A little pissed at ForkHeads games

Whoa, 4+ year thread revival. My hat off to you.

I’d be interested in seeing your software, in part because I’ve been toying around with “choose your adventure” and detective stories for a while.

Plus I like to tinker with software.

wow, that’s an old thread.

Unless you have need of complex gameplay and/or blend modes, I’d really advise going with RenPy instead. My engine is good for hybrid games and it’s good for me because I know its ins and outs, but it’s not cross-platform and really, renpy will do just about anything most people would want in a standard VN.

Old thread revival. I mean really old. Really really old. Hats off!!!
Ren’Py is really popular. Excellent for creating visual novels.

I could tell that the thread was ancient without even looking at the date. You want to know the reason? It was started by Benoit, and if I recall correctly from an old thread that came up when I did a search some time ago, he was banned some time ago.

Yep. I remember that well. Lots of drama.

Still, I’d like to see it if you get a chance. I tend to collect various software.

Holy shit this a moldy oldy! Back foul necromancer! Back to the grave from whence thou came!
