this title. It was a nice concept, but the lack of support we got from the company that has the rights to it – they don’t seem to want to release it – coupled with some compatibility problems have caused us to kill this product. Very sorry to all who have waited patiently.

It’s pretty sad, I was seriously looking forward to a strategy rpg ero-game.

[This message has been edited by AG3 (edited 04-03-2005).]

true, but i wasn’t expecting too much out of the game, maybe it would be good for a change, but i’m pretty sure it would have sucked in gamplay (i played something that was somewhat a “demo” of the game, so i can tell you that you weren’t missing that much of a game, BS was thousands of times better)

Any English B-game lost, is bad. We need all the games we can get! And a large variety is always good. Even if the game might not be something you or I would like, some other B-game fans probably would.

Originally posted by Darkstar:
Any English B-game lost, is bad.

Not that much, there are more things in life than b-games (a few, but there are [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]), also, take X-change 3 as an example, i believe that if Lamuness or Peter payne gets here and says that xc3 was dropped, i cant imagine too much people crying over it but instead asking "what is it gonna be, then?".
Correct me if i'm wrong though...

Actually, the X-Change series is pretty popular. It’s not really my taste, but I know there are a lot of people who like them for the ample amounts of sex and the wacky humor.

well not me…

Guess you haven’t played Sensei 2, Tsuki, or Virgin roster then.

I hope he doesn’t do a Google search for guro or tentacle rape beasts. :wink:

And yet you had no problem with all the abuse in the other XChange games?